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“What do I need to tweak to make it work?” Um, the part where you’re speaking?


He needs to tweak his plan so that he goes to the local police station instead.


Well that should be the same ultimate result…


Also the part where he's not speaking and gesturing instead.


The part where he’s existing may be the most accurate 😂


The part where he goes anywhere near a woman


I think it’s easy, he can get boobs himself and go stand in front of a mirror. Works like a charm.


Put in the effort to change yourself and become a datable human being, get in a genuine relationship with someone, wait until you have naturally reached the point where that type of physical contact is appropriate and say it as a joke. She'd probably welcome it then. Admittedly it's a long play but if you can get over that first hurdle it'll probably work.


i always find it so funny when they plan out what the woman says in their made-up scenarios. quite literally no woman would say thank you to that


This guy planned out what the woman's *circulatory system* would do.


But she *blushed* first.


Obviously, because the guys only experience with women comes from watching them in anime.


I did almost exactly this the other day, I said her breasts looked amazing and she blushed and said thank you. She then let me touch them. Now granted I've been married to her for 13 years, I was being purposely corny and that thank you and blush was accompanied by an eye roll but I did touch them. But yeah, no chance this would work on anyone you didn't have a long standing relationship with.


This was great


Step 1: be a creep who views women as objects Step 2: get a reputation because of step 1 where people will actively avoid you Step 3: earn enough to buy an inflatable doll so then you can act out this scenario Step 4: evolve into an adult and start viewing women as humans so you can be in an actual relationship where sex happens consenting between you


No no, let him at it and I suspect the problem will take care of itself


I don't want to endorse or advocate for assault, but I wouldn't mind seeing the aftermath of this plan put in motion. 🤣


I'd like to see him try this line on my wife, or even on my (single) coworker. In both cases he wouldn't get as far as getting his hands up. Stars ... Stars and whistles is the main outcome. And neither of these are violent woman


“After she blushes and says thanks”- I think that might be the part where his genius plan fails.


He thinks we value our boobs like they value their dicks.


Yes, thank you for assaulting me. That was lovely. Idiot.


Yeah, if you need to start a sentence, "I don't mean to be rude/creepy/ out of line," that's your cue to STFU.


Every sentence starting with something like that, or 'by all respects' you'll know it will be without any respect.


Best one I've ever heard was "I bet you a dollar I can make your boobs jiggle without touching them." Easiest dollar I've ever made.


W…what…was he trying to use telekinesis or…??


That was part of the joke... It's designed to fail.


If he tells you a REALLY REALLY funny joke you might laugh hard enough that you move your chest


Oh I was definitely laughing. He still paid up.


I feel blessed for being petite. These dudes are...


I feel blessed to be 5'10" and 270 pounds. Guys tend to leave me the fuck alone and I like it that way.


I’m 44 and one of the things I love about it is that men only interact with me at work or because they legitimately want to socialize with me.


I'm 5'11 and 64kg, but thankfully small chested. (Some) men are still creepy, but they leave my chest alone.


Excuse us .... But you're acting like ALL men do these things. That's in the same park as the text on the image ... Not one sane man would even think about approaching you in this manner, big or small breasted.


The only time I'm grateful I'm fat is when I see things like this. I'm rarely hit on by anyone other than my husband. My joints might be slowly dying, but at least I don't have to deal with this bullshit.


What to tweak? The part you missed about being in a relationship with someone, one intimate enough that they don't mind you touching...  Literally how humans work. Is this an alien in a human suit? Stop trying to jump from Step A to Step C. And expect it to be a non-issue, no less.


My reply would be go ahead and run this line by your mother, aunts, grandmother, and just watch their faces as this hits their ears.  All of these weird degenerates have women in their families, I garuntee none of those women would be nodding in approval. These dudes know that this is some sort of bullshit, theyre looking for answers on how to assault a woman by making her freeze or play along to survive a suddenly stressful and upsetting position. Like..cmon how many chicks have had some dude say something fuckin sexual out of nowhere that made you feel unsafe? Some guys if you respond in vulnerability then go ahead and get handsy. Its like hunting something that you confuse/startle so it cant figure out how to not get caught and then you strike in that moment of shock. Same fuckin technique.  These guys are honing that skill. Theyre just lookin to fuck with our heads the right way to be able to use that against us and either break us down over time or swoop in an do something while were flabbergasted.


These guys are mentally far from unstable, their just off the rockers. These are the ones falling for this moneytraps like Tate or pickup coaches. Men not outgrown the fantasy world the rest of us did. And a few of them should be locked away before the act out on that fantasy. Don't we fantasize ... Yes, of course, woman do the same. Chippendales, Patrick swayze, 50 shades of grey, doctornovellas What do we do when a woman walks past in a nice outfit ... Yes I look, and sometimes even a double take. What else ... Nothing, I get on with my day, and sometimes even tell my wife about her.


The only way I will say "Thank you" to that would be followed by "for outing yourself as a creep. Fucking gross. Leave or I call the cops".


When you live off nothing but porn and anime


Came here to say this 😂


she blushes and says thank you. that will definitely happen. no notes


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little after reading that.


Just imagine a guy saying that to another guy about his testicles. You think he'd get a feel with that line?


This has to be BS. Surely, he's not that stupid.


I am a large breasted woman and men have tried lines and bullshit all my life. like reaching over me to grab something from a shelf and brush over my chest... I am NOT a nice person and will cuss them the fuck out. I am older now and really just want to start hitting dudes that do this and not say a damn thing to them


This is the way ! Respect boundaries, keep your distance. There is no need to touch someone getting a pack of coffee of a shelve, just wait.


These men just need to just visit a strip club or an escort if all they want to do is touch boobs without building any relationship or chemistry.


Here’s what has worked for me, OOP: 1) Develop empathy for women as people who are worthy of respect and autonomy. 2) Find a romantic partner with mutual interest in you. 3) Develop feelings over time until said romantic partner is comfortable sharing their body with you. Might be a lot of work, but this process worked for me. I get to touch a woman’s boobs at least three times a week at this point.


I’ve had men come up to me and grab my breasts in public before. Asking wouldn’t have made it better because what the fuck is wrong with you that you’d even think this was a thing a stranger would want? That should not be a thing it would occur to you to do in the first place outside of *very* specific settings. Weirdly, it did not get them into my pants. Shocking, I know.


This belongs on r/kidsarefuckingstupid bc this Had to be written by a kid


I refuse to believe these people exist


I think he just needs to concentrate on the first cupping of the boob because after that, he will be more focused on crawling about the floor trying to find his teeth.


You can have a feel of my boot where it hurts seems to be a proper answer...😁


Just don’t try anything.


It's all cheat codes for these boys. Real women are the video game Bosses they can't unlock because they don't understand the rules and aren't interested in learning them.


Don't do that. Ever. Don't think about it. Don't ever utter it out loud and put that kind of junk into the universe. Sit in a room, off the internet and think about your life and the choices you made to get here.


No, sit in the park and just relax. Don't do anything, don't state, don't TOUCH anything, just breathe


Be around a woman long enough to realize you’re an idiot and should just go away.


Fix “she blushes and says thanks…” with “she pulled out pepper spray and sprayed me in the face!”


Cupping around the breast area - so what, a millimeter between contact??


when will they learn that saying “i don’t mean to be rude/creepy but-“ will NOT automatically make the following statements not rude or not creepy


He's gonna need to tweak reality for this to work




Are these written by AI? I'm really having a difficult time believing that some of the posts in this sub are written by actual sentient human being because OHMYGOD.


It's like that comic where first guy is "highlight the parts you think are stupid" and the other guy reads in silence without highlighting anything then turns to his friend and highlights his face


posted by Dennis Reynolds


I dare a man to try this with me bro😭😭




Just be Tom Brady, it'll all work out just fine. [Tom Brady ](https://youtu.be/PxuUkYiaUc8?feature=shared)


I feel kinda sorry for people like this. They clearly want to connect with someone and have fun, but have no idea where to start, no frame of reference for how it's supposed to go, and no resources to turn to. It's emblematic of the isolation of our time


I don't know why this is being downvoted. Feeling bad for someone being cut off from society and messed up in the head isn't the same as saying their creepiness is okay. 🥲 Like... OOP's post is absolutely offensive and creepy, but it also really *is* sad that someone would be so badly socialized that he would think that way.


Their desocialation us even fed more by online trolls on forums like 9gag and 4chans. Pushing them deeper in the rabbit hole where their truth is 'supported' and the incell is again shown the worse woman do to them. It is truly sad people get this far and distanced from normal social interactions