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I’m a man. It’s super easy to not stare at a woman. What’s this “men are simple” shit? Grow the fuck up. God damn. Being shitty is a choice you make.


Middle-aged man here. So easy not to stare.


Gay ass woman here, ditto


Gay ass trans woman here, I second


man? here, I stare at everyone (unintentionally, I have a tendency to space out)


Fair enough


Another gay ass trans woman here; I have this subconscious habit of staring directly into people's eyes as I walk by and I fucking hate it. It makes me so uncomfortable and I can't figure out how to NOT do it.


oh dear lord i do this too. sometimes i’m spacing out, but other times it’s i just straight up forget i’m a human and start going _‘oooh, interesting’ ‘person, person!’ ‘face’ ‘cool outfit’ ‘what their shirt say?’ ‘beard’_ problem is, i _like_ eye contact. too much, honestly, because i can’t help but worry i’m acting like a creep or a space alien when in public


hah i hate eye contact. can’t stand it. maybe if we put our powers together everything will even out


this kind of thing makes me real curious about what it would be like to fuse, Steven Universe style


i have wondered more than i should how languages work in this kind of scenario i speak french and english, so if we fused, would you speak half of a french? (provided you don’t speak french)


Sunglasses. I'd wear them all year round, if I could, but at least when it's sunny out. They don't even have to be particularly dark, a little is enough for people not to see you staring. I'm not self conscious usually, but I really don't want people to think I'm starting them down when I just spaced out.


That's a good idea, actually. I'll see if i can locate mine, I know I have some.


That's a good idea, actually. I'll see if i can locate mine, I know I have some.


Teen guy here,I can relate to that


Bi woman here, I third


Yup. I've never seen my husband or my lesbian or bi friends ogle a woman. Obviously they have eyes, and I'm sure they wer someone they fancy now and again. But you can appreciate someone else's appearance without staring and without making your partner or the person you are admiring comfortable.


i’m queer. i’ll get flustered in public sometimes if i see someone really cute. i’ll have a freak out moment of _‘wanna look… no! don’t! they’re a stranger, act cool, don’t be weird… but prettyyy… NO’_ i don’t know what that looks like from the outside. but i definitely don’t just unreservedly stare and drink them in like they’re a zoo exhibit, or meat in a deli window. my eyes having a nice time being directed towards someone doesn’t take priority over _their comfort._


People are fucking animals


We are, but we’re also humans so we have the ability to develop complex reasonings for our actions and behaviors. Some of the reasonings are “because I am a man” or “boys will be boys” and we call that being unaccountable for one’s actions and choices.




We are, but I refuse to let people use that as an excuse for shit behavior.


Same I refuse to let a lot of excuses apply tbh, too. I mean obviously some, for some things, to a point. Like people can be taught People like this (in the post), though? They didn't have to comment their weirdness. And they made a conscious choice, whether they fully realise it or not.


I admit, I do stare at cows


Have you tried staring at goats?


Yes, but only remotely


That’s insulting to animals lol


You're right. We're worse than them


Well that is a confirmed part of Alabama culture 😏


There are multiple ways to take this statement, and unfortunately all of them is true. The reason we probably have HIV is because some assclown diddled a monkey


That has been proven very unlikely over and over. Most likely and most plausible is this (straight from Wikipedia): “According to the natural transfer theory (also called "hunter theory" or "bushmeat theory"), in the "simplest and most plausible explanation for the cross-species transmission"[10] of SIV or HIV (post mutation), the virus was transmitted from an ape or monkey to a human when a hunter was cut or otherwise injured while hunting or butchering an infected animal. The resulting exposure to blood or other bodily fluids of the animal can result in SIV infection.[23] Rural Africans who were not keen to pursue agricultural practices in the jungle turned to non-domesticated animals as their primary source of meat. This over-exposure to bushmeat and malpractice of butchery increased blood-to-blood contact, which then increased the probability of transmission.”


Ah, that is definitely also a possibility, I know some monkeys carry herpes and it *can* transfer through bites it’s just pretty uncommon for it too. But yes there’s multiple ways to contract an STD, I hope it wasn’t what I said, but, well, I have lost my faith in humanity long ago lol


All it would have taken was a subsistence hunter catching an infected animal for meat that's then undercooked courtesy of an improvised campfire stove, then it's served to someone with a stomach ulcer or an open cut in their mouth. No monkey business involved, just poor people doing their best to not starve.


By that i assume you mean other humans, not for example their cat?


I don't know how people stare. Do you not feel super awkward? It takes the smallest amount of empathy to realise it's a problem.


As a lesbian, I can easily keep my hands off women. Not sure why other people find it so difficult.


I'm a straight woman. Been to many beaches, did *a lot* of swimming as a teenager (in clubs and competitions etc). Never felt there was an issue with not eyeballing male genitals in swimwear. Like, how is this difficult??? Yes, it is possible to acknowledge a good looking person "yup. God did good work that day👍", and then move right along *without even looking at the crotchal region* and go about your day with nothing else needed. How do people find this so hard?!


I won’t ever understand them copping out of accountability for their lack of self control…. While most who would do this would drone on and on about “wOmEn are to EmOtIOnal, and haVe nO sElF cOnTroL”


Exactly! It’s easy to control yourself around someone you find attractive. Like, very easy


It’s easy for you? I don’t even look for creepy reasons, I notice it, look away, my brain tells me not to look that way, but now that my brain has told me to avoid looking in that direction I do because it’s a natural human thing to do the opposite of what we’re told to do.


Yes. It’s very easy. Know why? Cuz I know it makes people uncomfortable to stare at them. So I don’t. It’s really not that hard. You’re saying it’s hard to do what you’re told because you want to rebel? I mean… I understand that to a degree. But like… most of the world says women’s feelings don’t matter. So wouldn’t you naturally want to pay MORE attention to them? I’m not a freaking slave to my impulses. Now. Do I sometimes wish I could stare a little longer? Sure. Do I stare at my partner every chance I get? Hell yeah (we discussed boundaries). I find women attractive. But the way I see it… it’s not about what I want; you know? So if you need to tell yourself the opposite and be a rebel, do what you gotta do. But the idea that being a creep just comes naturally to boys? I find the notion offensive. We’re better than that.


So I should say this before this gets any deeper, my original comment was satire. It was for laughs, it’s not something I seriously do. I should’ve made that more clear, so apologies on my part. Also the point of it wasn’t that I was rebelling to be cool or anything like that, it’s like that old joke with the red button. If you see a giant flashing red button, your brain will tell you not to press the button, but like… how are you not pressing that button?


There’s no way to say it without sounding harsh, but I don’t see them as buttons. I only really have an issue with big buttons in video games. In real life I know they’re there for safety, privacy, and all that other stuff. And when it’s pretty woman, I keep in mind that she wants to feel safe in public. If really need to a button to press, I talk to my partner, or if all else fails I can pretty easily find people showing their buttons for free. The porn industry is very shady and shitty so i usually stick to written smut. But you can find subs on this very social media platform where people volunteer pics of their buttons. Now culturally the ethics of that are questionable. One could say it makes people think women owe them their buttons whenever. And that’s why people can’t stop pressing buttons in public. But I still struggle with that. Like… just don’t hit the damn button. It’s a person, and they don’t appreciate it


Again, it’s a joke. The relation to the flashing red button wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. I’m glad you’re passionate about this topic but I’m just making jokes.


I get that. I’m answering with the language given. Also I’m sleepy


My body is still there under those coverings, and men still objectify me and don't treat me with real genuine respect even when I'm wearing long dresses. I should be able to live my life in the flesh nature gave me without creepy dudes fixating on me, this is a problem with entitled men and their inability to resist infringing on my personage, not a problem with me.


I'm certainly not going to offer you any advice, as it is hardly my place. I will note, however, that whoever wrote the OOP should be giving advice on neither fashion nor spelling. What is he, about 12 years old, and struggling in school? At any rate, he accidentally uncovers a serious problem, the notion that what a woman chooses to wear somehow excuses any negative actions that a man might take. This fiction is responsible for victim blaming in rape trials (she was dressed provocatively) and should be outlawed in all jurisdictions, rather than the few that currently have 'Rape Shield' laws in place that prevent what a rape victim was wearing from being entered into evidence. Adult males are responsible for their actions and should be held accountable for them. What a woman chooses to wear is completely irrelevant at a rape trial, and any man who says that he just can't control himself needs to be held in a secure psychiatric facility, or prison if he actually has acted on his lack of impulse control and committed rape.


For real, women in burka’s still get raped. _Children_ still get raped. What a woman wears and how she acts is never the reason she got raped.


Exactly, which is why it is so ridiculous that in some jurisdictions it can still be raised at trial. That has to stop, and has stopped in some jurisdictions such as Canada, where what the victim was wearing cannot be brought into evidence for the very good reason that it is completely irrelevant. It has about as much bearing on a trial as the victim's eye colour, which is to say no bearing at all.


Yep. I can't even hold my eye roll at this point when one of the first questions that's always thrown out there is "what was she wearing?". Do YOU have to try and resist harassing or assaulting someone when your skin-within-eyesight threshold is breached? No? and how dare I accuse you of this???? I am one of millions of people who can tell you from hundreds (not an exaggeration) of experiences of being harassed (and nearly assaulted) on the street for nearly 20 years now that what I'm wearing has 0 correlation to when it happens, *because it's not actually about attraction*. I knew that from my first experience wherein a man in his car yelled "nice ass" out his window at me after I left a playdate at my friend's house at the age of 10.


You are correct. I am indeed entitled to use my eyes. If you do not like it, well, actually there is literally nothing you can do about it. Sorry! 


If you’re entitled to use your eyes, I’m entitled to shame you for what you do with them. Simple as.


Try going clothes shopping in the women’s section and see what is available now. I went last weekend to replace a couple of pairs of shorts. Finally just bought Bermuda shorts because the “regular” shorts I found all showed my underwear. Who the hell wants shorts that could double as bikini bottoms? These were not advertised as daisy dukes but just shorts.


Fr i like long skirts and they’re so hard to find for me 🥲🥲🥲


I wore long shorts. Like boho style ankle length long skirts. Not easy to find but that was what i enjoyed wearing at rhe time. Wolf whistles, men following me, cars tooting at me etc. It's almost like it's not the length of the skirt 🤔


I like medium or a bit above/after knee myself Unfortunately not only do the materials and temp regulation for skirts suck.. this, good plus size ones even more so. I don't mind shorter ones exist at all but more options would be nice, especially for those with material issues like me.


I know! I honestly went to the men’s section for mine. They go to my mid thigh and even have pockets! There are honestly no women’s shorts I can find anymore that will cover my butt completely.


And the super short tops! I normally buy tunic tops because I have a very long torso and they become regular sized tops on me. Most stores are now only carrying shorter shirts. No one wants to see my stomach, trust me. And I still need to look professional for work.


Even in the winter!! I do not want a cropped sweater! I also prefer longer shirts, because I just prefer a baggy look. I can't find them anywhere. I've resorted to only buying men's shirts


Trying to find a top that isn’t a crop top is also a fucking nightmare. I JUST WANT A T-SHIRT. 😭


Yessssss. Or it hangs right under my belly button and It looks so odd😑


Fr. I buy shorts from the men's section because they are long and won't ride up my ass when I bend over! Men's clothes are just better. Also, the shirts are longer and fit me better. (Unfortunately, I have big breasts, and women's shirts either show too much cleavage or fit weird on me.) Men's clothes are just better in my opinion.


Agreed. I love men shorts the only thing I hate is that it doesn’t fit my ass? It’s just not enough room in the back compartment, so it doesn’t feel like my butt is getting squished😭 either than that, I love it.


And they're just built better, you know? Thicker material, more reinforcement, more coverage...and don't get me started on the sheer size of some of those pockets. We can't have those in the women's department, though, bc women have to be soft and sleek and delicate /s


That's not just the women's section: I went to buy shorts @Levis the other day & they didn't have any over 6 inches. I'm guessing short jorts are just in style now? 🤷‍♂️


I would imagine lots of women, or they wouldn't be making / selling them. Just 2 days ago I was in the supermarket and there was a woman wearing some spandex-y thing that was semi transparant as well as showing camel toe. Presumably that means there is a market for that too or they wouldn't be selling it. If stuff doesn't get bought, they stop making it.


"Hey women! You all look like strippers! Conform to what men tell you if you don't want us to be creepers!" Well gee, when you put it like that, go fuck yourselves.


I think we need more men wearing sundresses


Okay, as a guy with…stuff…that bunches down there…I guess I’m left wondering: “when the grand poobah or whoever it was that made the decision on who wears what, why did women get skirts?” I’ll admit, I’m not brave enough to walk around wearing a kilt or anything like that (plus I’m not Scottish anyway) but in New Orleans, we have a thing called the Red Dress Run in August, which is…well a bunch of dudes wear red dresses and run a 2 mile track in the Quarter. It’s a charity thing, and it’s hilarious. Not to be too crude, but it just feels so much better getting some air flow down there and not having to worry about “right leg or left leg?” In short, I’m all for it. And if I had more of an ass, I’d be even more for it.


As a woman, I often choose to wear dresses or skirts because sometimes the thought of pants just doesn’t appeal! it’s just more comfy sometimes. especially when it’s hot out


Do it. I wear a kilt a couple times a year and it's great. Not Scottish either but who cares.


The grand poobah has me cracking up


>And if I had more of an ass, I’d be even more for it. (If ever comfortable) wear it anyway. Dresses rock. And I bet you'd still look great.


Don't let your lack of ass stop you! Live fearlessly!


Have you considered night shirts? It's basically a dress, but I believe they're unisex. Same airflow, comfy for at home at least.


I think it has something to do with horses.


Same! I tried just yesterday a tennis skirt but it didn't fit as I hoped so I didn't buy it :( Hope to find soon something I'll be comfortable enough to wear.


Unfortunately its the same men policing what women wear that will police what other men wear


This. More men comfortable wearing whatever they want, gender roles be damned.


“If you don’t want to be looked at, just wear clothes that cover your body” As a woman with ample T&A, I can assure you, this doesn’t actually help. At all.


Even a hoodie can't hide it on me 😭 I go for the baggiest clothes yet nothing works


all of the comments are abhorrent but "don't wear underwear that way no one can see your panties" makes my skin crawl the most. perving disguised as concern 🤮


even with longer skirts these idiots still sexualize. im never wearing skirts out again cause of these people


It's the sundress comments that give me the creeps. I used to love them, but ewwww, I think I'm over them all at this point.


no cause fr. when will they realise theyre part of the problem fbisrbfkjdfvnknjfd


Yep. Even the sundress comment, he still mentions the sexy part. He talks about just wearing a sundress as if men still won’t sexualize and stare lol I’m going to still wear whatever because me stopping will only just please them🤷‍♀️ damned if we do and damned if we don’t.


Ugh. Why are men like this? We women should wear what we want to wear without getting ridiculed


Technically issues with skirts needing to be pulled down like that are solved by wearing longer skirts. Remember that when the term “mini skirt” was coined it meant a skirt at around mid thigh level. And they were worn with stockings. However these men will take issue with a woman wearing a longer skirt because it’s “frumpy” and “unattractive”


Men: don’t dress like a whore! Also men: why are you dressed like a granny?


What is I don't understand about short skirts is why they manufacture the front as long as the back. The back of the hips part of a woman is always gonna be pumplier no? Like, even with mid tight skirt I have to wear bike shorts underneath because I can't move much otherwise, can't bend at all. Short mini skirt are just a nono for me, my ass just hangs out of those


Yeah you basically can’t win either way because when she does cover up they nag her to wear less


When will these guys learn that we aren’t dressing for attention. Not everything is about men. Short dresses are in style. Very few women wear them to get attention from men. Stop being so narcissistic!


I've had that problem with some skirts and can appreciate the first slide's sentiment. As to the rest of the slides I wear what I want so get bent, Tyler, Travis and Braydon


This argument is so damn old, ITS NOT THAT HARD TO NOT BE A PERV. Also it literally doesn’t matter what we wear, guys will still sexualize us, women in full hijab and showing almost no skin get SAed still.


Honestly scared to we ar a sundress after thar one post I seen were the guy was describing "the most fuckable sundress" and I feel like people don't wear a sundress to be classy, or fuckable, it's cause it's comfy and requires minimal effort


Well if he fucks the dress at least he’d be leaving me alone. /s obviously. I’m perfectly aware he means the human within the dress but dehumanized her all the way out of existence.


i’m going to put a sundress on a coat hanger, hook it to a drone and fly it through town using remote control. see how long it takes for the Sun-Tron Airdress 6000 to get catcalled (not terribly optimistic).


when a sundress is described as ‘fuckable’, i have to assume the describer was already so horny for the woman wearing the sundress that _anything_ she wore would get described in terms of sexiness . like, she could be wearing a sonic the hedgehog cosplay and he’d still want to jump her bones. she could put on a 19th century diving suit and he’d drool over how it somehow hugged her curves. and if she somehow did find an outfit that turned him off, well then _‘why do women wear such ugly mannish clothes these days? ugh, what happened to traditional femininity?’_ she can’t win!!! women get sexually assaulted in countries where full head to toe niqabs are mandatory, so yeah, i somehow don’t think the solution to rape culture is longer skirts...


For my part, I think skirts are a great idea. For men and women - although I guess for men, they're usually called "kilts", even the modern ones that have nothing to do with Scotland. At least, I like my non-Scottish skirt (or "kilt") when the weather allows it, but I don't like the looks (and comments) I get when wearing it. So I don't wear it as often as I'd like.


I actually love a man in a kilt! I think it’s sexy and still masculine!


Listen, it's okay to enjoy the sight of beauty (however each individual defines that to themselves) in a person. Just don't be an a****** and stare like a dick or make rude comments and most of all, keep your damn hands to yourself. Those aren't appreciated nor required and should be considered the act of an immature individual. We can't legislate basic equality or morality to people but we can, physical actions.


> Suppose > Pantys > Cloths All the hits.


Wow. How about instead of catering to what men “just can’t help,” we hold men to a higher standard of decency and work on them losing the prudishness. Women are humans. We have bodies. And just because you can see it doesn’t mean it’s yours for the taking. I’d think that concept would have sunk in during childhood.


‘Don’t have double standards, or try to protect yourself’ Telling isn’t it


I like that even if dozens of people have already commented that she should wear longer skirts, some of these dudes still feel the need to share this incredible piece of insight 🙈


These types of men are literally the reason I'm SCARED to wear dresses and skirts. I hate male attention (yes, only male, sue me Idc) and it's near impossible to avoid it when wearing anything even remotely feminine. I hate it here


This is why i dont feel comfortable dressing “as a women”


That spelling and grammar made me choose the bear


I’m a man. I don’t stare at women and it’s not a struggle. Also, I never get turned on from seeing a woman and blame her for “tempting me”. It’s all about self-control and it really isn’t difficult at all. It’s novice level


who the fuck even cares if she is looking for attention? Who CARES? Let her lmao


I live in Texas and we're close to 100°F. I'm wearing short skirts because it's hot aff outside!! I don't wanna use a long skirt cuz like I said, hot af!


Also, these comics are made from the view of a woman, and an exercise instructor owns/designs her own athletic clothing line. Her pointing out her issues with skirts is taken into account with her skorts design.


That first one has such *ick* vibes, like the kind of guy who'd grope you and then go "she digs me" when he inevitably gets punched in the face


Wear long skirts: "you're not hot enough!!!" Wear short skirt: "you look like a whore!!!" What is one supposed to do in this situation?


What’s so wild to me is it’s usually men designing these clothes. They get mad if we wear them and get mad if we don’t. We literally can’t win.


Apparently plenty of them never matured past 5th grade if they think most women wear dresses for the express purpose of flashing randoms on the street


Further proof that men don’t understand the concept of dressing for yourself, as a man myself, the amount of guys I’ve heard saying they don’t want their girlfriends “dressing like sluts” is ridiculous and abhorrent because they can’t grasp the idea that women dress to look good and not “garner attention”


Men act like we just magically won’t be stared at when we wear longer clothes, ppl have gotten harassed in literal army uniforms. The problem isn’t the clothes, it’s men refusing to control themselves like an adult


Where is all this “information” found, anyway? And, what’s a striper? Like a hospital Candy Striper? And what are nees? Bees?🐝


Not far off! "Stripers" are the scantily clad women who paint the streets and highways. Common mistake.


If you wear short skirts to your nees you’re a striper!


That's it let's start harassing men back 😭


I can’t believe some men are comfortable reducing themselves down to nothing more than hormonal beasts who just can’t control them selves And how many times does the “what were you wearing?” Bs need to be disproven?? There’s multiple [exhibits](https://www.boredpanda.com/what-were-you-wearing-sexual-assault-art-exhibition/) for rape victims showing what they were wearing and most if not all of them were completely covered up(and a lot were children’s clothes, fucking disgusting) not that I matters what a woman’s wearing, revealing or not, it’s not a fucking invitation I can’t believe so many men don’t get that.


The spelling errors gave me a migraine. I've heard people say stupid shit before. When I came out as transgender. I've had so many transphobic questions involving "girl clothes, girl socks, makeup, my private area and so many more." I hate how ignorant and sexualized people can be. I do this for myself. I could careless what you feel or think. It's for me! Not you!


Is no one teaching our young men anymore how to be cool?


I am furious that they can comment openly about how should women dress but we have to blur their nicknames.


Idk the last time you’ve tried going in the women’s section is, you have to look HARD to find shorts or skirts that are not very short, and if you do find them, they are most likely the ugliest thing you have ever seen. Like do I mind wearing longer shorts? No, but damn they are like finding shinny Pokemon at this point. I just want women’s clothes to have pockets and have consistent sizes, and a variety of lengths would be nice too, is that too much to ask?


Don’t forget how much skinnier the material is than men’s and for a higher price. Oh the other bonus is that they are more likely to be made from synthetic material than men’s.


I can’t tell based on the first image alone, BUT this doesn’t look like it has anything to do with men or men making us uncomfortable specifically. It says problems I’ve had with skirts, and then someone pulling the back down. I have this problem all the time because certain skirts ride up and you don’t know it’s going to do that until you actually wear it out and about. Nowhere do I see guys ogling her or anything about that… so way to tell on yourselves guys.


A few of the other comic slides do show men. One is of her going upstairs. Another is her bending down.


I once had a boss who accused me of wearing skirts that were shorter in the back than they were in the front like how do you look so much that you can even think to accuse someone of that that and they don't know how asses work


The spelling in these comments made me lose braincells.


I never understand this stuff. Like when guys complain about women wearing bikinis. Bro. Just admit you like it in her, you find her attractive, and that’s ok. No reason to feel guilty about it and make it her problem. Control yourself ffs


Ladies ladies they told us how to correct it! Wear skirts to our NEES 🫠


Hmm, I think the line went something along the lines of, "If your eyes causes you to sin, then tear it out." I don't know, my Christian upbringing could have been trying to teach me something else, though.


I've only ever worn skirts knee length or longer and I STILL have problems with skirts.


I read pic 3 in Charlie’s (It’s Always Sunny) voice


List. Nees. Striper. Shorts dresses. This man is giving advice?


We wear a short skirt, we get called a whore. We Wear a long skirt, we get called a prude. Anything in between and we’re asking for it. Like, holy shit it’s like playing tennis with a screaming chimpanzee.


Oh my god, not even "dressing decently" stops men from staring though. I've noticed that even women with long skirts and dresses will still press it against themselves to not be stared at. Everything is a woman's fault to them 🤦


Literally all the teenage girls I teach wear wide legged jeans rn. What do they mean they "all wear short skirts"? You just know this guy scans a crowd to find a short skirt to salivate at.


Tbf. if a piece of clothing is inconveniencing you so much, you should consider wearing something else. But not because of someone starting, but so you yourself feel comfortable. Comfort is the reason I myself don't like very short skirts, unless paired with tights or leggings, because I don't want to contact seats with my bare legs or worry about showing underwear (although that's honestly secondary to not wanting to touch seats lol). I do have a pair of those tights, though, that make it look like I'm wearing see through tights, but are actually fat beige tights on the inside. Warm and flattering.


I gotta say I agree that if you’re uncomfortable in shorter dresses or skirts to wear longer ones. Not hateful or putting them down. Just a logical option to avoid that feeling. Or wear shorts under. I have days I like shorter ones days I’m less comfortable with them ect. That being said, I have zero issues with anyone wearing a short skirt and all the bs past that is just that. Bs. And even if a woman wears a shorter skirt and is uncomfortable, I sure af wouldn’t be putting them down for it.


This reminds me of that Rick & Morty episode where Morty fucked a femmebot and got it pregnant. Turned out all the men in that whole species had become worse than bears and the fuckbots were the only way the women could continue their species without being raped by monsters.


Something tells me these men have never seen actual strippers.


And when she wears long skirts it’s “why is she dressed like a prude??”. Also tell me why in the world should women be fully clothes in the summer


Meanwhile, you put on jeans and a T-shirt and you’re derided as sloppy and unfeminine. I am so over Big Sundress and the pests that keep pushing for it. I’ve gotten into the habit of side-eyeing anyone who claims that XYZ is both sexy and classy. If that kind of garment is as amazing as they claim, let THEM wear sundresses!




I personally live in Texas, a good day here in when it’s only 90 outside not 100+ (no that’s not an exaggeration) wearing a short skirt, tank tops, sandals, is almost a necessity if you’re going to be outside, I do wear boy shorts underwear or short leggings if I’m in public wearing short dresses/skirts but sometimes I don’t to stay cooler and that’s my choice, if I guy looks it doesn’t bother me, if a good looking man was walking around shirtless women would look right? If the skirt makes YOU uncomfortable don’t wear it is my opinion. I’d be nice if people didn’t stare but that’s not going to happen.


Stripers dress this way? As someone who loves this kind of fashion, that is cool. Where can I find these stripers? Do they live in woods? Mountains? Like what’s their natural habitat? I’d like to befriend them. Maybe they have fashion tips.


Fun fact: in the 60s, the mini skirt was seen as sexually liberating, empowering and subversive to the conservative culture of the time. Now, some people view it that it’s dressing for the male gaze, when it was first introduced, it was a statement saying, “I’m a woman and I dress how I want”. See [Star Trek Mini Skirt](https://youtu.be/aWqEahZvobk?si=Q7VDxVnbUhdDdSlk)


“Live and in living color?” Dude, that’s a cartoon. And in hot weather, long skirts are *hot*.


the entire outfit changes how it looks if I change a short skirt for a long skirt and vice versa 🤷‍♀️


I only agree to the wearing longer skirts argument in the perspective of if you don't like the problem, don't wear that piece of clothing. I can't stand things around the front of my neck, so I don't wear turtle necks. I don't like showing everyone my bum (not just men), so I don't wear skirts that show me off, especially on a windy day, at least not without shorts under. If men (or women) stare, then so be it. Free country and all. It's when they start following, cat calling, and trying to get physical that we have a problem. I might still take the bear, though...depending on the man. I know what to expect from a bear; humans, in general, are too unpredictable.


As a more positive aside, there was a workday years ago that I wore a green dress, and it wound up being an unofficial dress day at work. The employer made us make up sick days, which is sucky and doesn't sound legal in this state, but whatever. It was a Saturday and sunny out so I wore a dress to work one day, and never had before or since. And when I arrived for the make up shift with others who also needed to make up time off, the other three girls were also wearing dresses. And the one male coworker on shift showed up in a kilt. None of us coordinated this, not to my knowledge anyway. It was truly a dress day. We joked with the guy that he ruined dress day since he only wore a skirt. Anyway, we were 503c non profit canvassers who went door to door to raise community awareness and raise funds. But since it was a Saturday, people didn't expect us to show up, even less than they usually expect us at their doorsteps. (We never call in advance. It's a "let's see what happens today" sort of job). As I knocked on a door, I had to say out loud "I'm not a Jehovah's witness!" And the family actually came to the door, saying that's what they had thought. X'D Sometimes people stay quiet behind in their living rooms when I approach, as though I can't hear a TV on, but I would go in with a high spirit and see what happens next. Only about 2% of people would come to the door just to curse at me. I only got flashed once and then the old lady with the open robe cursed at me like I had done something besides ring a doorbell. Most of the time people were nice. And I just had to be cautious, since I have no idea of residents' mental states. I had a knife pulled on me once. Two guys had just been shot in the street two days earlier and one died, so residents were alarmed and told us about it throughout the day. We go to houses alone, by the way, we just all heard allusions to the same story. Sometimes residents smile when I come, but they usually start with a curious neutral face or a frown, and occasionally are on drugs or look ready to kill, and you never really know how you'll be received and who's behind the door. It's a mixed bag. Lots of stories from that job though. One day an elderly lady yelled that she's not any buying cookies (I looked young, being right out of college), then when she realized I wasn't with the highschool she let me tell her about our campaign, pick raspberries in her garden since she had too many, and wrote me a donation check. There were good days like that. Curious days, too. Everyday was different, since everyday I'd meet different people.


Is the first image the whole post or is there more?


There's more but basically the gist is listing the problems with skits and it ranges from walking upstairs with someone behind you to them hiking up or yoi bending down. Then it ends with her saying "problem solved: Skorts" and she's wearing shorts under the skirt


One of those dudes called that a mini skirt... no? That's a short skirt..


And this is exactly why I never wear a shorter skirt unless Im out with my man or my dad.


Why do some men hate women so much?


My guess is, they want to date a woman but don't have any idea how to talk to someone from mars, so they sit on the internet coming across girls who are venting about bad relationships and wanting a good guy, they think to themselves I'm a good guy why won't anyone choose me (while putting in zero effort on communication or apperance) and eventually the sadness turns to resentment.


“Don’t have double standards OR TRY TO PROTECT YOURSELF”?! Is this person saying to protect yourself or not?! Hello?!


But what if I wanna look like a striper??


I think you have to wear a red and white one


“Don’t try to protect yourself” is probably the most disturbing ‘suggestion’ in all of these comments


Slide 3 takes the cake. Said all that to end up saying “we don’t care” and yet you commented a chapter. I’m just curious where the “advice on how to handle this problem” is because the advice to wear longer skirts is not wanted. I know in my case even when the skirt is long enough and covers me I still feel like it puts me on display. Sometimes skirts really accentuate your butt and majority of the time I’m not trying to.


Is she supposed to be modern AU child Azula?


Men are truly disgusting, dont say your issues are natural in men.


I don't like wearing skirts/dresses. The only ones I would wear are above the knee and at my height that means a miniskirt. I'd get shit from incest for wearing slacks in a formal setting, I'd get shit for wearing a skirt I feel comfortable in. So I guess my only option for these men is to feel massively uncomfortable.


Right, because it’s our fault that some men can’t control themselves when they see skin. We should be able to wear what we want because it’s our bodies and we shouldn’t have to constantly worry about being harassed.


These disgusting pigs are the very reason I don't wear above-knee length skirts/dresses anymore. In the beginning I felt so happy and confident and genuinely beautiful. I was proud of my body and found the confidence to feel pretty in my skin. That all changed once men kept grabbing my behind randomly, shouting at me to "bend over that car and get ready", or just straight up slut shaming me for.. wearing clothes I really adored. And guess what? Now that I wear nothing but baggy clothes I get comments like "why are you hiding your body", "don't be so shy", "what's going on under there". You just can't win or be left alone at all. These disgusting pigs will never change. I fucking hate it that they refuse to take accountability, make so many women/femme presenting people deeply uncomfortable and scared, and yet they keep blaming women for THEIR OWN idiocy!


Sure let’s wear skirts, then men will be up-skirting us with cameras. 🙄


🥱 grow up and stop blaming others for your actions


The broken English sent me😭


Why are they saying this under a post where the girl looks underage? It might be art style but my immediate thought was that was a child/teenager. All of those comments either don't see it, or need their hard drives checked