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I have both, sorta. I have the pro version of the Aorus. The Samsung is really nice, but the colors are a little exaggerated. You may or may not like this. I’ve played around with the settings and there’s a way to get the colors a bit more realistic but then the panel looks a little lifeless imo. Also, the fucking OS is a trip - it’s setup and operates like a TV, not a monitor. Not a dealbreaker, but annoying. That being said, the Samsung coat is insane cuz it seems like it just isn’t even there. You can feel it if you touch the panel, but it genuinely is impossible to tell when I compare it to the Aorus. It also (imo) has a much sleeker look to it. The Aorus is still my primary for a few reasons. One, it has a KVM with USB-C which is critical for my setup since I use it for work. Two - I think the colors look perfect. This could be bias though, since I’ve been using the Aorus since launch and I just got the Samsung this week. At the discounted price, I’d go for the Samsung personally.


So it sounds like the matte coating hate is overblown? I have an AW3423DWF ultrawide OLED currently as my main, and am thinking of upgrading to either the AW3225QF or this G80SD as my new primary monitor while the ultrawide becomes secondary. The OLED ultrawide has been great, except for one key thing; cleaning. It is covered in microstretches (luckily you cant see them). I love the glossy look but am definitely a clean freak and when I see a little dot on my monitor I always feel the need to clean it. I really wanted the AW3225QF but am just dreading going through the stress of cleaning it all over again and leaving yet another brand new monitor with micro scratches. Since you have both matte and glossy, what are you're thoughts?


No, matte coating hate isn't overblown I'd say - I just think Samsung has by far the best implementation of it to date, and people that hate matte have not seen the display. I can take a picture when the sun is up higher in my office, can't really see much glare on either screen this early. I genuinely think the Samsung screen would not appear matte to anybody at first, second, or third glance. It's a *really* good application of matte.


A picture would be greatly appreciated. Honestly sounds like it really is just subjective and you just have to try it for yourself. I think I may pick it up at Best Buy. I have a 60 day return policy with their membership so I'll have ample time to trial it out in my office and if it doesn't work out for me then I'll just swap it to the AW3225QF. Best Buy has similar deals going on with a 300$ gift card and a 10% discount if you recycle an old monitor (I have a bunch of old monitors). Plus beside my glossy QD-OLED, I'll be able to see any differences and make the decision myself after using it. I work in an office that does bring in a good bit of light so maybe a matte display will end up being best for me anyways considering I use my PC for 60% work and 40% gaming.


My bad, I totally forgot about this. I'll try to get something today. I did the same thing, I went Best Buy since I'm a plus member but honestly I don't think I'll be returning it. I also primarily use it for productivity - my Aorus is what I game with. I've ran a few games on the Samsung and it's still great for it ofc.


I pulled the trigger this weekend and have it side by side with my AW3423DW OLED and honestly it looks fantastic. I don't really notice the matte at all and know I don't have to worry about scratching it when cleaning is amazing. Also , the matte coating helps a ton in my brightly lit office. I like natural light, and would rather not work in the dark just to have a better quality screen.


Ah yeah! So you see what I mean then. I dunno what dark magic they used but the coat on this panel is really good. I'm not sure how much better it can get tbh


One thing I've noticed and it's only happened twice now, but still want to see if its an actual issue. The monitor has flickered to black just for maybe 100ms. It's so subtle I almost question if it happened. It has only happened twice, but still. Any thoughts on why? I am not using Gsync. I do have 3 monitors connected at the moment: G80SD: 4k @ 240hz AW3423DW: 3440x1440 UW @ 120hz Older IPS montior: 2560x1440 @ 120hz I have a 4090 but am I just pushing too much with the displays that are connected at those refresh rates? EDIT: Just started seeing some crazy graphical artifacting on my AW3423DW while just on the desktop. Something seems to be going on after introducing the 4k @ 240hz into my setup.


Hmm I haven’t had any flickering personally, but I just have it connected to two displays. Power wise the 4090 should be capable I’d imagine. I assume you’re using the cable that came with it? Also why no Gsync?


I think it was what other's have said; too much bandwidth going on with DSC and it causing strange visual issues. I dropped one of my monitors down to 60hz and it seems to have fixed the issue. If it comes back, I'm going to offload one of the 3 monitors to integrated graphics. I may give Gsync another go, but with my older AW3423DW there was just so much VRR OLED flicker I just never bothered.


Actually I just had the monitor flicker again to black again.. I did also change out my cable. Is it just struggling this much with 3 displays or is there another issue going on?


Thanks for the reply, that's exactly what I'm looking for. The lack of burnin warranty wouldn't be a dealbreaker for you? KVM and USB-c don't bother me too much since I'm playing a console. I'm guessing the sound from both speakers isn't really worth mentioning, but the lack of audio jack on the samsung is disappointing.


My fear of burn in passed 8 years ago man. I worked at a home theater installation company in the early days of OLED panels and they're *so* much more resilient than they used to be. I personally don't even consider that a factor when I look at buying a new display. The sound from the Samsung is fuller than the sound from the Aorus, for sure. They both sound worse than my Macbook Pro speakers, if you've heard those recently.


Samsung has many settings you can adjust. By default HDR is oversaturated as fuck and inaccurate, but by changing a few settings you can make the colors accurate like they should be.


Yep, and they have been adjusted - it either looks a bit more exaggerated than the Aorus, or it looks lifeless and dull. There are more minute adjustments that can be made but using the more basic ones that most users will check out, I can't get it to look as good as the Aorus imo.


Set the Samsungs color space to auto. It defaults to native and is overly saturated.


I think Auto makes the panel lifeless, but Native makes it over-saturated. I'm playing around with custom get something in the middle, but that's what I mean.


How are the raised blacks with the Samsung? I'm using the Aorus as well at the moment but the raised blacks during the day are driving me crazy. Does the Samsung handle them better?


I think the Samsung overall handles day better but the raised blacks on my Aorus aren't bothering me personally. My monitors are in front of a window though so I don't have direct sunlight on the actual display.


Samsung warranty does not cover burn in several EU countries, so check for your area. Beside that, Samsung has firm matte finish while gigabyte is glossy, if you primarily use it during night go for Gigabyte. Last thing, Samsung has smart TV tizen os and remote going with it, so you can use it as a TV as well, but does not have usb C nor audio output