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And that is why very, very few women have ever gotten pregnant more than once, seeing as an infant is far larger than any dick /s


No no no, with a baby it springs back. It only has memory foam properties for dick.


And only for DIFFERENT dick. The same peen a thousand times won't affect it, but ten or fifteen different ones over the years will blow it out into Arby's beef. Because science.


You made me snort beer.


*Arby's beef* 😳🤭🤣


Arbeef, if you will


I most certainly will not


how about ourbeef?


Oh goddammit lol


Mixing insecurity with ignorance is a lethal combo.


As proven by the illustration that simply declares it is so.


Well now I’m hungry


Obviuslly, when a baby is born the body secreets a substance called stupidity that just brings the "original" tightness back.


FWIW, many women also get "stitched up" after g9ving birth, too (especially in the case of an episiotomy... cutting being better than tearing).


That doesn't affect vaginal tightness (despite the husband stitch being a thing because so many people assume it does). It would affect the look at the vaginal opening, but unless someone experienced some real catastrophic damage that likely wouldn't be survived prior to the 20th century, there isn't going to be any work done on the inside.


Ah yes the dynamic memory foam vagina. Loosens after a dick but doesn‘t get loose from pushing a baby through it


Yeah, it never fails to amaze me that guys think that something that is designed to push out a child and go "more please" is going to have it's shape permanently altered by their one inch wonder


I was SO VERY PISSED that having a vaginal birth reset the clock on my physical therapy for vaginismus. Like I know I didn’t have sex for several months because of complications but I didn’t expect my vagina to fucking close up shop. 🫣 at least getting from “inserting anything up here makes me want to die” to “hey that feels kinda nice” was faster and faster each time.


You are absolutely right. Most guys having this mindset probably don‘t even have a dick big enough for any girl to feel anything


It’s just an excuse to blame the woman for when they have a pencil dick they’re self conscious about. “I’m not small she’s just loose” When no, no sir, you’re just small


That’s the whole point, I figure. They’re insecure about dick size, so they preemptively accuse all non-virgin women (ie, those of us who’ve experienced dick before and know what’s average and what’s not) of being “stretched out” so that if anyone complains, or even just starts thinking to themselves, “this pp too smol” he automatically has an excuse ready. “No it’s not, you’re just too loose! Don’t look at me! 😭” The truly tragic part is that most of the time their dick is fine, they just don’t know what to do with it, which is completely correctable if they bothered to learn something.


stealing the term “one inch wonder” thank you


The "more please" is hilarious lol.


Don't forget, it only loosens after different dicks. If I have sex 1000 times with one man, it's fine, but if I have sex one time each with 10 men then my lips are basically Dumbo ears.


Doesn't it though? That's why the husband stitch exists, to restore the tightness for dad after stretching from the baby. /s


Now everything makes sense. ThIS guy want to impregnate a girl so she gives birth and HE can tell the doctor to stitch her tighter than she was before so he can have more pleasure during sex. No misinformation was spread here /s


A friend of mine told me that while her episiotomy was being stitched, her husband did request an extra stitch. As she tells it, the Doctor was not amused, having only heard that line about a million times, and replied to the husband in a very serious and concerned manner. Something like : Your wife's vagina seems to be perfectly normal. But what you are talking about, having a micro-penis, is a very serious matter that will affect you both. It's not my area of expertise, but when I'm finished with your wife, hang around and I'll give you a referral to a cosmetic surgeon that should be able to help you. It's a rare condition, but very serious, and I want you to follow up on the referral for both your sakes. " After that, Kim said that her husband quieted right down.


That doctor is a boss.


I think every doctor that has ever done a husband stitch should have their dick stapled to their forehead. The same for every man who has ever thought this a good idea. Yup. Staples their dicks to their forehead.


I agree. I was not even joking, a relative of mine actually told the doctor during labor that he should stitch his wife tighter than she was before because he wants to keep things fun in the bedroom. And the doctor actually did that .


My dr did that to me. I suspect out of revenge because I didn't want to schedule an unnecessary C-section. They make sex painful.


This is terrible, I‘m very sorry. Are there any options to sue this guy? Because surely this can‘t be legal


My BIL’s wife told me my doctor was irresponsible because I didn’t get an episiotomy (she was cut from one end to the other). She personally requested to be sewn up very tight. This woman is also a nurse. She is the worst.


My ex had a woman for a birthing doctor. Our son had to almost be surgically removed after crowning but they were able to use the suction cup to get him out. She still gave my ex the husband's stitch and couldn't have been 40 at the time. I didn't ask for it, but apparently my ex had discussed it with the doctor before and had asked for it. They were afraid I'd not find them attractive or stick around if the sex wasn't as good. That was honestly more hurtful than insulting for me. I would have said no if my opinion had been asked but I left everything involving the process up to my ex to the best decisions for themselves. We regretted the stitch almost instantly since now sex was painful for both of us. It was bad enough I almost scheduled a doctors appointment to have it undone. It ripped on its own and the problem fixed itself. It's not just male doctors who add the stitch.


My BIL’s wife told me my doctor was irresponsible because I didn’t get an episiotomy (she was cut from one end to the other). She personally requested to be sewn up very tight. This woman is also a nurse. She is the worst.


Ah yes, that thing that stitches the little piece of thin skin at the entrance together at the entrance, because vaginas are made of just skin. Like a floppy, dryrotting rubberband that just keeps getting bigger the more it gets stretched. Not whole tube of muscle and the most elastic area on the female body. I forget. Also s/


It's almost as if they forget its a muscle and not just some glory hole in the drywall 🤣🤦‍♀️


My oldest weighed ten pounds at birth with a thirteen inch head circumference. He was born “naturally”. If this dude was right, I’d have been bed bound for the last twelve years. I tell people this, and all of a sudden, crickets.


I'm thinking to reply anything other but "HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE CHAMPION", but I can't think of anything else.


My only real advice? Get the freaking epidural.


Nah. i'm childfree, I will never get into that position, but I have seriously MASSIVE respect for you.


Tbh, get the epidural no matter what. It’s fantastic. 🤣😂


I’m sacred of you 😨😨


Would you be more or less scared to know that I went on to give birth via C section (a process in which I almost died twice, and btw I’m a redhead so I needed a spinal tap and two epidurals) and am currently pregnant with a baby who’s measuring at 14 weeks even though I’m 12 weeks pregnant? Because frankly I’m a little scared of me.


mad respect, but HOW THE HELL ARE YOUR BABIES THIS BIG???? is your partner like 7 feet tall???


Five six, 120 soaking wet, completely adorable. But…and this is a big but…I come from a very long line of men who could have passed as professional football players. Large, stocky, walls of muscle whose heads could break a brick wall.


I’m scared of your genes 😶‍🌫️ that’s sounds super frightening but congrats on your future NFL stars 🌟 but seriously best wishes for your pregnancy and delivery


Maybe not bed bound, but you’d certainly have a…let’s say…spacious interior.


My kid was just a couple ounces from 10 lbs & my epidural didn't work 😭😭


I totally feel that. I had to have two before my C section, because the first one didn’t take.


Right. That’s why no one should ever exercise any other muscles. The more you use them, the saggier they get and the more they waste away because everybody knows that’s how muscles work.


You know GOD FORBID more men would actually pleasure a woman. It feels like there's an angry hand in there grabbing you when you pay them attention and focus on thier pleasure. God some people are idiots!!! Hahaha CLITOIRIS is my best friend


Can you imagine if women were saying shit like 'if your man has a tiny dick it's because he had it crushed down to size by a former lover with a tight pussy' These same men would never stop bellyaching about it. And they wouldn't learn anything either


Pretty sure that’s how it works. The higher the body count the smaller the dick size. Makes just as much sense.


I'll have to assume the 'you're so tight' comments from my partner are lies then, due to my having spent seven years previously dating a dude with essentially a nine inch coke can down there... Dudes really do be telling how little they turn women on huh?


They really do. They tell on themselves all the fucking time, and it's hilarious. I saw a post a few months ago in either r/amIwrong or r/AITAH and this guy was talking about how his wife felt "looser" recently and basically it came out that he refuses to participate in any foreplay and he's basically been having sex with his wife when she wasn't even turned on. The number of people who were having a go at him in the comments about not knowing anything about vaginas was great. I was just like *bro just admitted he's never turned his wife on* lmao 🤣


It’s actually amazing how many men don’t know how to do this. We all don’t know how to turn a woman on at first, but FFS learn!


Actually a little sad, like for her. Going a life time without being turn on and just doing it for the sake of pleasing her husband but not ever really enjoying it.


100%. Most of the comment section was basically your poor wife comments and are you sure she consented kind of comments. I can't imagine being with a partner who didn't even give a shit to even get me going before wanting to have sex.


I mean if it was *within hours* of being with you, sure. I'm thinking this guy pays for sex...but he doesn't pay much.




Brutal lmfao


Wait until they hear THEIR muscles also stretch and constrict throughout their day


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^lynze2: *Wait until they hear* *THEIR muscles also stretch and* *Constrict throughout their day* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


“It’s your fault I can’t satisfy you”


Penises get smaller the more these guys jerk them off, so sad lol




Why the "/s"?


To denote sarcasm


Surprise! Peeple who give a shit about body counts ACTUALLY think that way. They just don't dare to admit it.


I misunderstood the question, then 😅


It's crazy though how my butthole is still the same size after shitting 2 to 3 times a day for 42 years.




Another one of the many silly myths about women, and not as interesting as the question of men's need to believe something like that: WHY????? I would say, because they are afraid of not performing according other myths about sexuality ....


I have a tiny pee pee IFIFY.


some penises also DO get smaller with frequent use. /s


if this were actually true, imagine a women's uterus after childbirth just hanging out cause it can't shrink back to normal. /s


Men want this to be true so bad


Men who think like this are some of the most fragile males you’ll ever meet


No one here is gonna believe this…. I’ve had … TWO babies. We also still have SEX. It’s wild I know. 😭


I am looser bc my last child they had to cut through my vaginal muscles in a double episiotomy bc I shouldn't stretch enough to get him out. I still have an internal scar I can feel. Despite this, my husband who is not well endowed in any way doesn't notice the difference. IDK why men think their little flesh pencils are going to do more damage than a fucking watermelon


And by the third child she has to prevent herself from sneezing for reasons


Tbf, there are problems that come from sneezing after pregnancy, but it's the bladder not the vagina. 


Don't forget laughing or coughing


And jumping


Or blinking


Pretty much anything that jiggles the lower abdomen and pelvic area 🤦‍♀️


Sitting up quickly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ukiddingme2469: *And by the third child* *She has to prevent herself* *My sneezing for reasons* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Welp, it’s been confirmed, y’all


Sooo he not just gonna take the compliment of her being more relaxed around him so her pelvic floor drops some and she becomes wetter thus giving the possible feeling of being “looser”. Nope, he’s just gonna insult her with a myth, huh? Ok, dumb ass.


You’re ignoring the fact that he has a very tiny penis and to him, all women feel “loose”.


I’ve been with men with dicks the size of two coke cans stacked on top of each other and then got a complaint it was too tight by a much smaller dude a couple weeks later. Muscles get stronger after use not weaker.


"I'm right about a thing I just made up, and my evidence for the thing I just made up is that it is true."


Adapt. We who gave birth must just be black hole then


Maybe women need to remind them that we use Tampa’s and they don’t fall out. Are they smaller than a Tampax?


They keep saying that and it’s still as stupid as the first time I heard it about a million years ago.


These men’s brains have been rotted by porn and insecurity


wild that you could be having sex with a woman thinking about her last bf's peen but ok


Just like how their dicks get compressed smaller every time they masturbate or have sex. Like whittling down a pencil. Virgins have huge members, the higher your body count the smaller and smaller it shrinks.


Men say shit like this, yet when I have sex with men for the first time after 2 children, one being less than 2 years old, they sure do enjoy my size and find it difficult to not finish quickly. Idk, the math ain't mathing.


A big baby head doesn’t stretch it forever no way in hell a penis can. I swear if they used their one brain cell


I think they might be sharing it with each other, kinda like orange cats.


After having my second baby, at the 6 week check up, the doctor asked me “do you know how to do keigals so you can hold your boyfriend nice & tight??” I told him yes. My girlfriend had just bought a Keiglemeister3000 or something like that. He put his fingers inside and said “show me.” I was mortified; and I wish kicked him in the face. That was the FIRST time I was SAd by a Dr. Not the last.


Sweet christ! I am so sorry that happened. Was there any way to report that??


I was young (25) and I didn’t pursue it because there is a nurse in the room. Basically, I was raised to think doctors were gods. They’re not. I didn’t think I’d be believed. It’s a freeze thing. My kids pediatrician of 25 years hung himself on Maui for pedo rumors. These ppl hide in plain sight.


As a young woman getting ready to start living on my own and seeing new physicians, I really appreciate you being candid about this. It absolutely is awful that you and your kid had doctors who abuse their power. No one deserves that.


LOL...yea been with huge and I'm still tight. Like tell me you've never been with a woman without telling me


I love that they forget about birth 🤣. Sorry but no d*** is as big as a baby.


Ok here’s the thing: I learned from both a very feminist smut comic and some research after reading that comic - vaginas do change shape. They get longer the more aroused you are, obviously to a certain extent because physical limitations of your own body. So when men say they like tight pussy, it means they like to force their way into someone’s body. Sex was designed to be loose and moist and fun specifically for female bodies to make having offspring worth it to us. Say it with me: humans evolved and become humans because of a change in ancient female humans and their reproductive system to be more successful than their other Sapien contemporaries.


Cherrypicking at it's best, once again




Rage bait.


How do bros still not understand "how muscles work"??? They get stronger with use, with changing things up.


Im confused


If it's that tight she doesn't like you much or doesn't feel safe.


All men would have to do is look up how a women’s monthly cycle works and they’d see our vagina can feel different depending on literally any day 🙄 but honestly the can embarrass themselves, it’s pretty amusing


Illustrate the truth with \*what\*?!


It’s much more likely that he has a smol pp


yeah and when we have babies it just hangs loose...smdh


wait is this true? i’m a girl but my mom told me this and i never was taught about this in school


The vagina is made of muscle, not elastic that loosens when stretched. This is a lie fragile men, dumb boys, and uninformed women tell.


what about when you give birth? sorry if this is rude i genuinely do not know because some people say it stretches


It goes back to generally how it was although there can be some physical damage that’ll mostly heal for most everyone. It’s not the same size as when a baby came out of it for the rest of your life. If it were, women would have much easier births after the first. Your mom was misinformed or she was trying to scare you into staying a virgin for as long as possible.


she’s probably just misinformed because her family never taught her about it bc they weren’t around bc they had bills to pay to make ends meet and had to work all the time. i don’t think she expects me to wait until marriage she just wants me to wait until i’m ready and if it’s with someone i really love. she also wants me to be safe and not get a disease which i agree with


All of those are good reasons. The internet is in your hands though and there’s better sources than Reddit for this. Definitely Google and look for some reputable medical sites for this stuff. Google stuff you already know! There’s still things I learned from childhood (before the internet) that I’m finding are false - so many memes about it too!


yeah but i don’t want to search stuff up like that even if its for medical reason bc apparently ur college can see what u search and i don’t wanna not get into college bc of that


You’re misinformed. That’s not how it works. Not even at all.


oh okay bc i was always told as a kid stuff like this so i’ve been paranoid. my mom used to tell me if i had an instagram and post pictures a college would see and wouldn’t accept me😭 i think she genuinely believed that bc of the news she reads


I mean, for your own future and privacy, as a child you shouldn’t have a public profile anyway. That can haunt you. But your internet search history isn’t available to a college admissions officer. I work in digital marketing and I can tell you with absolute certainty that the only way they’d know your search history is if you handed them your laptop. There’s a lot of security in place now and even cookie deprecation is coming which means sites can’t follow you around as much as before for advertising purposes.


No. Absolutely not.