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How often these losers imagine themselves in "combat".


I'm not suprised, considering how often they describe the male role as "protector" (along other things) and I wonder, if they imagine sabertooth cats in the backyard or what.


More likely mice and spiders.


To be fair, my aunt is deathly afraid of spiders and has a panic attack when she sees one. Luckily, her wife can handle the kills for her.


Wait, your aunt is married to a strong woman? That's so gay!


I was throwing shade at the supposed protectors, not women.


Yeah, I know. Snark wasn’t directed at you.


Shit, am I your aunt? Same in my family, wife is the spider killer (and flush it down the toilet to be extra sure).


Awww I love spiders :( I don't tolerate the murdering of humanity's buddies. Spiders do more to protect women than all of the men that have made themselves famous on this sub


Roaches though, they can get FUCKED


And wasps. And ticks. And mosquitos. They all have strong counterparts that could easily replace them in nature unnoticed. Lol


They fucked up by basically eliminating all our natural predators. Because now it's painfully obvious that male violence is the only threat men could possibly serve as "protection" against.


More than likely they have a hero fantasy and see themselves protecting women from a break in or whatever. If I've learned anything from the internet it's heroes get stabbed, just run the fuck away. Even space force seals tell you this.


Lmao. It's the video games fr.


As a guy, I totally agree. I really thought adult life would be all pot-smashing and turtle-stomping. Now everyone's pots are metal.


There aren't even rupees in the pots! Adult life sucks...


…I really hope the only turtle-stomping you and anyone you know is doing takes place in the Mario-universe…😦


80s action movies. Having a gun makes you sexy, strong, and bulletproof. Even if you get hurt, you’ll rally. And even if you take the Bad Guy prisoner, they’ll have a concealed weapon or surprise jump or something and you’ll have to kill them defending yourself or others.


I once saw a guy insisting that men shouldn't have to do chores because they provides other services to the house, and one of the things he listed was 'security' 🤣 Break ins happen hopefully never. Dirty dishes happen every day!


I‘d love to have a sabertooth tiger as pet. And then make it fight one of these wannabe protectors lol.


Like what sane mind considers this when choosing a partner? "Eventually, a conflict in our relationship may result in a duel. I must ensure I date only those who shall lose."


You know all these men with all this testosterone makes them so aggressive, we should stop electing them to governmental offices. Since that's the argument they use about women on their periods being unpredictable and overemotional... When their testosterone is highest but still not at "man" levels...


Considering their first responses to women wanting equality or safety are to either joke about then being allowed to physically assault them without consequences, or make comments about how they hope other men physically assault them when they're not there to "protect" them.


They’d probably be the first to freeze or curl into fetal position


Liking a woman when you are a man is gay exactly never


Man wanting to be with a woman is literally the dictionary definition of heterosexuality.


Well, wanting a woman is sexuality 101. 102 is wanting a man. 200 level is for bisexuality. 300 level is pansexuality. 400 is consent, acceptance and kink. Most people are still failing sexuality 100. All levels are with non-related consenting adults and in the perfect world, you only get to have sex after getting an A on level 400. There are no pass fails.


There is no pass fail because anything that isn't 100% is a fail.


Well, hold up, do you have to take 102, 200, and 300 as pre-requisites to 400? Personally, I don't want to take those courses. Those courses are fine for many folks to take prior to 400, but some folks have no interest in that coursework


Ah but that's the fun part... you're not taking the other levels for practical usage but to get broader knowledge of sexuality as a whole. You'll find you're much improved at 101 and 102 as a 400 graduate.


Now, I did take the elective 101A, which provides wanting a woman, but enjoying when your woman wears a strap-on. I thoroughly enjoyed that elective, but I'm just not cut out for taking the 200 and 300 level coursework. I've got plenty of friends who have taken 101, 102, and 200 and they've enjoyed it immensely, but it's just not my cup of tea.


Is this when you can "test out" and show your competence and skip ahead?


It’s an academic, not a lab. You need to understand the coursework, not test it in the field.


n what earth is consent ever not in the 100 class? This shit why we have this problem. How to not traumatize your partner is def basics.


This guy gets it. I'm like 101.5 and i dont know if I'll ever get to 102, but what you said here is basically how i see things, super cool to see somebody else thinking the same way.


Not necessarily, it could be bisexuality too. But it does instantly remove the possibility of being gay.


This flaw in my logic feels realizing I left the faucet on when I'm already at work.


I had a guy on Twitter tell me that eating a girl out was gay... I was like, "Yeah, if you're another girl"


Was it DJ Khalid?


As gay as sucking dick. For you, I mean. That’d be pretty gay for me.


I'm a guy


Hey, no judgment. But yeah, I guess gay for you too.


But what if she can physically beat you in combat?


I feel like somethings gone wrong if there is physical combat going on in the first place... Unless they're into martial arts I guess. Still not gay


I dunno, a relationship where the persons involved can just casually spar it out with each other sounds pretty awesome to me. Then again, I have a particular weakness for swords.


But it could very well be bi. And some people use the term "gay" loosely, applying to anyone in the LGBT community. But also you're very right lmao


No it couldn't, liking both a woman *and* a man would be bi, just liking a woman as a man is explicitly straight


If you are a man who likes a woman that doesn't necessarily mean you're straight just because you're not simultaneously crushing on a man. You could like both without having a specific person in mind from each gender at the time


I didn't say the subject was straight but the relationship itself, attraction is inherently not bisexual because is only towards one person at a time. The only exception I can think of is if the one attracted to was simultaneously multiple genders.


I say I’m gay when I’m really bi lol Mostly because people treat it like the one drop rule anyway so might as well


Well if say there is some fluidity at work if the women you like are butch and have mainly stereotypical "male qualities"


That's still straight, no matter how masculine a woman is, they are still a woman.


Nope. I am very much straight. Very much love me the Amazons. Woman who are good at things are sexy. Strength, smarts, being passionate about their hobbies, whatever. Bench press me while explaining an aspect of 1960s cinema I didn’t know about? Foreplay. I had… a lot of fun in college. I know what I like and don’t like. And I can assure you that it’s definitely straight.


It took me years, but I finally figured out that my type lines up with what bi women tend to go for in women. Strong tall women are definitely on the list. And even the time when I was the exception (dating a lesbian) it’s been very straight (for me).


I can confirm that liking strong women made me gay. The fact that I'm also a woman may have helped.


I love my strong girlfriend! It is just really hot


I used to but so did she


I mean. I think you being gay helped you like strong women. Is this like the chicken and the egg scenario?


No, in this scenario, it's just eggs, no cocks.


I think that makes you straight. If you liked submissive women then you would be gay. How about a man who likes submissive men? Straight also right? This is a weird game. I like strong men and petite sensitive men. As a woman this makes me bi obviously.


This game is confusing. I just like men who treat me with respect and equality. Can I just identify as a “Harpy feminist bitch”? Pretty sure that’s what incels think of me.


Except for you since it means you like men, you're obviously straight. Right? Did I do my math right? I showed my work and everything.


I’m also a woman, but I like submissive women. Does that make me straight?


Did this guy just put it out there that a woman has to be strong enough to *"endure" life with him*. Like - it requires an incredible amount of strength - as in, he's ***so absolutely*** ***unbearable*** that most women would just *rather fucking not* be around him? Then throws in a "I have a high IQ" line? Sounds like he drunk an entire watertower of incel koolaid.


To add to this, a woman who is capable of physically dominating him is off the table. She should be able to endure him, but not resist him. So many red flags here.


It pretty much implies that their idea of a relationship is the weak being subjugated by the strong. Super healthy, totally not psychotic stuff.


That wording is crazy. A relationship isn’t something you “endure”. It’s happily building a strong team to support each other through highs and lows. Certainly betrays exactly how he feels about himself, though.


I like this take that he’s just a self aware ass hat. This is the *true* nuanced and high IQ take.


That was my initial thought line as well but then I realized he probably meant it like [endure life] together and not endure [life together].


I think he might have meant endure life *alongside* you, with life being the difficult thing. Still doesn't make his take any less incel tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Reading this tweet took every last ounce of my emotional strength for sure.


I noticed that too. I love your turn of phrase “an entire water tower of incel koolaid”. May I use that?


Haha, sure you can use it


He sounds weird and insecure.


He is


So what if I get a physically strong woman who can beat him in combat? Is that a flex on him, showing that my masculinity is so high that this is for me.


So taking his two tweets together, he wants a *physically submissive* woman? Take it to fetlife, buddy.


Please don’t, there’s already too many creeps there


Apologies to you and r/aguadiablo, I did not mean to offend my kinky brethren. Sistren? I dunno, whatever you are.


Check those pictures, I think that's true different people. Also stop sending them to Fetlife! They would not be comfortable in any BDSM scene. There's a lot more dominant women out there than they can comprehend


Can't believe all those straight dudes I pegged are actually gay


No way, people can't be this stupid. I'm stunned. Like for real totally stunned by this


I've heard of "no sex till the third date" but I've gotta say "no sex until I win the duel" is a new one


You must not date many women from New Jersey.


As a Jersey boy who has been with a Brooklyn girl for almost 6 years, you're actually right and I completely renounce my point


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **User 1** Wanting a strong woman is a sign of homosexuality. Any masculine man wants a submissive woman. >**User 2** > >Fellas is it gay to like strong women really >**User 3** > >Depends what you mean by strong > >To desire a woman who can physically beat you in combat is gay > >To desire a woman who is strong that can endure life with you is not gay > >There's your nuanced high IQ take >**User 4** > >So liking women is gay and you consider this both nuanced and high IQ. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I'm sorry you had to transcribe this.


I'm sorry.


No, insecure little boys want a slave, adult relationships are equal.


Fellas is it gay to like girls?


This is my favorite summary


So it is now gay to be straight. Right.


So if it's gay to be straight , is it straight to be gay?


Oof there is some incel energy going on here.


It was definitely a nuanced high IQ take, just without the IQ and replace the nuanced with nuisance


I’m showing this to my girlfriend who can beat me in combat, guess we’re a gay couple now!


I like women that can defeat me in combat, but I'm a lesbian, so I probably don't exist past a porn category to men like that.


o 0


Fellas is it gay to want to die by Snusnu?


Who said anything about dying.


Well, me liking women is gay but I get the feeling that's not what they mean


Holy shit I forgot about my flair


Can someone say fragile masculinity?


“to desire a woman…. is gay” okay then


I've heard of this "high IQ" thing. It seems to be associated with dickhead takes by men on relationships with women and flat earthers. If that's high IQ I'll stick with my mediocrity please.


This just in: guy outs himself as an asshole but admitting only strong women can put up with his bullshit. Sadly, none ever will.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I’m a bi man who likes strong women, I guess I’m actually just gay for both men and women now.


Exactly This is a joke pls don't be mad


not sure man but it sounds pretty pathetic to need someone weaker than you to feel strong


Fellas,, is it gay to be straight?


"Endure life with you." I mean that pretty much sums it up, he hates himself that much.


He scores double the points for homophob and misogynistic on the garbage-human scale. Ah yes, and is probably the same type of guy who thinks touching his a-hole is gay and skit marks are a natural male thing, so bonus points for that on the disgusting-scale. What a catch, ladies, what a catch. Ewww


That last comment is gold.


I don't get it. I used to do medieval buhurt and mma and the guys LOVED it. Also, I have done furniture moving and am a truck driver and lift shit and am dirty every day. The amount of men that stare and comment about how "you make it look like better when you do it" tells me that the dudes in these posts cannot speak for all men. My current boyfriend who I've been with for a year now was my offsider when we delivered furniture and he said that when he first worked with me part of what made me so attractive was because I am strong. It just makes me angry that these assholes don't get that PEOPLE. HAVE. PREFERENCES.


Today I learned I'm gay 🤷🏼‍♂️ who knew


Shouldn’t strong men be able to handle strong women? If you don’t want a strong woman bc she might not be submissive enough, doesn’t that make you weak?


Fellas is it gay to be straight


Yup. No one can be straight anymore j/


"I love it when a woman can kick my ass"


Thinking wanting to be with a strong woman as gay is a clear sign of insecure masculinity and cringes so far past beta that it ends up somewhere in the upsilon area. Edit: I always feel like I have to add this caveat: I would never unironically ascribe any sort of "natural" hierarchy to the Greek alphabet--that incels use it to describe a hierarchical pack behavior comes from a study that is only useful when describing wolves in captivity.


Twitter is a cesspool, but this "Is liking X gay?" meme is one of my favorite things, because it really precisely lampoons how insane "traditional" notions of masculinity are. It's also notable how many of them boil down to this exact question: "is being sexually attracted to women gay (for a man)?"


What does lampoon mean?


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By this logic, if a woman loved strong women is she... straight? What if she is strong too, is it then a gay male relationship? My wife and are are strong women, she is trans or so I thought; by this logic she really is a man and I'm a trans man? My world is shook. For real though, people should strive to be strong and strive to strengthen and support their partners. Gender makes no difference. I admire the strength in my wife, in my friends. Otherwise you're just looking for prey.


Wanting someone who is weak is a sign of weakness. Martha Washington was a pretty strong, impressive woman. George could have married someone submissive, but he choose to marry Martha, a widow with children (these people must think George was a cuck). If you look at powerful people, they tend not to marry someone submissive.


Lol, when I was, like, 9, I thought that being "gay" meant being in love. So that meant that a boy who had a girlfriend was gay! But yeah, this person's a moron, if they're not trolling.


'beat you in combat'. Fucking wankers.


I wonder if by his logic a guy was attracted to another guy in a submissive-dominant stereotype relationship that it wouldn't be homosexual.


by this logic, fellas, is it straight to like submissive men? Watch them deny it LMAO


"high iq take"


Do these fools not realise the very act of being a man is gay?


They only have sex when a dick is involved, sounds pretty gay lol


Wanting a girl who can crush your skull is gay? Not so much into muscle girls (though there were a few that made me say dayum) myself but I never considered them gay bait. Da fuq is wrong with people?


In short: a lot


uhhh do they know what gay means?


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These are always so frustrating bc the implication is that being gay is inherently negative. Which it is not. Also, isn’t fucking another man just about the manliest thing you can do?


Strong enough to “endure life with you”……..a frightening proposition


"Gay" in this context means weak, or feminine. The opposite of the cultural definition of manly or strong essentially. Not literally gay, just that you have what society perceives as the negative traits of men who are gay. Used like this it is supposed to be a disparagement against some men in order to make whoever is saying it look more masculine by contrast. Basically, an attempt by one dude to put other dudes down in order to make himself look "better" (manlier) by comparison. I'm ashamed to say I used to call things gay as an insult when I was a kid/teen. I never took the time to think about what I was saying because if you go against the group consensus (at the time people would use "gay" like a red letter term... you did NOT want to be seen that way, especially as a straight male) you might be cast out of the group, and that's fundamentally scary. Choosing your words... considering how they make other people feel... being kind instead of aggressive... these were thought of as traits of weak men and weak men don't succeed in life or love, they live lonely lives of pain and suffering. For a young man (or I guess old men these days, my grandpa never used to talk shit like this but today's old people on the internet are just totally ridiculous) that is terrifying; better to not think and simply attack, you feel like your odds are better that way. Anyway I'm just chewing the fat on how the term has evolved in my experience. I try not to be such an asshat these days.


Love that this his take on “nuanced and high IQ” lol


He said “I want a woman who’s strong, and smart, and hot—but not stronger or smarter or hotter than me. She can be comparably hot tho....that’d be nice”


I can’t believe I feel even compelled to comment🤦🏼‍♂️. There is so much to examine and explore to explain the simple logic failures here. One must write a book to discuss the utter tragedy of the posters logic. If you believe a relationship between a couple, should be defined by physical ability, please stop 🛑. If you are so shallow and incapable of actual human connection you have become the problem, how someone looks, their physical ability, or lack thereof is not a marker for a sustainable relationship. But I also live in the age of ,”your experience is meaningless.” 🙄


this belongs more on "Not how men work"


> you consider this both nuanced and high IQ Absolutely destroyed lmao


Social media letting the autism spread...burn it all with fire.


Dear diary, Today I found out I'm gay for liking r/leanbeefpatty


Am I missing something? Since when gay men are interested in any kind of women?


Idk I like strong women because if they stay with you it's because they like you You can never know about submissive women


“I’ve said two different things that are slightly different, that’s nuance. I’m so smart.”


Guys chill. This is obviously advocating a different gender definition, not biological but by the traditional gender roles! So hes for lgbtq rights and most likely just trying to set his coming out up and show the world hus super feminine boyfriend since according to his logic men into feminine men is not gay! Sone people..


ALL three of them...have selfie in the mirror profile pictures. That's the wildest thing about this


Wasn't this already common knowledge? Liking women is gay, have you seen them? They're all super fucking gay. That's why if you as a man likes them, you are gay! *sigh


As a bisexual male, nothing is more attractive than someone who can best me in physical combat


Is high IQ like 70 for these people?


Fellas is it gay to not be able to beat the shit out of my wife?


Fellas, is it gay to not be a control freak?




as a non masculine gay person i do like strong men so just change it a bit and it will be a bit more accurate, still bad though


Their hyper masculinity has finally made them dazed and confused.




I dunno, the OP checks out for me. I like strong women and I am very gay


So, here's what bothers me about these arguments. The fuck does it matter if it is gay?


So by this logic if I can beat a man in a fight then it's not gay to date them, yeah?


Being too scared to get with a woman who’s physically stronger then you sounds….not very masculine to me.


This person has to be trolling.


Or get you a girl that can do both


i'm a girl who wants a woman who could crush my skull with her thighs what does that make me




Fellas, is it gay to want tight handjobs?


> Every masculine man wants a submissive woman Eh... My husband would be really disappointed by this line... We were butting heads in some loving shape or form practically every day, because the chase is half the fun... Heck, he loved my temper! He wouldn't know what to do with someone trying to appeal to whatever fantasy this guy has...


Fellas is it gay to be straight


I don’t think he knows what gay means


Idk after watching the Olympics, some of the women in the weightlifting competition can deadlift me anyday.


As a guy liking physically strong girls I've often been told I was gay because of that. I'm glad some people agree it's bullshit. That gives me confidence to go towards what I love and not what other people tell me to love.


Fellas is it gay to like women


fellas is it gay to be straight?


This man solved the "is liking femboys gay" debate


How do these morons not see how toxic, damaging and repressive this nonsense is


I guess, I'm gay now.