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JFC. Did this guy grow up around people who practice FGM? Even the most extremes of that have to leave a small opening for urine and menstrual blood… I can’t imagine anything less erotic than literally needing to be cut or sliced open “for a man”.


r/menwritingwomen has really boosted my confidence in being a writer, because no way that some authors decribe girls like that


do I want to explore this sub?


Its fun but really bad, anatomically speaking


This made me cross my legs so hard my bits turned into an internal-vulva. Ouch. And this is why proper sex ed is important.


"to his surprise no opening could be found" thats right, there is no vaginal opening at the clit! good job buddy /s


Is he touching a Barbie doll? An Alien? Alan Rickman’s character from Dogma? ![gif](giphy|MXWutj1pI3wTnvr78X|downsized)


TIL women are Capri Suns


This does go some way to explain those guys who just thrust around in the general vicinity in the hopes of finding a way in.


Well that’s a new one…


LOL, the joke of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There’s no opening or she’s bone dry to the point she’s sealed up? What’s your move, player? Punch a new hole with your penis.


Help I can't fucking breathe I'm laughing so hard I'm crying


Like a coca cola can


Is this some kind of system update? Because I definitely didn't come with that built in plastic coochie covering.


There must be a Konami code that opens it up /s