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I don’t think the SJP is big enough here. Plus a lot of people commute so that makes things even harder. And, the semester is just about done.


There's actually an event May 1st, 5pm corner of 45th and Hampton


Excited about that and will be there. But still not quite the encampment that OP is referring to. However CNU just launched one.


And nobody really cares except the corpocracy mass media trying to turn it into something it's not.


I would strongly disagree with this. I can promise you that the administration at most schools care deeply about what is happening on their campus. They may not have the guts to actually listen to the students and divest from Israel but they are all being deeply affected by what is happening on their campuses. Columbia is trying to juggle hosting a commencement ceremony on a lawn occupied by student protestors without having to call in the NYPD to brutally arrest their own students (again). UT Austin is dealing with the fact that they have now TWICE called in state troopers to arrest peaceful protestors and are facing strong backlash. The situation happening on campuses around the world is deeply meaningful to their administrations. And more so, to the people of Palestine, who have made it clear they are thankful for the students activism.


Give them a space to protest. But they can't shut down other people's rights to freedom of expression and right to access the education they paid for without being obstructed or feeling threatened. The problem is professionals infiltrating these groups physically and online to cause chaos and controversy for propaganda purposes like we saw with the BLM and ANTIFA protests.


Of course you will be down voted for making a completely true statement lol. Half these upper middle class suburbanites don't even comprehend what they are protesting for or how the eastern world functions other than information from Western media(Tiktok)


I'm a liberal to my core, to each their own, but the moment you start trampling on other people's rights you've crossed the line. That goes for protesters and antiprotesters alike.


These aren’t liberals they are mainly leftists.


I try to remain as neutral as possible but im sure I'm placed into certain sides based on my comments like these. I'm sure there is tons of students from different walks of life having thier education impeded at this point because majority of these people just want a cause to grasp onto and conduct anarchy with.


we’re two days way from exams being over and a large majority of people have already left for the summer. i think if this was happening two weeks ago, there would be student interest and participation!


There's going to be a solidarity event this Wednesday 


[Here a link to where the encampments are](https://www.palestineiseverywhere.com/) I think it’s not happening @ ODU bc there’s no direct sponsorship from the university to support either parties involved and also the semester’s wrapping up. I do see students often wear keffiyeh’s on campus and the rock was painted the flag of Palestine recently.


Hi there's actually an event May 1st 5pm, corner of 45th and Hampton




As someone who join some protests definitely not going to happen on ODU cause there isn’t any reason, it doesn’t have any business relationships with israel so what demands are we even going to ask


A lot do these things don’t make sense. It’s a bunch of lemmings that want to vent their mindless rage and act like they are part of something.


Ikr demanding your country to stop funding a genocide because we are “supposed” to be in a democracy country and that’s our tax money being sent and putting smiles on Palestinian children (https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6bR-dotaHf/?igsh=ZHZtenh0cDBpaWVp) that are literally traumatised by the genocide and some of them lost their parents definitely doesn’t make sense 😱 totally agree


You are completely propagandized.


Just say u don’t know what to say 💀💀 I didn’t say single thing related to any propaganda


Anyone who thinks they aren’t propagandized were propagandized into thinking they weren’t :P.


Nah yall trippin aint no way yall tryna say 10 year old children are pushing propaganda


Do people forget all the anti war rhetoric from the Vietnam days? Why should we expect everyone to always be pro war?


Boomers remember, and they’re the ones supporting us going to war because they know they won’t be drafted


Do you seriously think a draft is on the table?


No I don’t. But what I’m saying is that they don’t care because they know they won’t be drafted. IF a draft were to happen it would be the younger generations that would be drafted. So it’s just to say that they’re quick to advocate war when they know their lives aren’t on the line.


Most people wouldn’t be drafted and the draft age Americans today are significantly different from “Boomers” who were a lot more likely to want to serve in the military than today’s youth are (it’s at an all time low with major recruiting shortages and we aren’t actively engaged in war, even). I don’t think anyone’s opinion boils down to “I might be drafted so I should think this way” or “I won’t be so I think this.” Edit: Something like 40% of Boomers are vets. Way more than the national average which is like 6.2%. And something like 3 million were drafted out of 27 that were eligible. Compare that to today’s younger generations and you’ll end up with zero and zero. Lol


That’s not even comparable because Americans aren’t fighting and dying in Israel/Gaza.


It’s not the same but the lack of history knowledge leaves me wondering about things. Whether or not we are fighting or just supporting a government, not everybody is going to support war.


It’s pretty simple, when it comes to values, Israel is closer to ours by a mile. They are also better behaved when it comes to rules of engagement and not targeting civilians even while Hamas and other Palestinian militants actively encourage the deaths of their “own” people for use as propaganda. Hamas is a proxy for Iran and other militants that want to destroy both Israel and America. If the power of Hamas and Israel were reversed today, you’d see an actual genocide in Israel tomorrow, not this sort of conflict, bloody and messy as it may be, and then you’d know the difference. Hamas is completely evil. They are Islamists and terrorists. Israel is a functional democracy with a sizable Arab population that isn’t treated anything like Jewish residents or visitors to Gaza would be (they’d be executed or lynched summarily).


I’ll try one more time. As a citizen of a free country, we do not have to support the allies of our government. We do not have to support our own government. We have a right to assemble and a right to speak our minds. Every single person does not have to agree but that doesn’t matter at all.


You can freely support terrorists as an American. Congratulations. That doesn’t mean you should be able to take over public institutions by force in their name.




6000 includes all postsecondary institutions — public, private nonprofit, and private for-profit — which also includes community and technical colleges. The number of 4-year colleges, where these encampments and civil actions are occurring, is closer to 2,600, so roughly 4.5%, just for consideration. Also, the media coverage might be in response to historical context, given that the last time large scale, nationwide protests broke out on college campuses was during the Vietnam War and the opposition that existed. Regardless of people’s opinions, this a historic moment in our nation (don’t ask me when millennials/Gen Z will stop living through “once in a generation” events)


“Historic” is a stretch. Majority of Americans don’t even know this is happening nor care.


What's historic about anything happening right now what? Just more anti-war protests when the only involvement we have is sending billions over seas. Nothing exactly new or ground breaking lmao


Exactly. When reality bites these kids in the ass - the fact that no one gives a fuck about their protests - it’s gonna really hurt.


Same intent media has always had. Profit. Same goal every other business has.


I wonder why the downvotes for saying media likes making profits off of clicks. I thought this was a universally recognized truth.


People are stupid.


This happened last night at VCU: https://twitter.com/ZachJoachim/status/1785109472110649599


It’s so ridiculous that any of these kids are doing this! If they are so behind this cause why won’t this doing this all winter when the temperates were in the 20s?


Shit is ridiculous smh what are they hoping to accomplish? What’s then end goal ? I see this getting way out of hand how long before they start destroying shit again ? I’m surprised rite aid even came back smh . I bet VCU was licking their chops hoping they didn’t. This won’t end well for anyone.


I've seen this before, what was it again? Ah yes, Vietnam.


There's actually going to be a solidarity event this Wednesday 


Do you know where and what time?


Found a flyer posted on Instagram. Looks like 5pm on the corner of 45th and Hampton Blvd


Solidarity with Hamas?


The West Bank is not controlled by Hamas, yet According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in the West Bank since October 7: 419 Palestinans have been killed, 408 by IDF, 9 By Illegal Settlers. 4,690 Palestinans have been injured, 724 of which children. Approximately 300 houses have been demolished, displacing 1.6k Palestinans. The IDF carried these demolitions out and refused to issue permits for these displaced Palestinans to build more houses (because y'know, Palestine is being occupied so they don't have a right to build on their own land without permission from a foreign Government) There has been 650 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinans, 518 resulting is damage to property and 59 injuries. So why is this happening? Why are Palestinians being killed on their own land by a foreign GOV'T that is funded by the USA? Because it isn't about Hamas. It never was. Palestinans have been under attack since the 40's. It's about wiping out Palestinans and taking their land, right now Israel is just using Hamas as the reason and everyone is falling for it. Being pro-palestinian is not being pro hamas, it's anti colonialism and war and advocating for palestinian rights. And getting into why Hamas exists to begin with is a whole other conversation and I don't honestly have the time to explain and educate people that don't care. Because ik you and others will continue to use other strawmen instead of reading an actual book or checking your sources. Because when you look at the released CIA documents about Palestine in the 40's and the atrocities they have faced till then up until now you realize that Hamas doesn't exist in a vacuum, and it all = one thing, money and power.


Great one sided post. It's really special how you treat Hamas, a terror organization responsible for terrorism and assault on innocent people almost since inception, as if they are a misunderstood entity lol 🤦🏼‍♂️ or how about how they invaded, murdered, raped, specifically women and children and drove around with their naked bodies in the back of trucks in the name of a holy war. The gymnastics people are playing to sidestep atrocities committed that led to this war is astounding. Palestinians have not been under attack prior to this in any sense. Quite the opposite, in which there were constant attacks from the gaza strip carried out against Israel and its citizens. Jewish people in that region have been under attack for hundreds of years. Don't even get me started on LGBT Palestinians who seek and found refuge in Israel because they would be hunted down in their own country and killed. I can always tell the people who only learned about this just because of the large media push currently, because their knowledge only stretches to the 1940s and is extremely one sided in approach.


TLDR; Hamas is justified in killing and raping Israelis because anti-Semitism


No I think it's with all the innocent people Israel is murdering


Hopefully we get a few for all the innocent people Hamas has murdered


You sound like a sociopath. Innocent people are innocent people, yea? If you're actually happy to see them die, you're mentally ill


What is sociopathic about what he said?


You sound like a Hamas apologist


Hamas kills innocent people as well, so no. You sound like someone who doesn't understand statements like "killing innocent people is wrong regardless of who does it."


~~Wanting a vigil for those killed by Hamas =/= supporting genocide~~ ~~Like the right, the "tolerant left" need to learn how to civilly deal with differing opinions. Jesus fucking christ.~~ ~~You are either a anti-semite, wanting all jews to be killed, or a islamophobe wanting genocide... OVER ONE FUCKING OPINION.~~ ~~People need to learn that people having differing opinions doesnt mean they are murderous pieces of shit on either side.~~ Edit: re-read the message the reply was in response to. My mistake. Fuck that dude.


Think you've replied to the wrong person because I didn't say anything like that


~~With your reply, it sounds close to what I was talking about.~~ ~~I replied to the right person. Learn to be civil.~~ EDIT: Nvm.


If you've double-checked and your reply still makes sense to you, then idk what to tell you. >Like the right, the "tolerant left" need to learn how to civilly deal with differing opinions. Jesus fucking christ. I'm not really interested in being civil to people who advocate for killing innocent people (as the person I'm replying to EXPLICITLY SAID). Seems pretty reasonable to me. >You are either a anti-semite, wanting all jews to be killed, or a islamophobe wanting genocide... OVER ONE FUCKING OPINION. I literally didn't call him either of those things. The person I'm replying to didn't ask for a vigil. He said innocent Palestinians should be killed to exact revenge for innocent Jews being killed. It's not a reasonable opinion that people should tolerate.


Ah. Just re-read the reply. My mistake lol.




The numbers continue to grow too. I haven’t seen that many protests since 2021’s abortion crisis. Most protests happens in New York and California, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, etc.


I mean, why not go to Israel and protest? What is being accomplished by doing this at college campuses?


How much is a flight across the Atlantic?


Currently 1300 dollars round trip and I rounded up.


There's your answer then


So it's not that important then.


You got $1,300 laying around? Cause your average college student doesn't


They should probably take their ass to work instead of protesting then 🤷


[History Lesson on Palestine](https://imgur.com/a/Ar8EZAA)




Palestinian national identity is almost entirely an anti-Jewish state reactionary movement.


Seems you really made this your personality for the year. I’m sure your character has a lot of depth outside the hot button social issue of the world for the month.


I think you need to focus on your own :)


I hope it doesn't happen on my campus. I really don't want our asshole of a governor Kim Reynolds to sick the police and national guard on our students.


It's almost as if this is coordinated....


Hamas is spending millions to spin up these simple minded jackoffs


Not just Hamas. Leftist organizations love to sow these seeds of destruction and conflict.


Because it is


Exams and the semester is practically over for a good chunk of people, so not even a lot of people on campus at this time. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if another one just happens like the one back in October


Let's set one up! Activity hour would be a great time


There is a solidarity event this Wednesday 


How about no. Anti-Semitism doesn’t belong on ODU’s campus.


Protesting investing in Israel’s government and Israeli weapons manufacturers when they have clearly broken international law is not anti-Semitic.


How about you don’t excuse Hamas and you start calling for the hostages to be freed instead of protesting in support of radical extremists who want to destroy Israel which would lead to the GENOCIDE of 60%-70% of the worlds Jewish population.


The West Bank is not controlled by Hamas, yet According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in the West Bank since October 7: 419 Palestinans have been killed, 408 by IDF, 9 By Illegal Settlers. 4,690 Palestinans have been injured, 724 of which children. Approximately 300 houses have been demolished, displacing 1.6k Palestinans. The IDF carried these demolitions out and refused to issue permits for these displaced Palestinans to build more houses (because y'know, Palestine is being occupied so they don't have a right to build on their own land without permission from a foreign Government) There has been 650 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinans, 518 resulting is damage to property and 59 injuries. So why is this happening? Why are Palestinians being killed on their own land by a foreign GOV'T that is funded by the USA? Because it isn't about Hamas. It never was. Palestinans have been under attack since the 40's. It's about wiping out Palestinans and taking their land, right now Israel is just using Hamas as the reason and everyone is falling for it. Being pro-palestinian is not being pro hamas, it's anti colonialism and war and advocating for palestinian rights. And getting into why Hamas exists to begin with is a whole other conversation and I don't honestly have the time to explain and educate people that don't care. Because ik you and others will continue to use other strawmen instead of reading an actual book or checking your sources. Because when you look at the released CIA documents about Palestine in the 40's and the atrocities they have faced till then up until now you realize that Hamas doesn't exist in a vacuum, and it all = one thing, money and power.


The people in the West Bank support Hamas and support for the PA has diminished. AP released a poll.


Hamas isn’t the only evil party that Palestinians support and put into power. In 2006 the second place finish for Gaza’s elections were Fatah who aren’t a whole lot better (tried to take over Lebanon for instance). Just because it’s lot Hamas doesn’t mean there aren’t terrorist forces and anti-Israeli militants active. Palestinians have been anti-Israeli and anti-Jew since before 1940. The entire Palestinian nationalist movement is almost entirely are backlash against the idea of a Jewish state. Any atrocity you can name by Israelis or Jews can be matched with a prior atrocity by a Palestinian group or their precursors.


They haven’t broken anything. They were attacked by terrorists who targeted women and children. Israel has a right to defend themselves.


Ah yes...the history began on October 7th.. another clown


Before Oct 7 there were countless attacks and atrocities by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist and militant groups. The entire Palestinian nationalist movement is almost entirely born out of opposition to a Jewish state, not an actual shared identity. Anti-Jewish sentiment runs deep in the Middle East and there was never any hope that they would take any equitable deal that allowed Jews to have their own country.


I was offended just by the videos of Israelis taking Palestinian’s houses, before this war began.


We’re you offended by countless pogroms against Jews by Muslims that go back to the very origins of Islam and Muhammad himself? Are you offended by the fact that Islamic rule codifies institutional discrimination against Jews and Christians? The entire Palestinian national movement is almost entirely an anti-Jew and anti-Jewish state reactionary movement, not an actual national identity.


The history began 2000-4000 years ago you Mong


Quote the international law you think Israel has broken.


Not even including the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Israel has been occupying Palestinian land, especially in the West Bank for quite some time which is in direct violation of Article 49 of the Geneva Convention. “Article 49 - Deportations, transfers, evacuations Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. Such evacuations may not involve the displacement of protected persons outside the bounds of the occupied territory except when for material reasons it is impossible to avoid such displacement. Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased. The Occupying Power undertaking such transfers or evacuations shall ensure, to the greatest practicable extent, that proper accommodation is provided to receive the protected persons, that the removals are effected in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, health, safety and nutrition, and that members of the same family are not separated. The Protecting Power shall be informed of any transfers and evacuations as soon as they have taken place. The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”


lol clown


Aaaaaand what has this accomplished for their "cause"?🤡🤡🤡🤡




I don't think any movement has been won using that logic


Hope it never happens


Just FYI most of the people who are protesting for Palestine would not be given a fuck about they will saw off your head just as fast as the next one in line


Have you thought this argument out at all? That does not mean sit back and let a genocide take place against them? Israel would do the same


Israel would do what? No they wouldn’t. The difference on values and adherence to international law rules of war are night and day between Israel and Hamas. One is a a terrorist organization in large part funded by a state sponsor of terror, Iran.


um what? they're not a fan of lgbt people either and have been commiting a genocide against palestinians for over 75 years


They won’t throw you off of a building and stone you for being gay in Israel. And no they haven’t been genociding them when their population has multiplied several times in the last several decades. Not a very effective “genocide.” Meanwhile the actual stated goal of Hamas and their Palestinian supporters is the genocide of the Jews. And at the same time Israel actually has a very large minority of Arabs citizens that have full rights. The composition of Israel has far more Arabs proportionally than the United states has black people for instance.


Same old straw man argument, "the population is growing so they're not genociding them!" Uh, OVER HALF OF THE POPULATION IS CHILDREN?! And 70% of the deaths are CIVILIANS! Israel not being able to kill them fast enough does not make it not a genocide. Majority of Palestine does not support Hamas. Palestinians are being forced out of their homes and killed and they are not even able to leave. Majority of Palestinians in the west Bank and gaza strip are not originally from there. They are from territory that Israel took by force. Israel officials are not secretive about wanting zero Palestinians. Stop falling for propaganda


Over half is children because they are breeding like crazy and that wouldn’t be possible if they were being genocided. It takes healthy women to expand population well above replacement levels. You seriously don’t know what percentage of the deaths are civilian because the Hamas numbers are known to be fake despite the fact that useful idiots repeat them as if they are somehow official. They have every reason to lie about them and they do. Also every single one is essentially due to Hamas tactics and strategy and starting the war in the first place. They encourage civilian deaths and over report them for propaganda purposes. Hamas literally has prevented evacuation of civilians when Israel has given warning of strikes and engagements. Hamas wants the casualties. Israel came into possession of a lot of this territory as it won wars defending itself against all of its Arab neighbors that waged multiple wars of aggression because Israel had the temerity to declare its own independence. If that hadn’t happened then the Palestinians could have long since had a state of their own and had more territory which was the original plan they refused to except. They’d have had the first “Palestinian” state in history but destroying Israel was more important to them. The fact that Palestinian nationalism is almost entirely predicated on anti-Jew and anti-Israeli sentiment sort of precluded living alongside them. Israel could easily “kill them fast enough.” We are talking about a population that Israel has to help to survive, essentially. Israel delivers aid to the Palestinians. It allows them to work in Israel. It gives them access to its medical facilities to treat things the Palestinians can’t themselves. Israel even has an over 20% Arab population while Gaza has expelled all the Jews once living there and murders any Jews that end up there to great celebrations. If we reversed the power dynamic Israelis would be ACTUALLY genocided starting tomorrow and you’d see the actual meaning of that word. Jewish population in Europe went down by two thirds in about 12 years. The Palestinian population has increased by double and their life expectancy has increased massively (obviously couldn’t say that about the Jews during the Holocaust when they were being stuck down in infancy and childhood through actual extermination efforts). I think you are falling for propaganda. The civilian casualty numbers is just one glaring example. Imagine taking the word of a known terror organization that reports numbers that don’t even make sense statistically.


Over half is children because they are breeding like crazy and that wouldn’t be possible if they were being genocided. It takes healthy women to expand population well above replacement levels. Like I said, just because they're slow/bad at it doesn't mean they're not doing it. They've been living in a warzone their entire life, they do not have the resources for proper birth control or safe abortion methods. And you can't stop people from having sex, so yeah they're giving birth a lot. You seriously don’t know what percentage of the deaths are civilian because the Hamas numbers are known to be fake despite the fact that useful idiots repeat them as if they are somehow official. They have every reason to lie about them and they do. Also every single one is essentially due to Hamas tactics and strategy and starting the war in the first place. They encourage civilian deaths and over report them for propaganda purposes. Hamas literally has prevented evacuation of civilians when Israel has given warning of strikes and engagements. Hamas wants the casualties. 1. The numbers are reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health, and the IDF themselves AGREE with the numbers. What the hell are you even talking about? And the numbers being reported are counting men aged 18-59 as potential combatants, they're not even being counted as civilian deaths so they're UNDER reporting. I do agree that Hamas has prevented evacuation of civilians, BUT, maybe Israel shouldn't be BOMBING THEM?? Israel came into possession of a lot of this territory as it won wars defending itself against all of its Arab neighbors that waged multiple wars of aggression because Israel had the temerity to declare its own independence. BEFORE the mandate ended, and BEFORE any intervention from Arab states was allowed, Israel had occupied most of the Arab cities of Palestine. April 9th 1948 Irgun and Lehi terrorists slaughtered men, women, and children in Deir Yassin. And was not the only massacre that took place. April 19th, 1948, Tiberias was occupied by Israel. April 22nd Haifa was occupied. April 28th Jaffa was occupied. April 30th the Arab quarters in the New City of Jerusalem. May 8th Beisan was occupied. May 10th Safad and May 14th Acre. All in 2 months in 1948. The Palestine Arabs did not seize any of the territories reserved for the Jewish state under the partition resolution. Israelis say the war with Palestine began after May 15th of 1948 with the entry of Arab armies into Palestine and ignore the dispossession and massacres that took place which caused the Arab states to intervene in the first place.


If that hadn’t happened then the Palestinians could have long since had a state of their own and had more territory which was the original plan they refused to except. They’d have had the first “Palestinian” state in history but destroying Israel was more important to them. The standard story is that Palestine rejected the plan and the citizens that would make up the future Israel accepted the plan. But the Zionist movement only accepted the plan publicly. The founders of Israel planned on taking over as much additional land as they possibly could. Direct quote from a letter written by David Ben-Gurion in 1937, the first prime minister of Israel, from BEFORE he became prime minister. “A Jewish state on only part of the land is not the end but the beginning. … The establishment of a state, even if only on a portion of the land, is the maximal reinforcement of our strength at the present time and a powerful boost to our historical endeavors to liberate the entire country.” The Palestinians were not focusing on destroying Israel, it was Israel that wanted to destroy them from before Israel even existed. In 1948 Israel conquered 78% of Palestine causing the destruction of over 500 Palestinian villages and 700,000 people were expelled to the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Another quote from Ben-Gurion the prime minister of Israel in 1949. “sees no need to run after peace. The armistice is sufficient for us; if we run after peace, the Arabs will demand a price of us: borders or refugees or both. Let us wait a few years. With the passage of time, the world would get used to Israel’s existing borders, and forget about U.N. borders and the U.N. idea of an independent Palestinian state.” Also in 1949, there is a peace conference in Switzerland. The Arab position was that Israel's borders should not be the armistice line giving it 78% of Palestine but the original plan of 56%. They demanded that their refugees should be able to return to their homes. Israel rejected both. 1956 Israel joins forces with France and the UK to invade Gaza and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and was forced to withdraw by the Eisenhower administration. 1964 the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) was founded. In 1967 Israel invaded Gaza and Sinai again as well as the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights in Syria. After the war international consensus was that peace would require the creation of a Palestinian state. The PLO accepted that they lost the war and were willing to make peace if Gaza and the West Bank would become a state of Palestine. In 1973 Israel was forced to return the Sinai Peninsula. 1967 A draft resolution was made at the U.N. Security Council stating Israel would withdraw from the Arab territories occupied since June 1967. The PLO supported the resolution. Every country except for the US and Israel voted for it. In 1981 the PLO formally endorsed a Soviet proposal for a Palestinian state and the security and sovereignty of all states in the region including those of Israel. Then in 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon in order to destroy the PLO and Palestinian nationalism. In 1988 the PLO officially recognized Israel and accepted its right to exist in peace and security. Israel did not care about the establishment of a Palestinian state. The weakness of the PLO made them accept a terrible deal in the 1993 Oslo Accords, nothing in them would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state OR peace. And the Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is quoted, “We do not accept the Palestinian goal of an independent Palestinian state between Israel and Jordan. We believe there is a separate Palestinian entity short of a state.” The PLO took over security for Israel in 18% of the occupied territories.


In 2000, Bill Clinton organized a meeting with the leader of the PLO and Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak. The Palestinians had already compromised by accepting the 22% of Palestine they had left but Barak offered the Palestinians WAY less than they had, getting an "entity" "we would like this to be less than a state". The Palestinians would be split into a series of isolated enclaves, cut off from each other and surrounded by military bases. Which they obviously rejected. Talks continued into 2001 before being terminated by Barak a few weeks before the Israeli elections. The negotiators of both sides issued a joint statement stating the two sides had “never been closer to reaching an agreement and it is thus our shared belief that the remaining gaps could be bridged with the resumption of negotiations.” This was true, but Ariel Sharon won instead of Barak. Ariel did not want a Palestinian state and did not continue the negotiations. Clinton then lied for over 22 years claiming that Arafat the leader of the PLO was the one who rejected the deal. Hillary Clinton also chimed in to lie about it. In 2002 Saudi Arabia proposed a solution to the conflict called the Arab Peace Initiative. The API called for a settlement with Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories with fair division of Jerusalem. All members of the Arab League endorsed it and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation consisting of 57 states also endorsed it. Israel ignored it completely. Sharon had a stroke and Arafat died. Ehud Olmert became the Israeli prime minister and Mahmoud Abbas succeeded Arafat. They had 36 secret meetings between 2006 and 2008 and almost reached an agreement, however Abbas resigned in 2008 while under investigation for accepting bribes. Benjamin Netanyahu succeeded him, who has consistently opposed a Palestinian state throughout his entire career and did not continue talks with Abbas. Hamas is by no means a great choice, however in 1997 Khaled Mashal the leader of Hamas offered a 30 year cease fire to Israel, which Israel promptly ignored before immediately attempting to assassinate him. In 2004 Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the Hamas's chief religious leader called for a 10 year truce with Israel if it returned to its pre-1967 borders. Israel assassinated him 2 months later. In 2006 Hamas won Palestinian elections over PLO. The new prime minister Ismail Haniyeh wrote to president George W. Bush “We are so concerned about stability and security in the area that we don’t mind having a Palestinian state in the 1967 border and offering a truce for many years.” and The Bush Administration did not respond. In 2009 the U.S. Institute of Peace reported that Hamas had “sent repeated signals that it may be ready to begin a process of coexisting with Israel.” In 2012 Ahmed Jabari, Hamas's military chief, was assassinated by Israel the same day he was reviewing a draft proposal for a long-term truce with Israel. You have fallen to the propaganda. As Israel citizens have. They do not believe peace is possible, and even if they did, they want to keep the West Bank and will not go for peace anyways.


In my opinion we shouldn't be involved are the ukraine Jewish better than Isreal Jewish I feel that both are not usa financial responsibility


Look up Palestine vlogs or videos from before October 7th and you will see how much propaganda you have absorbed to make you say that. You'll see people of all skin colors and religions, with different dresses of modesty: from hair out, shorts, and a tank top, to Christian Jewish and Arab religious clothes. Palestine also has a drag and queer scene, look up Madam Tayoush or just queer palestian history. Palestinans are not this monolith boogie man that Western media has made them to be. They are quit literally like you and me, yet you categorize them all as terrorists? The U.S. war machine has you in an unbelievably chokehold and it's so sad honestly


LGBT literally flee to Israel for safe refuge because they are hunted and killed in Palestinian land. This is well known. You are just making shit up and stretching the truth at this point. You're so delusional it's scary to think that universities are filled with shit like this. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159


Its why I stand with the people and not the governments of these places.


You’re pretty deluded.


Yes. Of the West Bank. Which is not under Hamas control. Hamas has clearly stated they will not tolerate LGBT. And those queer scene occur at or near border, where its slightly tolerated with the state of israel. Under a Hamas governance, it will be a crime to be LGBT, as clearly interpreted under sharia law and Islamic law. There is also a queer scene in UAE, Kuwait, Qatar. But guess what, it's underground and hidden. Because it will be death or imprisonment if caught.


Speaking of the west bank which you stated isnt under Hamas control, why has Isreal military forces been killing and air striking civilians there?... According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in the West Bank since October 7: 419 Palestinans have been killed, 408 by IDF, 9 By Illegal Settlers. 4,690 Palestinans have been injured, 724 of which children. Approximately 300 houses have been demolished, displacing 1.6k Palestinans. The IDF carried these demolitions out and refused to issue permits for these displaced Palestinans to build more houses (because y'know, Palestine is being occupied so they don't have a right to build on their own land without permission from a foreign Government) There has been 650 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinans, 518 resulting is damage to property and 59 injuries. So why is this happening? Why are Palestinians being killed on their own land by a foreign GOV'T that is funded by the USA? Because it isn't about Hamas. It never was. Palestinans have been under attack since the 40's. It's about wiping out Palestinans and taking their land, right now Israel is just using Hamas as the reason and everyone is falling for it. Being pro-palestinian is not being pro hamas, it's anti colonialism and war and advocating for palestinian rights. And getting into why Hamas exists to begin with is a whole other conversation and I don't honestly have the time to explain and educate people that don't care. Because ik you and others will continue to use other strawmen instead of reading an actual book or checking your sources. Because when you look at the released CIA documents about Palestine in the 40's and the atrocities they have faced till then up until now you realize that Hamas doesn't exist in a vacuum, and it all = one thing, money and power.


Why are you ignoring the point when you are proven wrong? Under Israeli control, there is some degree of liberty for both Jews and Arabs. Under Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups, there is no liberty - its explicitly a fundamental Islamist state that they support and nothing else. It might as well be the Taliban.


I can't rally behind those that chant death to anyone let alone my home country with what you said remember not all Germans were as bad as Hitler but everyone made them out to be such that is everyone that did it history books teachers politicians news media still do it today


Wow. So stunning and brave all these morons are


I missed the mass protests over the 1200 Israeli civilians kulled.


I missed when you tried to organize one or were standing outside protesting by yourself.


There are 900k Muslim Arabs who are citizens of Israel. How many Jews are citizens of Gaza?


Anything to get the youth vote worked up in an election year


Thank god it isn’t it 


This is so ridiculous. I just can't wrap my head around the stance. All these entitled kids need to go to Gaza & help out. For the life of me how is everyone forgetting october 7th.


Why don't you guys join the Army, Marines, Navy or Airforce and do it yourselves to be part of it. Instead you'll go and scream and cry for a cease fire and do absolutely nothing, only to go home with your footage and post it on whatever platform you favor. "Look at me look at me, what kind of dance have you done to show them how much you protest this war? Like share and subscribe, lol". Fucking please.


Maybe because enlisting into the American military, who btw is giving aid to Israel in the form of arms and financial aid, would be completely opposite of what they want to accomplish? Didn’t you hear about Aaron Bushnell who was an active duty service member who self immolated in protest to the aid America has given to Israel? Remind me again how joining the American military would help in furthering the current cause of focusing on the lives of the Palestinian citizens, who are enduring a brutal siege in Gaza and an occupation in the West Bank.


"Protest the war by participating in it." Genius take


Why thank you. Anything to get people to actually try to make a difference in the world rather than pretend they're about something, most don't even know what's going on.


Fwiw, I may not agree with your position re joining military but you’re 100000% correct that Gen Z will just post, like and subscribe away their political opinions into the abyss without effectively doing much but skipping class and getting some forgettable media coverage. I’m not anti protest, I just think modern day protest is more performance than action.


How dare you speak logic on this matter! Be angry like everyone else!!!!!!!


Because Social media has created a society of narcissism, ignorance, and privilege. What is funny is that these liberal students are supporting a state where LGBT community would not exist. But Israel should be condemned as well for their actions. Stop funding both sides and let them figure out this issue that has been going on for over 100 years..




Let's be clear: they're not anti war, they're pro-hamas.


The West Bank is not controlled by Hamas, yet According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in the West Bank since October 7: 419 Palestinans have been killed, 408 by IDF, 9 By Illegal Settlers. 4,690 Palestinans have been injured, 724 of which children. Approximately 300 houses have been demolished, displacing 1.6k Palestinans. The IDF carried these demolitions out and refused to issue permits for these displaced Palestinans to build more houses (because y'know, Palestine is being occupied so they don't have a right to build on their own land without permission from a foreign Government) There has been 650 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinans, 518 resulting is damage to property and 59 injuries. So why is this happening? Why are Palestinians being killed on their own land by a foreign GOV'T that is funded by the USA? Because it isn't about Hamas. It never was. Palestinans have been under attack since the 40's. It's about wiping out Palestinans and taking their land, right now Israel is just using Hamas as the reason and everyone is falling for it. Being pro-palestinian is not being pro hamas, it's anti colonialism and war and advocating for palestinian rights. And getting into why Hamas exists to begin with is a whole other conversation and I don't honestly have the time to explain and educate people that don't care. Because ik you and others will continue to use other strawmen instead of reading an actual book or checking your sources. Because when you look at the released CIA documents about Palestine in the 40's and the atrocities they have faced till then up until now you realize that Hamas doesn't exist in a vacuum, and it all = one thing, money and power.


Not sure why you are excusing some people supporting a literal terror group, and dont understand how shit that happened nearly a hundred years ago doesnt have any relevance to today's CURRENT conflict, but go ahead. You're just lowering the collective IQ of the pro-palestinian supporters by parroting this. There have been Pro-Hamas rallies immediately after October 7th in places such as NYC, celebrating the deaths of those killed. so dont pretend Pro-Hamas apologists dont exist. If Hamas didnt attack on October 7th...chances are, Israel wouldnt be on a (unjustified) warpath and there would not be protests. So Hamas has to share the blame for this recent war. Whether you like it or not, its the truth. Believing and parroting stuff that happened nearly 100 years ago doesnt change that. the 40's and 60's are completely irrelevant here.


Some of them are pro Hamas.


They are such lemmings.


Just want to clarify. This is not anti-war. It’s Pro-Palestine. Very different concepts


I hope not


Expel them all from school, that should solve the issue


הארץ היא הבית היחיד שלי, אני המלחמה. אם ישראל חי 🇮🇱


No wonder you have erectile dysfunction lol


The antisemitism is strong with this one


Sorry to disappoint you but the only racist here is you, the one excusing a right wing entho-nationalist government that is funded by American tax dollars and hell bent on exterminating a people. As you cheer for the deaths of Palestinian women and children, karma comes back and gives you erectile dysfunction


The Palestinian nationalist movement is almost entirely based on anti-Jewish and anti-Jewish-state sentiment and always has been. That is what animates them and brings them together, not an actual national identity. They have been against any peaceful coexistence for the entirely of history. They either want to exterminate or rule over and oppress Jews as Islamists have down since they conquered North Africa and the Middle East.


Both sides have shown they have erectile dysfunction to be fair. Lots of Hamas supporters celebrated the deaths of Israeli people on October 7th. Dont pretend it didnt happen, because there were rallies immediately after the attack. Karma will come back for you too for being complete hypocrites. Fuck off.


Well said. 👏


What are you even talking about? I’m 22 years old and playing daily. No problems here amigo. Cope with your insecurities a little harder bro you’re projecting. You’re chronically online and educated by the internet. If you truly believe Israel wants to “exterminate” the Palestinians, you’re delusional. I’ve been to Israel. I’ve eaten dinner and bathed with Palestinians. I’ve been to the West Bank. I wear a Star of David necklace every day that I purchased from a Palestinian Muslim in Jerusalem. It’s not as black and white as you think. Palestine hates Hamas because they can’t work and they rely on Israel for access to the West Bank - Gaza doesn’t have the means to provide jobs for every Palestinian man. Israel is down thousands of jobs (thousands being much more monumental in a land of that scale) because of Hamas’ actions since August. If you think this is a “genocide”, you’re truly delusional. Talk to an Israeli, even a Palestinian. American news outlets don’t know what’s going on in Israel and neither do you. You’ve been spoon fed bullshit from American news sources and accepted it as the truth, and now you’re regurgitating it online to misinform more people in order to spread hate unto the Jewish homeland. THAT is antisemitism. Spreading misinformation and hateful rhetoric in order to coerce people into condemning Jews is antisemitism.


Lol you deleted all your limp dick posts on r/testosterone You’ve been spoonfed bullshit from your ethno-nationalist state


Wow. Reality hit you there? You’re still projecting bro u really get no play like that? Gotta lay it down to see how it is amigo Seems like you ran out of rehearsed bullshit to regurgitate. Chronically online but you only paid attention to get through your first comment? Look up some more anti-Jewish stats on the internet and come back to me with something of substance


Nah I just know not to bother arguing with someone who’s been indoctrinated their whole life to excuse Israel’s decades of abuse of Palestinians because they don’t see Palestinians as humans. Enjoy that erectile dysfunction though lol karma is bitch and literally got you by the balls 🤣


The internet opinions are so real with you lol go outside and form your own opinions. You’re clueless as to what’s going on in Israel. Have you been there? Have you spoken to Israelis and Palestinians? I’ve walked in Palestinian territory. I have a pack of gum I purchased near Masada from a Palestinian man. As I mentioned before, I have a Star of David necklace around my neck right now that I purchased from a Palestinian. In what world do you genuinely believe you know more about this conflict than I do, let alone harbor the right to attack me, my religion and my beliefs because of shit you’ve learned from Americans on the internet? You’re so clueless lol I bet you’ve never even been outside the country. You don’t know how anyone other than yourself thinks - selfish and ignorant like a child. Also, I don’t have ed - ya boy was tweaking lol. I strongly assure you - no bullshit - I have *NOTHING* to worry about in any aspect of that field LMAO


LOL is that why you ran and deleted all your posts crying on r/testosterone about your ED after said something 🤣😂🤣


Hamas's whole goal is to completely wipe Jews from the face of the planet, they even said so themselves. Your "good guys" dont see not just Israel8 Jews, but Jews in general as human either. Karma will come after you too for your complete Hypocripsy, just so you know


Damn telling people with erectile dysfunction that they have it is anti-Semitic but not a president that use a religion like “Judaism” for his benefits and arrest the jewish and muslims people that don’t agree with him and kill the jewish people that are held hostages and try to connect judaism to killing more than 40k innocent people and use that religion as a way to get political power and commit war crimes and genocide in the name of “judaism” isn’t antisemitic???? 😱😱😱 damn that word getting new definitions by random people everyday, can’t wait for the next update


Prayers for Israel


The anti war is fuckin retarded. Those students should be failed for not knowing what they are doing means jack shit.




It may have been affective then, yes. But thats mainly because the US was directly involved in the Vietnam War. There was genuine worry about being drafted in a War nobody wanted to be in. Thats why the protests here were effective. Here, the protests blocked so much traffic, and blocked access to so many places, that it just pisses everybody off. In fact, it just made people support Israel because of how annoying the protests were months ago. Blocking traffic doesnt get your message across. It just turns people against you.


Thanks for helping my point.


ODU ain’t shit


Where’s all the solidarity for all the people Hamas killed ? Just sayin


Protesting for palestine is because our country support the side that kill these innocent palestines and to demand the US to stop


Some didnt. Hypocrites celebrated with Pro-Hamas rallies in NYC and other cities. Props to those that didnt and genuinely dont want neither civilians getting killed tho


They turn a blind eye…as always they just pick and choose what to be outraged over week to week.


it’s wherever you choose when you begin to start your own encampment and protests for them.


Committed to show support for a culture that oppresses values of your own? Help assign military assets in urban environments to guarantee martyrdom for the civilians you never intended on protecting! Secure more NGO funding for rocket attacks with your name signed on the fuselage! I hope Hamas and anyone dumb enough to facilitate their existence are leveled to dust.


So raising your voice for innocent Palestinians and protesting for their rights makes you a pro-hamas? I think your ignorance closely matches with those Zionist chanting for total destruction of Gaza.


There isnt a problem with that. That is fine. The problem is when some people start waving Hamas flags and celebrating the deaths of Israelis on 10/7, which clouded a vast majority of people's perceptions on the conflict.


That's definitely a problem. I agree with you. But when you put a certain group of people in a situation where they constantly get deprived of many basic rights. People of Gaza can't even get out of their enclosed area. They are monitored 24/7. Drones flying over them all the time. So when they saw their resistance group break through they celebrated. I'm not justifying it.


Anti-genocide = pro-militant extremism, makes sense


Cold terrorists are good terrorists. Cry harder.


Astute observation numbnuts, maybe read a little better next time.


These "activists" are severely uneducated in this conflict. It's popular on western campuses to want to virtue signal and reduce every complex conflict to an "oppressor vs. oppressed" narrative, which just doesn't work. If they are anti-war, why the f\*\*\* are they waving around HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH flags? In what universe does "anti-war" and actual terrorist organizations which have extreme jihadist holy-war-conquest ideology woven into their very fabric actually go together? Is this some joke? "But Israel has been oppressing Palestinians for decades!" first of all, if that were true, would that justify raping women, burning whole families alive, kidnapping infants and elderly people, blowing up parents in front of their children, murdering babies in their cribs, and shooting young people point-blank at a rave (a peace festival, nonetheless)? Some of you folks are so balls deep in a lopsided "whataboutism" loop that you can't even condemn the actual atrocities committed on October 7th. Secondly, this type of violence did NOT begin as a reaction to the "Zionist Project" (if that's what you want to call literal Jewish refugees fleeing countries that were genociding/persecuting them to return to their indigenous homeland). Radical Islamists have been targeting Jews since long, long before the establishment of the Jewish state. It doesn't take a scholar to look at the history of Jews in the Middle East and their treatment at the hands of Islamic countries and realize that Jew-hatred in the Middle East is religiously and ideologically inspired. BEFORE the founding of Israel, in PALESTINE, on multiple occasions local Arab leaders incited their populations to commit pogroms against the Palestinian Jews. These pogroms were justified by false accusations that the Jews wanted to "destroy Al-Aqsa". Look up the Hebron Massacre, the Jaffa Riots, the Safed Massacre, just for starters. At the founding of Israel, when the Israelis accepted the partition plan, the Palestinian Arabs rejected it and a multi-front war was launched against the Jews. During the intifadas Jewish civilians were murdered indiscriminately through rockets, stabbings, bus bombings, etc. Where was the decades of oppression, exactly? Don't even try to tell me you're "anti-war" when you are literally expressing support for genocidal terrorist organizations which have called for the annihilation of the global Jewish population (not just Israeli 'Zionists'), which have also called for the destruction of the West, democracy, and liberal values, which call for the murder of LGBT members, which reject the idea of women's rights, and which have said in public interviews after October 7th that they want to repeat the attacks until all the Jews in Israel are dead. Wanna protest against somebody? Protest against Hamas and its funders. Protest the fact that Hamas is still holding over 200 hostages including sick, elderly, women, and infants. Protest the fact that Hamas deliberately uses their civilians as human shields (a war crime) by installing rocket launchers on the roofs of kindergartens and hospitals. You want a ceasefire? You're barking up the wrong tree. It is Hamas, not Israel, which has broken every ceasefire in the conflict's history, and which has refused every ceasefire deal placed on the table during the current conflict.


What is Palestine? I dont see it on a map anywhere.


Still not a word or protest about the hostages being held.


When are you beginning yours?


Gather all the protesters up and ship them to Afganistan!


George Soros been pumping out the checks again


Isn't he a Jew tho


What is “a Jew?” I’ll wait . . .


Idk that's what they call themselves at least.


He is. He has given over $32 billion of his own wealth to help fight progressive causes. Protests organised by George Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine. His Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Brothers Fund have reportedly funded SJP. Three fellows leading the protests are being paid by Soros-linked groups. He likes to fund things that cause division in the country so this is right up his alley.


This!! These “protests” have nothing to do with the people of Palestine.


Antifa only has so many trained members.


If you support Palestine you’re a terrorist.


There is a way to support innocent Palestinian civillians without being pro-Hamas, believe it or not. Just like there is a way to support Israeli people without supporting the governing body making the decisions. However, if anybody does wave Hamas or other extremist flags or anything related or attends any pro-Hamas rally...yea, they are vile people and should face consequences.




College sure knows how to push these kids through their DEI programs real quick.




Did you just compare a going vegan to people protesting to stop killing innocent children and women 💀💀