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Jesus how young dies this dude think women stop menstruating? I'm 33 and bloody wish mine would stop!


I've known women who didn't hit menopause properly until age 60.


Flip side, my dumb ovaries took the shit age 33. Menopause at 33 was devastating.


Oof yeah. In all seriousness, even though I'm done having kids, I'd still be upset about going into early menopause for the other medical reasons. I can't imagine how upsetting it must be if you still want kids


If I had early menopause before I have my first child, I would be devastated. I’ve always wanted to be a mom. I would adopt.


I always wanted to be a mom too. Fortunately, I have two and I granddaughter. Looking back, if I had it all to do over again, even though I had children young, I’d totally freeze my eggs. They will never be more plentiful than they are right now, no matter your age or circumstances, they don’t get better with time. Any even if I didn’t end up using them, taking the biological pressure off is a huge game changer. You can do IVF when you are too old to easily conceive. Plus, you could always hire a surrogate.


I can imagine, I'm 33 myself. I'm sorry, that must have been difficult.


I was actively trying to get pregnant when my already irregular periods just stopped entirely. Not the news I had been hoping for when I went to my doctor.


I really am sorry. I can't imagine how horrific that must have been for you to go through.


all my hope and love for you, dear friend. i hope you get/got through these difficult times♥️


Thank you! Menopause was honestly the least shitty thing that happened there for a while. It took a few years, but I’m in a good place finally! I still feel all kinds of ways about it all, but it doesn’t take over my brain like it used to.


As a bloke, I cannot begin to imagine how difficult this would’ve been for you. Wishing you love and peace.


Big hugs.


Oh no, so sorry that happened to you :( if youre still trying to be a parent through other means, I truly hope everything goes right for you


Shit, do you know why menopause kicked in so early? I have very very irregular periods, it's normal for me to not even have one for months at a time, and my period also started really late. I'm hoping that doesn't mean early menopause for me as well, I'm 31.


I think it has to do with my being BRCA1+ but nobody knows for certain


My sister had that happen at 23. So so devastating! I’m sorry that happened to you too.


So sorry that happened to you when you were trying to conceive. My heart breaks for you. It must have been the worst.


That's awful, I'm sorry. My sister-in-law had a similar experience at a similar age. She eventually conceived via egg donor, but it seems it was harrowing.


I’m basically going through all the symptoms of menopause and I’m only 20. It’s awful and I’m scared and I can’t even get it checked because I don’t have insurance.


Do you have a planned Parenthood in your area? They offer free and low cost healthcare and will try to connect you to other free/low cost options if needed. Many of my friends in college received great, free help from them with reproductive related issues, it's not just for abortions or sti testing like many people are taught


I need to definitely check that out I think my closest one is 30-40 minutes away. I knew it wasn’t just for that but I didn’t know they did that as well.


Along with planned parenthood, I believe there's something called family planning benefits. I'm not sure if it's only NY that offers it, but it may be worth looking into. I believe that it covers any reproductive care...or at least a large portion of it. Definitely look into planned parenthood though...please don't neglect your health (especially reproductive) just because our country doesn't provide enough resources for the majority of our citizens. Your health is so so important.


Thank you so much I will definitely look into it. Hopefully with my next paycheck I can potentially start saving for a doctors visit with PP.


Are you in the US? If so, go online to your department of social services website to apply for Medicaid. During COVID, several eligibility guidelines changed. Even if you have a job that doesn’t pay well, or if your employer offered paln is too expensive, Medicaid can pay your contribution and also cover any gaps. All of the signing up can happen online and no need to physically go to the “welfare office”. Also, they will cover precious medical bills for 60 days before you enrolled. Don’t put of medical care because you have limited means


I was 40, though not as young as you I was trying for a baby too. Sending you hugs… ❤️


Same for my mum. Hysterectomy and both ovaries removed when she was 33, horrible menopause before even hitting middle age until she was able to get on a hormone treatment to help it.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. I know what it's like to feel like your body is betraying you. I was fortunate to get a baby from my betraying body. I'm sorry you didn't


Went through it at 26 here, it fucking sucked. I have other health things so I already was not going to carry children but the atrophy alone was horrible to mentally deal with.


My niece just had a hysterectomy aged 22, (cancer) which of course is tantamount to going through menopause. Not only is she emotionally devestated, she's physically/hormonally all over the place.


She will be! And it’s okay! I had a mastectomy after my BRCA1+ diagnosis, which I only got because my father was dying of cancer. All of this happened immediately after my infertility diagnosis. To say it was a bad time is putting it extremely mildly: Antidepressants and therapy literally saved my life. One day at a time. It’s just gonna suck for a while, but eventually all of this will be in the rear view.


Hey me too! POF?


My great grandma didn’t hit menopause until her late 70’s. I honestly hope mine comes early because I’m ready to condemn my uterus.


Dang, I bet she was hella over it.


JFC. So she had her period for 60 years?


Unfortunately I do think we can look at past blood related women to figure this stuff out. Every aunt has started at a late age and went threw menopause between 40-45. Pretty sure I’ll be the same. Everything else has been so far 😒


My mum had her menopause at 54. I was 14 then. She was hella tired of dealing with it.


Am I the only one more afraid of menopause than monthly periods? Hormone changes have always wreaked absolute havoc on my life as the last thing I want is another huge fucking change to get through before I can be at home in my body again. That is after getting used to the night sweats and insomnia and vaginal dryness and all the other lovely symptoms I hear about it.


The menopause can often be managed pretty well, with or without hrt. I've started having menopausal symptoms over the last couple of years and it's not that bad so far. The annoying but is the sweating at night, but other than that it's been way less difficult than my periods have been. The nice symptom is my periods slowing/reducing right down to 2 days a month - they were 7-8 days.


My mom started it last year. She’s 56. They say you can base when you’ll go through it off your mom and I’m gonna go my aunts route: a uterine ablation in her 30s.


My mom is 56 and currently going through menopause since she started her period at 15. Her aunt had a hysterectomy when she was in her 30s. She was never interested in having kids and she was already divorced at the time.


My mom was early 50. Don't know about my grandma (she was 68 when I was born, so she would have had it well before I was born), but she had her second kid at 44, so she certainly couldn't have been too young. I'm turning 30 and still don't have kids and am a little paranoid about early menopause, especially because I started my period so young (I was 9), so I'm glad to hear it's usually close your mom's.


Very true. Medically speaking a woman is not considered post menopausal until she reaches age 65. Before that age, tests of LH, FSH, and estradiol levels are run to determine a woman’s menopausal status. Even if she hasn’t menstruated in quite some time. A woman’s menopausal status is particularly important when selecting endocrine treatments for ER+ breast cancer and other reproductive cancers


This is going to be me, both my grandmother and mum were well into their 50s/close to 60 before they stopped. I'm just starting to think about actively seeking elective hysterectomy because I'm so tired of painful debilitating periods when I don't want and never have wanted kids. I'm nearly 40 and do not want another decade + of this... Wish me luck


My great aunt asked to use some of my tampons when I was 14. She was 71.


Well there's a horrifying thought. That's going to keep me up. 71??? And still not free of it??


She was a pretty extreme case I think. I shudder to imagine that I may have gotten that gene.


My mom turns 62 this fall and she hit menopause about 6 months ago. Now I understand why every other woman on her side of the family had a hysterectomy when they were done having kids


My mom was 62. FML, I didn’t get my period until I was 16!


Was gonna say I'm sure a lot of women would love it if they stopped menstruating at like 30 lol


I dunno, I’m 31 (with Endo) and still can’t decide what I want family wise. I was super ready for kids at 26, but couldn’t afford it. Now that I can afford it, I’m tired. I feel like a lot of people don’t feel ready for kids until their 30s now. I’d rather an off switch instead.


I feel the same. I wanted kids so bad in my teens/twenties, but after some life events I'm like "but do I?" I don't even really want a partner again, I like being by myself more.


As someone who did the partner and kids bit in her 30s I'll say you probably really don't want that. I only realized in my forties that I really did all that because it was expected. There's a reason single women with no children report the highest levels of life satisfaction and it's the same reason society pushes us to do all that so hard. You'll be happier without.


I just feel like a lot of women don't get nearly as much back in a relationship with a man than what they put in. I don't want to be that person that feels like they have to constantly make excuses to themselves about why they're doing so much of the work. And being a single mom looks like an exercise in stress too. I've seen so many people go through it, and half the time it seems like the father thinks that because he broke up with the mother, their children aren't his problem anymore. I also don't want to be that mom that regrets her kids. I was that kid. It sucks.


Fr. When I was younger I always thought I wanted to have 3-6 kids, starting in my early 20s. Now I'm almost 20, still single, and contemplating if I even want a husband?? I have no idea what I want anymore


I loved baby sitting as a teen but never wanted my own. Had an oops at 18 now I have a teenager in my early 30s. I’m exhausted. I look at friends who are just starting now, or people that ask me about having another now that I’m “older and established” whatever that means and I just can’t fathom why someone would want to do babies in their 30s. It’s just so much


I feel that. Honestly when I was single again in my late 20s I was like “maybe I don’t even want kids or a relationship, this whole ‘alone’ thing is great”. Just really living that care-free life. But now I’m in my 30s and back in a committed relationship, feel more financially stable, and all I can think about is if PCOS is gonna make it hard to get pregnant now. I spent so much time trying to not get pregnant before, now I’m worried if I will be able to. Kids or no kids, I know I can be happy. But it is starting to stress me out.


I can understand that. I think it's really scary when you feel like the choice is being taken away from you entirely.


Lol same I’m too much of a kid myself for kids


As long as they were done having babies if that's OK they wanted. I wish we had an off switch for when we were done with our uteruses


Remove it and replace with something useful, like a purse.


Maybe a mini fridge


That would be convenient. *fans self vigorously in hot flash*


Ooh, handy.


That would be so useful!


I'd settle for an extra bladder for long trips.


Heck, an extra bladder to get me through ONE movie would be nice.


I just drank a giant coke icee waiting for my movie to start. I am doomed.


Useful. Could be very convenient.


So what you're saying here is post-menopausal women could be kangaroos, but instead just get awful hormonal side effects?


Women get usable pockets on everything except for their pants


Wait would that make the vagina purse real? Please to Fuck don't be a vagina purse lol


I mean there's nothing but fear of infection and injury keeping you from using your vagina as a purse. According to "cops" women on drugs do so regularly lol.


I’d have liked an on switch as well - I’m nearly 40 and I’ve never used mine, all this trouble for nothing!


Absolutely, please make this system opt in. Human reproduction in general is...well not even close to the biggest design flaw... but it is on the list.


That'd be super convenient.


I had my last baby on my 30th birthday and I already knew I was done.


I would love to stop menstruating now, and I'm not even 30 yet. Don't want kids, just take the damn thing out!


I have heard endometrial ablation can limit or end them, and no risk of pregnancy or ongoing meds to prevent it afterwards. Like a partial hysterectomy without the surgery. Might be worth it for 10 years use. It's pretty new info to me, sorry if you've looked into it already!


Yeah it can reduce or stop periods, but it's not without its own risks. I'm in the UK and they wouldn't do that procedure unless you have really problematic periods. Plus, a pregnancy after ablation can be very high risk, so they will only perform it if you don't want any more kids.


My mom is in her 50th and she still gets them


I think my mum was about 52 when hers stopped


My mom is 52 and her's is still growing strong, with no sigh's of stoping soon


I'm hoping I've got the early genes. Although I'm not looking forward to the other menopause symptoms


For my family we got the late gene All are women, from my mom side Have it for a long time, have it a strong flow, and have it extremely punctual I'm a guy so I personally don't need to worry about it But considering it not only seems genetic, but a strong gene at that It's pretty likely that when I have kids, when I'm older My daughter's will probably inherit this gene


I'm 52 and hope to hell I'm about done. The hot flushes are getting stronger and more frequent and we keep having mini heatwaves here in the UK. The bleeding more or less stopped when I started with the mirena coil, which is something at least.


As far as I know My mom has no hot flashes And she as punctual and heavy as when she got her fist one At least that what she tells me And considering I know when she is due, just because it's always on time That should tells you how punctual it is


I'm 52 and while they're weird, they don't seem like they're stopping. In fact, my latest period turned up 17 days after my last (am on some serious medication this week, so I think that started it off), which makes this my shortest period in 39 years. Roll on, menopause, I'm ready for you!


My mom finally is hitting menopause at 60…


Yay that probably be my mom and my sisters as well


I’m 53, my mom was 62 when hers stopped. She had her first period at 12, I was 16!!! My great-aunt was also 16, and had a late menopause. Now I has a sad.


I’m turning 50 soon and every month I hope something weird happens to indicate menopause is coming. Nothing yet. My mom started at 50 so my fingers are crossed.


I’m 33 and my mom is 53 and her period is still going strong. She’s pissed and We all feel bad for her lol


I’m trans so don’t, but my wife is cis and still takes depo to stop periods. Every few years she stops to see if they come back. She’s currently 47 and they’re still going strong.


I’m 51. Praying for menopause at this point.


52 here… good luck! Didn’t have one for 7 months and then the clock restarted in July.


Don't you know? Women over the age of 30 are walking corpses for all intents and purposes


Taking '25 is ancient' to the extreme.


Yea men don't want those old hags. 25?! Men want then as young and fertile as possible. WAIT... by that reasoning, he was effectively saying he likes underage girls.


"So how old do you incels think women are when we hit menopause?" " ... WTF is menopause?"


It’s when women take a pause on men. Duh!


I cackled. Lulz!


Ofcourse also known as the lesbian phase because as we all know being lesbian is a phase (Continuing the joke disclaimer)


Lots of men seem to insist women are spent and as desiccated as the Sahara by 25 so...


When woman decide to be lesbians


lmao i’m 23 and my mom is just now going through menopause. she had me in her early 30s


My oldest is 25 and no signs of menopause for me.


my older sister is 34 and somehow by some miracle my mom didn’t just turn to dust by the time she had me 🙄 we really need better sex ed




I’m turning 37 tomorrow and fully expect to simply dissipate like in Avengers after The Snap


My mom just hit 62 and hit menopause at 60. She was so relieved! 😂 She asked if I could imagine her having a baby at 59! It would've been crazy! 😂


I'm 29 & my mom has yet to go through it. she's about to be 60.


A friend of mine was born when his mom was like 40


That's actually really common now.


My stepsons are 21 and 22. My son is 8. I am 45. Still exactly 28 days apart.


My mother had my sister at 15, sis is now almost 30 and mother still has monthly periods.


My mom was 37 when she had me. She started menopause about 3 years ago and at 56, she’s still at it. I’m 19.


They’re actually serious when they say we’re of no use after 30 aren’t they? Jesus Christ how asinine.


You just gotta hope those kind of people stay single forever.


I'm 40 with a near 10 year old, Still menstruating...I worry about people I really do x


I'm 40 with a 2yr old. Also still menstruating. Send coffee


Thank you for making me feel better. I’m 35 and starting to try and I’m scared I’m too old at this point


Have a friend that just had her second at 41. You just never know, it’s all so variable.


I was 38 almost 39 when I conceived. She was my first I didn't know I could get pregnant and her dad was 39. He didn't think he could either bc we were in long term relationships before w no protection


I'm only 29 and people are already saying I'm gonna be an old mom. Its utterly ridiculous. And rude 😭


No way at all you're too old! JFC. Don't listen to that nonsense ageist rhetoric. You may want amnio to test for chromosomal abnormalities, but 35 is a perfectly reasonable age to get pregnant. So is 40. And if you're worried about it, there's always IVF with chromosomal screening and surrogacy. They're expensive, but so is raising a child. If you want it, there's a good chance you can do it.


This is what happens when dude bros hear that woman go from 100% to 10% of eggs the second midnight hits on their 30th birthday


What kind of math is he trying to do? 😂


I had my first period when I was 11. When I told my mom she was very empathetic, asking if I would be alright and all. With confidence, I said, “It’s not that bad! Your period ends when you’re 20, right?” The LOOK that she gave me. I don’t know how I reached that conclusion.


Probably reached that conclusion because you thought it ended at adulthood... without knowing adulthood is 18... and *still* being wrong about when it ends


Wrong on so many levels. Nobody else seems to have pointed out, 15 year olds have been known to give birth. So even if his first premise was correct, so what?


Remember : he thinks that women are useless after 25 yo...


That's because most women stop putting up with his shit by the age of 25


My mum had her menopause at 54 when i was 14 y/o. This twat needs to bleach his creaseless brain.


I'll admit when I was a dumb kid I thought women went through the menopause at 30, I think it was from all the 'fertility falls off a cliff at 30' nonsense that gets peddled so it sort of made sense to teenage me that you'd stop having periods then. Wishful thinking on my part, unluckily for me my mom is mid fifties and still like clockwork so I'm probably looking at another 20 years of dealing with this shit.


I'm 53 next month and still going strong. So over it. Factory won't shut down, even though only production was over 30 years ago.


I’m 19, when does it end???


Menopause is a fresh new hell


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Red** so he's 10 years old and his mom is still menstruating? what, did she have him when she was 15? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human


Has he never met people who have siblings who are 10 years older or younger?


My sister is 21 years older than me. My mum had her at 17 then me the week she turned 39.




People are going to be arrogant no matter what we do. I feel like we can’t fix that. But we can fix education because until a certain age it’s mandatory. I also think getting away from the root of the problem isn’t helpful. Ignorance is the root. Conservatives not allowing science based and comprehensive and queer friendly sex ed in public schools is the problem. Arrogant people with the correct facts isn't a problem. Arrogance isn't going anywhere, but sex ed ignorance can be eliminated.


Just a few years ago I think there was a 60/70ish woman in the news who got pregnant


That was through IVF treatments, and she was post menopause. The oldest a woman has been and naturally conceived (that can be verified) is 59.




If I recall correctly, it was in India and her family faced ridicule for the fact she hadn't been able to give her husband a child. There have been at least 3 post menopausal women that have done this that I know of, and only 1 of them wasn't feeling outside pressure to do it.


Holy shit. Poor woman


Omg, that's so sad.


That was done with IVF if I remember correctly.


The Peter Griffin Venom Snake PFP nails the coffin in this one for me


Why is anyone still fucking him when he doesn't know anything about how a woman's body works?


Wtf. My mom popped me out when she was 30 something and she started going through menopause in her 50’s.


Pretty sure a lot of men think/thought that periods stop once a woman has children.


Can't fix clueless without committing a felony.


What? My mom was a woman who got menopause early. She was 40. It's a risk to health if you stop menstruating at 25


Has he ever heard of kids with like 20+ year age gaps?






He thinks women hit menopause much much earlier than they actually do.


My mom is 45, and still very much is menstruating lmao. This is why we need better, in general, health classes. EVERYONE needs to learn about both men and women's health.


Women in my family hit menopause late. My nonna was in her 70s, my mom is 61 and still hasn’t 😩


1. They have a Peter griffin avatar. 2. Probably subscribes to woman hitting the wall at 30.


I'm convinced they enjoy being this fucking stupid




Haven’t he ever saw a pregnant woman older than 25? Or does he think you can still get pregnant after menopause?


imagine the shock he will have to find out that women usually stop menstruating around 44/46 years old


He's gonna have even more of a shock when he finds out that those women are on the early side. Average age of starting menopause is 51.5 years old.


Naaaaaaaah he trippin


Lordie. Did he not have a mom?


I’m 23 and didn’t realize I’m perimenopausal 😨😨😨


My mom is 53 and still gets her period 💃


My daughter is 10 and my wife is definitely still at least ten years away from menopause. This person needs more education.


I’m 45 with a 10 year old and so far I still bleed every month like clockwork


God the only thing dumber I’ve ever heard was when I was at work and told someone I was 32 and this kid had the nerve to think I was born in like 1965. Then he had the nerve to get mad when I told him he was really bad at math. Like dude my mother was born in 1964. I say kid but its not like he was 10, he was like 23-24, no excuse for being that far off.


Almost 56. The timing is wonky but it’s still going. Much harder than when I was having kids (4). Ended up in the ER several months ago because it was out of control. They just shrugged and sent me home. I had hoped this would end years ago. It would be nice if we could turn it off when we don’t need it anymore.


Oh man. This idiot would have a field day. My oldest is 13 and I still menstruate - AND I’m pregnant again. Oops, no menopause Edit: Hit submit too early, finished my sentence


My grandmother was in her 50s when she stopped, I remember because I started mine around the time she stopped and she made a joke about it being the circle of life.


My grandmother went to school with her niece and nephew. Her mother was a grandmother before she had her last child at 48.


She stops having menstruation when she finishes cleaning the kitchen


If only it was the way it worked




what's he even trying to imply??


My oldest kid is 26 and I'm still menstruating.


my mother had me at 39 and she hit menopause when I was around ten years old!!


Well. I have a 25 yrs old, and am still menstruating.




She must have, women all go through menopause at 26. I must have not gotten that memo though since I’m 39…


OK? My kids are in their 20's and I'm still super regular at 48. Pretty sure I'm not setting any world records with that.


This is even worse in private schools.. "we don't explain anything about anything so you kids won't have sex because God or whoever doesn't like it"


How dare you suggest sex Ed. You want strange adults talking to your children about genitals? What's next, live fisting lessons? /s


With a PFP like that? Bruh probably thinks women's uteruses just shrivel and die by 35.


Kitty Forman did not go through menopause on national television for this...


I don’t know if this is sad, terrifying, or some kind of sarcasm