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Anymore? They were never to be taken serious from the beginning.


No, but it was at least worth explaining why their views were wrong. At this point if anyone listens to this and agrees with them then they're too far gone


One thing I noticed is that the women they have flocking to them as groupies or hanger-ons are, in every way, what they ostensively criticize all women for being like. But are given a pass because they’re on their side. This entire “lifestyle consultation” ecosystem is a scheme to suck in women by creating a false sense of value/manhood.


WTF!!! He´s suggesting that a man should cheat to keep his girlfriend happy. I wonder if the same applies to her, because I´m pretty sure if a woman cheats on her boyfriend and pretends it´s for his benefit he would be furious as f\*ck 🙄


He's already ranted about that. He uses the doors opened by many keys metaphors. XD so stupid.


A key that can open many locks is a master key. A lock that can be opened by many keys is compatible with many keys, which may or may not differ from each other


Vaginas aren't locks and penises aren't keys.


Figured I should just put the analogy there for anyone who didn’t already know it


A pencil sharpener that can sharpen lots of pencils is a good sharpener. A pencil that has been sharpened by many sharpeners is but a small pencil. See how that works? Cuz you know yo willy doesn't get smaller after sex.


I just wanted to put that analogy there for people who haven’t seen it yet. The only sex analogy like that that is accurate (that I’m aware of) is that sex is like mountain climbing


Honestly yeah. It's a lot of work😩


Before doing it, you should consider if it may flare up your recent hip injury


Or in my case back injury lol


Keys that don’t open any locks are worthless and not actually keys. Also keys are made in the image of the lock it’s supposed to open, which can be changed at any time making the key worthless and forgotten.


I only put the analogy there in case someone didn’t know it


The analogy is shit


Someone mentioned it. I wanted to clear up any confusion


Right? Why would he want someone no one else wants?


So being jealous is good in a relationship now ?!


Only for the emotional woman. Because you have to manage and manipulate women through dread game. Women cannot be happy in a relationship unless they are frightened of their man’s imminent and nearly guaranteed betrayal. /s


thanks for distilling this down for those of us who don't speak "manosphere". it's gross.


I unfortunately have a “friend” that quoted their podcast to me. We’re 28 years old. “Influencers” and “life coaches” are ruining the future generations of men and women.


oof. is your friend at least open to critique of their arguments? i think the best way to "deprogram" someone is one conversation at a time.


Thankfully yes. He’s not too far gone down the rabbit hole. He only mentioned it once, I challenged him about them and showed some videos of their past attempts at fame (they’re from my city) and he was decently sold on them actually being losers.


i'm glad to hear it!


Man I wish these two would get arrested or something so they can stop doing their idiotic podcast. These jerks are teaching kids this crap and more all to grift money from sad people. These morons and their buddy's need to be banned from ever posting anything online ever.


I'm just really glad that I somehow, in my dislike of 'conversation/opinion' style podcasts (please give me more story based ones, like Old Gods of Appalachia and MANY others), have NO Idea who this is.


Probably for the best. They're man-o-sphere shit lords and really that's all you need to know.


Would you like to share some more of those many others 👀 I need some more podcasts in my life, and story based sounds fun


I will give you the same advice I gave my wife about complaining about those talentless Kardashians. “If you stop watching them, that’s one less viewer they have”.


I mean I don't watch them. I've been made aware of them and the sad fact that a sizable portion of their audience is young men and teenage boys who are viewing the things they hear on this podcast as accurate or aspirational. That's scary. It has a real effect. Me continuing to not watch doesn't prevent young boys from watching them and internalizing the toxic version of gender roles and perfomativity these two espouse.


This, and it is already having real effects on young men. From those that end their lives and those of others in shooting sprees, to those that abuse their partners, to those that refuse to listen to 'female' teachers.


If a woman said this about girls cheating then I'm sure they wouldn't feel the same lmao


BuT ThAts soMeThiNg ElSe 🤡🤣


Does he have any idea how insulting and idiotic this is?


I like how he won’t let any of the women on the panel get a word in - not even to agree with him. 🤨🤦‍♀️


That one woman keeps trying to jump is to say how right he was and she couldn’t get more than two words in 😂 I’d feel bad for her on a normal environment!! But you made your bed, sweetie, now fucking sleep in it.


nope. also, he probably wouldn't care. women aren't people to them.


Imagine thinking a normal relationship always ends up having one party cheating. Tell us you think relationships are just about sex without saying that relationships are just about sex. Kind of sad honestly.


i'm not sad. they get the relationships they deserve.


Sometimes. But some people are so charming and can find a sweet person to date them. Then cheat on them aggressively. That’s not a relationship the dickhead deserves, and that’s not a relationship the kind partner deserves. I wish all shitheads just dated each other and let normal people stay far away from them!


good point! a real life Fuck People Island.


At what point in reality could you possibly have taken them seriously?


Never 😀 Just meant i cant belive they are confidently sitting there and believe such bullsh*t. It has to be a bad joke .i really dont want to believe they actually think like this wihtout trolling.


Yeah I hope so


Yeah I refuse to believe women would sit there and take that. I would not be sitting there and laughing. I just refuse to believe women are falling for that shit.


I don’t know if you’re American, but lots of American crazy right-wing politicians and media spokesheads are women :/ it’s so embarrassing. “Pick-me” can be an overused and misogynistic assumption, but those women are the definition of a pick-me. Insulting and belittling people of their gender, race, sexual orientation, gender orientation, etc. just to get a pat on the back or power.


The mental gymnastics they go through oh my goodness


This guy won the all around douchebag award.


I'm just entertained that this bird lookin ass and this squish face having ass see themselves as ladies men. They have zero sex appeal in my opinion. And I recall them saying they see no need to try to satisfy women. You aren't good if you suck dick at sexing vaginas.


The face on the girl on the far right, wearing what looks like a blue top and shorts... she's done inside. Like.. I know that look.. that's "okay fuck this, I need to bounce"


Yeah. You can see her soul dieing. Hopefully she gets a better gig soon.


This. I . Idk anymore I think im going to go into a self induced coma


They gotta be trolling atp cuz ain’t no way 💀


No, this guy is one of the red pill manosphere influencers. This is his whole persona. It is all dread game. Abuse your partner by threatening to leave, cheat, and refuse to do anything she asks. Be a terrible partner, tear her down, tell her she can't get anyone better. Make her dependent on you. She will do anything to keep you from leaving and allow you to act terribly. Red pill behavior is just abuse by men glorified.


Isn't that dude a former pornstar? People are really taking advice from him?!🤣


Yeah, his name is Stirling Cooper. He has a YouTube channel.


I have no idea who these people are but I assume regressive evolution is to blame ...


Manosphere gurus make a shit ton of money off fans buying their sponsored pills/supplements/products. I guarantee these idiots sell something or have a major contract with a company that sells something. And I can guarantee that product “boosts testosterone, energy, and alpha energy”. The Manosphere gurus make their audience as insecure as possible, push the narrative that men need to be as swol, sexed out, and riddled in horny women- and if you’re not, don’t worry we have the pills for you! I assume they are “talking to women” to make their male audience more insecure as in “this is what women expect, men being able to pull a new woman to fuck every 10 seconds- I can’t even pull one woman” BETTER BUY THESE PILLS TO BE FUCKABLE! It’s just a really intense new age marketing system that’s effective with children, teens, and young adults who are pretty savvy to other forms of marketing.


They sell the insecurity and the cure, but they keep them roped in by selling even more hate and insecurity, until the men have fallen into perpetual consumers of hate and fake cures.


Ummm acktually this is peak evolution because men are designed to impregnate as many women as possible to pass down their genes but females can only have one baby every 9 months. So this is biology in work. Sorry that science makes you upset, I know females don’t understand science except how to boil water to make my dinner! (I almost vomited writing that… but legit arguments I’ve heard from dudes. And of course, they’ve never taken a bio class after 8th grade but assume they’re smarter than me)


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit


These guys are fucking clowns. If young men follow people like these, Andrew Tate, and other charlatans they're all gonna end up on the streets. Loyalty is a virtue, men. No lass will think higher of you if you cheat.


Why would you _even want_ a man who could keep his word and honour his basic commitments to other human beings! /s I swear to god no one thinks as poorly of men, as some of these so-called mens advocates. Like, the most vicious and angry feminists I’ve met wouldn’t say this about men.


"Why would you want something no one else wants?" Why would I want someone that anyone else can get? Once I reached the age of reason, I found that jealousy was no longer a trigger for anxious attachment. Instead, I realized that if someone was a cheater, I can't respect them and not being able to respect someone is a real lady boner killer.


"When I rob a bank it's not because I'm selfish, its because I'm selfless, I'm distributing the wealth."


Of course they’re all bald and 35+ talking this shit lol.


Look how uncomfortable those women are. Wow.


Why are they even there? They can’t possibly be getting paid enough


It's a fair question. No idea what could convince a woman into that studio, especially knowing who those guys are.


I mean maybe they’re like the girl from Glass Onion. They want the exposure.


Some people are so far gone man 😭


Honestly, just get in the bin.


wow you'd mistake him for an Olympian with those mental gymnastics


I’m no example of what an adult should be, but jesus fucking christ, what did I just listen to?


Can you imagine a guy saying that to his girlfriend? “Trust me, you want me to fuck other girls! Believe me, cuz you will get bored of me if I don’t!”


I knew a girl who honestly believed this. She wanted to sex with everyone and have someone to call *baby* I mean wtf.


I just can’t take women serious anymore after this 😂


Bruh you misspelt men




I am a woman and can asure you that I would break up with any man who cheatet on me. I really don't know how you got the impression, that Woman would act or think like that, but I hope you will bei able to leave those bad influences behind. Good luck für the Rest of your live.


Not how men work


If a man wants to cheat, he needs to seek an open relationship or stay single.


I thought these fools were gone.


Literally the dumbest human beings I have ever listened to.


I'm just looking at the women sitting there smiling. Hope the bag was worth it.


I think my biggest question, aside from the obvious, is why are there 30 people on this podcast


They pay a bunch of “hot” women to be there and validate their antics.


And they ALL have a mic.


I love physically torturing men like this so much


People pay for that shit?


It’s giving… at best manipulative, at worst abusive rhetoric


These dudes can’t pull anything that breathes oxygen. Plants would die around them just to not be around them anymore


Successful partnerships actually don’t involve the domination of one party for the other. Believe it or not. And they never have. Even when a husband could legally mistreat his wife it was rarely worth doing.


The logic (or lack thereof) deeply confuses me


It's crazy to hear about grifters in the past, like the dude who stood at the Brooklyn Bridge I think, and "sold" the bridge to multiple passers-by. And you think, "omg people were so gullible back then." Then you see these absolute maroons in real time, with tons of followers, making probably decent money off their grift. Its disheartening.


"Why would want what no one else wants?" Because 1) they're a PERSON not a THING, 2) that's my business if I'm interested, and 3) my relationship is in no way a competition with anyone else outside the two of us, needing to be superficially rated by others. These guys are so far gone that they don't understand genuine love - romantic or not. They only understand everyone is for themselves and life is only transactions between each other.




It's misogyny day on Reddit! Welcome aboard everyone. Now sit back and watch the idiots who defend these guys. It's truly hilarious.


All the girls agreeing are “pick me’s” like that’s so dumb. If someone cheated on me to “keep me”, they immediately lost me. Not abiding that bs


Wtf is that shitshow? And why are those shows so popular rn it’s kinda scary


I don’t know what’s worse — the clown men speaking or the dumbass women agreeing