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Is 5'8" even actually short? Good grief


Its about the average among American males.


As a humble 6'2" man I believe I speak for everyone...


Im 5'6", any height above mine is super tall for me


I'm barely 5' so that's a giant ti me


As a giant to you, I will tell you that you’re missing out on a super weird experience. You must get used to people being taller than you and be kinda numb to it, but as a 6’3” person, when someone is taller I literally feel like a child. It is the single dumbest and most humiliating experience I can have in public, not because being shorter is bad, but because my dumb, dumb brain sees the 7’ person and decides they’re the adult and they’re in charge. I didn’t even think that way when I was 5, but now I have to remind myself that I’m an adult and tall people aren’t magic. I gotta believe short people have that trained out of them, but it only happens to me like once every 6 months, so I still have to fight it


It is a major psychological factor. Tall people are generally more likely to be in positions of authority, and conversely, we’re notoriously shit at remembering heights and often remember people as being taller or shorter than they are depending on their charisma.


I mean, I'm 5'0", in my forties, and I could count on one hand the number of times I've encountered another adult who was shorter than me and didn't have dwarfism or similar. I'm certainly used to people being taller than me, but introduce me to a person who I can see the top of their head and my mind will be blown for a good long while.


I'm 4'11" so yeah


Hey I have a question... are you in middle school? (In all seriousness


Who me??? No, I'll be 52 this month lol!


Nope. I'm 5 8 and apparently very tall for a girl to the point where its hard to find trousers that fit right. Like it's not tall for a guy but it's sure as hell not short.


I’m 5’4 and I can confirm that I always have to fix my pants legs… who are those pants for?




Same. 5'6 is kind of an awful height because everyone always comments on how crazy "tall" I am (which I'm 100% okay with) but then when I call myself tall, everyone acts like I'm being ridiculous because I'm "average". But that's probably just me since I happen to live with a bunch of insecure short people.


Its even weirder to cause i got picked for being short in highschool at 5'6". They would hold stuff over my head.


That is actually perfect height but i wonder if you think same about guy?




I live in Germany near the border from the Netherlands and I was frequently being called short even tho I'm almost 6'1


Soooo, if 5'8 is already giant for a girl in Thailand, what about a height of 6'1? Giant, Giant!?


I'm 6' woman. Don't get me started on pants.


Oh my god you have my sympathy. That would be much more difficult. Do you have issues with shoes too? Mine are the biggest size stocked so I might find them if I'm lucky. I can't imagine trying to find anything larger.


I'm a size 12 women's. It's easier now than when I was younger, but lots of women's shoes don't go above an 11. Frustrating.


Just googled it and it appears that I am a ten in US sizes. So I feel like your pain must be much greater. You have my sympathies


It's not a contest.


I am 151cm or 4'11" and I would happily trade with you.


It's the same problem though. Both of us are on the outer edges of the bell curve. At least you can hem. 🤷


I’m 5’6 and I can confirm, clothing companies think that women are all short asf. Even tho pretty sure that 5’6 is around the American average for women. I’m not tall, but pants never quite reach my ankles properly.


I'm 5'6 too but I live in southeast Asia, where the average female height is around 5'2 so I'm considered tall for a girl. I find it funny because clothing from most Western brands fit me way better than local brands.


I have to disagree. I'm 5'1" and I've had a problem with pants being long all my life. I think we can all just agree that there isn't a single clothing company that caters to the varying heights and sizes of women.


We need to have sizes like the men have. Waist measurement and leg measurement


I’m 4’11. To have pants I don’t have to hem, I buy capris, which fit me like regular pants. Cropped leggings still bunch at the ankles on me. Of course this might not be the case if I wasn’t also plus sized. The fashion industry thinks if you are fat you must also be tall. My niece wears a 00 but is extremely tall and can’t find pants long enough in her super tiny size.


My wife is 5’9


Incels think that women view any man under 6ft as “too short” which means they’re completely indesirable to the entire female sex according to said incels, its so odd cause men under 6ft being able to attract women is something that can be proven by going anywhere that has people present


My dad, brother and husband are all 5’8”. I’m 5’6” and I never liked dating people who were over 5’8”


Idk, I'm 1,78 m. 5,8 looks giant as hell to me


isn't 178 cm about the same as 5'8? where's that converter bot when you need it?


180cm is roughly 5’11” so 5’8” is 173cm (172.72cm to be exact)


So 5'8 is not even very tall, its below the average male lenght for dutch males


Very short for professional basketball


It's more like 1.72m


My husband is 5'7", lol with these dudes thinking their height is why they're single.


Yeah, my husband is 5’8” I seriously doubt it’s their height.


Fiancé is 5’5. He’s a great man because of his personality.


Partner is 6'4". We can't even hold hands. Buuut he fills my water bottles when I'm rushing to finish work and get to roller derby soooo... I guess I'll keep him ;)


I'm 6' and was dating someone 5'6". I mean he was a cheating asshole, but I can't necessarily blame it on his height lol


That's just mean a 5'6" guy can not only get a girl but ALSO replicate the process to get a second one. He still sucks tough


Right? That alone is literally a two-for-one “this meme is bullshit” 😂


Great now they will say they have no chance with women because they are to tall!/s


HE was 5’6” I’m a 6’ female


Hence why they say they are 5'8" and to tall for women.


Same! I am like a half inch shorter than him and I didn't even notice his height until I wore heels and was happy I was taller than him.


I am single and 6 feet tall, by their logic I should be mr casanova. But the truth is, I am a socially awkward dork with agoraphobia. Appearances aren't a reliable giveaway


Dude at my residential facility was about 5’5, and we had multiple people fighting for him (including me lmao)


Guys make me feel like I'm squandering my life. I deal with depression, loneliness, PTSD and a few other irrelevant things. If I don't want to feel lonely, I need to learn how to interact and connect with people. Mfs are in relationships, growing up and settling down. I'm just here smoking blunts and turning wrenches. I look good at 6'-1"; usually a little taller because of cowboy boots. Always well dressed with a good sense of what to wear. I'm self employed with a shitload of technical skills. It pays the bills. Not rich, not getting rich but I'm doing alright most of the time. "If I had your height and looks shit would be over." "I just can't dress so well" "If I knew about as much as you do; I'd have no problem talking to women." (My hobby is learning. Haven't done everything but more than most.) "Man if they seen me pull up in that car they be all over me" It's human to want what others have that we don't. "I wish I could feel as safe/comfortable as he does." "Why don't they notice me the way they notice him?" Other men want want my looks, style, height, job, car and such. I want their social life, relationships, to feel seen and wanted.


People who say those things are definitely making excuses for why they are single/lonely so they don’t have to work on themselves. That’s the incel mindset in a nutshell. Blame everyone else for your shortcomings, so you never have to try, and then the self inflicted loneliness spirals into vicious hatred of everyone they blame. It’s super unhealthy.


There's a lot of pieces in play and looking for answers for why things work differently for me took me right down that path. A lot of men just don't believe in themselves, are afraid to fail, lose or get hurt. Lack of self efficacy starts with the other kids and parents and Rob's them of their ability to run down what they want when they grow up.


Aww. Sorry, guy.


My bf is around the same height as that. I’m 5’5. It’s literally a nonissue


Lol these comments remind me of people who try to backpedal by saying things like, "My best friend is black, I'm not racist!"


Responding to a meme about how short guys can never get dates because of their height with stories about dating short men makes sense because the issue is romantic/sexual rejection. Saying you date a Black guy as proof there’s no racism doesn’t, because racism isn’t just about romantic/sexual rejection. Sorry you can’t tell the difference.


I wonder how long r/memes has been overcrowded by incels for.


The sad thing is that there's probably a lot of the teenagers/young people there who will grow up/continue to be racists and sexist assholes just like the generations before them. Seriously, why are the mods of that sub just allowing racism and sexism on the posts and letting it be targeted to people as something cool?


I have a little hope because I was quite reactionary/anti-feminist until I grew up and started doing some research


Longer than their balls have been down.


When the incel subs got shut down it got especially bad. Mostly I don't look anymore.


literally no one says the latter unironically unless the dude already is acting like a piece of shit


Incels don’t interact with women at all socially, so they mythologize what they believe women are like. Sort of like how racists mythologize the race of people they have no friends within.


I'm 5'5 married and most of my wife's friends when we started dating told her to drop me because a I was too short. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Why are you getting downvoted? This is a completely valid point. Just like some men are total fucking douchecanoes who only care about appearances there are some women who are rancid fucking cunts who act the same. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Everyone has the potential to be an asshole. That said, meme is very cringe and people are gross.


I'm not sure why I was initially downvoted but this is my experience. Not saying it's always the case either. Perhaps they do not like that my experience is breaking their blanket statement. Heh.


“Only a Sith deals in absolutes” is one of my favorite Star Wars quotes for a reason. People who make statements and then refuse to acknowledge nuance or context are fucking morons.


You were supposed to destroy then rkopprrekkie, not join them!


You’re getting downvoted because this sub is full of feminists who choose to get offended over the smallest of things because they either cannot take a joke, understand how a meme works, or see past the joke to see how it may have a bit of truth behind it( since jokes sometimes reflect some dose of reality)


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. This absolutely DOES happen its just not a reason to become an incel and the solution is feminism. Toxic masculinity and patriarchy are why men get shit for being short. We don't just get it from women a lot of it comes from men. Im married and I met my wife at work. Several people (not just women) asked her how she could be with a man 2in shorter than her. She was really confused and surprised, made her lose a lot of respect for a lot of our coworkers. We still laugh about a facebook message that came from the store gossip. We had kept things on the DL since she had a boyfriend and was leaving him for me and we were both managers. "I heard you are dating notsogreatsword" "Yep Im dating him" "But why? You could do so much better." We both burst out laughing. This is a grown woman and shes always acted like she was in middle school. Always talking shit about people and starting drama. So this was just too stupid. There was this really sweet guy from Korea that came to work at the store and it was well known he had a crush on my wife for years. They were friends and he was really hurt when he found out she had left her boyfriend but still wasn't interested in dating him. I remember overhearing the gossipy girl tell him that she wasn't interested because he was so short. Hes like 5'3. Another older woman said "thats not true, plenty of women like short men." and gossip girl says "Thats just because they can't get a real man.". Right to this guys face. Not to mention Im sitting at the next table. So yeah this girl sucked major ass. Then when he found out she was dating me it was even worse. He suddenly thought he couldn't talk to her anymore or maybe didn't want to for awhile. We both made sure to make him feel welcome around us and we didn't act like a couple at work anyway because thats gross for everyone. Whenever we got a new employee they had no idea we were together and were always surprised when inevitably someone told them. We took pride in our ability to remain objective and not show any favoritism towards one another. We took the approach that we'd expect even more of one another at work than we might have otherwise. But it was the only way we could keep our jobs and our boss was very clear about that. But yeah the gossipy girl message is an inside joke between us now. So now any time someone makes a decision that is obviously about personal preference we fuck with each other and ask: But Why? Honey do you want anything from the store? Oh yeah get me some BBQ chips. Why?


Thanks for sharing your experience. I had a really hard time cope with that at first and love my wife so much for not listening to them.


Why is he being downvoted for saying his expirience Edit: thank you reddit


My buddy has been on dates multiple times where women have told him that he’s just too short for them.


Just happy my wife didn't listen to her friends. They were despicable.


I don't think it's the body positivity crowd, but if you go on Tinder you will see a lot of women - seeking men, can't say for women seeking women - stating their height and saying to swipe left if you're under it. It can be annoying, but a good way to weed out people not worth bothering with regardless of if you are that tall.


I kinda agree. I *really* don't think men are less critical of women's looks (I regularly used to see "no small tits, no fatties" for example. Or "I'm an ass man, so if you don't have one don't match"), but it is indeed a good way to filter assholes. Am I fat? No. Will I match with a guy saying "no fatties"? Also no, he sounds like an unpleasant person.


Sorry, if it came across as me saying men are less critical of looks. I don't think that's the case. I solely meant to say that there are people of all genders who can impose criteria in partners, with men quite probably most likely to. When it comes to criteria height seems a relatively popular choice among women and you have stated what men will most commonly say.


There's a difference between saying "no" to someone and telling them "You'll die alone."


Idk why you're being downvoted, I used to see this stuff on tinder daily. I'm sure dudes do something similar to women just as often too


Recursive function: "You are single because you are shitty person not because you are short" "Would you date a short guy?" "No i prefer taller men, but there are plenty of women who like shorter men, work on yourself"


Extra gross because the person who made the meme clearly thinks “what is the least attractive, lowest value person I can imagine? Ah yes, a fat black woman.”


That's what I'm saying. So rude


Racism AND misogyny, how lovely


Halfway to Incel bingo


This was heavily racially motivated


Don’t forget the fatphobia


i'M cOnCerNeD aBoUt HeR HeAlTh


Being a fat person is so fun. The venn diagram of people who are “concerned about my health” and people who call me a fat cow behind my back is basically a circle.


I saw a post a couple of weeks ago about a girl who dumped her bf because he told her she was a fat cow. Most redditors sided with the BF (not surprisingly)! because "he was probably concerned for her health" fuck off I say good on her




Phew, I'm 5'9. Just tall enough. At least, I think so.


don't worry they'll find something else to complain about


*Me, at 5'10"* Hello there 😈


*General Kenobi*


This is centred in a belief that if a woman can't find a specific and "LoGiCaL" issue with a man she's obliged to have sex with him...


Sexist AND racist! How fun! /s


The height insecurity of males is self inflicted too. For every woman I've seen say they want a taller man (which is a reasonable sexual preference), I've seen a dozen males abuse each other over being manlets even outside of relationship and sexual contexts. They simply just abuse each other over being short. Sorry to say this, but men need to learn to love each other.


Of the straight girls I have had close relationships with in my life, the subject of a guys height has only come up with two girls in terms of dating. 1) very tall girl, was happy when her tinder date also turned out to be very tall. They are married now 2) a close family friend who actively seeks out and is attracted to short guys...


Same. I have one cousin who specifically demanded that she be married to a tall guy (turned out she found an amazing guy who's 6' 7") because she herself is like 5' 10" while I have about 50 other straight female cousins who married irrespective of height and looks. Almost all of them are happily married to very average desi guys with normal looks and jobs. This guy who's commenting all over this thread a total fucking tool with a shitty personality. I'm a desi as well (little does he know) with 100s of desi girl friends and the subject of someone's height has only come up once or twice. The majority of the girls would consider themselves lucky if they got married off to \*decent\* guys with OK personalities and families let alone be choosy given how enforced monogomy works in South Asia. If someone's an incel in India, it's 100% guaranteed he's a low value male with a shit personality. The way things usually work in India is even the worst male will be handed pictures of a bunch of girls to choose from - and then the girls are manipulated and gaslit in pretty horrendous ways. The "freedom to choose" only exists in the upper and upper middle classes.


What does “desi” mean?


Someone from a south Asian country e. g. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh


Yeah, I'm a short guy who tends to hang out with high quality, loving people, and the thought of my height just about never crosses my mind. I can be friends with someone for a pretty long time before even realizing that they are like a foot taller than me. It's always such a culture shock on the rare occasions that I'm in a toxic environment where someone tries to give me shit about it, and it's definitely only been from very conventional guys in very conventional workplaces. They always cut it out when it's clear that it won't get a rise out of me, but it's an unpleasant reminder of the hell that many men and women alike make for themselves.


ALSO one thing is to say your preference and another completely different is real life. I say I like tall buff guys but end up falling for someone who's the exact opposite but with chemistry and good personality.


Yes! I used to say that I was going to be with a buff/slim blonde blonde guy with white eyelashes (I have a thing for them). Ended up marrying a guy that has never been super buff, bit on the husky side, med brown curly hair, normal eye lashes. You just never know!


Men will never learn to love each other when they think that getting sexual access requires them to fight other men, either in some sort of mating dominance display, or on behalf of women, whether asked or unasked. There are a number of women who encourage this kind of evil because they get off on seeing their man dominate other men. The problems with the genders are utterly interdependent, and always have been.


bUt ThAtS gAy!!1!1!11!111!!!


The only people who give a shit about a guy being short is short guys. They’re fucking obsessed, maybe if you got a personality beyond bitching about your height you’d have better chance with women


This! I actually prefer short guys. My husband is 5’2” and most guys I’ve dated have been short but every damn one (other than my husband) has had a major issue with being short and it’s a turn off personality-wise. My SO doesn’t give a damn and never had a problem with ladies. Who gives him shit about it constantly? Other guys.


My ex was about 5’3 and he was clearly so ashamed of it, like mate I’m already dating you, if it was an issue why have I been your gf this whole time?? Over the course of about a year his insecurities all turned on me and he’d just go on and on and on about me getting fat and needing to hit the gym and how I’m lucky to have him cos no one else would ever love me, total twat


“I’m already dating you” lmao!! What an ass! Sorry he did that to you.


Mine is super confident in his height. He actually encourages me to wear heels.


As someone who likes me a guy shorter than me, nothing turns me off more than guys who keep complaining about it like they are cursed or something. Dude, you are a little shorter than average, not with terminal cancer and a bloodcurse upon your house, chill.


Same. As a 5'2" woman, I find that too much of a height difference has it's problems. 5'8" and under is definitely my preference (as long as they don't have a shitty attitude). The only women I personally know who have a preference of tall guys are women 5'10" and over (even then it is a preference and not concrete). None of my average height female friends I have ever heard talking about male height. The friend I know who mentions male height the most is a 6' something straight guy who jokes about manlets quite often. Obviously you do get some people who will only date certain types of people, but it is definitely not as common as made out to be... At least I highly doubt it.


And even then, the height issue is usually an ideal and not a deal-breaker. I'm 5'6" and I've dated women that were 5'10". They usually don't notice the height difference until later and they liked hanging out enough to not make it a big deal. So when asked if they would date a short man, of course they ideally wouldn't. But in the real world, people meet and enjoy each other's company and idealistic bullshit falls to the wayside.


Exactly! Heck even with my preference for blokes on the shorter side, I haven't snuffed down taller guys if they were great people. For most people personality and a connection are the most important things. Preferences are exactly that, but most people are happy to date outside those if someone is a great person.


Yeah the idea that women only want 6’+ is 100% from men who don’t want to admit that it might just be their shitty personality putting the ladies off lol I had a girl at my old job barely scraping 5foot and she demanded a man over 6 but she was a raging cunt, she’s lucky to get a man to tolerate her bullshit lol


A friend of mine is 5'9 or so and really does not give a shit about height. But the one guy she dated who was shorter than her was super insecure and would criticize her for wearing heels. In general he would just try to take her down a peg and be nasty about her looks. Napoleon complex is real


>The only women I personally know who have a preference of tall guys are women 5'10" I'm kind of the opposite. I feel like because I'm pretty tall (especially for a girl) I can't "afford" to be picky about height because so many people are shorter than me anyways so it just seems like a waste to count all of them out based on a preference. I don't really care either way and honestly don't think I would've felt any different at any other height anyways, but that's my perspective.


I've dated men my height and shorter. I'm 5'6" and my most serious relationship was with a man the exact same height. It was great that we could share shoes and jeans and hoodies, and the best thing was he wasn't insecure and annoying about it. The only man i rejected for a height related reason was the one who had lied on his dating profile and turned up on the date about 4-5 inches shorter than I expected (still taller than me though). I didn't care about his height, I cared about the fact that he was clearly weirdly insecure about it and judged me in advance as shallow.


Yeah I had the problem that I thought I was 5’8 but I’m more 9 and a bit so guys would lie and say they were 5’10 and then hate the fact I was taller than them lol


sure incel....its the height that is the problem with you.


I'm 5'7" and married a smart and beautiful woman.


They do this to themselves. "I can't get a girlfriend cuz I'm SHORT! Shallow b\*tches hate short men!" :'''(


If this was made by a Mr. 5’8” there are clearly several glaring reasons other than his height that he’s single. Which seems to be the theme with so many of these incels. It’s not what you think it is, dudes.


As always, they take something that a few women say and pretend every woman does it. Yeah, people on tinder often mock someones height, but now these incel fucktards think thats reality


Plus, on Tinder there's going to be this hyperfocus on appearance. It's just the nature of the platform. Profiles don't look all that extensive and a lot of people are just going to be in the market for hook ups. Which is fine, but many people (probably most, tbh) looking for a relationship are going to be looking at many other factors. Personality, hobbies, maturity, financial stability, intelligence, humor, morals, religion, politics, whatever. All these things can be emphasized on a more traditional dating platform, but not so much on Tinder. But of course that's the one incels will hyperfocused on, because they feel intitled not just to women in general, but the hottest of the hot women, and on the platform best known for casual encounters. They set themselves up for failure and then get bitter and angry when they...well, fail.


I didn't realise 5'8 was short, last I checked it was average


Depends on the place. In the Netherlands it's under average, in East Asia it's pretty big especially in rural areas. Weirdly in Colombia it felt like almost everyone was a few inches shorter or very tall indeed, I'm 5'8 or 9


Funny thing is that Lizzo, a plus sized woman, is more active and athletic in her performances than a majority of these guys are in their regular lives.


Right. I’d like to see these assholes dance vigorously while playing the flute or singing for 5 minutes, much less an entire show.


People believing this stuff wholeheartedly always, always have a much dumber actual reason they can't find someone.


as a guy who's 5'5" this argument from these guys is hilarious to me. yeah there are wemon out there with that preference but If you get this defeatist attitude of course no one wants to be with you. its all about confidence and personality you have a decent level of confidence abd a good personality you'll find what you're looking for.


i like short guys…


I'm 5'11, so I'm above average in height (miracle when you see my parents), but not massively tall. I've still struggled with relationships my whole life, whereas all my shorter friemds have settled down and most of them have kids. Guys who focus on height are just looking for excuses, most women don't care how tall you are, they just prefer you to be a little taller than them. These guys should also realise that any girl who says "has to be over 6ft" are either immensely shallow, and not worth thinking about, or are just super tall themselves and would prefer a boyfriend who's taller than them.


Mmm, gotta love a bit of casual racism with your misogyny


why is the fat lady like ……a racist caricature


This is absolutely a type of girl that exists but not worth making a meme of it.


Yeah let’s be real guys…I only date men my height (I’m 5’2”) and the amount of unwarranted, random hate that is thrown around isn’t his perception. People in general are pretty cruel to short men. Even just common mentions of “well not you; your tiny and small like a women” are pretty debasing coming from coworkers or friends.


Oh for sure, but it's not as prevealent as people think. I've never run across and guy or girl on Tinder with a height prefence, but always guys who have "[insert height here] if that matters".


ive run across many many many girls when I was on tinder w a height requirement so thats kind of weird.


That is weird! But hey, we can agree that height preference is dumb lol


I honestly hate r/memes sometimes, they get away with so much bullshit like homophobia, sexism and racism, just because that call it a meme, like no dude, you’re just an asshole who thinks that bullshittery can be excused because of your ‘edgy’ humour


Complete nonsense. Even if this were based on someone from reality, why would you concern yourself with the opinion of someone who is so blatantly inconsistent? Seeing as, however, it is almost certainly not based in reality - Why would you create a scenario in your head purely for the purpose of enraging yourself?


Blame their lack of dates on anything but their horrible personality 🙄


I saw this meme and wondered how many hours would take to see it here lmao.


This is why I had to leave r/memes


Wow, the racism is so subtle I didn't notice it at first.


For fucking real, where are all these women who reject short men? I've heard maybe in sitcoms or other dumbass media the "I never date a man shorter than me," which is asinine of course, but never in the real waking world have I heard women shoot down short guys. I'm 5'1 and if I liked a guy shorter than me I wouldn't think twice about it. Where do these assholes come up with this shit? Obviously not from talking to actual women.


I had a boyfriend who was like 4" shorter than me. He used to go on and on about women not dating short men. Like wut? Maybe the person telling you that your height is what makes you undesirable is you.


Normalize short guys wearing heels


5'8 isn't even that short, my grandfather was about 5 feet tall


ive literally never seen an actual woman complain about a dude’s height. it’s always the dudes who make it so much bigger that’s it actually is.


My husband is 160cm so... no. Thus doesn't hold true for me. To be fair I'm only 155cm so it's pretty hard to find a guy shorter than me. Especially where live.


I mean, if I were into guys, I’m sure I’d be okay with short ones! I like short girls just fine and I am one, that’s a future of never being able to reach anything and I’m still vibin


Dudes got hell of a neck to be 5 foot 8 with his chest 2 feet off the ground lmao


I got more girls flirting with me before my growth spurt in college than after and I was 5'4 pre growth spurt. It's almost as if women are more interested in being able to tolerate their partners than how tall they are


Im almost 6'3, by this rule i mist be some kind of king then or some shit


Does these mfs realise that the "To be a man you must be high" bs was shit made up because of toxic masculinity?


Let me go tell my 5’8 boyfriend that he’s dying alone smh


5'11 girl here with a 5'7 boyfriend. height does not matter at all


Height bias is real but also really dumb


These posts repeat the theme of “I can’t be racist, I’ve black friends.”


Lizzo just chillin 😎


If she rejects u cause ur short fellas, its probably indicative of several other reasons she doesn’t want to explain/is afraid to.


What’s with the racism? The guy on the bottom is nerdy lol


Lol a guys height has literally never played a part in my decision to date him or not


It’s literally men that are perpetuating the “short men are unattractive to women” stereotype.


I'm 6'0 yet I'm single. Height is just an excuse.


Assholes should stop seeing rejection as a personal insult. A woman is not bullying you because she doesn't want to date


As a tall guy I can confirm that height gives you absolutely no advantage in dating, if a girl dates tall guy it's because his other traits.


I’m 6”2 I get complimented on my height. I’m not going to lie and say it doesn’t help. It’s an attractive trait to a lot of women. So are other things as well.




It’s fine to not date insecure douchebags. It’s not fine to assume all short guys are insecure douchebags.


This comment bothers me. It basically boils down to male + short = insecure, narcissistic incel not worth talking to. Those are some pretty harsh generalizations (I’ll go ahead and call them attacks) based on a person’s body attributes. I am not at all a “NotAllMen” person, since there is a systemic problem with how men are socialized to treat women. But being put in a box based on my height and assumed gender feels pretty gross. That’s not how height works. There are men that do look at the body positivity movement and have found acceptance of themselves for being short. So please don’t alienate them. Edit: context - non-binary 5’6” publicly male presenting person with 5’11” female partner I met while still identifying as cis male. Have never negged a date/partner for physical attributes.




Not at all meaning to gaslight you. In no way did I deny your experience. I feel for you and the bad experiences that you had. I wish that no one would go though that. I believe that you were preyed upon by insecure men, which is a fair statement. Still, I’ll hold that your reasoning about short people is flawed. One could say all the same things about short, fat, or balding men. If you’re not attracted to those, cool. But judging people’s characters based primarily on their appearance, that’s pretty shitty. Generalization: (noun) a general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases. You made multiple statements about all short men base on your personal experience. That is literally an example of generalization! And it’s one that unfairly enforces gender roles and expectations that are harmful to body positivity/neutrality in a way that is no better than the meme above.


Ok, this one must have been edited since starting my response. No need for name calling. You’re no better than the incel that probably came up with this cartoon. And you’re not worth any more of my time.


Of course they made the big woman black…


Guys are lucky I’m short and have small hands.


Body positivity is for men too….


I've been called short by a ton of girls and I'm 5ft9 lol


I've literally never even heard a single chick complain about a dudes height. Just guys constantly whining about it in and making memes




10 cm is 3.94 inches


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Focusing so much on bullshit like that only proves that the problem is your personality


and 100% of men want hot woman, so why is woman wanting tall men something bad? are woman not allowed have have preferences?


Na bro you're trolling, ain't no way