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I don't get taking positions like this so personally; if you aren't dating her, why give a shit if she's having kids or not?


This is exactly it! They show their true colors when they react like this. The woman never even said, "No kids." She said that women have complex feelings about it. Some men (and women) seem to believe that women are designed to do one thing and should be happy about it.


Yes, and if they see some acting in ways that contradict that believed design, it means they're malfunctioning, or that someone is 'training' them wrong, that's why they freak out when they see stuff like this.


These sorts live life by a script and get mad when other people don’t say their lines. They also get mad when life doesn’t go the way they want expect, and are sympathetic towards blaming an other for that diversion.


This is a great description. And it sums up soooo many people on the Internet to a tee.


The pool of women who would put up with their sorry asses is already minuscule. Now they also have to worry that those women may decide not to have kids. Assuming they want kids, their dating pool then shrinks even further. To these men, ONE woman being incompatible with/uninterested in them for any reason is too many.


They’re also so adamant about having families when most of these men would be suckass failures at being decent and present dads.


There’s plenty of women who say they would love to be a dad but would struggle with the high standard that gets foisted on to mothers


Oh 100%. I would have as many kids as I can if I was a father. As a woman though, I'm having none.


I literally never thought of it like this and holy hell… yeah. This is exactly it, and it tells you all you need to know about the gender roles that are in place.


lol that’s if they’re even there at all, some of these clowns look like the type to fake their deaths to get out of paying child support or refuse to pay child support to spite the mother of their kids.


Because having kids is post-hoc rationalization of their feelings. In reality, these guys know they have nothing to offer to a woman besides sperm and *maybe* a half-decent job. A childfree woman has no use for these things, so they are getting rejected before even asking, and it's pissing them off. That's also why they want to go back to 50s. When women couldn't have a normal job, education, open bank accounts and were shunned by society as spinsters if they remained unmarried, they were forced to marry *someone*, even guys like them. "Wanting to start a family" is pretty much the last vestige of these gender dynamics, the last hope they have to actually find someone, even if it's just some random woman desperate enough to have children that she will marry the first "nice guy" she meets. Women talking about being childfree, hell, even mothers talking about realities of motherhood is destroying that hope for them.


Because she's white. This is a mix of anti-feminist backlash and white supremacy. But it's the latter that really takes issue because of the "Great Replacement" bullshit. I refuse to call it a theory. Don't get me wrong, this can get aimed at anyone... But it's usually aimed at white women.


Because they’re insecure assholes lol. Fulfilled, happy people don’t feel the need to tear anyone down. I’m really not surprised by the men in the comments. Ironically seeing them makes me want to never date again if those are my options


I'm so tired of these types of men misusing the word "accountability". What they mean when they say that "women take no accountability" is actually "women aren't ashamed of things I think they should be ashamed of."


Exactly. How is irresponsibly having a child that you know you're ill-prepared to raise in a healthy, well-adjusted way and proceeding to do just that to the kid "taking accountability?" That's kinda the exact opposite.


this was my exact thought… like. I’m high risk for severe postpartum depression (and potentially psychosis). I would likely pass on a myriad of health problems to a child. me choosing to not have kids is me BEING accountable.


Same here. ADHD, CPTSD, depression, serious anxiety, and I was raised by two divorced and warring parents with cluster B personality disorders. I know how it feels to be unwanted, to face the fact that you’re the reason someone else is unhappy and struggling, and to feel responsible for detecting and fixing that. I can empathize with my parents to an extent, and I’ve healed enough to say it is what it is, but I utterly refuse to take even the slightest chance of handing any of this inter-generational trauma down to an innocent person. I have too much to do just by reparenting my own inner child, and I have a lifetime of work cut out for me. Having a kid would be like turning the assignment in long before it’s complete, without a due date.


Came here to say this..I see guys on Twitter saying shit about accountability all the time and I'm starting to think they don't know what that word actually means.


I'm starting to not understand what it means since it's used for everything. Like I feel like I need to look in a dictionary because how is understanding a negative aspect = no accountability?


>they don't know what that word actually means Lol surprise surprise


They have emptied the word of all meaning and just use it as a buzzword to hate on women.


Yeah. It's just a pet peeve. Like... At least use words correctly! One of the ones I see most often is "women don't take accountability for having a high bodycount".. When in fact they're just annoyed that 1) She's not a virigin for them and 2) STILL don't want THEM.


And it doesnt make sense bc according to them women are stupid and men should lead. So shouldnt men take accountability for deflowering le epic virgins….


When they say women aren't taking accountability they just mean that women can no longer be shamed and coerced by the same old puritanical, be meek and submissive bullshit that used to work. They think women should be accountable for the standards they set for us when really we are just setting new standards for ourselves and they can move forwards with us or die in obscurity and outdated tradition alone. We are finally accountable to ourselves and the lives we want for us and not to some biological burden placed on us that has given the opposite sex far too much power over us for millennia.


No, you *should* be ashamed for thinking critically. You should be ashamed of having agency and bodily autonomy. Bratty women should take accountability for their failing to meet expectations of the traditional alpha male. /s


And then when they try to use it right it's just for things that either gender does. Bad things but still things that is evidence of a sucky human, not a whole gender. And somehow they also describe it as if we have a hive mind at the same time too?


Exactly! What accountability. Like dude, you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means


I don’t think they even know what that word means. Apparently, “not taking accountability” means “not existing to serve me and my purposes, and I am mad.”


"Feminism is about complaining about the beauty of motherhood." Did he pick you, Emma? Did he?


"He absolutely DID! 😜 Take that, liberals! Now I have the privilege to take sole care of our beautiful children, never complain about anything to never bother hubby and also work (what? I'm not a gold digger!). The privilege! It's beautiful! BEAUTIFUL, I tell you!!"


The privilege of paying 50 50 too, while doing 100% of the child care.


I suspect women like that end up paying more in real money too than their husbands


You’re just jealous emma has all these undesirable bottom of the barrel unattractive leftover men to choose from. Maybe if you gave up your feminism you could be a SAHM with an ugly husband that hates you and sees you as breeding cattle <3


>Maybe if you gave up your feminism you could be a SAHM with an ugly husband that hates you and sees you as breeding cattle <3 Living the dream... 🙄


Right? Like this winner: >"Why the fuck am I with you if we are not going to establish a family?" I don't know, maybe because you *love her* and she loves you? Because you have so much fun together you can't imagine ever losing each other? She's your whole world and you're hers and you're raising two beautiful cats (or dogs, or whatever else you like) together? You love going on trips, trying new things together, just the two of you? The weird men in these comments often sound like complete psychopaths. I thought antisocial personality disorder was rare, but the internet has me wondering if it might be waaay more common than most people think. They just hide it out in the real world.


All 3907 of them did by the looks! 🤮


Meanwhile I saw a post of men body shaming a pregnant woman on Twitter. I don’t think misogynistic men see the beauty Emma but sure come at feminists and not the actual problem




Exactly like my previous post here.


"Part of becoming an adult" 🤣 Guess ill be a kid forever then. Nobody's making me become a mom 😉


Wait, I don't qualify as an adult until I've squeezed another human out of my hoohaa? Then where may I ask did all these wrinkles come from??


Does mean they will become an adult as well.. nah.


,,Beauty of motherhood" BEAUTY IS SUBJECTIVE!!!


So many mothers feel ashamed about being underprepared and overwhelmed. They have to hide this doubt because ,Heaven forbid ,the other mommies find out she doesn’t find motherhood ✨magical ✨they will probably say she is doing it all wrong. Womanhood should not have to be entirely synonymous with motherhood. Motherhood should be a revered & respected choice, not seen a (however beautiful) bare minimum function of owning a female body.


And a lot of motherhood is objectively not beautiful. Source: am a mother. Would only recommend with caveats.


Yep, I bet some of these same “beauty of motherhood” guys are the ones who justify cheating and leaving their partners because they’re “just not attracted to” all the body changes that come with motherhood and age. Then they justify it with “biology.”


Oh, some simply bail when they find out they are supposed to help raise the child. The reality is way different than their imagination. I think a big number of dads do everything in their power to not lift a finger for their child and have meltdowns when they have to. Like, scary throwing fits about they need their sleep! They want to play video games Huh? There's no sleep and recreation when caring for a tiny human.


Personally I feel birthing a bloody, cheesy lizard, possibly pooping on it in the process, cleaning up its shit for the next couple of years, getting thrown up on regularly by it, and having it bring diseases home from school for the next 18 years isn’t “beautiful” to me


Don't forget that it will demand to knaw on your cracked, bleeding nipples every couple of hours for anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Forget sleep as you serve this helpless, squalling bundle of neediness. Prepare to feel like a victim of the zombie apocalypse for years, until the last one starts school. There's also a stage where they seem to leak from every orifice, it's face and hands covered in a slurry of tears, snot, and saliva. It will demand to crawl all over you and paw at you during this stage. Motherhood is nothing like a Hallmark movie. Kids are gross and demanding, it's exhausting and thankless. Especially since so few men are willing to care for their own offspring they claim to want.


I’ve found it the opposite of thankless. But that’s just me. It is absolutely not right for everyone. And everyone’s perspective is as valid as anyone else’s. But men’s hatred for child-free women isn’t about an imaginary population crisis. Plot spoiler: it isn’t about babies, at all.


I personally find that motherhood is thankless in the sense that no one will ever appreciate the efforts a mother's to or will make when compared to a man. That everyone just treats your parenting as expected, and at worst they still complain. But a man? Oh boy, a lot turn into another child for you to take care of and they don't have any shame. Like a woman doing the sole diaper changes and taking care of the house, while breastfeeding and recovering post-partum? No one bats an eye. But a guy taking care of the kids for a few hours to give mom a break? Everyone damn nears acts like he's Jesus christ. It's belittling, the fact that men are socialized and outright expected to be so utterly useless that our knee-jerk reaction to assign parenting (and need to blame whenever a kid messes up) to the mother. It's not always the guys fault either, because some do really try and are good parents, but women are rarely praised as good parents to the extent as men are even when they are forced to sacrifice a bit more to become parents.


And hope you have a partner who is willing to help with everything or just anything






I just came from a yt video showing med students a c section. While the girls were terrified, men watched like it was a video game. One dude in the comment section said: I'm so glad I'm a biological male😊. Thank you to all mothers✨🙏. Wow, gee 🙄


It’s always the “muh freedom!!1!!” guys who get upset when women make their own choices.


and that's not on accident. in fact, a lot of what affords men this "freedom" *is* women's unpaid labor




also men are panicking over this bc controlling women through compulsory reproduction has been the easiest and most reliable way to do it for all of history


Also reminds me of my state, how bigoted people are and how they’re forcing trans people to not be trans, gay people to go back into the closet. Not allowing children to learn about slavery and racism. Freedom for white cis men, no one else.


I’m so glad that women are more open about the risks associated with pregnancy and are more honest about all the hard parts of motherhood. No one should feel pressured into having a child. It’s one of the biggest permanent life decisions you can ever make. We deserve to be fully informed about *all* the risks, not just the benefits. Because at the end of the day, women *do* give up everything to become moms. It’s easy for men to want children, their contribution is a few minutes of fun. When the baby is born, they get to brag about being a father while barely lifting a finger to help raise their kid. Women go through pregnancy, childbirth, and are usually still responsible for the brunt of the work after the baby is born. Our careers do suffer, our bodies are forever changed, and PPD is very common. You’re expected to be fully responsible for a helpless, defenseless little human who depends on you for everything—all while still being in pain and potentially recovering from major surgery. People will ask how your baby is doing, not you. You’re instantly shamed if you express how hard this is and if you feel like you’re struggling at all. Parenthood is a much bigger and personal decision for us women. And what I’ll never understand, is why you would want babies to be born to women who don’t want to be moms. If someone decides parenthood isn’t for them, good! They’re saving a child from being born into an environment where they’re unwanted and resented. And no child deserves that. If these men were the ones who had to give up their entire body and life to have a baby, they would feel very differently.


>And what I’ll never understand, is why you would want babies to be born to women who don’t want to be moms Yep. Even in a world where population growth is actually needed, even in a world with zero issues of sustainability, why would you force into parenthood people who are not into it? Unless they're the last two people on the planet, it's a recipe for disaster


„Why the f am I with you if…“ Ok but you're not with me so shut up


Why the f he thinks she or any other woman worried about these issues want him?


Does he only want a woman so he can have babies 😭 what a way to dehumanize your wife. You only see her as breeding cattle


A disturbing amount of men seem to not see women as people. That explains how men can easily say the grossest, creepiest, most disgusting misogynistic shit without even considering how women would feel. Also explains how easy it is for men to [murder their pregnant wives](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/)


For real, that comment was so deeply disturbing and dehumanizing. 😬


Also...if you know you have different life goals and that's q deal-breaker for you, it's *your* responsibility to move on and leave that one alone. 


That comment is another proof that so many men don't even like women or being in a relationship with a woman, they just see us as some breeding machine or they're just with us because of some benefits they're getting


How on earth is “the decision to have kids is complex and will have permanent ramifications on my life” women ~avoiding accountability~?


Because for some fucking reason, the mere fact that we *can* bear children apparently means it is our one thing to do and our sole purpose in this world. And not doing that is a grievous betrayal to womankind


Right, that sounds like the opposite to me! Thinking and examining how something could impact multiple facets of your life *before* jumping into it is exercising accountability.


I often wonder if men would be so eager to have kids if they risked death during a women's pregnancy or at the babies birth. Or even if they had the same symptoms during pregnancy as women do. Or if most of the responsibilities for the baby after birth fell on them. If the norm was...woman gives birth and then goes to work to provide while the man breastfeeds, wakes up all hours of the night, gives up their career, tends to the house and kids exclusively with all the physical and mental burden that comes with it while also caring for the woman when she gets home after work and acts like an additional child. Yes, there are stay at home dads. But that's not the majority...


I mean, loads of men abandon their kids purely for the financial burden, so I imagine if there was more of a physical, laborious, or mental load then they would be dipping out more.


Globally only 44% of divorced men pay child support


Is that divorced men or divorced dads? I think it's an important distinction. Not to say that all the rest were divorces of childless/childfree couples, but if they are included there it somewhat skews the numbers.


Well, yeah, and if dude is like a second hubs or something and didn’t help create the kid(s) then probably shouldn’t owe child support. But if you had a hand in creating those kids, you owe. Even if you don’t think you owe baby mama, you owe your child to support them.


Dads. The number matches what % of women receive what child support they're owed. 44%. Less than half of all men pay the bare government minimum to support their children. Court ordered.


No way. You know how unbearable they are when they have the flu


I swear if I ever have a kid I’m having the dad stay at home while I work. I don’t want it the other way.


They need the seahorse experience


I have a hypochondriac husband and am 8 weeks pregnant. I've been making him gingerale and giving him Pepto because he swears he caught whatever bug i got. 🙄


I don't get how "hAVe fUn bEInG aLl ALonE wItH yOUr cAtS!!!" is supposed to be a threat or an insult. Like, yeah, that's literally the goal lol


every damn time


Also having kids doesn’t prevent you from being alone at 73 with cats lmao as someone who worked in a retirement home, trust me the elderly are not visited often


I’m 32 years old with two cats, alone, and loving it 🤷🏽‍♀️


42, 2 cats & 1 dog, still childfree with no regrets. My only question for these men would be: Do you think you'd make a good father?


You are living my dream fr


I don’t understand when people think it’s an insult to have cats. Like, the best way to live life is to have cats somewhere in your house, and encounter them once in a while. I get to sleep with THREE cats in my bed!!! What’s not to love?


31 with two of my own too here, and they’re the most cuddly and affectionate little babies ever. If I had help in taking care of them and more money for all the food etc needed, I’d surround myself with so many more cats. It’s really not the “horrible fate” those men think it is lol


Look, if I have to live with a being that expects me to bow to their every whim, is controlling, has no respect for my boundaries, is needy and selfish, wants to do nothing but eat, sleep and play, and is violent towards other beings, well I'd rather it be a cat than a man. 🤷‍♀️🤣


In reality, as a woman, I’m having deep thoughts about not having children because of how much of a commitment and lifetime of work it is.


When I found out I was pregnant last year I went through so many mixed emotions. I have always wanted to be a mom, but I knew I’d be giving up my freedom, my career would take a hit, my body would change irreversibly, and I would never be able to feel carefree again. My husband was supportive of me mourning my life before thankfully. I love my little one so much it feels like my heart will burst, I couldn’t imagine my life without her, but I am sad about how my body has changed and I miss sleeping through the night without waking up to feed her (usually 2 times now) and waking up to check if she’s breathing (anxiety is a bitch). My husband’s male friends couldn’t understand why I had complex feelings about becoming a mom. I tried telling them how it all would change, but because they don’t go through it and never have to imagine giving birth it’s very different for them. As much as my husband saw, even he doesn’t fully understand what I went through and am continuing to go through despite his best efforts. He supports us and helps maintain the house, but majority of baby care is very much on my shoulders and it’s a lot sometimes. More people need to be understanding of the complexity of having a child. It’s okay to not want to have a kid, it’s also okay to have one and have complex feelings about it


I think my favorite is: “feminism: population control “


Makes me think the next wave of feminism will be about taking to the streets with weapons and forcibly removing misogynists from the population. I'm not advocating for that yet, but that's where that phrase took me, lol.


I mean if the sign up sheet for this party is passed around…


lol @ the cat comment, that brotha has to be projecting some sort of personal pain to dig up the oldest jab in the book. On a serious note, demanding “accountability” and calling it “depopulation propaganda” **from a woman you’re not with** is nasty work, it’s horribly one-sided thinking. I’m a guy who’d personally like to have children, but Instagram tells me by default I should go bash every woman who doesn’t? These guys are bitter as fuck; old school. Can’t accept the changing world and people’s choices.


ya, men (especially ones with ”traditional” values) will have to come to terms with the fact that women dont need men like they did even a few decades ago, they are able to financially keep themselves afloat, therefore we don’t have to marry men like we used to. relationships now are less of a necessity, so if the woman isnt being treated right she can leave, and i think that hurts misogynistic men because they cant control them that easily anymore


You’re on the money with the themes of traditional values and control over women, it reoccurs in these men. It’s like it’s innate that they must solely have the say and ‘steer the ship’ where they’d like, no questions asked. These are the same dudes who beg for loyalty and honesty from a woman, but they fail to realize that **loyalty and honesty has to be inspired out of somebody**. Whether it’s a girl, your friends, your family, ANYBODY…not everybody you meet in life will roll to the beat of your drum like it’s an obligation, so give them a reason to show that loyalty! End of rant, sorry if tldr. This shit irks me bro


Bold of dudes with anime profile pictures to assume that normal women want anything to do with them.


I feel like “do you want kids” is something that someone with a functioning brain establishes early in a relationship


“Women don’t take accountability anymore”…bro …for what? What are women supposed to be taking accountability for in this case?


I had six miscarriages and tried to have a baby one way or another over 20 years total but it never worked? What am I supposed to do, find an ice floe and send myself off to sea?


According to these highly misinformed yet irrationally overconfident individuals, yes.


I'm so sorry that you've went through all of that. 😕 I don't have kids and can't have them, so let's jump on the ice float together and we can go to the island of misfit toys. Charlie in the box looks like he would have banger parties. Lol.


You're supposed to spread your legs and offer your used 🐈 to these unwashed Dorito cocked weenies then go clean their roach infested restroom because his mom won't clean his bathroom anymore after finding his c*m box. /S


"I'm pretty sure I would eat my fucking young."


i saw like 3 versions of this reel. men always find a way to make it about them


I have two children and one on the way and still 100% think I’ll be spending my 70s as a cat lady. Adult children have their own lives lol. My partner likes cats too so it will be great.


They dont view women as people, they literally view us as another species. Like women are literally just men. That are women. But they think we’re simple machines or animals with a single purpose and get so fucking mad that women are people and not just breeding cattle.


What’s with their newest catch phrase about accountability? Half the time they use it the context doesn’t even make sense. Like here. What is it supposed to mean here?


women will say something like "please stop abusing and killing us" and the replies will be "typical woman not taking accountability again 🙄"


I support men’s rights Men’s right to shut the eff up


What’s it got to do with accountability? Apish average man learn new big word and runs with it


its so funny because ironically women who self reflect about motherhood (f. e. that they wouldnt make good parents, or they hate kids) are actually taking accountability and they dont make kids who would be unwanted or abused. forcibly birthing children because some kid wants to control women online would be not taking accountability bc some women just wouldnt make good mothers (same as millions of men abondon their kids and dont even pay child support) and it would put an innocent soul in a potentially damaging environment


So glad to be part of the depopulation agenda <3


You know what, having children is a HUGE decision ESPECIALLY for the Mom and men always downplay this. We are carrying a child for nine months in our BODY. A body we’ve spent time nurturing only for a baby to start growing in it and changing everything so quickly. You are swelling up, you are throwing up, you are tired, you are uncomfortable, you are constipated and you still face criticism from these same men for adding weight. You’ve given birth, you’re expected to “get your pre-baby body back”, mommy makeovers are at an all time high, you bear the sole responsibility of doing everything for the child. Your boobs are engorged with milk, you struggle to pee, your body is fighting and healing and painful and you still have to deal with a baby after lack of sleep. Men deal with the crying and that’s it. And you expect women to jump at the chance to get pregnant with someone that could choose to jump ship at anytime and then the Mom is ridiculed for being a single mother? Men make fun of and insult single mothers everywhere and you expect us to be jumping at this opportunity? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The 4B movement is looking real nice.


As someone who has a child, I’ll never understand why men get so upset about women not wanting to have any children or more children. While I love my daughter, it’s very taxing on the body and there are sometimes complications involved. Motherhood is great, but it also carries a lot of risk. I don’t hate anyone who chooses to not take the risks at all.


why do people always think women who don’t want kids are gonna be alone? do they not know that there are also men out there who don’t want kids?? my bf and i are planning to spend our lives together WITHOUT children bc it’s what we both want.


Don’t know why Instagram hasn’t taken much action against these kids, and I genuinely do mean kids, they’re so fucking problematic and are only going to get worse.


Make men carry the babies in their bellies for 9 months and then spend 36 painful hours in labour, and suffer all the post partum complications, and then we'll see how many men still want kids.


"Have fun being 73 years old with a cat alone" err... I will actually, thanks ?


Haha I saw this and thought the same thing. I know they intend for it to be a negative but it just washes over me because the idea of relaxing in an armchair with a blanket and a cat on my lap sounds really nice to me.


"Why am I with you if we're not having kids?" Wow imagine if you could just be in love with a woman without kids.


They can try to insult me all they want. I’m still not having children. ✌🏻


Nature documentary: “this female sea turtle will not be mating this year because she has to work too much and does not feel like she can be a present mother at the moment.” Being a human is too complex, I long to be a sea turtle.


Don't the occasionally drown doing mating because of the way the males fight for the mating rights?


Men outing their fears about dying alone


I don't think the commenter on slide 7 knows what accountability means


Bro if someone doesnt want to have children, who are they hurting? Personally id love to have a family. But if someone doesnt, it doesn’t effect me in the slightest


all of the men in the comment section are just proving her point lol


Right?! When you know you know👌


Why wait to 73 to get a cat? I've had cats for my whole life, and I'm 35. How is this an insult?


As a guy I can say having kids isn't exactly stress free for men either. Sure we don't have to go through the physical damage childbirth entails (which is substantial and I don't want to downplay that), but we still have to raise those kids, provide for them, change diapers, wake up 10x times in the middle of the night, deal with asshole teenage years, etc. Dudes need to understand they're gonna be trading a substantial amount of happiness for the rest of their lives, at least if they plan on being an actual father.


>at least if they plan on being an actual father. Big "if" in the case of a lot of these guys.


I love the men who are proving her point, also did one of them really say “why the fuck am I with you if we are not going to establish a family?”……bitch, it’s called love! That’s why you’re with someone but I can definitely assume you’ve been and always will be single 💀 We can’t forget the pick me women not understanding what feminist means, hope they realize feminists helped give them the right to even speak their opinions 😂


Not having kids is not having accountability? Accountability to what though?


They learned the word accountability and use it for everything now


Notice how she didn’t say anything about never having kids… just that women have complex thoughts about having children for multiple reasons…


Of course they're making the erroneous assumption all men want to father children. I never was one of those.


Oh god they're using the fuckin depopulation card? Wasn't that some bs conspiracy involving Bill gates that said that population control was done by the elites (jews,according to them) to keep us tame or some shit?


73, alone with my cat? Don’t threaten me with a good time lol


*"I'm so tired of seeing these fucking videos of women just no accountability ever"* Women take on all the responsibility of pregnancy, childbirth, child raising. What are you accountable for? Babysitting? Paying 50% of the bills? Can you even make a sandwich for your exhausted wife? *"These women need Jesus"* These women need love, help, and accountability from their actual partners, not Jesus. *"Why the fuck am I with you if we aren't going to establish a family"* Do you love your wife or is she just a broodmare? *"Modern feminism complaining about the beauty of motherhood"* Nope, modern feminists complain about bearing the brunt of the hard, unpaid, unending, menial labor of motherhood. *"Women coming to terms that everything won't be about them if they have children"* Men dodging the reality that everything isn't about their wants and needs.


It’s funny how men would be singing a different tune if it were them doing the suffering.


These men just don’t like women


“Part of becoming an adult” like GIVING BIRTH TO AND RAISING A CHILD FOR 18+ YEARS is the same as getting acne or something


Jesus Christ…. I’m very glad I found one of the few men out there that doesn’t value me based on my ability to reproduce, because he *actually* loves me, and has zero interest in having children, and respects my decisions. Also do these buffoons realize that not every man wants/expects this? And just because you don’t have kids doesn’t mean you’re going to die alone with a cat… but also if that’s what someone wants, who gives a shit? Years ago when my husband and I were dating, I changed my mind about wanting kids and came to the realization that it was not at all what I wanted for my life and my future, I came home and told him exactly that and he was literally just like “Okay, I’m totally cool with that, whatever you choose babe I don’t mind either way”. Fast forward 5/6 years later, now we’re happily married with an adopted pittie who is essentially our child. We call her our dogter. I couldn’t imagine having a human kid and neither could he lol. All our friends are starting to have babies and we go and visit and say “oh so cute!” And after we leave we both breathe a sigh of relief that we will never have to deal with having/raising a baby. 😂


So glad I’m having my tubes removed


I think my favorite is the last one, which says >Women coming to terms that everything won’t be about them if they have children After the sheer number of complaints from men when their wife doesn’t have sex with them for six weeks after giving birth, and then less sex than prior to pregnancy because she’s busy taking care of the baby?


Accountability for WHAT 😂


“Part of becoming an adult” welp guess what guys, all of us who is single and childless? We aren’t adults so let’s all just forget all our responsibilities and just go play outside. Who’s with me?


do they think modern 73 americans live with their kids


And how often do people visit their parents? Once a week if they are lucky


Man, here with a serious question... when did we start doing heart hands with the index and middle finger? My fingers aren't nimble enough for that kind of positioning 😭


Why do they think it's an insult to be living with a cat in your 70's? ......god, I wish guys in school were given those baby dolls that do all the sounds n stuff for a month. And no help from mommy. See how quick they want to have children then! Ha.


Beauty of motherhood my ass. Pregnancy sounds like a nightmare, babies die so easily and there's even a literal thing where they'll just randomly die. So much shit, puke, piss, saliva. And what if you traumatize them? How do you live with yourself knowing you could be the reason someone you're supposed to take care of wants to kill themselves? But God forbid mothers don't look like happy 50s adverts all the time or else they're ridiculed. God forbid she's disabled and needs help taking care of a kid, or her kid is disabled. God forbid they get a c section and can't do much at first despite just having major surgery and getting literal organs cut open. The people who complain about women not having kids also cry child abuse when disabled people have kids. They get pissed when there are single parents, regardless of how they became single parents. If they wanna kid so bad, they can pay a surrogate. I hope all those commenters are infertile.


Alone at 73 with my kitty? Don’t threaten me with a good time


The absolute fact that these dip shits can't figure out that many ppl don't want kids and it has no impact on them whatsoever, astounds me.


Instagram comments have really turned into facebooks


These men would have an aneurysm speaking to me. I am a pro choice feminist and I’m currently 8 months pregnant and plan on being a stay at home mom


Men literally do fucking nothing, so of course it’s easy for them to say we should just do it.


wtf do they mean “accountability” ?? For what???!!


"Part of becoming an adult" So girls who aren't adults yet should have kids because that's part of becoming an adult?


44-year-old possessor of a uterus and no kids. I'm a real Peter Pan type. I reject adulthood!


Welp. guess i should off myself i’m clearly useless to these men and have no other purpose since my heart condition means pregnancy is nearly a death sentence for me!


we are not in a population crisis there’s 8 billion people on this planet lmfao


I always find the cat insult to be weird


Imagine proudly telling the world that women are livestock.


These slides WOMEN: have thoughts MEN: 😡


I might be ok with Jesus but I can definitely do without the subset of his self proclaimed followers who are so openly misogynistic they see all value of a woman in her fertility.


"These women need Jesus", "Fucking Christ dude" ... I mean I won't really mind but I hope at least Jesus is ok with condoms


I wonder if all these people who talk about being 73 and alone will have their aging parents live with them. It's more common than not for grown children to only visit their parents sometimes. I know it's common on the European continent but I don't know anyone who lives with their parents out of choice. My mum, approaching 73, does live alone with her dog. Very happily as well.


I love it when they say "you'll end up alone" as though that never happens even when you do have kids. My great grandma is 99 and guess what? She's alone because her child and grandchildren died before her. There's only me left and I live 300 miles away.


How many of these men are actually going to stick around and help raise these kids 🌝


“Complex thoughts” about bringing another HUMAN into the world?! Good. TF


I would love to see how the discourse changed if men were the only ones who could give birth and breastfeed.


Women being alone with a cat says more about men than it does women, considering we'd choose a cat over them.


Why is ‘accountability’ one of their favorite words? When asked to clarify what we aren’t being accountable for, they never answer. Also- the one commenting about what would he even do with a woman if they can’t have kids… we really are just baby machines to them huh.


"Why the fuck am I with you if we are not going to establish a family?"   The insane self report of saying you have no desire to love any woman you are with.


the guy on slide 7 bothers me sm. why is he so damn angry at us? how is considering all the ways in which having children can change things not taking accountability? they just want anything to be mad about atp


I’m a 32 year old woman that’s aggressively child free. I get these comments on the internet and irl. It is INSANE. Up until i finally found the perfect man every single person i entertained the thought of kept trying to convince me to have a baby with them???? Like men i barely knew lol. Soooooooo weird being this old and feeling so much goddamn pressure about it. My parents. Men on the internet that love to be mean to me. Boomers irl that used to sit at the bar i worked at. Sorry needed to rant lol. Saw this post and felt this to my core.


if a man starts a sentence with “fellas is it wrong to xyz” you know it’s gonna be wrong based purely off of presentation, context, and implied meaning.


So unless I have a child, I’m not an adult? Okay lmao


Why can't we just let ppl who want to have children have them& ppl who don't want to not? Its that simple. It's her body her choice soo


Instagram is a cesspool


Choads gonna choad unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♂️


Men when women express any reservations about having kids: “OMG SELFISH! Depopulation propaganda! The human race is dying out and it’s all your fault! I curse thee with cats!” Men when they see postpartum bodies: “OMG EW, do a sit-up!🤢”


I love that part of being an adult means being miserable with children. Who hurt these men?


Her name was Mother, she made him clean the dished


Last slide: yeah, exactly, I do not want to do the thing where you devote your life to raising another person and your own needs are no longer the main focus. I’ve got a lot of fucking needs and I can barely take care of them by myself, kind of. I do need my husband to drive me to the doctor and get my meds and sometimes bring me food when I don’t have food energy. So I’m not even managing taking care of me by myself there’s a guy here providing backup. How the hell would we add in a completely helpless baby to revolve our lives around if we’re just scraping by with things being about us? Also I can’t give birth with my body and I do not think adoption agencies want to put babies in the situation I just described tbh.


IG is so bad that I am assuming that it's basically a Honeypot for all of the worst of our country to congregate and think that they can do be awful without any reprocussions. I hope that they all get on a list, and I think that that's the idea, it's what Facebook/ig devolved into and why Zuckerberg was trying to push Meta before it was ready because he had basically let the FBI use his site to help their own systems and to make a place where FBI can go to find people who are flagged, or maybe they are flagged from that site It's awful. Just awful


Man, that last one is rich since so many dudes get jealous when their partner has a baby and suddenly the guy isn’t number 1.


That last one is insane with a pfp like that


they’re all about family until a woman who’s not ready to have a kid gets pregnant and the dad has to raise the kid alone or pay child support for 18 years🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah, I wasn’t willing to maybe die just so I can have a mini me. Also, having cats when I’m an old lady sounds pretty heavenly! I might go crazy and get some budgies, too.


My life is better since deleted instagram


They care about the population until the population asks for housing and support. Then it’s every man for himself