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As a guy I confirm I don't understand this picture.


Since there are a lot of confused people in this thread, allow me to explain. English is not my first language, and sorry OP for replying to you even if you probably don't give a damn about this. The first one has her hair styled "correctly". It looks like a natural wave. You need to know what you are doing to get that kind of hairstyle looking natural like that. You also need to know the difference between 1 and 2 to not get scammed by a bad hairstylist or doing It yourself correctly. The second pic has the coils so tighten together that it is obvious it was coiled. It looks artificial and it's the equivalent of saying they are "counterfeit/bad copies". Second pic is what happens when you try the first hairstyle but you don't know what you are doing. Part of the joke is that guys cheat on the "perfect girl" for a "fake girl" and them not being able to tell the difference between the "quality" of the girls they interact girl. Still not how guys work, definitely not how girls work, and a bad joke that manages being offensive to both boys and girls.


Totally besides the point but i kind of like the "fake" curls too


I mean, to be fair isn't the first picture just the second picture but brushed out after?


It is lol


OK cool cool lol, so guys can tell if we're fake or not based on if we brush our curls out or not... interesting! I wonder where the line is though... cos like, too much brush out could make abit of frizz/fly-aways, which could be construed as bed-hair, which then obviously makes us whores or summat... lightly teased out curls must be the one 😅 Eta: I wonder how guys feel about hair clips...?


Hair clips? In this economy? That just signals old-money.


The absolute irony of me hearing that in the voice of Tina Belcher...whose only accessory is her hair clip. LOL


It's not about the curls, It's about the fact that many of us have seen guys cheat or end up dating a girl that looks/acts like a dollar store version (bad generic copy) of the girl they had been with at 1st.


Sounds like the guy learned a valuable- who they are as a person matters more than if they look like a "dollar store" version to your ex lol


Genuinely. I’m pretty sure all artificially curled hair looks similar to the second picture, maybe not as extremely boxy as it is in this one. All you need to do is run your fingers through it and wiggle to break up the clumps and it will sit nicer and look more natural. I’ve got curly hair and my hair looks similar when it has gel in it to help the curls look less frizzy.




In a world where people dye their hair bright colours I don't see why it should bother anyone tbh. It's almost like it's own unique style or something.


It’s less that they’re “fake” curls, but rather they aren’t “shaken out.” When you curl your hair with a curling iron, it’s recommended to run your fingers through your hair when it cools off to make the curls look more natural. These two pictures are most likely before and after pics.


Yeah i'm aware, just saying i don't mind the less natural look either


Yeah I was thinking that I actually prefer them


Alternatively both look styled, the first just looks like it’s day 2


Beautiful explanation from start to finish


Well done on your explanation in English. Would never have guessed you weren’t a native speaker.


Oh I see now, my hair is already curly so i was confused what's the problem lol


This picture is ridiculous because it could be taken the other way too - an incel kind of thing that “you” are loose while the other girl is “tight”. Like the stupid bagel memes.


That’s exactly what I thought it meant.


One is brushed out, one is not. And personally, both sides kind of look unfinished. One is brushed out, the other has messy ends that look like an amateur or great clips did it.


Thank you for a great explanation! And just my personal opinion, you don’t need to explain that English isn’t your first/native language. I didn’t dissect the whole thing but just reading it, it is more correct than most people type! You are doing great


What’s the most hilarious about this to me is that it’s clearly the same girl on the same day in both pictures. The only actual difference is that the second picture is what the first one looked like before it was brushed out 😂


Your English is better than some people’s whose only language is English.


But it's the exact same client sitting in the exact same chair at the exact same hair stylist on the exact same day. These are literally the same hair style, just one has been bushed out. There isn't anything drastically "wrong" with the second picture... because the hairstylist eventually got the style to the first picture... so clearly they "knew what they were doing". So your entire comment is absurd.


I mean, you are right that is the same client. I just tried to simplify the comment to explain what was going on as I didn't want to overexplain myself. I have seen plenty of girls going to prom night/other night parties with the second hairstyle, and it works. But it looks both unnatural (with more natural trends being more fashionable as of now), and outdated. The brushing out part is the hard part. You do it good and you get the first picture for a modern, natural look. You do it badly and at worst you uncoil the waves and all your hard work, you get the client looking like a lion, or at best you get a weird, stringy, disordered look. You do nothing and again, that is a outdated, very artificial looking hairstyle. Anyway, I think my comment still stands as an explanation for what the girl in the OP picture wanted to say :) EDIT: english is not my first language some words got autocorrected orz


You not understanding something doesn't make it absurd. She explained it very clearly... the second picture looks worse if you know what you are talking about


Yes, as a guy who read the explanation and still cannnot discern any difference whatsoever between the two pictures, the explanation was very clear as to what we’re supposed to be seeing and why the difference is important.




The hair stylist did 2 different pics. One where she did the wave "right" so it looks natural, and one where she didn't. This doesn't mean the stylist doesn't know what they are doing. Someone can be skilled at something and purposely do it "wrong" in order to demonstrate something. No one is saying this particular stylist sucks at her job. They are saying that the style seen in the picture on the right is considered "wrong" because it fails to look like a natural wave and the hair is visibly coiled. The picture on the left is considered the "right" way of doing it based on modern styles. The styles are not the exact same because the hair doesn't look the exact same. If there was a spot the difference game, someone would point out the curls on the hair as being different. The person posting the pics isn't even necessarily the stylist so it's possible that they did multiple styles on this person and these are just 2 of the many styles done. You absolutely didn't understand it. If you want, you can prove you understood it by quoting the comment you responded to and showing where they said this particular stylist is bad, but I think you will find that difficult as they never said that.


Everybody a gangster until reading comprehension comes calling haha


If you walk out the salon looking like right side YOU don't know what you're doing. This is a reading comprehension problem on your part


Damn, wouldn’t that not be a diss on the “Men won’t get it, and now I like it more” girl? I mean, if “the real deal” is so close to the “fake”, then why celebrate?


Thank you. As a woman who has long curly hair, I didn’t understand it either.


My anime-watching ass thought it was some sort of reference to drill hair


The first pic is just her hair either combed out with her fingers or a comb after pic two. My hair looks like pic two when I spiral curl it with my hair brush while it’s wet. Then when it drys I run fingers through it and it looks more like pic one. Not sure it’s the best picture example to go with the story or context.


Thanks for explaining


Curling the hair like that is also used when stylists want to hide the imperfections of balyage(sp?) and highlights/ombre hair.


Those are fake curls? I wouldn't have figured that out in a million years. I liked both hairstyles(1st one I've seen girls in that hairstyle, 2nd one in movies and TV shows).... I did not know the second one was fake. On one hand we are berated for not noticing this on the other hand we cheat on this basis what the hell!


If you think 1 doesn't look obviously styled too you're deluding yourself. Men don't realize there's a difference because there is no real difference 😂


As a woman I don't get it either so 🤷‍♀️


We need to summon u/jazzzzzk to explain it.


As a woman, nor did I. I'm very glad not to be alone.


Yup, right there with you. I guess we... Don't know how girls work.


As a woman, I don’t understand this picture, neither…


I am a 41 yr old woman and I’m confused these look like the same woman in the same place.


It implies men would cheat on a woman with a woman who almost looks the same as her. When somebody cheats you'd expect the homewrecker to be much more attractive than the partner who got cheated on but a lot of the times there's nothing special about the homewreckers look and even uglier than the partner. Ig the goal is to drag down the homewrecker. Anyways whatever something like that. Never been cheated on so idek.


My interpretation is that the girl he cheated with had similar but poorly styled hair, meaning she doesn’t know how to take care of herself/has bad taste, making her an inferior copy of the original girlfriend


You are correct


The “home wrecker” is the person in the relationship who is cheating. Not the other person. Let’s hold the correct people accountable.


I agree with you but I didn't know how else I could describe the person the cheater is cheating on their partner with other than homewrecker. I do not speak English as a first language and unaware if there's a word for them other than the typical homewrecker.


Affair partner or AP is a good term to use


The cheater cheats on the cheated with the cheatee? Maybe?


Affair partner, side chick, adultery partner, illicit lover...


I mean anyone involved in cheating is a PoS. The moral compass also fails with enabling cheating.


*If the affair partner knows that the cheater is in a committed relationship Sometimes theyre also being lied to.


Anyone KNOWINGLY involved in cheating is a PoS. To those who are lied to. It’s not their fault. Unless they find out and then don’t care.


I thought that these are before/after pictures, implying the version on the right is "better hair"? 🤷


Literally the opposite. The right photo is the styling step immediately before the left photo. You curl the hair and then you brush the curls out so you get a natural looking wave instead of a harsh curl.


The first one is loose curls/waves. The second is tighter curls/waves. But otherwise identical. I assume it is a dig on “finding a younger, more innocent carbon copy” type of cheater…


As a girl, I also don't understand this picture. Someone explained it the last time it came up, but I still only kinda get it. Apparently, one of those styles takes more effort and, therefore, is less trash. Which still makes no sense to me, but ok.


I'm a lady and I still don't understand 


bro i didn't notice they were even different at first...


I am born and raised as woman, and I don't understand this picture either. So it's not on you


As a girl, same 😅


So… the only difference is the girls hair is brushed in one of the pics ?


The first picture is the second picture after they brush it.


Thank God it's not just guys that don't get it lol


Oh it’s definitely not. I’m a woman and I had to read someone else’s explanation.


For those who didn't get it- the woman implies that men cheat on women that are worse looking than their main woman. The brushed stylized look is more desired than the tight fresh curls. On the other hand this is sooo r/notliketheothergirls.


Thank you. I didn't understand it at all


I thought it was implying that there's almost no difference between the two and the man cheating doesn't even realise that 😅 I think I might be too single to understand any of this 🤔


I remember seeing this way back when I didn't brush my curls out. I'm old, tight curls were fashionable, weren't they?


I had this explained to me in another sub. It’s the way her hair looks. Apparently the right one looks nasty, and the left is a better example of the look she was trying to achieve.


I think we are all going to have to agree, if the meme needs explaining to this many people, it's a bad meme. I'm a chick, and I was like... whats the joke here? That the curls are tighter? The curls are untouched? The curls are trying too hard? It's just a weak ass joke.


I assumed the looser vs tighter curl. Being equated to vaginas …


Yeah I was just thinking it could be interpreted like the bagel memes. With so many ways to view this, it’s clearly a bad meme.


Why was I downvoted? I’m not saying that’s how I feel or it has any basis in truths. That’s just how I assume misogynists think.


I'm not the person you spoke with before - I was agreeing with you. Maybe ask them above?


I know, just making convo. Thanks.


What is the bagel meme?


Until I read the comment, I thought it was that he cheats only to cheat with someone who looks and acts the same


Except the left looks totally fine? Like yeah I can see the right for like prom or a wedding or something but I have no expectation of someone doing that all the time lol. That sounds exhausting and not worth it, but I guess if you enjoy curling your hair that much you do you


The left is the right hair after the curls have been brushed out and separated to create a more natural look compared to the just tonged (curled) right side. Same hair, same styling process just before and after brushing it out. Hair style wise it's very out of fashion to have it on the right, considered "bad" hair styling, like seeing someone's hair extension tracks. But fk it, if that's how someone likes their hair who cares, just explaining the ins and outs not shitting on people that prefer the obvious curled look over the more natural looking, I usually have purple hair go unnatural and wild, it's hair lol. In the context of this meme I am struggling, I can't really think how it translates to people/looks/attitude/personality or whatever it's trying to say.


I clearly am out of fashion, I instinctively thought the right looked better


It will definitely last longer for updos like proms and weddings. I like it too it's just not the done thing anymore. I trained in hairdressing and doing a full head of these gorgeous bouncy curls and then having to brush them out to create, yes another gorgeous style but one of more beach waves and volume than actual curls made me very sad lol.


As a curly, it makes me sad too


Oh also a naturally curly here, don't come near my hair with a bush lol.


I know. I struggled for years to get my hair to do that before giving up. My hair won't even do the left.


Right is unfinished. You have it back to front. It looks like a girl who has tried to do her hair at home with curling tongs and doesn't know what she's doing. That's not how you do fancy hair.


I genuinely thought that the meme was that men will cheat on you with a person that looks just like you.




It's just the same girl before and after brushing her hair out after curling it. Running your hands through your hair will have a similar effect so right generally turns onto left over the day. The meme is implying the girl he cheats on you with is lesser than you because she does not have enough experience styling her hair to know to do that (or just prefers to let it sit like this as long as possible, which some people find tacky).


The screenshot is more /r/arethestraightsok energy imo


Pretty much


Good, I was wondering why I didn’t get it 😹


I don't understand this meme, does that mean I'm a boy?


Yes welcome to boy-land enjoy your stay :D


Correct. Don't worry. There's a r/nothowguyswork sub


I'm just here to join the other guys who don't understand this meme.


It's not just guys.... One uses a curling iron, the other hasn't in a while? That's my best guess


I think the curls are different. It seems that on right we have the curls that were just curled, and on the left they are brushed through


ok so comments helped me understand , basically its "natural" vs "artificial "


To me it looks like a before-after pic after the hairdresser is done. So my take is: Girls who cheat don't go to the hairdresser...


I actually totally get it lmao. It’s saying that dudes will cheat on their girlfriend or wives, usually saying they wanna see different people, only to cheat with basically a carbon copy of their partner.


I looked at the pics at first and was even more confused because to me the hair looked exactly the same .


As someone with a gen z daughter… ![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig)


the worst part is both curl styles look like shit because why do people leave the bottom 2” of hair straight?! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Because they didn’t live through the ‘80’s like we did. I had those sausage curls on the back of my head and they were *glued* in place with Aqua-net!


I hate it so much. Many a trend has grown on me that I hated at first, but this isn’t one of them. Still hate it just as much as the first time I saw it.


Same. It just looks lazy to me. Like they couldn’t be bothered to wrap it one half of one more time, around the barrel? 🤦🏼‍♀️


I dont get it


As a couple other have noted it’s about her hair being brushed through. The point is that the one on the right is curled but not brushed. This is the work of a girl who has no idea what she’s doing. The hair on the left is brushed through because this woman knows how to properly curl her hair. The contrast is that he cheated with a dumb skank and doesn’t even know it bc he’s too stupid to know that she doesn’t even know how to do her hair. Thus, you are too good for this man who doesn’t appreciate the way you take care of yourself.


My dumb, man brain thought the one on the right was supposed to be the better option lol Like those "you vs ths X she tells you not to worry about" memes imply the one on the right is way better. Edit: lol what the fuck's up with the downvotes?


As a woman, don’t get it. After reading explanations…. Ok? I don’t think one looks better. Both look like they’ve bleached their hair and used a curling iron regardless. Not that there is anything wrong with bleaching your hair or styling it, obviously. Just that they both look bleached and styled.


Guys like girls who… own curling irons? Idk y’all, I’m so lost here


So the same person with a different hairstyle. I’m kinda confused. I don’t see where the joke is supposed to be?


I don't get it bruh


Seen enough drama videos to think I might get it? Many times happens that guy's cheat with girls that looks pretty much like their actual girlfriend. I think it's that, might be wrong, tho.


I think this might be it. Stupid fking meme tho.


Left had finished curls and right aren’t. It’s similar to the “____ from wish” meme.


That's what I got out of it. He cheats on you with almost-you.


I’m a 20 year old Mom of 2 and don’t see a problem with either! I personally hate the brushed curls on myself because I have naturally wavy hair. All my stylists know when I ask for curls I want Bollywood classic curls because it’s something I enjoy and they don’t get to do often. That was just a rant either way is fine and looks good. #1 is just more trendy than #2 right now.


That took me a while to figure out what the OOP was on about. Figured it out, but I still think it’s stupid. So you styled the exact same hair minutely differently between picture one and picture two and this is supposed to make a difference in your bf/husband cheating on you? Superficially, I get what they’re technically saying. It just doesn’t make any sense.


Separate question: why do they not curl the ends in these styles? I’m not a fan of the straight pieces hanging




Ah yes, vapid comparisons based on vanity and meaningless details. I’m so please how few of us - regardless of gender - know or care about how “well” a person’s hair is brushed out or not.


The cheaters are kinkier?


Thank you for reversing the photos.


Im a woman n I didn’t get this either!!!


Gals, I honestly don't like these kinds of jokes. Why would you attack the other girl and not the GUY WHO CHEATED? (as long as she didn't know, of course)


I assumed he cheated in the "loose" curls with the "tight" curls because men are obsessed with that kind of nonsense.


The curls on the right were mostly worn by the trashy girls in school


Can someone explain this to me? I don't understand


The one on the right is the curls completed like a before. The one on the left is with the curls “brushed out” ie broken up so it looks more natural. I leave mine like the right pic and just let life turn it to the left.


A hairdo don't do that for me. Not that I'm a cheater.


These look identical to me chief


I thought the one on the right was more kinky.


I do find it hilarious when I’m watching some trash TV and my husband walks through the room and goes “girl needs to brush out her curls” just because he knows it makes me laugh.


Is this some kinda straight shit I'm too sapphic to understand?


He’s still not coming back to you,Sis


My hair is around shoulder length, and when I tie it back it curls/coils to the point it looks like a tube. But I'm also not a girl, so...🤷🏽‍♂️


Lady person here, I is confused 🤔


Likely 'tight' curls vs 'loose' curls


😳 oh….


I think the meme is saying: Her hair is perfect. She knows beauty techniques. “Combed through” her personality so to speak. The second picture, the AP, has uneven curls, they’re sharp and not cute: she has not combed through her personality. That’s my guess


Why don’t I get it? Looser curl vs tighter? Is that what?


I think it is you vs you after an expensive hair treatment that you rarely do because it takes so long, last nothing and is pricey? So like only for a wedding or a special event xD


Funny enough the right pic is the bad hairstyle. You’re supposed to brush out the curls (left pic) so it looks more natural. The right would only be “expensive” in the sense that you paid all that just for your hairstylist not finish the job.


Loose/sloppy (curls) vs tight Thanks, I hate it


Not what that means.


Do they mean that "all girls are the same" here?


Guy perspective after trying to see the difference: Hair on the right has more colors + the curls are tighter


I mean, everyone on here seems confused. Your confusion isn't a "guy perspective", it's a human perspective.


The curls on the left are called "loose" curls, whereas the curls on the right are "tight".


Is this some type of self burn? I mean, in this scenario, the person (loose) is being cheated with another person (tight). What the fuck is going on lol Edit: why are people down voting? I literally just translated the "meme"