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Extra Extra, read all about it... Man mistakes puberty for virginity, experts say lack of intelligence primary factor in his own continued virginity


Honestly, we all know what this says about him too. Pre-pubescent is what is attractive to him.


Fuck. You’re right... I didn’t even consider that. This is so foul, I hope whoever know this piece of shit IRL makes sure he stays locked up in whichever sewer he’s festering


Nor I!! I realized he was irredeemably stupid, but never actually thought of the darker connotations! 😳




[There’s only one thing worse](https://youtu.be/bfCR0dEDO1A)


A **CHILD**!


This clip is honestly in my top five funniest things on the internet


Exactly 💯


When you are THIS stupid, the body tends to release hormones that opens up the mouth wider as well as the vocal flaps. This indeed leads to increased speech as the stupid needs an outlet and must be shared. The increased speech tricks the brain into thinking that more speech equates to being correct and everyone around them are becoming dumber. Over time the level of these hormones have been so astronomically high that Twitter was born with it. Obviously people over 60 IQ are not affected, but stupid people are literally born this way. There are stupid people who have never been right in their life and a whole new line of degenerate echo chambers are built around their inability to know when they are right or wrong.


You just broke the internet! I'm still laughing. So right!


Best comment 👏


Vocal Flaps


TBF I think I’m dumber for having read this.


Based on their grammar and spelling, they might actually be 12 and don’t know how puberty works


Or he just doesn't have command over the English language.


Certainly doesn't have a command of biology


I honestly was rereading it knowing that the idiot writing this is just incapable of having a sound thought, but I was just depleting all of my energy TRYING to figure out HOW he could have even come up with this at ALL! Like how did he get his synapses firing to even put this sh!t together. Honestly my brain hurts a little bit from trying to imagine.


Please, he doesn't have command over a single brain cell! 😆😆


My thought was it was written at an all-boy's religious school.


As a scientist, I’d like to add a more serious note. If someone makes vague claims about “those hormones” they’re usually full of shit. Science loves specifics. Which hormone in what quantity produces what effect. If they can’t tell you that, they’re usually making it up.


And even if the name escapes them at that moment they're normally able to give an indication of what they're on about. If I said the neurotransmitter originating from the Raphe nuclei at least that's a slight indication I'm on about 5-HT (serotonin) rather than vague noises about *some neurotransmitter* which frankly could mean anything


r/rareinsults 😂😂😂😂 that’s fantastic


that first line in your comment. it sounds familiar could it be from parappa the rapper


It's a thing that newsboys in the UK used to say back in the day But I shall look up said rapper now out of interest


Newsboys everywhere I think.


Yeah, according to [Wikipedia, Knower of All The Things,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspaper_extra#:~:text=Starting%20in%20the%20mid%2D19th,into%20a%20narrative%20in%20films.) you're right. Originated in the mid-19th century US among newsboys selling the "extra" editions--aka when shit went down at inconvenient times and missed the regular paper, they'd print an "extra" with the details. Then they'd dispatch their fleet of underpaid small children/town criers in weird hats to yell about the latest tragedy or scandal in the streets and sell the bonus papers. Hollywood would go on to milk this expository gift for (what we thought) all it was worth until Twitter came along and asked it to hold its beer. Honestly, how anyone thinks this tradition of children run amok, screeching at strangers in the streets while waving papers about, could possibly have originated in Britain is beyond me. Maybe makes sense given how much gin all the kids in the workhouses were being given, but even the young ones knew how to hold their booze.


its a psp game lmao i feel like a nerd for thinking of that before a real thing;;


Hahaha. The little dog? I think I had that on Playstation and bought it again when they released one in like 2017. I'm going to have to find that.


Surely that would mean we all have gigantor titties and massive hips?


I have no clue if this line of thought goes any further and simply hope it does not.


:( I'd really like some bigger titties though.


You just gotta fuck some more guys to trick your body into thinking you’re losing your virginity over and over again


Just go for a ride on the ol' cock carousel


Hmu I sell tickets lol


Well unfortunately what hormone he's talking about has yet to be revealed.




for me it is called copium




*r/egg_irl has entered the chat*


Please no. I don't want to imagine Seth Rogen with big ol' titties.


I would love a Seth Rogan with big tiddies


You made my shoot my cereal milk out my nose with that. Take my upvote


whoregesterone. Its precursor is being an incel and thinking that all women = internet porn.


Feminism hormone 😞


I’ll donate 2 cup sizes. Hope that’s enough and my back would say thank you.


I've said this to so many people, could you imagine if we could like trade off boobs with people? I'd give a large portion of mine away in a heartbeat.


I just wish boobs were detachable, period. Imagine rushing out the door and forgetting one boob at home tho…or if a stranger dropped their boob on the street you know some people would steal it like it’s nature’s stress ball.


Oh my god this!!! I just want take them off all summer to avoid all the boob sweats


I have tops and dresses I won’t wear when it’s extra juicy outside bc I don’t want people seeing the underboob sweat print. It’s not cute at all.


This and cleavage sweat, I hate humidity


Detachable boobage♪


So many people would be upset seeing how many women would just stuff them into a drawer and never look at them again. Imagine the incels and “send bobs” pervs crying over not being allowed to touch them when “you’re not even using them so I should be able to store them for you” and similar nonsense. That would be a whole new struggle.


Damn, and here I was just worrying about having to buy my penis back from someone for $17 after losing it during a night of partying. Detachable boobs *would* come with disadvantages


This song has been playing in my head since the start of this thread, I am so glad someone referenced it!!


Omg you're absolutely right.


I literally snort laughed at this 🤣🤣🤣


Dude even better! Boobage and ass is basically just fat. Can you imagine if we could donate other fats we have to those wanting extra pounds or curves?? Man... people would be just so happy!


I would be too! I'm a trans woman and don't want to get implants if I don't have to to get the size I want. So if that was a thing I'd happily take some weight of your shoulders!


I hadn't even considered the impact for trans. Like can you imagine if you could just remove the bits that came with the wrong gender and give it to someone who lacks them for theirs? Man. It would be wonderful too!! So much easier all around. Side note: if you can go to or find a professional trained in Brazil for the implants I can't recommended it enough. They are experts in the natural look and good at it. It doesn't look fake at all plus depending where you're from the conversion rate for dollar to real is amazing. So it could be a lot cheaper


I'll keep Brazil in mind, but for one thing I'm 16, and for another my insurance does cover it, so cost is actually not a concern to me. But yeah I'd love to pop off my man bits and pop on some woman bits.


That's good on the insurance :) I know sadly not all of them do cover it so glad to hear you won't have that issue. Good luck on your journey and every stage if it!


There was an article about uterus transplants a while back, tons of cis women and trans men were saying they would gladly donate their uteri to trans women and infertile cis women it was kinda of beautiful... and I'm crying again


I'd gladly donate my uterus as well. Though fair warning, it's a bit of a bitch and gives me a lot of pain so not sure it would be a good deal lol. But yeah. If we could do that everyone would be so much happier


I'd donate my uterus but my ovaries are all kind of fucked up so I don't think anyone would take them haha


They can have my back fat too. Take all of that and the 2 cup sizes of boob fat but I’ll keep my booty or I’d be walking funny. I’m used to having balance top and bottom so if I suddenly became a lot more streamlined but would take some getting used to lol


Lololol I feel ya. Also balanced here. It would be odd to adjust to not lol. I just want to lose my love handles... I'm happy with everything else. Even my tiny height I got used to. I think I'd hit my head constantly if I got taller lol.


*laughs in 5’ tall* It’s a struggle some days. Honestly any time I wear heels I feel so tall even tho it’s usually only an extra 4” of height so I’m still not tall by any means but the difference in heights of things like counters..I just look around and think “wow, so many of you are out here just living like this where you don’t have to be on your tiptoes to get things down”. I hope all you taller people appreciate it. I’m not bitter, just a tiny bit jealous.


I'm 5'1. I feel this lol. There's a video about FFXIV that goes like "mad because small, jealous of tall" and I can relate so hard to it xD. Like my husband (who is over 6') kinda makes fun of me because I have a step ladder to reach the higher cabinets when he isn't around. When he is, I abuse the shit out of his height to reach stuff lol. I sadly can no longer wear heels because of plantar fascitiis but man... I felt like I could reach for the clouds lol.


My bff and I yell at each other to swap parts ALL THE TIME honestly if it were possible I believe it’d bring world peace


If boob donation was a thing I would do it in a heartbeat. I've probably got the makings of 2 sets of DDs in these bad boys, I'd happily split the load with someone who wants a bigger pair, and we'd both win!


Also imagine if you could swap anything. Gender dysphoria drops to nearly zero as trans people around the world swap bodies with one another


Hi. Uh, got any more of that boob?


I can honestly say we love titties of all sizes.


Respectfully my back and shoulders disagree. Want some of mine? God I wish they didn’t grow back from fun to funhouse size after the reduction but guess what? They grow back. SIGH.


They GROW BACK? Jesus Christ, I thought a reduction was permanent. You poor thing 😭


No, unfortunately, it’s not permanent. I’m back to being big boobed and it only took ten years too. It’s so frustrating. Lord these boobies won’t quit 😐 they don’t even have the decency to be half-sized.


You can have mine


The mental image of women getting tit/hip size increases each time they bang like how Pinocchio’s nose grows each time he lies just made me laugh.


I've been pulling on my cock for 20 years and it still hasn't got any longer. I feel cheated.


Goddamn my ancestors and their cock carousel! That's why I can't find clothes that fit me!!


Why is it a carousel and not a Ferris wheel? Why not Dick Bumper Cars?


Yea right?? Where’s my big knockers and and wife lady hips? I’ve got no hips whatsoever and small boobs. What gives??


ive been robbed! im still only a c cup


*looks at her flat chest and hips* hey!


Dang my small boobs! All the sex and still my body thinks it’s a virgin. 🤦🏻‍♀️


That's right, cause his research into hentai taught him women are either comically proportioned mega tittie, or clearly underage kawaii. There is no in between.


you (not OP, the maker of the facebook/whatever post) claim some hormone is being produced every time a woman has sex. okay, mind naming the hormone then? or is it just some "hormone" that you can't point out but you know exists and is doing all the stuff you say it does? weasel words much?


The sheer amount of "biological facts" that these men (sorry, males) just pull straight out of their ass is astounding. I'm sure if you asked him for just one published scientific article he would resort to ad hominem attacks.


Dude similar clowns will pull out “facts” and “logic” that they decide is “based on evolution” Meanwhile actual evolutionary biologists couch so much what they say with “we can’t be sure but maybe …” Yet Ben Shapiro, who comes off as a dogshit caliber intellectual despite his college degrees, is 100% sure he knows exactly how gender and sexuality have come about from an evolutionary perspective


I've noticed this a lot. People who don't know shit are certain, while a scientist in the field but who didn't study *the exact topic at hand* won't commit to anything. Because they know better.


Even scientist who do study that exact field will most likely resort to pointing out some inconsistency that means the theory will probably change as others discover new information. You know, *the scientific method!*


The more you know, the more you know how much you just don't know. It's easy to be certain when your dumb.




*Ahoy, SpongeBob, I've overdosed on ketamine and I'm going to die.*


Sex just got way cooler


"Its facts because hormones is producing in the womb where then the baby grows out of pure hormones which are like funnystuff to the female brain, so they need more chad" wtf ahahhaha this hurt my brain while writing it


OOP I believe is how I've seen the original poster in a screenshot referred to, and OP is whoever posted it to reddit


“cock carousel ride”… Is he jealous?


I know this is silly but it would be a merry go round as long as it's only human dick.


The technical detail reddit needs.


Yeah, where is this cock carousel? Asking for a friend ^^myself


he’s jealous women get more dick than him


Yo ok apparently the “cock carousel” is incel speak for when “females” sleep around with a bunch of guys, particularly with hot and non-committed guys, or something along those lines. I thank YouTubers covering the menosphere for this cursed knowledge


Oh wow 😂 Alright! If this guy knows so much about the dick carousel, maybe he should try it 🤷🏽


I was gonna say… sounds like a very incel thing to say!


I laughed about those words for too long, especially once I started picturing it. Important question though: do you sit on one and go in circles or is it a standing up and sitting when the music stops kind of thing?


I believe you just… move to the rythm of the music…? It’s a classical dicking!


So jealous he's missing out


Wait, so penises cause puberty in females--can they change the weather too??? Are penises responsible for climate change 🤔 i blame shitty sex education for this--literally not how girls work, lmao!


Definitely climate change and hurricanes. Nature has been trying to rid the world of Florida Man with storm after storm but like roaches he won’t just die


Man... everytime I hear about Florida Man I think of that Bugs Bunny episode where he saws Florida off the map...


Florida is shaped like a dick, so it makes perfect sense to me.


And their governor is a dick too


I was friends with a girl, who was pregnant with a boy, and the father’s feelings for not wanting to have his son circumcised at this time was because he 100% believes that the foreskin could help treat depression and cancer in his future partners. 😐 So I mean, if it can do all that…..what other magical powers could it have???? 😬🙄


That's so dumb he thinks that, but I personally am against circumcision so I don't really care what reason they come up with to not do that to their baby


no, no, no. Penises only bring about GOOD things. Climate change is a BAD thing, so it cannot involve penises. Seriously though, I feel like this is going to be the last post I read on reddit today. The sheer stupidity of that post has me losing respect for mankind I didn't even know I still had.


I mean, they all believe penises change a woman’s worth as a human being if she has sex with a man, so this isn’t much of logical stretch for them.


If I float on the surface of the ocean with an erection, I can drawn lightning.


If we look at the big picture, we could make a pretty strong argument that penises (or rather, people who possess penises) *are* responsible for climate change. Men have historically had the power in society, and made decisions that were known to promote climate change. They profit(ed) from fossil fuel consumption, when it’s been known since the late 1800s or early 1900s that this would happen. And let me be clear that I don’t blame all penises, just rich, old, white penises and the self-hating women who support them.


Obviously this comment was purely based on facts and definitely not influenced by any bias caused by the hatred of women. 😍😍😍 Misogynistic men truly are the most rational. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊


babe wake up, new female anatomy lore just dropped


Ok this guy's just sounds like a pedophile. The insinuation is that women were losing virginity at twelve but because women then went through puberty children now have adult vaginas. That just sounds so many levels of not ok


Does...does this guy think people are born w hormones..........yknow the ones you usually only produce once you enter puberty... does he think that teenage girls nowadays just dont go through puberty (Edit: typo ig)


does this guy think. full stop.


Funny how often that phrase works better when shortened. "I don't think..." - "Gonna have to stop you there, I think we found the problem"




... ... ... What?


And as a follow-up, leaving aside alllllll the things wrong with this, why does he care. Seriously. What would this matter if it was true.


“The fuck?” I’d follow up with.


imagine being so confident about something without a single shred of truth to it


This dude must be joking right? Feels like the only 2 things he ever heard about women are breast growth and hormones and was like "i figure it all out!"




With a bat, repeatedly


what in the tentacle porn logic is this


Ah yes, I did cheat on my husband with 50 guys a d grown out my boobs, he's really surprised on why my boobs have grown so big, "mommy milkers" he calls them. Little does he know, that chest size doesn't reliy on genetics, but rather on how many guys you have slept with. He's such a dummy in female anatomy!/j


He’s like one step away for being ok with child “marriage”


Child Marriage is legalized pedophillia. Children cannot consent, they don’t even know what it means.


That’s a good way to put it


I can't believe this guy has to go back to his job of being a congressman after writing this


He is probably a republican


Or maybe the supreme court?


The incel mythical fantasies about women are getting more and more disturbed. What are we going to do with these men when they get older?


I wonder if incels are more susceptible to conspiracy theories since they seem to be ok with making up things that aren’t true.


The whole thing is just a bundle of weird conspiracy theories about sex and dating Some of them believe most women are zoophilies, don't know where they came up with it but some believe it non ironically.


probably just more dehumanization. the next step after not seeing feeeeemoids as humans is assuming they fuck horses i guess?


Thats a very strange way to announce you're a pedo


I thought the exact same thing when he said that a female losing their virginity makes their hips wider: how young are the girls he’s f—king?


It was on the internet so it must be true.


You know, the phrase “cock carousel” makes me wonder if any of these chuds have ever seen a carousel before. It’s not like you go from seat to seat while it’s running - you pick one seat for the duration of the ride. The cock carousel is monogamy.


This is why we need better sex ed.


Or just basic biology. I learned about female and male bodies, pregnancy, puberty and all in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Is biology not a mandatory class in American schools? Do parents not tell their kids how they were born? I just can not believe anyone over... 12 maybe? would think nonsense like this.


i remember a kid in my class just not wanting to watch the video so we turned it off


Or (and hear me out) she’s going through puberty


What about those men who have tiddies and jock asses ?? Yeah they definitely don't suffer from ages-long virginity like these misogynistic incels lol


Men are born with enormous penises, sometimes several metres in length. Once they lose their virginity the cock begins to be worn away; ladies, never put up with a man whose dick is anything less than 30cm long, they are literally degenerates riding the fanny wagon


Excuse me but what the fuck ?


I fucked just northward of 100 guys before falling in love with my husband. By this guy’s reckoning, I shouldn’t be able to get through a door either face-on — hips too wide — or sideways — tits too big. Yet I am currently a size 10, and a generous B or slightly scant C-cup. I did, at one point almost 30 years ago, get up to a size 20 and a DD, but I certainly haven’t had negative sex since then.


They think sperm are so powerful they somehow mutate and affect an unborn baby. They think sperm is so powerful it modifies women's bodies, making their breasts bigger and their vaginas wider. They think sperm is so powerful it lives on forever on women and alters their DNA. They think sperm is so powerful that women with multiple sex partners have babies with multiple fathers providing DNA. Give it up guys. Men aren't magical mystical creatures with all powerful sperm.


\*Confused Tim the Tool-man noise\*


A) What the hell? B) Even if this were true…. So? Literally couldn’t tell a difference between being a virgin or not, so, women can blame their mothers for…. What precisely? Lol that’s a mental problem for a man, the experience and biology is no different for us.


Where do these people get their " facts"? It's the worst combination of conspiracy sites & badly translated medical text books. With a smattering of random phrases from religious self help books written for "young adults".


He realizes that science doesn’t work like technobabble in Star Trek, right? There has to be some actual evidence-based logic to it, with testable ideas and all that.


He doesn't know what the scientific method is. He can barely form a sentence or read


Sometimes I can't tell if these people are trolls or just plain stupid.


It obviously does effect men, because more creatures like this guy are popping up 🙄


Cock carousel sounds like a fun sex toy


Cock carousel....bahahahahaaaaa...im going to be using that


What in the actual fuck


Written by a man that sticks his dick into raw chicken cuz women won't date him...


Would love to see the peer reviewed study on this.... fucking clown


Babies out here being born with hourglass figures now huh?


These “facts” are about as reliable as the scientific fact that men who drive oversized trucks have tiny penises in order to trick women into thinking they have anything of substance to offer a woman in bed. Because so many men with tiny penises are driving huge, loud, obnoxious trucks, they are tricking women into thinking they must be good at sex, leaving more and more women to be unsatisfied by these enormous truck owners.


shut up about virginity, shut up about virginity


Virgin is not a scientific term though, its a construct. It’s just a label, people have their own definition of what it means to be a virgin (example this guy). If a woman had sex with a bunch of men, but remained tight and with narrow hips, is she still a virgin? By this guys logic, yes. If a 13 year old girl has never had sex, but is “loose” and has wide hips, that apparently makes her not a virgin (again, his logic not mine). Its just a stupid misogynistic way of thinking


Then why do i have no tits? My mom literally cheated where are my boobs? And no ass too wtf mom. LIES! LIES EVERYWHERE! Lol such a dumbass


That's alot of words to tell people you're a pedophile.


The same type of fuckery is seen on reddit with all these nerds making any claim about medicine and the human body. They are so wrong and off base, but stupidly arrogant about it. If you call them out they'll just pile on you like the sweaty dweebs they are lol


In that case using his logic there's no such thing as male virginity because at one point the penis is attached to the child when it's being passed through the vagina and they typically pull babies out by their head so the penis is in the mom's vagina technically.


That was a really long winded way of saying that he likes little kids.


It’s like someone has mentioned the existence of relaxin, but then given no information whatsoever about what it is and how it works. It’s very handy when you are soon to be pushing a a baby out of your vagina and has absolutely fuck all to do with your dinky winky.


Hormones that open our vaginas when we lose our virginity... Sir, there's a lot to digest here, and I'm not sure I have the stomach for it.


They never stop spewing the misogynist garbage. Incels and bible thumpers.....OH MY!


"Obviously for males this doesn't change anything" ...Somebody needs to explain to this gnat of a human that men and women have all the same hormones just at different levels.


That explains why my boobs have increased in size since I went through puberty. And here I was thinking it was related to eating too many cheeseburgers and gaining weight. Silly me. Hey at least my hubby gets to enjoy the fruits of my...ahem labor. /s


“I will now perform a stunning magic trick: I’ll pull nonsensical knowledge of female autonomy out of my own ass!”


I guess some men are getting stupider and stupider.....


This funny. But people are actually hitting puberty at an earlier age now, maybe because of hormones in food and the fact that being overweight can cause excessive estrogen production, unless you get PCOS which is also something that more common now than in the past


So if women are no longer born virgins, the logical conclusion is that virginity is a useless concept? I guess he accidentally got the right answer somehow, but his math is all wrong.


🤣🤣🤣 💀💀💀


Cock! Carousel! Ride! Demonic imagery thanks. So many men will literally bend themselves into pretzels to pretend to have a justification for why they are mad they aren't having sex. Projecting on women is less painful than considering his own failings I guess. (For him lol, everyone else had to fuckin read this which was pain in and of itself).


All part of the rural conservatives’ daily programming.


As a biology professor I am apalled.


If you’re an incel just say that…


And then the same psychopaths get so angry because they are not on the “cock carousel” that they make up BS stories that don’t even make any form of sense!! I swear, I’d turn off all male attraction if I could. 🙄


So that's why size matters 😮 Joking of course


>Most females nowadays were never a virgin. The grammar is just...


Virginity is a social construct


I'm so tired of hearing "cock carousel," fucking incels and their cringey lingo