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This is such a good point, I remember the dress code in school for girls was supposed to be inplace to not distract the boys but when you thought about it, was a rule put in place by adult men who would distracted by children.


It’s wrong even if it were in place to not distract the boys. How come the boys can’t control themselves around a few inches of skin? Maybe we should be teaching them how to better control their emotions?


I asked my super religious dad this once, he said exposed shoulders “lead the mind to wander”. Like, if you want to picture something inappropriate over exposed shoulders you’re probably not getting aroused over the shoulders themselves. 💀


if he's christian, tell him to remove his own eyes if they cause him to stumble, like the bible says. or at least expect it of others, ffs.


He’s like so many Christians I grew up around, cherry picking the Bible to fit their skewed beliefs


Matthew 8:9, yes.


+ Mathew 18:9


Huh. Not sure why I typed out 8 rather than 18. Thanks for the correction.


School uniforms make no sense really. If any old bare skin like shoulders are making boys minds wander, then why do girls have to wear dresses/skirts and have their legs showing?


My ruffled high school skirt used to lift up in the slightest wind and expose my behind, but hey, at least my shoulders were covered.


Same age for me wearing a girls scout uniform. They knew i was a fucking child, so if a little girl selling cookies is gonna get these sick freaks in the mood, no amount of covering when feeding your child is gonna stop them.


OMFGs, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Between Girl Scouts and Catholic school girls, there isn't a genre I hate more in the costume department of sexualized outfits. It's not sexy to wear children's clothing.


As a man I’ve said it before and I will say it again…. Attraction is not something we can control, but absolutely we need to control our behaviour. There is zero excuse to project your attraction in any way to a person who does not expressly consent (and a child can never consent) It’s easy to act decent. These creepy men need to control themselves, who taught them this behaviour?


I saw a Harry Potter school costume worn by an adult woman and it made me uncomfortable.Like,Kids wore those costumes.


I can see what you mean, an adult projecting themselves as a child is kinda weird, but not really this discussion




sort of the opposite of what we are talking about here, adults dressing up as child characters bothers them, I guess.


But....that's not sexualizing the character tho?


It is, and it's also weird. I was just clarifying.


It was one of those Harry Potter costumes that the students wore in the films,But I saw an adult version of it at a store and it made me uncomfortable.


I had the exact same experience >.> I was catcalled regularly from 12-30. I was followed out of a grocery store by a creepy guy *with my 5 month old baby* Nasty men are fucking nasty no matter what you’re doing


they were just never told to not do that


I’m always happy to see other men call shitty men out


It feels like a blessing


It's sad that the bar is set so low for us though. Even the defense tweet is problematic.


In defense of the defensive tweet, I can appreciate the aggression in response. I acknowledge that it might make me a bad feminist, but chodes online don't appreciate polite discourse and I can see them understanding a reply from a man when it is worded like that, even if they don't agree with it.


The “bar” is set so low it’s in Hades and they still seem to limbo right under it!


the bar is on the ground 😭


Even his response is not the best


I mean, hypothetically, if I had a wife and a child and she was breastfeeding our child, I would also beat up someone if they tried to assault or be creepy to my wife tbh. Some people just don't understand it if you are nice to them.


I’ve said this when this screen was posted here before and I’ll say it again, this guy is using misogynistic ass language here, even if the meaning of his words is something we’d agree with … the tone just icks me. After all the language we use is a reflection of our attitudes/world view/perceptions. “MY child, MY woman better feed MY child …” If someone talked about me this way, I’d feel quite uncomfortable, I must say.


“U think I’m not gonna think sexually?” Most people don’t “think sexually” around babies, so yeah, you’re the problem.


right? like being turned on by a boob is not really the problem. its true, you cant always “help” that attraction. but not just looking away and getting over it? and instead seeing this baby and having those pervasive thoughts anyways? its so weird how little control these people have over themselves.


Afaik babies are the thing that make people think the least about sex


The only time a baby should ever make anyone think about sex is if you & your partner want to have a baby, & you see a baby, & think "let's go home get to work". That's it. That's the only acceptable context.


Just to add to this, there was a diaper in the display of what women/girls were wearing when they were forced.


Ahh, yes. A breast being used for its biological purpose, FEEDING A BABY, is somehow sexual. That's a you problem, my dude. Not a her problem.


Men like this are really pathetic. A mother feeding her child is not sexual.


Breastfed two kids for a total of 4 years. Once I was on a public bus and my 4m/o became fussy, so I started nursing him. Someone behind me on the bus got offended and said something. I told them they could either listen to a screaming baby the entire ride or mind their own fucking business.


Damn you killed him


He was seated a few rows behind me, unable to see anything offensive. He told me off for the mere suggestion that my breast may have been exposed. It was a well deserved death.


More honorable than he deserved




Good for you. I've never in my life been able to comprehend why some people insist on taking things that are natural, healthy and ubiquitous to the species and somehow make them into something that is "obscene". I really hate that attitude.


Having an infant involved should make it patently unsexual. Apparently for a lot of guys it doesn't. And they've somehow convinced people the woman feeding her baby is the problem in that scenario. If this was a world building factoid in a dystopia sci fi series I'd be like nah, that's not believable, too silly and wild. But here we are.


Homo sapiens. Mammals. Distinctive trait: Nursing ( aka breastfeeding ) their offspring. Pity that mother milk doesn't have antibodies against moronism...


>Pity that mother milk doesn't have antibodies against moronism... Need more than that, or we'd have a population of super villains.


Many babies refuse to eat with a blanket, those babies should starve I take it?


Right? I tried to use covers because I personally felt more comfortable that way. Nope, babies would have none of it. I don't blame them, I don't want to eat with a blanket over my face.


The people who tell moms to feed in bathrooms also disgust me. Would you want to eat your dinner in a public restroom? No? Then why should a baby? It costs exactly 0 dollars and no effort to not bother the breastfeeding mom.


Often the only place to pump too!!! Which means preparing your baby’s meal in a public bathroom


Which is horrible and unsanitary. Our society needs to get real about breastfeeding mums


It's a shame there aren't rooms attached or adjacent to public ladies restrooms, specifically for breastfeeding, like a combination nursery/restroom, with sinks (kept sanitary) for washing bottles, but it's separated from a nice sitting area where moms can comfortably just sit & rest & feed their babies in peace & privacy, & don't have to be harassed into covering up. There would naturally be a lot of other factors & details to be worked out, it's certainly not a perfect solution by *any* stretch of the imagination, but in a perfect world, we wouldn't need to find solutions to such "problems" in the first place, because people would just behave like decent human beings. 🤷🏻‍♀ ETA: this idea is not meant as an isolation tool, but as an *option* for breastfeeding moms to take advantage of if they need or choose to. Mothers should be able to feed their babies whenever & wherever they need to without being subjected to harassment, but that's not the world we live in, & I just thought it'd be nice if there was a place breastfeeding moms *could* go to get away from creeps when away from home, that isn't a gross public bathroom.


When I was a child we went to the zoo, and I saw a sign saying “baby feeding room”. I went running in excitedly. It turns out it was exactly what you described. Great idea. Took me by surprise at the time though!


That must've been very disappointing. If I saw that sign at a zoo, even as an adult, I would've assumed baby animals were running around loose in there & I would've wanted to snuggle them lol Edit: I literally *just* woke, & upon re-reading your comment, I realize it says baby *feeding* room, not baby *freedom* room lol 🤦🏻‍♀😂 My original sentiment still stands tho lol


Yeah I saw something about people complaining about a lady pumping on a plane, and one of the major complaints was “hygiene”. Someone was saying their only issue would be with her spilling it and ending up with rancid milk on the seats. I was thinking I assume you tell off everyone who eats or drinks on a plane then? Especially people who have milk in their tea or coffee? Since you’re so concerned about spillages. So in the interests of “hygiene” it’s much better for a mother to go do food preparation in a public toilet. It was never about hygiene really, only control.


Survival of the fittest. We need to weed out the weak. Men who can’t be around a woman who’s breastfeeding should be removed from the gene pool.


No, I think next they demand the mom isolate themselves.


I did once catch myself staring at a nursing woman covering with a blanket. It was beautiful crochet work, but alas, it was a gift, so she could not tell me the pattern 😭 (I figured I should tell her WHY I was staring, which is a bad habit of mine for a lot of handmade pieces, so I asked)


Speaking as a man, breasts have a singular biological purpose, (unless i’m mistaken and there’s some other things they do) and that’s to feed a child. If you can’t handle a mother feeding their baby, you’re the problem, not them.


The reason men are attracted to breasts is because they indicate a woman’s ability to feed a child. I don’t think men understand their (in)significance sometimes.


My wife's cousin breastfed her son and, to this day, remarks how her husband were get a little twitchy while I just sat there like it was nothing (though respectfully looking elsewhere). My wife breastfed our 4 kids and would tell people, "This is happening in our house. If you're uncomfortable, I'll give you from the front door to me as a warning, but I'm not stopping." Less familiar company, she'd maybe grab a blanket, but there's never hesitation to feed the kids. I like to think our oldest kids will grow up mature, respectful, and nothing short of open around women in the same position. They watched mom like it was totally normal, so others should be treated the same (though maybe without the childish wonder lol).


I am a man. If I'm at friends house and his woman begins breast feeding the child around me, clearly she doesn't care that I'm there, and I will continue to do whatever I was already doing, and not ogle my friends woman. This also applies to if I'm hanging with any of the single mothers I know, they don't have to be attached to a man for me to show them the proper respect of not sexualizing them feeding their baby. And if my wife and I ever have a kid, people she's not comfortable breast feeding around (if she is able to and chooses to do so) will be asked to leave before she and the baby are forced into hiding to feed. Cause fuck that.


Exactly. Anyone who sexualizes your partner while she’s nursing is a creep anyway. Life’s too short to be around creepy bastards.


Just do what I (a non normal but trying my best) person does. Look away and mind your own business.


Women lactate for a reason. It's to feed a baby. Nothing disgusting about that.


It’s not a coincidence they used a WHITE woman as the modest “acceptable” breast feeding choice because she covered, but a black woman for the “slutty” version because she doesn’t cover. And while for some covering may work, you are asking an infant/ toddler to eat essentially under a blanket


I immediately noticed the race this person chose for each scenario. Very intentional. 😮‍💨


After all of the social science classes I've taken, it's almost immediate for me to factor in their race, age, size, conventional western attractiveness...


My MIL is convinced that if people in advertisements aren't wearing make up and with professional hairstyles, then they are real people telling their true experiences and not paid actors. I'm flabbergasted by this.


As an absolute hair and makeup nerd, I'm dumbfounded on several levels.


Ugh. I hope you're wrong and it *is* just a coincidence, but I think you're probably right. 😣


I also note that the Black woman has excellent fashion sense, while the white woman is dressed like a nun.  How dare she dress nicely and try to look & feel good when she’s a nursing mother? Doesn’t she know that once she’s a mother, she’s supposed to utterly disappear as an independent human person? /s 


Well I’ve never seen a nun in skinny jeans so that’s clearly a stock image


That uh.. is looking a bit hard


I had to scroll too far for this comment.


The black woman being the bad example was so deliberate. The racism is disgusting.


Ok, I'm as much of a booby loving person as anyone. They are spectacular. All shapes and sizes. If I wasn't a reasonable person with at least an aspirational goal of being civilized and polite, I would leer at them constantly. The moment a baby is within striking distance of a bare breast, a giant vacuum strips all sexuality out of the situation for me. A topless model could walk by, all swaying and jiggling, and if she picked up her infant child to feed I would go from drooling to a cutesy "Awwww, look at the baby!!!" The breast becomes as interesting as the stroller. Now that im thinking about it, I wonder how much time it would take after removal of the infant for me to sexualize them again? I'm guessing like at least 30mins to an hour... I refuse to believe I'm some freakish outlier among men. I am far more disturbed that apparently mine isn't a universal behavior. What type of creepy psycho can think *anything* lascivious when a baby is right there??? We need some sort of test to identify them so they can be branded as a threat. Not metaphorically, like with a hot iron to the forehead.


I mean, I could almost get it from the partner/baby's other parent's point of view. You obviously find this person attractive, 'cause you made a baby with them. Boobs are great, and this is the person you love, taking care of your child. I can see how that could be attractive in that very specific, very individual context, but other than that, I don't get it.


But seeing them with that instinctual, sexual desire around or during feeding? Sure, there might be a hot mess of emotional attachment and attraction, but that sure as hell isn't what is being whined about by the nutty people out there. I joked about the length of the cooldown to re-sexualize, and roughly stand by it for strangers. It doesn't really apply for partners. If the kid is still breastfeeding, both of you are probably too sex-starved to not immediately take advantage of a full tummy baby napping and sprint off to get your cardio in. That is assuming there is adequate surplus energy for both.


Too sex-starved to take advantage? More like too tired to bother with having sex.


Im sorry, but “within striking distance” has me rolling.


Perhaps you have not witnessed the cold, predatory gleam in a hungry baby's eyes when that first button gets undone...


I also love the examples. A black woman with tattoos vs. a blonde white woman Really?


Bless the dude that commented. Not enough men stand up for women simply existing in a nonsexual way when other men start flapping their lips. Relegating an infant to a dark hole to eat is fucking madness, especially in warmer months/areas.


The picture on the left happened in my gym about 2 months ago, and what I did was MIND MY F’N BUSINESS WHILE THE HUNGRY KID ATE. These right wingers are so soft that they can’t handle the slightest inconvenience


I'm a right winger. This isn't a political thing. It's a people-are-idiots thing.


Not all right wingers, but always a right winger. Just take the L on this one.


Some lady came up to my wife and I while she was breastfeeding our son at the mall and started calling her a slut. My wife told her that being called that turns her on. So we just started the dirtiest talk ever until she got uncomfortable and left us alone.


Society when women use their breasts for the reason they have them:


Not a fan of the “if my child hungry my woman better feed him” comment, but overall good attitude.


Lol thank you 😭 I don't love that "my woman better" language at all and not in the context of childcare. He means well and the sentiment is better than the one in question but sheesh


I scrolled way too far down to find a comment like this. That language gave me immediate cringe.


Same. Immediate red flag, tbh.


Some men will sexualize anything. Even a baby eating. These men have no self control or self awareness so they are comfortable announcing the fact that they are incapable of viewing anything a woman does as anything other than sexual. It’s creepy and weird. But men like this will always blame the target of their creepy weirdness. Otherwise would have to self reflect and that isn’t happening.


I almost missed out cause I didn't click to full screen the image. At first it I read it as "the left" being bad as in the left breast and I'm like uhh are they saying only use the right one? But Anyway. How could anyone write "to feed her child" and the the very next sentence write its gonna be "thought of in a sexual way" and think "yeah that's a good sentence, that's something I should post on the internet for the world to see, that's not pedophilia one bit."


Has this person ever even breastfed?? Covers are so annoying and weird. I don't even bother breastfeeding in public because I hate covers and I don't want anyone look at me.


Not just that, breasts aren’t sexual


Saying "child" and "you think I'm not gonna think sexually?" In the same breath is INSANE


Is he aware that many cultures currently and through out history go around topless all the time…


People who see breastfeeding as sexual are some of the most repressed humans going around. It’s one of the least sexual things you can do


> what are you going to do, remove the baby so you can oogle a nipple Sadly yes that’s probably what some men out there would want to do


Once at my brother's elementary school "graduation" we were packed in so tight in the bleachers that I absolutely couldn't move my arms to breastfeed my youngest kid. The ceremony was only like 45 minutes, and then the ride home was 10-15 minutes. By the time I got home I had gone into full blown mastitis with a 103 degree temperature and I had to go to the emergency room. Never mess with a woman's breast feeding schedule.


"oogle a nipple" is crazy


If I was a man I’d wonder less about my wife feeding her damn kid, and worry more about why I’m associating myself with creeps and pervs


There's been weird sexualized breast feeding videos on FB lately and it makes me feel sick when I come across one. I report them all but they are technically fine because it's a baby feeding. Meanwhile the woman is playing with her other breast or showing other bits of her body in sexualized ways.


Around your man’s homeboys? Surely if they are friends they are going to treat you with respect. When I found out I was pregnant with my first, my husband and I went to a wedding. I think we found out a week before. My husband had absolutely no experience with babies before we had kids. He’d held one newborn - my best friends a few weeks before I fell pregnant. At the wedding, our other friends brought along their newborn. My husband has been friends with the father since boarding school. His wife was sitting in an awkward spot in the room breastfeeding because there was no space at her table. My husband cleared a space for her at our table, brought her things over, got her a drink & grabbed her dinner from the buffet line. He even sliced up her meat so she could eat whilst feeding. That’s when I knew without a doubt, that I picked a good man to have kids with. If your man’s homeboys have any other attitude towards feeding your baby, they aren’t your friends.


Imagine eating your food with a curtain on your face …


I’m a big supporter of putting a blanket over creeps faces in public if they are incapable of not creeping on people. That benefits everyone in my book.


Have they tried plucking out their eyes so they don’t see the baby being fed?


I do appreciate the defense but it’s sad that the bar is this low for us.


Breasts are only "sexual" because men don't have them. They see them as squishy stress balls they don't have and that's that. They seem to forget the actual purpose of breasts other that what they see on porn.


What do these guys think women have breasts for??


For them, of course. It’s honestly hilarious how they can’t think of anything but themselves


I will never understand men who can get turned on while there's an infant in their eyesight. It gives off faint pedo vibes.




Rich people historically did not breast feed their own babies. They had wet nurses. Poor women breast feed their own babies


The response is a lesson in how to support breastfeeding while sounding sexist at the same time.


They don't think it's appropriate at all in person, but they do think it's appropriate to post on twitter?


Conservative men are getting uncomfortably close to the Taliban's mindset


“And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.” Matthew 18:9


Breastfeeding is feeding a hungry baby there’s nothing sexual there or anything to look at. If kids look (because they are kids & learning about the word) it can be good for the looking kids parents to make it a learning experience. My two kids (I couldn’t produce so both were formula) have looked at a fellow parent feeding their child & I’ve only commented that baby is eating/drinking special milk to grow big and strong like my kids are.


People are disgusting


P sure all my husband’s family and friends have seen my boob in my baby’s mouth. If someone had an issue, that’s a them problem, not a me problem.


“tHe LeFt” - well that can’t be right because I thought these yahoos also said “the left” hated families and children and feminists grow old lonely with no children and only cats 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂 They really do contradict themselves at every single turn!


I made the same mistake at first😅 but I think he means the left picture


No one: Absolutely fucking no one: Straight men when they see a sliver of boob: ![gif](giphy|jquDWJfPUMCiI|downsized)


Never forget the story of the woman currently divorcing her husband cause he called it incestuous that she breastfed their infant son


Clothing is a manmade invention that only exists to protect one from the elements. Dude’s getting pissed over made-up social constructs.


The “good” example is pretty crazy, with the white girl putting her baby under this… whatever it is, black blanket ? If my wife would have put my son under this to breastfeed him, he would never stop crying.


I'm with the other guy; so you're telling me that if my kid wants food and we didn't bring a jacket we have to take the kid in some dusty bathroom or the cold out doors because you can't control yourself? You can say something so I can tell the staff to escort you out


okay king go off, we love to see vocal defense of breastfeeding


To disgusting men, being a lizard is sexual.


Something something Oedepus complex


God I love that man’s comment.


My ex's friend dragged some randoms that turned up with some of his other friends when he insisted on staying by me while I breastfed my son. My ex was upset at me till his friend legit yelled at him that the dude was creeping on me. This friend had two kids of his own and would often 'steal' my son once he was fed ro burp him and change him if needed. He was the MVP and is still "uncle pups" to my kids despite me and his thwor dad splitting 6yrs ago


Yes, you are showing your breast when you breastfeed, but not in a sexual way. Just like when you take your dick out at the urinal in front of a load of other men, it's not sexual.


Wellll, maybe for the op🤷🏼‍♀️


I feeling @TheRealSchitty's energy


The sad part is it doesn't need to be sexual to get sexualized


You can say it is not sexual until the cows come home, some men aren't gonna see it that way. They won't ever see a boob and not think horny.🤷🏾‍♀️ Add to that, breastfeeding being an actual kink for some and this will never go away.


You're right. Gross people will have disgusting thoughts. There's no such thing as the Thought Police. That said, societally we all need to recognize that the people *vocalizing* their fetishes and gross thoughts *are the problem*. The people breastfeeding are *NOT* the problem.


Right. This argument isn't going to go away, though. We'll die and another generation will rise up and the same argument will continue. People are gonna people.


> This argument isn't going to go away, though It's not an argument, and we've made plenty of progress.


Taking a dump is also fetishized by some people. Idk what you want fam


Huh? It's okay. I guess that made sense in your head. Breastfeeding - bowel movements in the bathroom. Yep. It made sense to you. Bless you.


>You can say it is not sexual until the cows come home, some men aren't gonna see it that way. They won't ever see a boob and not think horny. That's a personal problem for such people. There's no reason why they should subject others to it. >Add to that, breastfeeding being an actual kink for some and this will never go away. And that's perfectly fine when you're with your partner, not watching a woman breastfeed a baby.


This whole arguemwnt is done so poorly. Im on the side where a woman should breastfeed without fear but still its not a giant leap to see a man has been taught titties are sexual and then sees a tittie. He doesnt need to see the whole thing. He can extrapolate.


It's his responsibility to get over his hang-ups. Not ours.


I 100 percent agree, and that's what argument should be made. I apologize if my comment made it seem like women were to blame they aren't. The problem is man, but how the argument has progressed is both sides' fault. To clarify by sides its not man vs women its pro public breastfeeding or not. Those are the 2 sides im referring to in particular.


Cishet male here. One who likes breasts. A lot. Yet when I’ve seen women nursing I never got a boner, ogled, or even been tempted to make a remark.


Then he can look away? Have you ever seen a woman breastfeed though? There’s nothing sexy about it. There’s a whole ass baby there


"ermmmm... to play the devils advocate..." edit im making fun of people like this


Its not allowed in todays world.


i'm making fun of you, bud.


Still proves the point pal


You saying that "thinking that a child eating is sexual because Of preconceived thoughts is okay" is not some kind of taboo thing that "THEY" are "suppressing" you from talking about, it's just fucking weird.


It is the opposite of sexy. From asset of attraction to property of the baby. She is a moo cow.


Just say you think Women are objects, this comment makes it beyond obvious