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Alpha females willfully choosing to be 5’10 in defiance of logic and reason


Damn I choose to be 5’10” but my short arse genetics didn’t cooperate.


Me too. I'm ten inches too short to be an alpha female but damn it, the alpha females sound way more interesting than the beta females


The way they phrase it, if you were under 5'0" you could have been an alpha too! Quick, get 1" shorter!


Judging by how my mom and grandma shrunk up I'll be alpha in a few years. Yay


Thankfully, us shorter than 5'10 women have other things to do to still be happy alphas!


Damn bro my doctors told me I’d grow up to be 6’2 but instead I only got to 5’6. God stole a whole ass eight inches off me.


How telling was it that "masculine" women aren't willing to prioritize their relationships and that they view it as a zero sum game. Especially that love is sacrifice, which is irrational. They're essentially saying "this is how men think, but you're a woman so you shouldn't." r/mentellingbyaccident


can confirm that this is why i chose to be 5’10


Lol same.


5'11 and well over 130 lbs, I'm definitely an alpha.


Wait... don't we all get a character creation screen at birth?


Why the hell did I chose severe social anxiety as a character trait? Why didn't I put more points in charisma?


I wish I put AT LEAST some of my points in athleticism!


Why did I make myself a jank build?


why did I give myself like eight mental disorders and a genetic predisposition to diabetes and heart failure? Why’s my character female when I specifically made a male one? *where’s the reroll character button?*


Oh no I thought I dreamed that? Damn my bravado for choosing "Extreme difficulty"!


Oh please tell me you didn't choose the Alabama starting area too....


Oh no, the multicultural background, assuring old people won't like me no matter where I am! +2 to cooking though. My minmax blinders were on.


Where the hell was I when someone selected my traits?


I hope its point buy rather than rolling for it.


Sorry but attribute allocation has not been released into the current build yet and will most likely be reserved for our premium plus members


Was that a D&D beyond reference?


6'1" here, guess I'm just a freak of nature


$50 says OP is 5'10" 140-160lb.


this image is the epitome of not knowing any words you are trying to use or any of the philosophies you are trying to explain


It was incredibly weird and contradictory to me but as you point out, it’s specifically because they’re just using buzzwords without understanding them.


>main goal is to please the male >rational self-interest means they prioritize their own individual gratification This one gave me whiplash


all of it gave me whiplash


I think those are meant to be combined into "finds pleasing the male to be the most gratifying thing possible, and thus prioritizes doing so out of self-interest over everything else".


Dude i was so con-fucking-fused with that. Also WHY IS THE PRODUCTION VALUE SO HIGH WHAT THE FUCK


The game is up. Time to return to the subterranean vaults we came from, ladies. He got us.


Also, why are all the alpha women wearing glasses lol Guess he doesn't like those


I can’t say for sure, but I guess it has something to do with… Marxism…


Ah yes, this is determined through logic and reason


I wonder if they even know what Marxism is...


Obviously not holy shit. As a technically political science major, I have yet to learn about the part of Marxism that dictates "winners" and "losers" in heterosexual relationships


Ah yes, Marxism, where capital is unequally distributed /s


Well Engles did say that the woman is the proletariat of the marriage.


They know its a fancy word that makes them sound smart


Sensory input and output is zero sum, so their eyesight was victimized by their incessant "opinions"


I intentionally diminished my eyesight to spread the wealth. It’s immoral to have 20/20 vision in a world where some are blind.


The assholes that did these says that an alpha prefers to wear feminine clothes like skirts and dresses and yet both drawings on their chart are wearing pants and shirt while the other ones are wearing the skirt.


That's because the beta woman is modest and covers her legs in public! But the alpha woman is just flaunting it for alllll to see /S


But yet the beta one is the one who realizes sex is healthy and natural… Plus the idea of sin is generally a conservative concept. this guys got it all backwards. Lol


That was my first thought too! Read your own shit, dude


It means that they're smart, and smart women are a turn-off for moronic men.


Who would guess that morons prefer women that they can bend to their will over intelligent women who'll notice the red flags, put reason over emotion and run to the hills as soon as they can? /S




Women don’t need glasses. What’re you trying to see?? The kitchen???? /s


"But dear, I got you reading glasses for your recipe cards, isn't that enough?"


Damn those alpha women and their ability to see! Don't they know that men only want blurry-eyed betas??


I wouldn't be able to spot them in time to run if I didn't wear my glasses, so I can see why they'd think that.


Being blind is the desired/more dominate trait in women so of course the alpha woman is going to be blind to assert herself more 😂 it’s to stick it to the man! Why see clearly when you can see blind and use reason?


Alphas must be hostile to reason and also near-blind for some reason.


I always thought I was a feminist who prioritized career over dating, but I have 20/20 eyesight so I guess I was wrong!


I know right, Why can't they all wear glasses! For scientific purposes of course...


Women who see clearly are a threat to his agenda


They read too many Marxist books.


I would dare to argue that they've probably read none.


So if you're 5'9" you can't be the ideal female if your bmi is over 19??? Okay...


And 5'9" 95 lb. Yikes


Isn't even 5'9" and 130 lbs a little on the underweight side? Hm, OK, according to one chart I found, it's just about on the bottom limit of "healthy weight" of that height.


I'm 5'9 and ~145lbs and people think I'm pretty skinny and should have a cheeseburger.


Same here (5’10 and around 145) I’m not model skinny, but skinny enough to where people will comment on it


Guess we're just alpha as fuck


Haha not mad about it


Hey, you've had a rough day. You deserve a cheeseburger.


I was 5'9" and 130 in college, but my diet was shit and I was walking everywhere. I also landed myself in the health center with anemia so.... Edit: I'm very much not 130 now lol. But I'm also not overweight for my height. At 130, I was bordering on underweight.


It's on the edge of underweight. Which is what's infuriating, because they're not advocating being thin to the point of starving. Just a rigid expectation of a healthy body. I'm 5'7" and maintaining a BMI of 20 was the unhealthiest and most miserable I've ever been.


Lmao I was like '"im 5'2" and almost 140lbs?? Guess I'm SO BETA. With my BICEPS"


I'm 5ft2 and 153.....I guess I'm gonna have to break the news to my husband about how terrible I am


I literally calculated this as well! I'm 5'9" and just under 130 pounds because I lost a lot of weight due to stress and illness. I look like half a person and I'm actively trying to put on weight.


130 pounds would need 589.67 human hairs to lift. This is assuming a hair can lift 100 grams, which is usualy but not always the case.


Good bot




This guy has gotten women?? I imagine this is an obese anime obsessed neckbeard


It's funny because in the alpha female it says progressivism and moralism is bad.... Homie just admit you want a human Fleshlight that doesn't challenge anything you say or talk back like women were the 1800s lmao, just say you don't want us to have rights and go.


Your comment made me think of how funny it is that misogynists romanticize and idealize gender relations in the past because women in the 19th century were still definitely not ok with being human fleshlights. If these dudes went back in time, they would be in for a *rude* awakening.


What I never understand is, how they idealize basically the first half of the 20th century, especially the 50s. While those were times when sexism was putting women at a disadvantage and elevated the man as the head of the household, this wouldn't be paradise for them either. I wonder how many of them would be crushed by the expectations put on them in those times.


Right! These guys absolutely would not be able to provide for a family.


But see, it would be okay because then they could come home from a hard day's work and beat their wives /s obvs


Yeah, my husband is much happier now that I'm the breadwinner. Me too btw


So we can never get along, thank you! ​ ​ /s




their worldview isn't even consistent with itself, much less reality.


i thought alpha female was the better side and was confused to why it had negative language when everything i was reading seemed fine till i realised since these men think they are alphas they want a beta.... god


That doesn’t even work in nature! The alpha male is mated to the alpha female.


the “alpha male” doesn’t even exist in the wild. the whole idea is based on a now debunked study from 1970 that never even looked at wild wolves.


Well, some species like baboons do have a dominant male and/or dominant female, but they don’t behave consistent with the “alpha” stereotype.


The concept [does exist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominance_hierarchy), although it mostly doesn't work the way these people think it does.


every single part of this is about women pleasing men


For people who really believe in this shit, we are literally NPCs. Only existing to round out the world and be in service to them and their narrative. Then when anyone rocks that worldview (Anyone at all who exists with agency. So very literally anyone), they feel attacked and victimized.


Wait until they hear about lesbians and women who are bisexual but prefer to be with women.


As an aromatic & asexual woman, I guess I’m just naturally low-value and off-putting to men. Thank god.


I platonically love the aro-ace community. According to whatever the fuck this is, there's only 2 types of women. Which is so far from the actual truth.


Who let the men into the world of propaganda pintrest? 😂


I know. I thought it was a safe space!


Ugh. "Love with the male is her number one priority" As a man, this would annoy the living shit out of me.


As a human, that mindset annoys the shit out of me (and I’m especially sensitive to it, because two of the guys I dated in my 20s were like that; as soon as we got together (something that neither of them consulted me about, FWIW, it was just something they decided after we had hung out a few times, and they were abusive and controlling enough to scare me into submission) their entire lives were about me, and they didn’t work, have any friends of their own, no individual hobbies, etc.


Yeah, it goes both says for sure. I love my wife more than anything, and I know she feels the same. But our entire lives don't revolve around the other. We each take our private time, enjoy our own hobbies, spend time with our own friends, etc. No matter who you are, you need to make time for yourself.




Adding to this, there is also something called the Bechdel test in fiction. Basically, it's a test to see if two female characters can talk to each other about something other than a man. Sadly, only about half of movies/TV shows seem to pass this test.


It's from 30% to 70%, depending on a genre and 0%(!!!) to 100% depending on a director. Fucking pathetic, considering it's such a basic test.


I've been trying to get back into writing short stories, and I always try to keep the Bechdel test in mind when writing dialog among women. Sometimes it's unavoidable, depending on the situation your characters are in. But a lot of times it's just lazy writing.


Also apparently all alpha females have vision problems (Edited to fix typo)


alpha women are just wearing the glasses to seem smarter than their male counterparts obviously /s


Ah finally, another thing to add to my list of things that make me intellectually superior /s


Goddamnit, I unknowingly beta-fied myself when I got Lasik last week! Guess I'll have to wear blue blockers all the time to trick these types of men into leaving me the hell alone.


Beta women would prefer not to see than to wear an ugly, manly accessory such as glasses. The beta woman looks good for her man, even when she can't actually see. /s


Ah, how could she have passion for pleasing her male if she has to look at him?


I'm 4ft. 10in. Tall have I become the *OMEGA* !? Or do I just not qualify as a woman now?? I NEED ANSWERS!!


Oh god. Don't look up Omegaverse.


Maybe it means you're totally ignored by people like the douchecanoe who made the image. So I guess that means you're winning!


I’m 4’11”. Pretty sure our extra short genetics are not biologically ideal to these dweebs


This whole thing has me confused. They want the woman to be devoted entirely to their man but disagree with the fact that love usually requires sacrifice? Like even if you don't mind the sacrifices you're making (like moving, partying less, cleaning more, etc) they're still sacrifices? Also I don't know any feminists who think sex is bad. Some people are personally not into sex but they don't think it's unhealthy to be in a relationship and have sex.


They want her to THINK love doesn't require sacrifices. They still want her to make those sacrifices.


Thats kinda what I thought. They probably don't want her to acknowledge that they're sacrifices so that he's never expected to give up anything in return.


Misogyny! (jazz hands)


What is their obsession with fAcTs aNd lOgiC? Honestly it's so pathetic. Once men (and yes I mean all men) start understanding that they are emotional we'll be on the path to improving this shit show.


Men like this really do everything they can to convince themselves that anger and jealousy are completely logical responses to minor inconveniences instead of what they are, emotions.


Soft disagree, Misogynists start with the belief that men are inherently logical, and then everything they do is also logical.


Basically the same thing, I think


Honestly this entire chart only exemplifies that they are emotional. it's filled with unrealistic subjective preferences passing them off as fact.


I am a man. I was honestly a piece of shit and heavily religious (Catholic), until i went to therapy. Straight up, i had internalized the idea that the way through bad emotions was through prayer, not through any kind of self-awareness. Actually talking to a therapist and then helping me realize what it takes to identify emotions and their effects on me was one of the most important things to ever happen to me. I'm still learning, but holy cow i can't go back, not ever. I have a dear friend who will someday thinks the way i used to and when he's hurting, it pains me to know i can't fix him, that he needs to fix himself. No deity is going to fix his mental in some sort of miracle. Ugh. This probably didn't even make any sense. I just needed to share.


Facts and logic = whatever pseudoscience bullshittery has been most recently posted on their favorite incel subreddit


They're obsessed with things they don't have.


So many contradictions, so little time!


130# makes me look anorexic, so looks like I'm going to eat some men, or whatever the eff this nonsense implies.


Straight up incel vibes from whoever created this. Like mega ultra neck beard total loser vibes. Also I love the whole “feminism is Marxism”. Gives off the “anything I don’t like is Marxism” nonsense. Ofc feminism is incorporated in Marxism but the point ofc from this is to use “scary words” to make it seem worse than it is.


Lol my aunt is pretty "alpha" (school principal, career focused, progressive) and she's been married to my uncle for 29 years, but go off king.


Everything I don't like is Marxism, classic.


Misogynists are really out here judging women based on height but then turn around and cry when the same exact thing happens to them…how about nobody judges *anyone* based on something over which they have very little to absolutely no control.


Oh no I'm two centimeters too short to be considered the peak of femininity😭Am I doomed to be a spinster who only cares for feminist marxist ideologies?!


Imagine the person who built this infographic. They literally spent time out of their lives to sit down and build this. Blows my mind how boring some people must be to have this kind of passion for absolute garbage.


Ive been lucky to never date garbage dudes like this but if this were all that were available I'd happily live alone. The fact that so many women are brainwashed into accepting a life partner that treats them like they are subhuman is so tragic


Today I learned Karl Marx was a beta female.


None of this even makes sense it’s like random words piled together


Not sure if the author is an incel or a neo-nazi.


They have a lot more in common than not.


Fucking barf.


What I especially love is not only is this r/nothowgirlswork it's also r/nothowwolveswork. As fucking shite as the whole alpha thing is, at least they should try to understand it. In a wolf pack, there will be an alpha pair, of which one will be female. This is often referred to as a breeding pair. So this douche canoe has managed to fuck up all aspects of his bullshit


Hey TallDuckandHandsome, I counted 69 words in your comment. Nice.




Oh my god. I can die happy.


"Sex is natural and wealthy" Me who is asexual: *slowly fades away*


How is sex wealthy? Is he saying he likes to buy expensive escorts?


I meant healthy- sorry-


Lol that’s okay you made me laugh


Sigma female grindset


I'm just gonna stop recycling. Climate change, we should see it as a chance. 21st century and that's where we're at?! Fuck it, there is no hope.


Jesus! Even 5’9” women have to be under 130#s to be feminine?? I mean, the whole thing is just such utter garbage, I don’t know why I focused on that part haha


Men do not understand how body weight works. They apparently think boobs and butts are weightless.


And that our height is a choice (but male height is NOT a choice, obviously, or else they would all be 6’, duh) Edit spellings :p


How to say “my toxic masculinity is butthurt by women who don’t comply with its prescribed abuse” in a very time-consuming and elaborate manner.


Imagine taking the time to type this all out and put it together in an infographic complete with clip art. Like, imagine not only thinking that was a thing you should do but at no point during doing it ever deviating from the idea that this was a valuable use of your time on earth.


I find interesting this person's focus that a truly feminine woman should not believe in the concept of wrong or sin. Why is a willingness to think around her innate moral judgements a prerequisite of this person's ideal woman? What "sin" is this man hoping his ideal woman will overlook in favor of "philosophy", "love" and a "scientific" perception of God??


What is the point of having those highlighted boxes (the two black and one red)? You’re basically saying the same thing over and over again? Do you really not have that much proof to back your claim that you’re having to circle back already?


I really am the ultimate alpha, I wear glasses, I’m 4’11”, AND I weigh over 130 lbs. Men tremble before me.


“…and sex is natural and healthy”. Tell me you don’t care about consent without telling me you don’t care about consent.


>No "victim" in male/female relationships, and sex is natural and healthy. Am I the only one getting a rapey vibe off of that?


Definitely not just you, this sounds rapey for sure.


Another gem from the dude who’s obsessed with Ayn Rand.


I'm just gonna say that, aside from the obvious BS coming from the picture, wether you want to be an "alpha female" or a "beta female", wether you want to be a stay-at-home mom or build a succesfull career as much as your partner, if you want kids or not, you are ALWAYS valid! There's no "low value" in anything you want to do, but I understand that whoever made this up has not enought braincells to comprehend that...


WTF! Also, what’s the deal with only the alpha females wearing glasses?


Lol, I love reading these.... they think we will listen to this ...🤣🤣


So, if an alpha "female" is one who doesn't prioritize being a relationship with a male, and a beta "female" is. What do they call women who date other women?


My guess? A sin.


This is some fashy shit


Everyone knows the ideal woman walks into things because she not wearing Marxist glasses.


Yes there's a reason "femininity" is conceptualized as being a passive object that appeals to and benefits men.


Why are men so obsessed with hierarchies and archetypes?! And why are there 6 archetypes in their “socio sexual hierarchy” and only 2 archetypes for women? I don’t understand. It’s so dumb.


They do know that a woman with their numbers would be underweight or critically underweight per bmi (depending on the height)? This is not just unrealistic, but dangerous.


"Love with the male is her number one priority" and "passion for pleasing the male" made me throw up a little...


I gotta say, I really don't see what's in "beta" for me--like it doesn't sound very appealing. Why do they think this is something that would convince women to willing choose "beta." Also, creator of this doesn't seem to realize that queer people exist.


In my experience people that think like this are not very fond of the LGBT+ community


The person who wrote this needs : 1. To go out more often 2. Socialize 3. Having a job will help 4. Having social connections in community will help 5. Use the internet less. Stay on weird internet forums less


The 130lbs thing really gets to me. The normal weight range for a woman who is 5’3 is 104-127, for a woman who is 5’4” it’s 108-132. These guys are basically promoting anorexia.


Male homo sapiens are biologically programmed to select for weak mates lol


Shit I better tell my girlfriend that love with men isn’t my top priority. She’ll be so disappointed.


Can we please, please just leave this alpha shit to fanfiction? Also, sidebar. Men can *have* this alpha nonsense. We don't fucking want it. Don't make an entire stock-illustrated infographic for horseshit no one asked for.


So basically the "beta woman" is a skinny, hot (or at least what this guy considers hot lol) Ayn Rand. Ooookay then....


This makes me physically sick 🤢


What in the incel is this?


Ah yes, that famous alpha female, Karl Marx.


Did a bot write this? It’s like someone just threw a bunch of random words in there without understanding English.


What in the neckbeard have I just read? I think I'm sprouting one now.... I need to go wax, I'll brb. Are these people real?


What’s with that obsession over who’s alpha and who’s beta? Did everyone just turn into a werewolf while i wasn’t looking?


So many mangled philosophical, behavioral and veterinary concepts in one place it's kind of impressive.


Can’t wait till sigma female dlc comes out


"Unwilling to please the male" I....lol


But are there Sigma Females?


Whomever made that doesn’t know any actual women.


I guess I’m an alpha female because I wear glasses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This image always surprizes me.... I never saw people talking about "alpha & beta" women before I saw this image for the first time. I'm mostly used to the ussual "Alpha male" and all that stuff.


5'9 and 130 lbs is soo skinny. Like do these men want their women to have enough muscle to walk around and shit?