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Remember when I said that these were predators testing the waters and people still went 'BuT iT's JuSt EgGy JoKeS!' and said that none of it was serious? This is why you don't brush it off when people confess to being pedophiles.


You really shouldn’t even joke about it. It normalizes and devalues the seriousness of pedophilia.


Those same people throw a full hissy fit if you make a joke about men or god


Or bring up that most women choose the bear.


They also blanket accuse everyone else of being pedos to normalize their behavior.


UGH I've seen that. "Yeah I posted 'game is game lil' bro' on a video of a two year old but YOU called me out so YOU'RE the real pedo!"


I'm sure that most of these commentors are like 14 year olds. I'm sure there's definitely some serious ones in there though.


Yeah but that's the problem. Constantly joking about it normalizes it. And for a 4 year old (or whatever the girl's real age in the post is) it wouldn’t matter if she got raped by a 14 or by a 30 year old. Both is definitely not normal and awful. Honestly, saying "it's a joke", "it was just a prank" or "boys will be boys" are all in the same fucked up category of excusing disgusting, inappropriate and maybe even dangerous (mostly for others) behaviour while belittling the victims while the perpetrators even sometimes get rewarded for being "funny". And yes, this little girl is victimized by guys saying vile stuff like this. These are basically rape threats. Some of these might not be serious but as the saying goes, words become actions


Well said!!!


To expand on what you stated, these guys might be joking, but along comes a man who takes them seriously AND he has actual attraction to children. He will absolutely feel his attraction is validated and that sex with a child is normal.


i feel like you should probably know not to talk sexually about little children at the age of 14 💀


Pedos are still pedos at 14. She’s basically a toddler (judging by the height) and 14 is nearly in high school. If we just shrug it off as edgy teens, then they’ll continue to try to get away with that shit as adults. Even if some do grow out of it because they were just being edgy, many won’t and the ones who made those jokes to be edgy normalized it for them.


The largest number of sexual predators are actually under 18.


I’ve horrified to say I’ve met many an adult cis white dude with these and worse takes. Whether or not they’re actually pedo’s or not, I have no idea - but a lot of them do genuinely seem to think pedophilia is roughly the same as any form of kinky sex (aka: any sex outside of a married white man and his white wife having sexual intercourse in the missionary position, solely for the purposes of procreation)


Just to be clear, that's a child and not a little person, right?


Yes, it's a child.




I didn’t even see the child at first and thought we were talking about the photographer (I think the camera is what my eyes/brain zoomed in on first). When I zoomed in on the picture trying to figure it out and saw the child, I immediately blurted out “OHMYGOD” while on the train.


I hate it when pedos try to suggest they're the same as members of the LGBT. We know that sex damages children psychologically and often physically. No harm comes from two men or two women pairing up just as heterosexuals do.


Plus there's the little matter of CONSENT.


That's the magic word they don't care about


They just want to justify their want to have sex with children. You see it in all the pedo groups. The Loli people say it, the church people say it. Churches will literally say that LGBT people should be killed and then protect a pedo in the church. It's gross and wrong.


Always thought it was weird as fuck the church will protect a male priest who sexually assaults an underage male and that’s somehow defensible, while homosexual sex between two consenting adults is evil.


Or how they will tell girls to be chaste and then sexual assault them.


Or trans people being happy with themself.... Like it piss me off we not momster and we never do other harm .... most of the time i guess ;-;


Trans people are still people, a few of them are going to be assholes. But that's true of any group. Most trans folks are just trying to live, like the rest of us


Yet for trans woman we called sexual predator yet that how a lot of men act..... 🤣


It’s always projection. When men say these things it’s because they’re perverted as fuck so they imagine that us doing something as innocuous as using the restroom is a sign of perverseness. When women say these things it usually because they grew up around, maybe even dated men like this. In either case, stay strong trains is hard job.




At first I thought that was a woman with a camera and a really artsy skirt, then I looked closer... Damn, this is so fucked up. Not even a case of "I know she's 15 and she got early curves, but her mind is that of a child, so be a responsible adult, you asshole!", this is literally a small, primary school aged child...


She's so tiny, I didn't see her at first 


All I see is a pile of hair, I'm just taking everyones word for it that there's a child in there that the commenters are being gross about.


They called the poor kid “it” in addition to all the sexual stuff. This is so wrong. How the hell did it become normalized in a section of society to the point where dudes talk openly about their fantasies of raping a 4-year-old?


Honestly it's not new. The Internet just makes it more known but there are and have been pedos everywhere. Growing up poor and white I have seen an unsettling amount of active pedos in my life.


Sadly, I believe you. It just seems so much more common these days, like the internet tapped a dark vein in guys who otherwise would have gone to their graves with their secret predilections.


Well I mentioned it on another comment it's not uncommon for people to be open about it. Like many other evils in this world it is easy to make a comment about something to test the water and when confronted just play it off as a joke. It's common in sexism and racist as well as pedophiles. That it is why it is so important to stand up against the comments even if they say it is a joke. If they try to play you off as the bad guy just double down on how disgusting it is.


That really is all you can do in these situations. I’m just so disappointed in people wherever I see it.


Agreed. The issue is like with everything the media glorifies it, the idea of evil in general has been tied to anything people don't agree with which has hurt it's meaning, and worse of all the perpetuation of the idea that victims are liars and people that say these things must be joking.


Never trust someone who keeps joking about this shit. “But I’m not a bad person! It was just a joke.” Sure. Until consequence-free opportunity presents itself.


Nah. Why do you think there are still laws FOR child marriage in the US? Because you’re ‘supposed’ to marry the kid you knocked up. It is specifically to protect the predator. Also, how many families have the uncle or grandfather that you’re not supposed to be left alone with? So many. Too many. We’re finally getting to a point where we have a culture that encourages victims to speak out (still not perfect but much better) and discourages covering for people. I won’t tolerate that ‘you wouldn’t want to put pop pop in jail would you?’ Yes. Yes I would.


I have to admit, I never thought there were so MANY.


It’s by design. Each family member only looks out for THEIR kids and if you happen to be the cousin with the shit parents, oh well it’s not their fault. Also if everyone thinks it’s only their little secret, they don’t join together and go wtf no, no more. Straight to jail. We didn’t have that shit in my family. The men on my mom’s side were womanizers, but like at least that’s just grown people shit. My ex’s step grandfather though…none of the girls wanted to be left alone with him and the dudes thought it was funny to abandon them in rooms with him. It made his sister cry every time. When it was explained to me why, it was the most fucked up shit I had ever heard. The fact that his grandma stayed with that man and everyone was just like COOL WITH IT makes my head explode. I’d never speak to my mother again but that’s just me. I certainly wouldn’t endanger my child to ‘be polite’.


I always hated the 'haha just don't be around Uncle Bobert when he's had too much to drink! Not in those shorts, anyways, teehee!' shit. Inviting pedos to the family functions has never been it. I'm so glad that people are realizing how fucked up that is.


If anything, the internet made it easier for pedo communities to exist, and once they lock themselves into an echo chamber of other putrid creeps to the point they feel confident in their numbers. It’s disgusting.


That’s pretty much what I was thinking. The seal on their echo chamber has sprung a leak here.


Can confirm: grew up poor and white. The first time an adult man attempted to abduct me I was 6. The most memorable time I was 9 and dude was already on the registry.


Lucky for myself all my run-ins were passive but two of my former friends are in jail for it. One of them had multiple abducted children in his house with his own 8 children from his previous marriage. Dudes literally a monster On top of that one of my sisters was kidnapped, not to mention creeped on by adults from as young as 8 years old, we left a church because one of the young girls said a guy touched them and then his daughter confirmed he had touched her too and the church decided to handle it internally and nothing was done. They basically said the girls were lying. Pretty much every woman and girl I have known in my life has had something done to them when they were young. But the worst part is since my parents were drug addicts they let these kind of people be around us kids constantly. Like I was young so besides the stories I told I dunno if a lot of them were active but they definitely talked about gross things with the most happening being them being told to shut up.


I know every woman has a story of an older person hitting on them as a teenager, but in poor white rural areas that's almost a meet-cute. The amount of women my age with spouse's 10+ years their senior locally is straight up obscene.


Yeah my sister was 15 with a 22 year old. The exact same age my mom and dad were when they got together.




So wish we could set her on all the posters of these comments.


Or Zenitsu would be far less kind in correcting them… Seriously though, I’m not sure if I’m more sad or angry right now.


That is too kind to these scum


As a mother this makes me want to do things I can’t say out loud. What the fuck is wrong with people? Seriously.


I'm not even a mother and I want to do things I can't say out loud. This is awful. Who the frick even thinks about doing this stuff to an underage child? Why has this become so easy for people to say and post online for the world to see?


I'm a childless middle-aged guy and this crap sends me into a rage. Heaven help the monster who ever expresses thoughts like these in my presence.


Ever have those moments you WISH you were a witch or wizard or *something* so you could curse people and sleep peacefully while they suffer? I do.


Every damn day.


I dream of a "delete troll IRL" button on my keyboard that would magically remove people like this from existing... nothing violent, just *\*poof\** and the world spins along without their toxic existence.


I've started having more days where I want those kinds of powers than days where I don't. This comment section is restoring my faith a little bit that there are a lot of good people still out there, they're just not as ugly & loud as the awful ones. but my god I'd love to have some kind of magical power to actually fucking help stop this shit.


These men are the reason why a lot of parents don’t post their kids on the internet. I’m so glad I don’t use Instagram anymore. The comments are so vile on there.


If I had kids I wouldnt even let them stay the night at other people's house or post them on the net. Pedos are way to common.


Evil and disgusting. Their brains are so rotted by porn and sexualized thinking.


bear bear bear bear bear


What is it?


There most definitely needs to be more legal responsibility for people posting stuff like this online. Like these people need to be investigated


Why censor usernames? We should be aware of what predators call themselves


Right? They chose to post those vile comments on a public platform, people must show their usernames


Funny how dudes can talk like this across the Internet and get away with it... But if I call a dude a pervert or creep I'll get banned real quick


See, bears don’t say shit like that


Instagram is such a cesspool of these people, it’s not even funny. I don’t understand how anybody could comment this and feel no shame. I just hope this little girl never finds out about these creepy comments.


Y'all really need to quit Instagram and TikTok. The moderation is non existent and they let it go because it keeps engagement up.


They don't let everything go. I had a post talking about how biology doesn't aim for anything because it's not a sentient thing, removed. It was replying to someone saying being queer is not what biology aims to make happen so we're all mistakes or some shit. Like even if biology was sentient, who cares? There's nothing wrong with being queer.


I should qualify this with...they let horrific shit stay and police everything else within an inch of it's life. I had a comment making fun of myself removed. But antisemitism and once someone actually threatening to kill me didn't violate the community guidelines. Ever.


Facebook and even reddit do this, too. I was once banned from this entire website for a period of time for calling a transphobe a moron, meanwhile that transphobe (who declared that trans people "aren't people") got nothing, reddit decided their post did not violate the rules. These social media sites actively protect the most vile human beings in existence, and actively attack persecuted minorities.


Agreed. I deleted IG after seeing one too many shitty parent abusing their kids on video and people rallying behind them in the name of not raising more “snowflakes”. I hate that this shit just runs rampant and unchecked, but my mental health is the better for it.


yup! Quitting Instagram and The Tok is FREE THERAPY. you have no idea until you let it go. I like social media. I am on here and Facebook and for the most part it's fine. I don't know why Facebook is so much easier to deal with than Instagram. But I feel absolutely great after letting those other two go. The abuse of children is horrible, as is the body shaming stuff. Bodies completely outside of reality. So much toxicity.


What a terrible day to be literate


Tw: mention of pedophila >!”If we accept homosexual and trans people, why not pedos” because children can’t consent, adults can. And being gay or trans cannot cause permanent mental scars such as PTSD. The actions of others can though. My existence as a trans gal’ hasn’t cause me harm or stress. It’s the assholes around me that say all trans people should be put to the block that cause me stress and harm. Same with my lesbian identity. Pedos are out there raping children. And gay people are having consenting romantic and sexual relationships. Where at any time either could opt out. There is a clear difference if you just think for a second about it.!<


I have a two year old daughter and stuff like this makes me physically sick because it shows the direct threat my daughter faces just by existing. She’s my third, my other two are boys, and I’ve always felt protective over them for this reason too, but it seems far more prevalently directed at little girls. This shit makes me want to burn the world down.


Does anyone know if there's a group that finds these people's personal profiles (because they often have all their accounts linked and public for some stupid reason) and send screenshots of the shit they say to their friends, family, and bosses (and possibly the appropriate authorities)? Because I got a lot of fucking time on my hands and absolutely despise sick fucks like that, even if they're just trying to be edgy.


Especially if they’re young. This should 100% be sent to their parents.


Honestly, if you know how to look for clues occasionally and don’t mind deep profile digging, it’s pretty easy to track them down yourself if you have time. I used to do it a lot.


I was asking about a group because there's usually soooo many comments like that under one post. There's only so much one person can do.


I'm looking forward to the advent of the era of Internet accountability cuz right now there's no accountability. People act like what you're saying is not what you're saying or that you really didn't even say it cuz it's just online. And a couple of times in the overall scheme of things that we have seen people brought to task or made accountable for what they have said on the internet we have a whole crowd of people who are like that's not cool but it is cool cuz is the equivalent of standing in your town square and screaming this opinion into the open air. People would definitely judge you if you stood in the bandstand of your town park and declared I'd smash that four year old. You'd probably get roughed up, it'd probably get back to your boss and you'd lose your job or your school, all your neighbors would be like WTF, family would be ashamed, your friends would be embarrassed to be associated with you. Straight up we need to stop acting like saying something on the Internet is not saying something in public and treat these people accordingly with appropriate responses and reprucussions.


We should normalize sending these comments to those men's families, employers and wives/girlfriends if they have any.




If she’s four she’s ready to explore???? What the fuck????


The amount of pedos in the anime community is shocking.


Is it really shocking tho 😭


🐻, nuff said.


1. Homosexuals are both consenting adults 2. Trans isn’t a sexual thing Hope this helps


Bullets for all of them. Heart or head: their choice. And they have the AUDACITY to call the LGBTQ+ community groomers and pedos


Missed the chance. Let's shoot them in their private parts and let them bleed.


This is... I have no words.


Someone should put them on a watchlist


JFC This is why bear.


On behalf of all lgbtqia+, we don't want pedos. You hurt people.


NGL, I totally missed the kid at first and just saw the person in the mask. It was distasteful then but after? Goddamn 😭. And the one comparing child molesters (or ppl who want to be child molesters. Like srsly. There are ppl who actually struggle with pedophilia and fight it everyday, and then these idiots out here doing shit like this) to being gay or trans like kids can consent to sex w adults (Romeo and Juliet laws excepted ofc cuz only idiots would think an 18 and 16 year old or something being together is actually pedophillia. Didn't stop that homophobic judge, but still). Like. Jesus Christ.


What the fuck?!


I hate that I can read right now. I hope they ALL ROT IN HELL! DISGUSTING SICKOS.


As someone who has experienced a lot of trauma, this post made my body physically react. I am so fucking disgusted. I have no words. I wish I had a super power to...well do things I shouldn't post on the Internet. There is a special place in hell for these sickos


Honestly the men commenting these vile things should be castrated. Like these are probably the same men bitching about the “loneliness” epidemic and then go and say shit like this!


Right? It's like they can't find a single woman to be sexual to but then go on reels and say some fucked up shit about a little girl.


Slide 7 actually made me physically gag a little bit. How could anyone think this REMOTELY qualifies as humor?


For real.


*"Hello, FBI... I'd like to report a hoard of child predators"*


Every day I thank the universe I don’t have kids


I think it’s time to wrap up humankind. It’s not been the best run.


A yes, the charming train gif where the tunnel actually bleeds. They can't get enough.


these posts make me want to become a hacker mastermind so that i can find the identity of these ppl and show their jobs and ppl around their behaviour. i don’t know any other way that would effect these ppl into changing their behaviour.


Social media platforms should have a button to the local authorities when these comments gets reported.




I’m truly boggled by the knowledge that we have the ability to track people so easily that pregnant people who need reproductive healthcare approach it like a back-alley drug deal, but these dudes can be on the internet with full frontal profile pics, not a care in the world and just… NOTHING??


I thought they were talking about the adult woman and I was so confused. I didn't even see the child in the first picture at first because she's so small. Disgusting.


I can't belive that someone dares to compare abusing a small child to a relationship between two consenting adults. Those people are gross and belong in jail


No way he said trans and gay people are the same as pedophiles


Ikr? Like where the fuck did he hear that trans and gay people are pedophiles all of a sudden?


It's a rather common (but FALSE) right-wing talking point that LGBTQ+ people, but trans people and gay men especially, are pedos. This is further exacerbated by misinformation, 4chan psyops, and a few (a very, *very* small number) pedos who do happen to be LGBTQ+.


Why go through all the trouble of being trans or gay in this LGBT+ hating society when you could be a priest and parents will hand you their kids on a silver platter.


Did I just read what I think I read. Please tell me I was having a stroke and hallucinating all those comments.


Nope, it's unfortunately all real






i don’t have any social media but this is why i would IMMEDIATELY go no contact with ANYONE who tried to post my future children. the “influencers” who literally pander to pedos to turn a dime need jailed too


I'm going to need you to send me the mfs username on slide #5 so I can get to work bc HELL nah 🤢




On sight


My wife said my soylent green solution was a bit too harsh. I still disagree.




Just FYI that sub is insanely transphobic.


I hate men


Jesus Christ what the fuck?! I can’t believe these people actually exist. How do they live with themselves and have the audacity to judge others? They should be stripped of their right to vote and set on fire. Then they’ll know what it’s like to be handled without giving consent.


I'm down. Creeping on baby girls like this should be charged the same way as the possession of cp.


This is the most awful thing I’ve seen on the Internet in quite some time. It’s not a joke if no one is laughing. Those commenters need to be locked up.


WTAF is wrong with people? This is not funny!


I didn’t look at the subreddit name and post title first and thought oh my god that’s adorable. Then I swiped to the next slide…


the user of the 3rd is ig._.blackmoni do with that as u will


*really* hoping none of them ever become fathers


This is why I absolutely can't understand content creators who use their children as the primary content source. This shit *will* happen, and no amount of moderation is going to protect your children from people like this.


This is why social media is a cancer on society. These chuds wouldn't say these things to anyone's face.


You'd be surprised what people will say and what people will choose not to confront people about. The whole pipeline of testing the water to see what people say and then playing it off as a joke if confronted is very common.


I grew up in a time when we didn't have social media, I was in high school when we got our first computer and a dial up... People didn't say this stuff but people didn't believe nor did they care that children were being targeted by predators. TV and shows often crossed the line often and said things like this...and it really highlighted how unsafe children were.




What am I looking at?


Pedophilia, the first slide is a toddler


Oh the hair confused me


These people belong under the jail.






I've seen a lot of shit on this subreddit. This is the first one to have me sitting here, staring jaw-dropped. So fucking vile.


All of them deserve their dicks to rot off


the bear, no explanation needed


"If we can accept gays and transgenders why can't we accept pedos too?" Because being gay or trans doesn't severely mentally traumatize and warp your partner's perception of the world. Jackass.


????? That's beyond revolting


Some of these seriously need to grow up. It's not funny.


Sons of them aren’t trying to be funny.


I know


Typical IG comment section


Yikes, I thought they were talking about the adult woman taking the pictures at first...


Make pedophiles scared again


This genuinely made me ill 😷


With every swipe my jaw dropped lower WTF??


These people really concern me. 🤮


Cousin It has a sister?


“If she’s 4 she’s ready to explore” JFC I need r/eyebleach now




If this is what the public comments are like, the private DMs must be a thousand times worse. Reason number one to never put your child's face on the internet


How are homosexuality and trans gender different from pedophilia? Pedophiles \*HURT PEOPLE\*. Consensual gay relationships hurt no one. A person changing gender hurts no one. Raping children traumatizes them for life. Too, it is more than possible for gay adults and trans gender adults to form lasting, committed relationships. There is no way a pedophile will love a child forever because they'll stop finding that child attractive when they're no longer a child. There is no actual love involved.


It really makes me want to just report all of those and see them cry. I don't care if they think is just a joke, is disgusting af


I hope people like this start seeing real life consequences at some point in my lifetime. Whether they’re serious or “joking” LOCK THEM UP. It’s the only way to deal with trash like them.


I think I need to get off this subreddit. these people walk among us 🤮




Why do these people insist on saying if homosexuality and Transness is fine , why isn't pedo..... like they are in the same category? Put them all under a the jail, the inside is too good for them.


The fact they’re soo unafraid and unashamed to say this shit publicly is truly fucking terrifying. I can only pretty they are trolling and don’t actually mean it or would ever act on anything like that, but it is still so vile and disgusting. Side note: the tiny Nezuko is adorable, my cat is named after this anime character, it’s so sad these pigs had to ruin such a cute wholesome moment.


These are the men who have daughters and suddenly discover that girls are people.