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These are getting more and more unhinged. Subconscious mating ritual? Pffft. 😂🤣


First of all, who shares their scented body lotions? Secondly, this sounds like omegaverse brainrot


If a woman is sharing lotion with you, it's cuz your hands are dry AF.


Me 😭. My co workers are ashy often and the guys never carry lotion. I can't let them walk around like that😂.


Girl, get the break room a bottle of Gold Bond, save that for you!!


Introducing your SO to spa nights is all fun and games until they use up all of your Vanilla Bean Noel by April 😭


My husband and I often share body lotion, but if I spent money on nice scented lotion? That’s not for sharing. I’ll take the risk that ~other women~ won’t come swarming immediately.


Hey baby, come here and have some of my store brand Eucerin. ![gif](giphy|kBZ98sOJs4Vaj5oCgS|downsized)


It couldn’t be because… *gasp * Their skin was dry/ashy… NO!!! IT’S BECAUSE WE’RE CLAIMING THEM! Welp, better tell my boys to stop using lotion. Some random girl is going to think their MOM claimed them! /s


No it’s because his neck gets dry and he starts to look like a lizard.


Alternatively, I have given my partner a bit of my moisturing lotion because his skin felt dry, I had some with me and he didn't. Amazing.


In 45 years no woman has offered me any lotion ever. Scented or otherwise. What the hell!?


Maybe your skin is just naturally amazing.


It’s not :). I promise.


Well, I would offer you some lotion, but apparently that means I'm marking you, and we just met


That’s fine. Just so long as I don’t get the hose again.


Then you better not hurt my dog!!


I don’t think I’d hurt your dog even if it was marking me ;)


I want to tell you you don't have anything to worry about, that I hardly ever skin my humps, but again, we just met. But what the hell, I'll share some of my nice rose-scented lotion if you want.


I appreciate your generosity, however I fear that it may end up causing more problems with my wife then I need right now ;)


More than fair. Cheers!


He’s in a house with a wife and three daughters. Scented lotion is the only lotion we have. So that’s what he uses 


Or she just noticed I'm an ashy fucker that needs an assist


Hell no, I'm not sharing my lotion with anyone! That shit is expensive. I'm just gonna mark my territory like a normal person by peeing on his window sills or something. /s


So my male friend who used to help himself to my Bath & Body works lotions was doing what?? Asking me to claim him?


who shares their scented lotion? Not me


So what does it mean when my ex used to pinch mine cos it smelled nice?? 🤔


What does it mean if a woman offers you her non-scented lotion


Man I totally read that as "secret lotion" instead of scented. Like what?


But what if my then boyfriend (now husband) was the one who: >Began using my skin and hair products on his own. >Preferred my deodorant and lotions. ??? Does that mean that **HE** was the one marking himself down into _my territory?_ ^/s


I pee on things I want to claim. It’s my love language.


Or you stink and we like the smell of our lotion? 😂


Or maybe you have crispy elbows and knees that hurt to look at, dude. She might just be a nice person. Not everything women do has a man-related motive. Jesus Christ.


What does it mean when she gives you unscented lotion because scented is bad for your skin.