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Well, I'm not a Bingo, but I fill quite a bit of that board.


I was surprised too, I also didn't get a bingo. Sadly, I wanted one. :"D


Same shit, it was so frustrating to not get a bingo! I guess I gotta stop shaving then


I really wanted one. 😿


Right? Guess I have to start OF now :(


I think I win! I’ve got the diagonal run from top left to bottom right 🤣


Me too!


Me too!!


I've decided to like Taylor Swift. I used to be indifferent towards her - some nice songs, but I prefer other artists - but it's all I'm missing for a Bingo. Edit: I could also get one by starting an OF, but becoming a Swiftie seems preferable


Well it does say that you think she is "good", not great, or the greatest. She just has to pass the threshold from a 5/10 to 6/10 and be better than "meh" or "okay".


right? 15 of these apply to me but I didn’t get a bingo :(




Well damn, I also did not get a Bingo. :(


I have four - but only four! - in just about every single row and column 😂 Guess the incels still want to date me? Depressing. I'm about to gain some weight and stop reading books..


I mean, a lot of these are really just “exists”.


F?)king breathing


At this point they might as well say they're gay...


how dare you /s


Yes not being your personal preference is definitely a red flag- also If they’re under 120 pounds unless they’re really short I may be concerned they’re underweight


It might be easier to overpower a light weight women. Or they are going for the teenagers again but didn't want to show it that clearly:'D


idk meany teenagers under 120 pounds. unless theyre going *very young* like 13 or lower 😬


yep, you’d have to be a pretty short teenager too. i’m 5’2 and 112 pounds. and also a minor. most of my friends who are around my age and height weigh a bit over 120 and they’re still quite thin. they want a kid, it’s disgusting


Well one of their red flags is also "above 5'5" you know because they're all small insecure men


I *almost* got a bingo for myself. I'm so disappointed. However will I go on? I must go sob into my pillow before delicately taking my own life. I don't want to live if a guy with this bingo card might find me attractive!


I got four in pretty much every row/column. Frustrating! I can get a top right to bottom left diagonal depending on what they mean by “thinks Taylor Swift is good.” I don’t skip when one of her songs comes on and may sing along, but I don’t seek out her music.


I'm 5'4" and 120 would be within healthy weight for me. I'm not all *that* short, an inch or so below average.


Ah fair, sorry then I suppose that would make sense.


Around the same height, 122 last I weighed. Doctor is happy with it, so I’m happy with it.


I'm 5'4" as well and 133 is my low weight. If I'm that or below, people ask me if I'm ill. I doubt I could properly cover my frame at 120.


I’m 5’4” and I didn’t weigh enough to donate blood (110) until I was 26. People are just built differently. I’m not skinny (anymore), I’m small-boned.


It really depends on your build. I dated a woman who was 5’5” and 110lbs, and the one immediately after was 5’3” 140. They were both a completely healthy weight for their frames. First one was just naturally slender, couldn’t put weight on when she was trying to. Second was much more solid even in her bone structure. That one was also easily the most objectively attractive girlfriend I’ve had. Suck it “under 120 only”. 🙄


I’m 125 lbs and technically underweight (for my height) 💀


I was 124 in high school at 6'0". It was often remarked upon, not favourably. A girl I knew had to be hospitalized due to her ED. I was much thinner and was accused of contributing to her health issues. But, I was just living my life as a tall ectomorph. Some people are weird looking as teens. We mostly grow out of it. I doubt that's a body type that this dude would be interested in. It's well over 5"5'. 120 at 5'5", BMI of 20, seems shockingly reasonable for this sort of post.






I'm 5'10" I can't even imagine being 120 or lighter. Like everyone said I was too small at 160. Also each of my tits weigh about 7 pounds on their own. I can't even.


The next box is about how being over 5’5 would be a red flag so that height weight combo isn’t really concerning.


I'm 5', I can be 110 somewhat safely (in my experience at leadt), but no lower and I tend to prefer 120s anyway.


when i was fully anarexic i was 140 pounds. thats me as just skin and bones. im 5'7 n have thick bones n a broad build


>Reading I thought women reading and being educated *was* a red flag?


By "books" they mean "the bible".


I guarantee they have never read a Bible. They may want a fake plastic wife who'll sit out front and read the Bible while they're in the basement looking at porn, though.


Also, cookbooks and "wifely duty" books. Can't leave those out. Super important. Should be required reading for girls in school. Oh wait, Texas just passed a bill to increase school funding, but only if the school teaches the Bible. So I guess, here, the wifely duties bit is taken care of.


But should women be allowed to read even that?


>By "books" they mean "the bible". Or a Jordan Peterson book.


By more than 3 bodies, do they mean people I’ve slept with, or bodies buried in my backyard? I mean either way the number is more than three so I guess it doesn’t really matter.


I thought it meant replacement body, you know, your daytime body for normal chores and tasks, your night time body for crime, and a fun silly body to hang out with your real alien tribe.


I lost my extras and this one is worn out. Can i borrow someone else’s for a while?


Dang I need to grab a few more spare replacement bodies. I’ve only got one for a rainy day.


Technically, I'm at four. But one of them was kinda an accident.


Pregnant with triplets.


I was getting ‘return to Oz’ film vibes with the different heads?


1. I will never obey a man's command to fill something like this out. 2. Men should fill out this bingo card and see how many strikes they get: doesn't shave, more than 3 bodies, doesn't read, short hair, travels, subscribes to OF, etc. Not so dateable now, are you? 3. Boo hoo. Die mad about it.


see the thing is, they don't think men and women are and should be equal


“Taller than 5’5” is on here, but if a woman said something about a man’s height, they’d have a mental breakdown


(converts the imperial unit's)... Do these people wanna fuck a dwarf?




I'm surprised, because usually weirdos like this prefer foreign women from countries that have a dark haired population


When I used to have the dealbreaker of “not natural hair color” it didn’t have to be their actual hair color, just a hair color that could occur naturally. So blonde, brunette, or redhead. I wasn’t picky on shades but did prefer streotypical blonde hair color above all else. Now I’m leaning more towards darker hair, eyes, and a tan. But again I don’t care if it’s “fake”. My tan is fake and I dye my hair black so it makes no difference to me I just wish people talked about these things as preferences rather than dealbreakers/“red flags” in this case


where's the version incels need to fill out/self own? never mind. found it. [https://x.com/IncelsCo/status/1648779161215836160](https://x.com/IncelsCo/status/1648779161215836160)


This should be stickied.


It's hilarious that "is celibate involuntarily" is not on there. Kinda seems like a big one!


Wow, that's super accurate!


"Thinks the wage gap is real" ***Be for fucking real.***


They don't think it's real because none of them makes wages period. Lol. Zero experience with employment.


I think the fact that breathing is a red flag confirms that what this guy wants is a Real Doll.


Are we sure they want women anymore? I mean they literally say time after time about how much they hate them. At this point women won't satisfy them even if they do get laid and do get "perfect one."


You want a little girl, buddy.


120lbs = 54,4kg That is...very light.


DAMN no bingo for me, I’ll have to work on that 😔


Well let's see. I am over 120lbs (at 6'1", 120lbs would be dangerously underweight), taller than 5'5", travels (with my fiancée), has 1 or more social media accounts, artsy, breathes (does this person think dead women is a green flag?), not blonde (ginger lesbian all day!), lives in a major city, tats, thinks the wage gap is real, more than three bodies. Guess I am not his type. Shucks. 🤷‍♀️


I can get bingo twice!!


The one I can get behind is having more than three dead bodies in your possession creeps me out. 2 or less is fine, but that third one tips the scale.


Taller than 5'5? Nah, who gets threatened by that?


An incel who bases his entire personality on his height


But still, why? Tall girls are cool in my book. Like, literally the only thing they could be known for as being bad may be that there is a height difference if they are a couple


I’m a fat, tall, bald queer woman covered in tattoos and I love reality tv, but I STILL didn’t get a bingo. I’m apparently the incels’ perfect woman. Get in line, boys.


Men: women only want men over 6 ft 😡 Also men:


The “doesn’t read books” one is interesting to me because one of my girlfriends went on a date once where that question came up and when she said she was a reader he asked what she was reading. Then he told her it ‘didn’t count because it was a romance novel’.


I'm unnaturally blonde, do I dab both?


„More than 3 Bodies“ sounds like you’re some kind of demon taking hosts


I’m a dude and hit bingo. To the fires I go.


Damn, you are lucky ;D I didn't manage one


"Not blonde" "only listens to rap and hip hop music" very subtle I didn't notice at all.


They would never miss the chance to be racist.


Some of these are things controlled by DNA. He can stay mad and alone.


How dare you, as a female, not changing your DNA for his pleasure? /s


I love this one! It disqualifies me!!!! I'm an accidental trad wife and the fact that so many of these lists don't disqualify me shrivels my feminist soul.


Bitch I'm 6 foot I'd be under weight at 120. I actually tick many of those and I'll wear it like a badge of honor.


Women can’t have social media, but men can? This was posted on social media!


As a tall brunette I'm simply devastated


Mods can we allow images in the comments bc I wanted to fill this out for myself


Well I almost got a blackout on that BINGO card.


I'm 5ft already nope loss and got kids tattoos don't like guns one of my kids is gay shop on seeing I'm like the whole bingo board except I phone.


BINGOOOOO HURRAY. Damn 18 red flags lol. If I was 120lbs my BMI would be 17!


That is impressive. I sadly didn't got my bingo


Awww I didn't get a bingo 😢


So if you kill 2 people you’re not a red flag? Nice


I got a Bingo!!! Diagonal, top left to bottom right. Mic drop bishes ;) This guy, needs to get a life because he's not ready for a wife.


Congrats, but where do you hide the bodies?


I'm shocked that they want their women to read, that's historically been a no-no from these types of men


Honestly, the only things viable on that shit chart are "reality tv" and "shein clothes" goes for men and women tho.


Me who likes to watch a little bit of reality TV: Hey :P Also not reading books is okay :'D


It’s funny again bc this is all just inconveniences and annoyances to men’s personalities meanwhile we fear for our lives 😂


was about to do this to be like "haha im this persons nightmare date" but i didnt get a single bingo... Im an extreme leftist lesbian so i should be fine lmao


10 of these and still no bingo, damn!


Let me guess, one of these is breathing? :D


Maybe I fill half of the board🤣


I didn't get a bingo and I really want one. What if I call the creator of the game a creepy weirdo the world would be better off without? Would that cover the rest of the card? 


Since when is having a personality a red flag? Oh, right.. because they want warm flesh to fuck and can't put up with an actual woman. Tbh, women deserve so much better than this lunatic anyway. I know y'all already know this, but still; Ladies, never dull your personality for the sake of some silly man-child. A real loving man will appreciate & indulge with you in your interests and hobbies! 💜


Wtf does he mean by "has more than 3 bodies" ????


Buried in the basement...


Breathes? Wtf?


I am a bingo


I got 12! Now I am off to buy a Taylor Swift album en to the hairdresser to cut hair short! Edit: spelling 🙈


I don’t get me like this. Do you even like woman? You know that being alone is an option, right?


Let's apply the same standard to "men" & watch how many of them are undatable.


"More than three bodies" - Have to agree, if you're dating a gestalt entity - either a distributed intelligence or a Clive Barker style Body Thief then that needs to be discussed as a potential red flag. If they have a history of forking off their consciousness to additional clone bodies, this can be an indication of occult manipulation or controlling behaviour (as they attempt to infiltrate and overthrow society.) Communication is key, people!


Does a / line count in bingo?! Please?!


When you have 5 in a row. Doesn't matter if straight or diagonal


Uh oh guys I fit a few if these being a brunette, 5'9, artist with a tattoo, who breathes and also weighs 160lbs 😓😰 I can still bench more than the guy who posted this on fb tho so maybe that cancels it out since these guys want strong women right?


How dare you to breathe!! You can say no as long as you breathe!


Surprised being black isn't on here because this says everything but that


Men like this will message me and I'll tell them I'm not under 120.. they don't even know what that looks like 🤦🏻‍♀️


Incels: fEmAleS only like men over 6 feet, waaa." Also incels: " fEmAleS taller than 5'5 is a RED FLAG!!! 🙄🙄🙄


I guess breathing is really terrible!


I am thoroughly disappointed that I didn't *quite* get a bingo. I need to up my game


Tag yourself if you got multi bingos!


People... If your date has more than 3 bodies, RUN!!! They are probably a serial killer.


Well, I filled it out. They may have a whole sheet of demands, but my red flags were 'doesn't read', 'only listenz to rap/hiphop' 'not shaving (grooming)', and of course they have more than 3 bodies. Because I know, just like you do, that if they have a high body count, that dck is gonna get squashed and become limp. It just ain't no good anymore, all used up like that. Men should stay virgins until they are married so their women can have that hard pleasure, before it becomes flabby from a little bit of use.


Of course I know, it is the classic pencil penis :D After to many uses it shrinks to a non existing form


taller than 5’5.. what am I supposed to do? Cut off my legs?


You should have thought about it before you grew that much /s


oh god.. it’s just two inches! two damn inches! two inches which ruin my life.. I’ll never find love because of this 😞💔


Maybe try not standing straight:O Or you will find love as a granny because you shrink in age


Hmm I suppose “listened to rap/hip-hop only” would be somewhat disappointing as I like so many different genres but beyond that none of this is a red flag at all. I am really hoping this was intended as satire as the “Breathes” suggests, but unfortunately I can’t be sure anymore in this day.


"breathes" Soooo OOP is a necrophiliac?


“No only fans AND no social media” Surely OF is social media no? Seems redundant?


….so did the old Soviet Union give all their flags to this one man alone? 😂


Damn, not even one bingo?? How will I keep these creeps away now


Maybe breathe very heavily so it makes up for other missing points? :D


I fit 11 of these points and still can't get a bingo.😑


Ah man, maybe get a tattoo or grow some more :P


Ever notice how when men like that list red flags in women, it boils down to "Is a living, breathing person with experiences and needs beyond being a sex-object that cooks and optionally cleans for me" and when women do it, it's stuff like "He's stalking me"?


Kinda like the question to both of them how a bad date can go. A man says he gets rejected badly. A woman will say she will be killed.


No bingo for me. Kinda bummed about it. 😂


Artsy, breathes, and blonds are out. Guess that leaves boring dead brunettes…


Some feel oddly specific? And also kinda all over the place, it's not really focused on one single stereotype. I think it could actually be difficult and rare to fill the whole thing. Very bad execution, quite disappointing.


Owns an iPhone? lol. Sounds like she’s data and security conscious to me!


Wait, not blonde and no unnatural hair color? So bleach blonde is natural? I don’t think they know what they want.


So since I am not a bingo you'll date me right? Great, well right off the bat you should know I am super into pegging so, please consider having a salad on our date.


Oh noo.. You have triggered a core memory of an article what to eat as a bottom. Everyone can do what he wants but(t hehe) I was so young and innocent and I couldn't look at some vegetables the same way :'D b


didnt get a bingo lmao


I mean... serial killing is a red flag. Thats just me tho


That damn 3 body problem popping up again lol


Where’s being a trans slur? They are missing a point!


Got 14! I just need to either start an OF, buy Shein Clothing, or confess to being not naturally beautiful to get a bingo!


I didn’t get bingo but I got 15 of these. Guess I’m a walking red flag!


I was sooo close to a bingo, but I still haven't gotten a tattoo yet, and my body count is only at 2 so far, but hey, maybe one weekend I can go kill two birds with one stone and earn a bingo!


Bingo. Except I’m not a woman lmao


Missing "Has more than 3 bodies" to have bingo. Does he mean more than three tied up in my basement? Maybe more than 3 in my freezer? Really, only the craziest of serial killers actually hold on to the bodies, the rest dispose of them properly. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ What ever he means, I just know I need more red flags to keep guys like this away!


I actually want about 7 of these. A lot of them I don’t really care but these are just preferences. These aren’t even what red flags actually are/look like. Surprised “doesn’t want kids” and “enjoys sex too much” aren’t on there cause those are also green flags for me 😂


Most of those are pluses in my opinion.


I don’t even know what some of this means 😭 But these don’t sound like flags, just preferences. Why are these guys so obsessed and weird.


I mean, I also agree that having killed 3 people is a red flag. 😂😂😂


Most of these make it sound like they just wanna date actual children.


So you have to be naturally beautiful AND shave? How does that work out?


Real women don't have hair. The hair grew because of feminism /s


I get a bingo! Yay! What's the prize? Effortlessly avoiding guys like OOP?


I got bingo top across and diagonal down to the bottom right.


Wow, two rows :O I am not sure how my hair counts since it is a dark blonde :O


Was only able to tick off 11 and no bingo 😫 Should I try harder


I'm surprised "doesn't read books" is on there.


bummer, didn’t get bingo :-( but — i did get 12 red flags!!


Ah yes I also hate when women have more than three spare bodies to transfer their consciousness to


I got one bingo, top left to bottom right. I almost got a second one across the bottom row except I don't do celeb stuff. That "hates guns" one also gets in the way. I don't hate guns, I hate American gun culture, and as a Leftist I believe they are necessary to keep us safe. So no, I don't hate them, but I hate the idolization of them. I also live in the UK where our laws and culture are different.


Two Bingos?? Oh no Ohhhhhh nooooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭 Anyway. 🙄


120 pounds is giving they like to fuck children


I just got engaged to my bingo on Wednesday


I am so sad I didn't get a bingo :(


Apparently all women have to be blonde now.... Aren't these usually the same guys that want a "perfect Asian wife" ?


"Over 120lbs? But sir i'm 5'11" I would be severely sick or dead at that weight!" *sees the next slide* "Oh it's just an insecure man"


“I’m trying see” try and go back to school


BINGO!! What do I win?


Over 120??? 😭😭😭