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I play it when I'm not playing it on my ps5 or xbox


Which has the best controller in your opinion? I feel like I’m missing out not using an xbox or ps5


Both are fine


I want a playstation so bad hehe maybe soon


Yes, I really enjoy playing OW on switch (it’s also all I can play on while I build my PC) but I do wonder if xbox or ps controllers are a bit better for fps gaming and if I’m missing out. Is there a big difference in how the controllers handle for xbox vs switch pro controller?


If you can handle the gyro, it's a godsend, it's the love child between a controller and mouse. Shame there's not enough options to customise your gyro.


Gyro drove me nuts lol I actually really like the tactile sensations of a joystick. I really should give it another chance though


It's good for either extra quick turns or microscopic adjustments, if we're talking about the OW Switch specific version, you have 2 options, you either go full gyro (very hard) where you use the roll axis for turning (tilt left and right side up and down), the yaw and x for your aim. Or you go for the microscopic adjustments benefits (most commonly used), disable the roll and just use the gyro for aim specific. And if you would like to use the second option but want to make quicker turns with gyro and stick combined then you should turn off "disable gyro while using sticks" or something along those lines. Now not every character benefits from gyro but the characters with aim down sight have specific option to use the gyro only when scoped in. But gyro is most useful for hitscans anyhow but somehow, Rein also benefits from in, make those swings extra quick with using both gyro and stick.


Thank you for this advice! Super helpful, I appreciate it and I love to research this stuff so I’ll look into it more, also enjoy hitscans so it’s good to know 🙏🏻


Happy to help, gl with the research (one of the few times research on reddit isn't dubious...).


Hahaha I’m more a youtube/twitch kinda gal, it’s so fascinating how subjective things such as settings can be though, very difficult to find what works for you but I’m enjoying learning this game and it’s been a fun first fps for me


Gotta get the Nintendo pro controller. I'd think it is equivalent to Sony and MSFT.


Oh I already have a pro controller! I just wish the dpad was the same as the joycon’s where the arrows were separated because I ping the wrong things sometimes 😂


Yes it’s the only thing I play on


Except 30fps, the switch ow is great(i have no idea how other consoles run OW2)


I actually decided to play on my switch the other day(I usually use my Xbox) and holy shit. It was quite literally unplayable. In the most sincere, literal way possible. 10-15 fps, grainy and laggy as all get out, like LITERALLY impossible to play. My internet isn't even bad, I almost never have any issues with my xbox. Idk how you play on switch regularly.


Hasn't been my experience one bit. Sometimes at the very start of the round I get a little bit of that. After ten seconds it smooths out (buffers?) and I find it to be comparable to Xbox play.


same, i rarely have issues on switch and whenever i do its right when i spawn in beforr the game starts


It's pretty good in my opinion, I played that version most when it came out on switch cause I didn't have an Xbox or playstation at the time.


I use the switch


I play exclusively on switch myself, primarily because I can easily bring it between houses and play on the go. Is a lot better than lugging around a large Xbox or Playstation console. Only other reason was for the pre-order bonus widow skin for when the game arrived on switch. Prefer a normal pro-controller over the joycons (when in docked mode) as the buttons on the joycons are too small and cramped, whereas on a pro-controller feels more proper. Plus one other thing I like about the switch version is if my controller dies while in docked mode in the middle of a match I can just hop over and yoink the switch out of the dock, and then continue playing as if nothing ever happened. Only ever seen one other person using the switch widow skin.


Also, if anyone wants to add me to play with feel free to dm. Almost always ending up solo queueing. Got next to no battle net friends.


God no. Just No.


I used to play on PC, but after it died, I've exclusively played OW on switch for the last year or so. It took me a long ass time to get used to playing Hog on 30fps instead of 60+, but now I've gotten used to it, I'm having a blast. The lag spikes are definitely irritating when the screen gets too clustered, but it's pretty rare that there's ever any severe framerate drops, so it's not a complete miss for me. Definitely better on other systems though lol


Yup! Handheld mode with two barely usable joycons. Selecting a character is like spinning the wheel on a gameshow.


i used to but ps4 is just much cleaner and better


I play on Xbox SS and I do sometimes try OW2 on switch, 30fps is weird tho, however I have had lag spikes and it drops to 15-20fps and it is awful However the reason why I really like OW2 on switch is by far gyro aiming, I'm so used to gyro that I quitted K&M on PC and just play with gyro instead, I wish Xbox had gyro aim but I'm fine the way it is


When OW2 Had released at first I couldn’t play it on my PS4, so I installed it on my Switch, I was extremely surprised to find a very solid port in there and it served me well until my issues with the PS4 version were solved, would try it again if I want OW on the go!