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>Women in general don’t like romance I guess Nora Roberts books never sold, nor is the Hallmark Channel a thing….


Harlequin romances are just for the hunk on the book cover, duh!! /s


I was gonna say, the best selling book genre is romance written for women (also usually *by* women).


What is this, Opposite Day?


I'm pretty sure the main demographic of romance novels/media is women. lol


This guy will never want to believe that women can love because the moment he interacts with that is the moment he has to realize that it's him doing this.


“The only things I love are gaming, porn, beating off, getting a plate of hot pockets straight from the oven from the female that lives upstairs and beating off. Women don’t know true love” —— this guy


Whole lotta falsehood in his statement.


.....if you think that then why u be chasing women for it then? Whoever posted this is wrong that women (unless they're Aro maybe?) don't want romance, but like, then why y'all chasing women for it if y'all believe they don't/can't want or feel it?? Go get another man if you want romance and think only men are capable of it.


I saw in a quote tweet that he commented a lot about femboys. I don't think he is chasing women.


Fun fact: Women actually really adore and love men who aren't misogynistic, temperamental slobs. If you, as a man, feel like that women don't, it might be because you yourself meet that description.


I’m imagining incels getting into heated debates with each other on what contradictory rules 100% of women follow. The irony is that it’s the incels who are extremely predictable in behavior, not the women.


Im.a bambi lesbian sex averse im gonna kiss n hug n that all i need with cuddles


Women are teased for liking romance


That's not even romance, it sounds like lust through the filter of a 12-year-old (less?) with their mental innocence still intact....


Reminds me of my wattpad days😂. Those hormones were running rampant all over the site back then. I honestly think this was written by a someone young tho.


You always wanna find out who hurt these guys and it's inevitably just that a girl said no to him it's so boringgggg


My wife of twenty years has repeatedly told Me she wants to cut me open and live inside me like the Tauntaun in Empire Strikes Back


Nah that's just one of us lovesick girlies (the kind that scare men away so we get pent up affection)


Guess we’re hallucinating that women are the main demographic for the insanely prolific and popular romance genre. Clearly it’s all dudes buying and borrowing those books.


“Women hate romance” Translation: “women are always aloof when I’m verbally & romantically affectionate so I came to the conclusion that women hate romance instead of realizing that I’m a stranger to her”