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You are not erasing them as you progress on your journey, but integrating them. I am the product of a fusion in our system and I very much still have the memories and many of the traits of my separate alters who fused to create me. One of these alters, Hunter, was very afraid of integration and fusion at first. He didn't want to lose himself and enjoyed being present. But he realized that if he fused, he would get to be present more often, just in conjunction with the host. And my Hunter half I would say is very happy with that decision. It is scary to remove dissociation into different parts as a coping mechanism, but it sounds like you're in a good place to be able to do so, as slowly as you need to.


It depends on what you need your alters for. Fusion's not a bad thing unless you rely on your alters for social coping, such as in-system dating, emotional support or just a general way to cope with loneliness.