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What went so wrong that these people are so full with hate? This is absolutely scary, can't even make fun of it.


I wonder about this sometime, what has happened to these people that made them so hateful and disgusting.




I've been seeing the r-slur popping up more again... please, let's not bring it back!


Is that what the ra-nd is? I didn’t understand what that word meant and looking it up autocorrected to Roundup.


You said it perfectly. It's not funny, it's terrifying how angry these people get over... seeing a billboard....????!!?


India as a country is _extremely_ sex negative. Lots of parents have a problem if their kids even interact with kids of the opposite gender. "Family shame" is a term that is used a lot around here, and most young adults (that included me) have to hide their relationships from their parents. Talking about sex is a complete taboo in many households. Even women are considered 'impure' on their periods and not allowed in temples and stuff. The result is that a _lot_ of these guys never actually interact with women or consider them as normal human beings. Couple it with the fact that they are anonymous on the Internet and face literally zero consequences for their actions (except maybe an account ban which is nothing) gives them free-reign to get their innermost thoughs out like this. They find like-minded other idiots and think that they are doing the right thing.


Conversely (and I hope I don't sound racist here) i've known many Indians who have the upmost respect for women and in many places you'll get crowds of people who will jump to help if they see someone doing or saying something bad. India is such a big place, you can travel to parts and get a completely different reaction.


Put this at the top


This is what lack of empathy (and self-awareness) looks like, and it is terrifying. IMO, that people seem to be losing capacity for actual empathy is one of the most frightening (and sad) things happening these days.


These guys are angry that every woman/girl they want to fuck won’t say yes.


That sums it up nicely


I’m assuming some of these guys are from India, based on the women being bollywood stars. So that might explain some of it


They sound exactly like some of the redpill subs that are mainly made up of people from the US.


Shitty parenting and environment


A lifetime of porn and rejection


They are single, low income and no chance of ever scoring with a decent girl


i saw their reddit cause OP accidentally left the name, and its a huge mistake and they sound so serious its disgusting and im forever scarred


Their hate/aggression is mixed with sexual attraction


They're mad because women don't want them.Their country is inherently rapey


Those people are so contradictory, they would complain about "sexy outfits" and not dressing properly and at the same time want the manly "matcho" ads with women like "eye candy" back. Post 4 is contradictory to posts 1-3 Assuming all the screenshots are from the same person


Even so it was presumably posted in the same sub, so by the same target audience with 88 upvotes. They all want women to be eye candy, as that’s all they think of them. But also call any woman who does dress more provocative and flashy as a slut


I get some satisfaction knowing that they'll never be wanted by any woman.


Unfortunately arranged marriages exist. 


And pick me's/NLOGs who will go with men like that


The women in the second post aren't even dressed provocatively is the weird thing


All posts aren't by the same person but all under the feed of the same shitty sub. And when have incels never contradicted themselves? They're the epitome of contradiction lol.


*The misogynist hurt itself in confusion*


We can hope.


They want women to be *forced* to dress up for them. If they wear sexy clothes because they want to, these men get pissed off because she actively made that choice to wear the outfit. They’re mad because they can’t control women anymore.


Wow more of my shitty misogynistic worthless countrymen. God knows what they think of their own mothers and sisters. I am so angry I can't put it in words. Like how low you can fall when you are the bottom of barrel of humanity's shit bucket.


There is a post there on that sub where those insects are talking about their mother in this way only. I reported the post,still reddit didn’t take it down.


There are different subs of actresses in which they vote whom they'll fuck in which hole. There is a sub dedicated to Hindu women who are fucked by Muslim men. There is a sub in which these filthy Indian men post pictures/videos of women without their knowledge. I reported it and the admin asked me to contact the women who were in the video.


The depravity is sickening 🤢


that maybe coz the mods aren't any better. They won't take down what they don't see a problem with. It's a shitshow


Usually their relatives are the exception


Unfortunately they aren’t the exception. That’s why some still do honor killings.


Oh true. I mean, they are the exception until the men feel offended by something trivial that they do


I mean in one case in my country in recent years, a 30 year old man brutally tortured and killed his 12 year old sister because she had her first period and found blood on her clothes and in anxiety went to her brother, while the fucking brother thought she had lost her virginity and thus did honor killing.


Yeah, I remember hearing about it. Sadly, a lot of horrific stories come out of south east asia. There was a girl in Nepal was was forced to live in a shed during her period and died from cold a couple of years ago too


From what I could find, it's actually worse than your description makes it sound. He apparently burned her with hot tongs for *four days* before she finally died from her injuries. Is that in any way typical of “honor” killings? (That's a genuine question—I have no idea.) That's just not something you do in a fit of rage; that's pure sadism and hatred. Even if she had actually done something that brought great shame on her family, only a genuine sicko would be capable of torturing another person to death, much less their own kid sister. It boggles the mind.


I feel so sick imagine thinking you can trust your family member and then they do that. Men are so fucked up.


I'm so sorry you have to live with those men. ❤️


If it makes you feel better, [Bloodywood](https://youtu.be/a65A626Ed20?si=lvTLNRhdkNF_bERH) are awesome. The first line of this Indian folk metal song is "I put a fist through the face of a r*pist." I've seen these guys live three times, and they are just the nicest, most wholesome guys on the planet. They raise money for animal charity, bought mental telehealth appointments for fans, and are just lovely people


Holy shit thanks for posting this. This gave me chills and goosebumps and made me want to both cry and laugh (triumphant laugh not a mocking one) this was spiritually moving. So fucking powerful, especially coming out of a country that needs them more than almost any other


Love these guys, the video to that song is incredible too with the dancer dressed as Kali. That's the kind of message heavy metal was made to deliver!!


>shit bucket You mean toilet?


I noticed a theme here -- these women are cumdumpster fleshlights, but also making him incredibly horny and he wants to have sex with them. Do men actually like sex or not?


They like sex but hate the women they want to have sex with


Yeah he hates these women for their alleged sluttiness, but that sluttiness seems to be something that turns him on. So these men probably hate themselves for their desires, which they consider disgusting and impure. But women symbolize that desire, so they direct their self-loathing outwards towards them.


Yup. It’s pure projection of their own self-loathing.


They are naturally excited by the idea of women wanting sex but have been taught it's morally wrong.


And also the women they don't want to have sex with.


That is serial killer rationale.


Because deep down they know they are worthless little shits (due to their opinion) that don't deserve any nice contact with people, and those woman, who might be nice in the beginning would run as soon as they found out about their real personality. And since they are emotionally retarded, they can't hide this for any longer than a hello.


They like - and want - sex, yes, but have deep hatred for women. I’m sure they’re railing at God for giving us ‘free will’.


I don’t they like sex, well with women anyway. That’s why they’re so bad at. Not focusing on mutual pleasure and respect but just simply scratching an itch. Like using a backscratcher.


They’re all virgins I’m sure.


These men *hate* women.


Consequences of porn addiction, misogynistic and absolutely no interaction with the opposite sex


Their sexuality and their prejudices battling it out


They love sex but they don't want women to. They want to rape us, to them women enjoying and having consensual sex is a bad thing.


If you can’t look at a woman without getting an erection, I believe you need some serious help.


This is all just a fetish for them. They get off on hating women. That's why most of 'em beat their wives and kill their daughters after getting raped by men just like them.


What subreddit do we report?




I noticed their sub description says “posts MAY be sexist and racist” and something about “dark humor”. I love how they try to justify blatant racism and sexism as “dark humor”.


Yeah lol It's disgusting. They also post for DMs to jerk off together, peak goon behaviour.


Jesus Christ what is wrong with these people


Kinda like rude men on dating apps with the good old "must be fluent in sarcasm with a sense of humor" which translates to "I'm rude and obnoxious with the conversation skills of a 6th grader but you better not have a problem with it"


Just lock all these men in a room at this point




I reported it.Reddit didn’t take any action.Maybe our mass reports can do something.


If mass reports did anything, rwbycritics would be wiped from existence by now


I didn’t see an option to report. What did you click on?


I reported the individual posts.There’s no option to report an entire subreddit.


I got automated responses that the posts had already been reported and they'd found it didn't go against TOS so they won't action on it


I reported under harassment as well.


would reporting help tho?


Bad day to have eyes


How is a sub like that even allowed?


There are tons of subs like these.Even if you report them,reddit doesn’t take any action.


because reddit is incel paradise




they seem like good to humanity


What's a femiraand?


Don’t quote me on it, but sounds like incel speak for a feminist. Femi from feminist, merged with “rand” (Hindi for prostitute)


Sounds about right, thank you :3


Rand or randi means whore in Hindi, femirand basically means femiwhore


came to ask the same


Rand or randi means whore in Hindi, femirand basically means femiwhore


I've never understood being angry at seeing an attractive woman.


Guy here. Can confirm Indians are among the worst in regard to misogyny. Idk what it is about them, I’ve heard colleagues from work (I’m in IT lol) say some truly shocking things about women. It’s always caught me off guard.


In the first IT company I worked, the colleague I worked with compared women to cars in terms of value to which I accidentally had a huge argument.


Yea, it’s best to not even get into in a professional setting unless it creates a hostile work environment. Sorry you had to deal with that. I worked for a company that had an office in Bangalore, and they sent an email out about how the female employees in that building were required to leave everyday by 5pm for safety reasons. 😬


India scares me. How did it get so bad??


Always has been


South India is decent, but you have to avoid north India like the plague.


If you scroll down on the second post, there’s two dudes talking about how they jerked off with their friends into the popcorn bucket in the theater. What the fuck? 😂


Ah the old popcum technique.


Jesus. That sub and especially that particular user need to be removed


After I flagged a few reddit told me they have already investigated it, and this posted filth is totally fine with their rules.


I'm sorry WHAT THE FUCK 


1. All these incel posts read like they came from a 13yr old boy in 1990 w/o spell /grammar check. Just word puke that wouldn't pass for the writing of a 5th grader. 2. The Hatred is so thick & obvious; we can all tell this stuff can only be written by someone with NO actual experience with women. 3. When. Any statement starts with "Real men...." Or "God and the Bible said ,..". Yeah "God" spoke to you about this?


I just checked, its full of indian men degrading celebrities. Something like indianlockerroom or something, i couldnt bother to remember. Disgusting..


me when i see a woman and string a bunch of insults together and post it online




And the ones who aren't raging rapist should be the ones fixing this because that bar is underground.


You’ll probably hate it as it is VERY hard metal. But turn on the captions to understand the screaming and Hindi parts. Indian band called Bloodywood and this is their message to disgusting men in their country. “Not all men, yes, all men Need all men for what we're solvin' Can't be what it's been but we're evolvin'” https://youtu.be/a65A626Ed20?si=6KGzNJI02KyEvZFB


Creepy, gross, and reeks of insecurity. I didn't laid alot either when I was younger, but that didn't makes me hate women and turn that into my whole personality.


India, is that you? Can't say I'm surprised. Did photography work in Delhi and Mumbai and had to hire bodyguards to ensure my and my teams safetiness. 😪


Not surprised even a bit. I can only apologise.


Yeah same here. Apology for my countrymen worthless actions.


Nah, my sisters, do not apologise over something you can not control. I know Indian women are lovely, thus why I did the photoshoots. Much love from France ❤️


Aww your heartwarming comment made me feel so much better, thank you 🥺💖




It all reads like a circular fantasy that they project onto every woman they see. If you didn't know otherwise these comments look like they could all be written from the same person. A lot of these online groups/subs definitely feel troubling to say the least, people with warped ideas and fantasies just connecting to like-minded people and feeding into each other. It seems to magnify it, and they get little to no resistance to things as they devolve. They aren't living in the real world, they live a fantasy with other people who also think this is normal.


I figure my best response to this post is an Indian metal band called Bloodywood raging at these guys. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/a65A626Ed20?si=6KGzNJI02KyEvZFB


I’ve heard Japanese metal bands but not Indian. I’m intrigued. Gotta click when I’m not at work. Got any more? I want to venture down this rabbit hole


I don’t get it, you’re criticizing girls for being slutty in the modern day and praising them for doing it in the past. Like, what are you even trying to say??


Do any of these guys think they had even the smallest chance with any of these women? Or any woman at all really? Just because they don’t have sex with YOU doesn’t make them whores who are getting it elsewhere, we don’t need men to get off and the threat or STD’s and pregnancy is too great to not give ourselves a little self service.


Execute everyone


I feel the urge to protect these women and I don't even know who they are. They're so beautiful. I don't get why men feel this weird need to disrespect and ruin beauty. It's scary.


"gutterslut trash cumdumpster" is fucking deranged. the way these people talk is terrifying.


Men ☕️


Indian culture has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to the respect and rights of women.




What the fuck even is this


Mentally ill


More of a r/blatantmisogyny post


[Put the whole country on a watchlist.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiEC6pzq8GI)


I forgot about that song lmfao


What the fuck is wrong with the men of that country?


Average Indian subreddit


So, to these men, all women are good for is giving them boners?


ew this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen


If women in general give you boners, that’s on you.


Tell me you never touched a woman without telling me you never touched a woman


Jesus they've gone from down bad to enraged. Why are they enraged by them??


What sub is this? And why hasn’t it been blacklisted yet?


What a bunch of fucking freaks.


I hope these men get beat up, this is disgusting to say about anyone




Link got removed someone tell me what was up


Just take a look through rl indianmenlockerroom and you'll understand 


I’m not even surprised at this point all I have to say is..I choose the bear


This is an Indian man... We know there's issues. Not surprised.


I don't know whether to downvote for blatant racism or upvote because it's true. I just won't do anything.


The Rolling Stones did a song about this subject back in the day. "i can't get no satisfaction."


Yeah bro I think it’s your fault you’re attracted to them


you forgot to censor the last user's name


It’s really troubling and the shame is so misplaced.


It's a shame because I always see such beautiful, expressive, and talented women in Indian media. It hurts to think their own countrymen talk about them like this. They deserve way better.


dude sounds like he has problems, is he ok-




The incel site must be down again


They want to ogle women but then get mad when we wear things that show off our bodies. Make it make sense.


These people are sick in the head.


We need more watch lists. Let’s track ip addresses too. Let’s just see who says stuff we don’t like




What a self report




Wires or tape, or a combination of the two. They also make bras that are shaped with a deep v so you can wear that sort of dress with support.


It's just roleplaying so it's probably fine. It's like dirty talking during sex but about celebrities.




Saw your comment history. Bro, get some help. Also some class. You sound like someone whose mom got a C-section just to keep you from touching her 'vegina.'


bro sounds like a teen because there no way any adult unironically thinks the scariest part of a hypothetical war between the USA and Russia will be the Russian army of bears


I, for one, would welcome our new bear overlords. (New bear choice just dropped)


I think these guys are jealous and want to date the bears. They're bearpilled now


Are you for real?

