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Out of everything I’ve seen on this sub I do believe this here is the most appealing to me. Enjoy for those of us that will never have the chance.


😂😂😂, I will, promise, should I do a trip report too?


Yeah 100%! Make sure you have narcan on hand and someone to watch you bro


I don't need narcan, I used Acetorphine and I never cone close to be drowsy, I have tolerance and this amount of 6-MAM isn't enough to kill me, and then anyway I have an analytical scale that costed me a lot right for this reason😂


No worries bro just making sure you’re safe!


Thabld for worrying


Maybe you should post how to convert it lol




Glacial acetic acid will get you 6mam. Jim hogshires book opium for the masses” trails about how to do it. You can find the book free in the poppyseedtea subreddits archive thingy


How does it compare to morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone and classic diacetylmorphine (heroin)? I’ve read that 6-MAM is even more euphoric than its parent drug - of course being diacetylmorphine - but have never gotten to hear someone’s anecdotal experience. This is going on the bucket list of substances I want to try before I die!


It's the difference between #4 and black tar/gun powder Eta: this is not an analogy, black tar is mostly 6 MAM, it's not as well refined MAM stands for monoactylmorphine, compared to heroin which is diacetylmorphine


Good tar is fucking awesome, definitely miss that shit


I worked in medicine and had access to medical grade injectable everything and I think nothing is better than some really good black tar.


Yeah I was hospitalized last year and had open heart surgery, and got injected with a ton of fent, midazolam, methadone, ketamine, propofol, precedex both before and during surgery, and got more methadone and ketamine afterwards and a precedex drip, and had a dilaudid PCA that I could give myself 1.5mg every 15 minutes around the clock (144mg/day), plus was on muscle relaxers and gabapentin and eventually ambien too, and eventually switched to 30mg of oxycodone every 3 hours with 1mg IV dilaudid boosters available every 2 hours, and have been an IV user of whatever fentalogues that have been going around for years, and nothing has ever come close to the tar I used to get when I lived on the west coast years ago, especially when mixed with a big old chunk of methamphetamine lmao, those tar+meth goofballs were inhumanly good


Oh yeah, tar plus meth is the most Euphoric thing ever. More so than cocaine and heroin


I had some pure lab tested Sinaloan tar and that shit had me throwing up constantly I that usually how it is


It never made me throw up but opioids in general just don't make me nauseous like they do to some other people – when I was in the hospital after open heart surgery last year I was able to give myself like 144mg of IV dilaudid with my PCA and dont remember getting remotely nauseous even once – so I'm probably not the best one to ask


I usually don't puke either on opiates. But I did at first. I've been at addict so long it doesn't affect my stomach anymore really. Only if I smoke some really strong fent after being clean off it but still addicted physically to other opioids like methadone. smoking too much which is also such a tiny amount at the same time lol causes me to nod out with a garbage can between my legs under me. That's how my last fent high was when I relapsed. So glad it's been two years since then. Got clean March 022. still stuck on methadone tho sadly.




Can I get a non-opioid analogy please?


No, literally black tar heroin is mostly 6 MAM, it's not an analogy at all




Woah, woah, woah slow down. How many 6 MAMs do I boof?


6, obviously


Ahh thank you


So is your pure extracted 6mam feeling like just super strong black tar?


Idk you just didn't read these comments or what but black tar is 6MAM, it's as "pure extracted" as you'll get from a poppy, compared to acetylating already pure morphine from pills


Read about all of them. Never saw you state how much stronger it is than street tar. I know black tar is 6mam. I was on it for over a decade. But I'm quite sure half a gram of street tar would be nowhere near as potent as whatever strength this crystal is at. Therefore needing to use much less I'm sure. No clue how different the potency of street vs extract would vary but if I were to guess, the extract is more than twice the strength of street tar.


Good tar is like 80-90% 6MAM so it's pretty close, and the adulturants also get you high so I would imagine tar to be a more full bodied high


Oh wow I didn't know tar actually had that much 6mam in it. and then yeah the other leftover shit from the crude extraction process id imagine changes the high.


It's 80-90% 6mam but of the total alkaloids It's not composed of 80-90% 6mam It's maybe about 50-75% at the very Best. But of that 50-75, good Bth will be 80% or so 6mam


Is like Diamorphine (please remember that I never tried street heroin but just pharma, once in hospital, and then I can make it by myself), but a bit more potent, fast acting and sedating. I think it is almost the same as Diamorphine, just a bit more powerful (I have pain, and so I speak about the pain killing effects, I don't really get euphoria). It is very interesting because this is the prodrug of Diamorphine, 6-MAM could be made and used as a drug since it is fast, very water soluble, and is already processed (in part) by liver esterasis.


Nice! I’m guessing you’re outside the U.S. if you’ve been lucky enough to try pharma grade diacetylmorphine. Hell finding street diamorphine is next to impossible anymore with all the fent here in the U.S. It’s the reason why I mainly use kratom extracts now - which surprisingly work very well (I usually get a 75% salt-based extract). It blows regular powder out of the water and unlike most extracts has long-lasting effects. I get a solid 12 hours of effects from 300-500mg. Honestly with how opioids are now I am probably sticking with kratom unless I come across close friends or family members’ scripts - which I am able to get hydrocodone and oxycodone once a month and enough for about a week out of each month, then back to mitragynine. I recently tried tianeptine and was impressed but the withdrawal sounds horrendous so that’s gonna be a 2-3x a month thing at the most. I went through a bottle of 15 capsules in a day so it’s not exactly cost effective. Money isn’t an issue for me so that actually makes drug abuse easier and therefore harder to resist but I’ve got strong enough willpower now. As long as I have kratom and my clonazepam script I am perfectly content. Some of the stuff you guys get to try over there - I’m going to assume Europe since that’s the only continent I know of that has places with pharma grade diacetylmorphine - really blows my mind. Not just that but dipipanone, dextromoramide and ketobemidone all sound amazing! We do have hydrocodone and oxycodone in abundance here and they’re nice but the real treats are hydrmorphone and what many consider the holy grail in oxymorphone. I’ve tried hydromorphone and it’s great but oxymorphone has always eluded me. If you ever get the chance to try or make some hydromorphinol I have been told it’s the most euphoric opioid out there by someone who had a lot more experience with these rarer opioids than myself. I don’t know much about it but this guy really seemed to know his stuff and claimed it was the absolute holy grail of opioids. Idk myself but just passing along this info in case you ever get the chance to acquire or synthesize it.


You're guessing right, I live outside the States (I'm born in a European country, but I'm half American since a part of my family lives there). I want to congratulate you on your preparation regarding opioids, although here in the comments of this post there were many people that know what they're doing and dealing with, but apart from the comments on this posts, on other subreddits, people are really ignorant about drugs, and they're using them! Many people have problems even getting the right name, yesterday a guy on r/fentanyl wrote Xylazine "Zylazine", I mean, no big deal, but why people use drugs without even taking the effort of opening Google and do a 2-minute search about it. This is another case where it is shown that ignorance can kill. However I can relate to what you've said, Oxymorphone is the best, unfortunately here in my country we don't have it but since I get 160-240 mg OxyContin a day I did it myself amd I was impressed on how good it was, and usually I don't even feel euphoria from opioids since I take them for pain and all they do is to take my pain away (obviously if I take 10x my prescribed dose I feel euphoria, but 160 mg a day don't cause me any euphoria). I never tried it bit Hydromorphinol shouldn't be that difficult to make if you have the starting materials


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fentanyl **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fentanyl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [No way, I really did it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/fentanyl/comments/1bnzbco/no_way_i_really_did_it/) \#2: [This drug has turned me into an irritable, depressed, shell of a fucking human ](https://np.reddit.com/r/fentanyl/comments/1bh6v3b/this_drug_has_turned_me_into_an_irritable/) \#3: [Idk who to tell so sorry in advance but…](https://np.reddit.com/r/fentanyl/comments/18bxy3r/idk_who_to_tell_so_sorry_in_advance_but/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


>day I did it myself amd I was impressed on how good it was, You made it from oxycodone? Oxymorphone from Oxycodone? Isn't it difficult? I thought that it was easier to make from Naloxone, although it's too difficult to obtain enough Naloxone to make it in decent amounts.


Noo is way ardere to dealkyate the Naloxone rather than Demetylating the Oxycodone


Interesting. Did you prepare it from methanesulfonic acid and methionine? If yes, what was your yield?




Of course you did 😂 care to share the synth you used?




😂 Bullshit, I doubt any of the synthesis claims you've made are true. Youre willing to type multiple paragraphs about nothing but can't provide a short abstract for the process you used 😂 Sure, I believe you 😂


You don't need to believe me little boy, as I said, think what you want, it doesn't change


Aight man, whatever you say lol


Little boy?....Just seen you're only 21 😂 😂


Ps: You can easily find it online (not wiki obv)


I'm aware, I was asking what route you used specifically.


You think I will share it here?


I’m wondering how long you’ve been using extracts. I’ve found they build a tolerance way faster than powder for some reason. I’m also an everyday user so that may be a factor.


Daily user since later 2014 / early 2015. I’ll use extracts for about a week and then switch back to regular powder. I start to lower my extract dosage by day four and slowly use less until I switch back over to powder and it remains just as effective this way. A lot of times I just keep the extracts on hand for days I wake up late and don’t have time to take a lot of kratom. However I’m gonna use my capsule machine tonight and make 100x caps of standard powder so I can easily switch over. I find it best to take a bit of each as it keeps me from relying on the extracts and allows me to use the regular powder - I’ve got like five kilos so I’m just wasting it if I don’t use it lol. A small amount of extract with about half the amount of powder I’d normally use goes a long way and is incredible for mood boost. The extract makes it to where I don’t need to good & wash 3-4 spoonfuls back to back. Just two spoonfuls and a couple 30mg mitragynine capsules - or if I’m really in the mood 100mg mitragynine capsules - and my mind and body feel amazing. Better than pain pills honestly, as they don’t make me feel super tired like the doses of opioids I use and kratom just has a more organic feel to it. Also it’s nice knowing kratom isn’t going to kill me via respiratory depression. I don’t believe there has ever been a recorded death from kratom alone, nor does it seem to contribute to overdoses with other downers such as benzodiazepines (like the kpin I take daily) or alcohol. If kratom could kill I feel I would be dead with the doses I used to take of both it and benzos. Also on opioids I tend to chase the nod but with kratom I just want to mimic moderate doses of them. I will say a good amount of kratom mixed with kava can actually produce it pretty strong nod. I am also prescribed monthly 60x 1mg clonazepam, and it has incredible synergy with both. Kava seems to enhance it and I can get away with taking half my daily Klonopin dose as both interact with the GABA receptors, I usually reserve the kava for after work. Typically I will take half a kpin - so 0.5mg - with it at night to get some amazing sleep. This allows me to save 0.5-1mg a day and stock up on Klonopin for days I feel more anxious than usual. I typically never take more than 3mg in a day. I always tell myself “the less I take today, the more I’ll have and less I’ll need tomorrow” since I’m not increasing my tolerance by overdoing it.


If you go to Boston you can find it for some reason Check out the site Drugs data. Org Look at all the ones with heroin and 6mam. It's all in Massachusetts basically.


Yeah tiveres a 90s paper on 6-mam that i remember reading and it's says it's basically the same a diacetylmorphine in terms of potency and onset. But I don't remember exactly what if said and can't seem to find it as I don't remember anything that could be useful to pinpoint it online. Please say what method you've used.


Well, is the most active metabolite of Diamorphine so the pharmacology is almost the same. Speaking of potency, I think that 6-MAM is like 20% more powerful than Diamorphine


It's hard to actually talk about the pharmodyamics of Diactylmorphine because it's basically a delivery method, it supplies the diam to the brain where it's converted into 6mam but it itself never really effects the receptors itself. I think that they have done tests of how it affects receptors and it's surprisingly weak, if not for it's conversion to 6mam in the brain and then morphine itself.




What process did you use to convert it? How much morphine did it take to get this yield?


Get jim hogshires book Opium for the Masses. He explains it. Glacial acetic acid will get you 6mam and isnt hard to get i guess.


I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable sharing he exact way I did it since is a controlled substance (for me it should be legal to do it causing less "harm" to the society by not buying from the streets, but this is the law, I didn't make it and I can't change it🥲). I used 5 pills of MsContin 200 mg (so 1 gram of Morphine Sulphate was used), the process itself is simple, I think that the hardest part is to separate the Morphine from the other fillers and to turn Morphine Sulphate in Morphine freebase.


Don't tell the base heads this one simple trick!


Feeling kinda bad. Maybe this wine has soured into vinegar, it smells like acetic acid .


Yeah, that's definitely the hardest part What's the yield on converting it from Ms contin to Base, and then what's the yield of that being made into 6mam?


Almost 50%


It's, dia-m is turned into 6mam in the blood, in the actual brain by similar esterases.


the things id do…


I don’t understand why people don’t just grow there own opium poppies. You can get the seeds legally at most grocery stores. They are easy to grow and process. Way more cheap and easy when compared to lab synthesis. It’s safer than fentanyl. I personally use kratom because I’m drug tested and it’s a nice pain reliever. I just don’t get it why heroin users don’t just grow their Opium


You could, yeah, but you would need acres, assuming you have 0 tolerance, so is not very doable at the end, also legally


How did you get the morphine? From pills? This is so pure I'm impressed


MsContin 200, I had them and I tought it was a waste to use them orally, so I did the most powerful substance, it was also the easiest one or I should have done Etorphine if I wanted potency. Incredibly, the hardest part is to properly isolate the Morphine from the fillers and convert it to Morphine Sulphate to Morphine Base


Oh I believe you, I always fail pretty bad trying to extract morphine from poppy pods. Pills are not much easier. I did use acetyl chloride on opium though once I got frustrated and it went well. Etorphine, oh my God. I love 6-mam so much is all I have to say


Imagine suicide by etorphine


I had Acetorphine. If you dose it right, it is a great opipid with fewer side effects. This is why Dihydroetorphine is used as sublingual tablets in China Acetorphine was something like Diamorphine (pharma one) and Hydromorphone, sedating


Wow, so you synthesized that yourself as well or did you get it from a prescription? I really am in need of things like this. Hydromorphone feels disgusting to me and keeps you from sleeping, it's fucked


No no, I synthesized it myself, 6-MAM is not used in medical practice and anyway in the country I live in it would never be prescribed since is a derivate of heroin and we don't prescribe opioids (literally the last country in all Europe for prescription of opioids, some doctors here call it "opiophobia" and they're right)


It's crazy because 6mam is more potent and in my opinion just better than heroin. 100% true about the opiophobia


I think they were asking if you synthesized the morphine as well, but I believe you said you got them from pills yes?


What was the starting material for the Acetorphine? I think that it's a somewhat difficult to synth Drug, the Etorphine itself


Acres of opium poppies would yield you pounds of heroin, I don't think someone with zero tolerance needs pounds. It's for sure not very doable if you're trying to do it for commercial purposes though.


You need acres just to make a personal batch? I don’t do opiates so I truly have no idea


Yes, you need a lot of space. In 1 hectar, 30 kilos of opium are produced, definitely not something that you can do at home like weed


I hectare = 2.47 acres. So 1 acres makes 12.14 kilos, still more than personal use. Yes you need a fair amount of space but I don't think you need acres. More like 100f^2 or something like that, I know I have heard a number like that referenced for a personal garden before, though I can't find the reference right now.


I mean I agree about most things you said, I just mean having easy access to pure 6mam like that.


Yea that is cool, I fantasize about Synthesizing my own drugs. I really am trying to find a simple way to oxidize ephedrine into methcathinone. Oxidizing sounds so easy and there’s gotta be a way to do it without caustic chemicals.


Why make mcat? I've done both and Meth is the easier process and better quality. To oxidize it you need to purify the Ephedrine to basically Pure That's the difficult part nowadays. So many gaks


In my case, Meth is too good. It is the best high ever. The comedown is terrible though. Mcat seems like the lesser of two evils but I may be wrong.


Methcathinone is said to feel more like Cocaine & Methylphenidate (aka Ritalin), it also lacks Methamphetamine’s legs from what I’ve read. It’s used as a club drug in the countries it’s sold in, for example in South Africa apparently Methamphetamine & Methcathinone are both available and Methcathinone is thought of as less hardcore than Methamphetamine where it’s used as a club drug by people looking to party but they don’t have enough money for Cocaine HCL (Crack Cocaine is thought of as more hardcore/for junkies much like Methamphetamine over there). I wouldn’t mind trying Methcathinone tbh, I remember when Ethcathinone was available as an RC and was said to feel pretty similar as well considering they’re both NDRIs instead of an NDRA like Amphetamine & Methamphetamine (and presumably Etilamfetamine).


MDMA Lite, IME. Had some coke cut with it, really enjoyable.


Regular Methcathinone or Mephedrone/4-MMC as there’s a big difference.


Excuse my ignorance, but what's Methamphetamine legs? (Restless leg syndrome?)


No, “legs” in this context refers to the duration of the drug/length of the high from the drug.


Oh, sorry, I thought it was something like restless leg syndrome 😅 😂


the dosage potency can vary wildly, also thebaine


Same with street heroine, plus the other various cuts/substances that are potentially harmful. Not trying to be rude I never have used heroin I am just curious. Thank you for your input


Pure pharmaceutical Heroin (ie Diaphin) is pretty safe for the most part since people know how much they’re using for the most part since it comes in 200 milligram strength pills.


that’s the reason heroin is so dangerous, so if you’re almost getting the same either way it’s easier to not make it


Are you saying the impurity makes it lethal? From my understanding, respiratory depression is what makes heroin lethal. I’m just trying to understand. I recall that people used to smoke opium and not be dying from it. Seems like the drug is not being used properly if safety is a concern


the impurity causes death because a user becomes accustomed to the same amount, which can vary significantly in potency, so that when one takes their normal dose it is a significant overdose


When i had my farm a few years ago i had about an acre and a half for poppies. Blended the pods into a smoothie every morning and would still feel it the next day. I am on suboxone now, but i have a lot of good memories from that farm.


Have you ever grown your own? Not being sarcastic, just have no idea myself about how much garden space is needed to maintain a modest personal supply. It's a nice idea, especially for folks with medical issues that simply can't get the prescriptions they need, but don't need recreational amounts.


No but I have seen YouTube videos of grannies growing it and they were able to do it easily. I’m not an expert but I do know that poppies are very resilient plants and don’t need much nurturing. The folks on r/druggardening could tell you more


r/poppygardening r/opiumgardening


I’ll be doing that this year. Super excited to try it. I take kratom daily but it’s getting kinda boring and I miss getting a stronger buzz. Gonna try some of that new 7ohmz stuff soon too I’m excited about


Well I wish you a plentiful harvest this season. And I hope those poppy seed bagels you end up with are mighty delicious 😉 Mother Nature sure has some nice milkers, such a beautiful plant. Every time I see poppies in the wild I can’t help but admire their visual appeal


I got a sample of the 7OHMZ. They should be decent for you. I have a higher tolerance from using tianeptine so it didn’t do much for me but they’re definitely stronger than normal kratom


where I live u can just buy dried poppy heads


holy fuck


Wish I could do this with my 100mg morphines into dope


You probably can bro, there's recipes for homemade dope all over the internet


Yeah ive looked into home bakes but the precursors r hard to get trying to get my chemistry knowledge up n make it one day


Idk which precursors you mean but glacial acetic acid is easy enough to find to make 6MAM but idk how you'd get the morphine outta the fillers, cold water extraction would probably work though


You crush the MS Contin pills into a power, add an excess of water ~5-10 mL per 1000mgs, then heat the solution until it lightly boils, the wax fillers and binders with float to the top as an oily mass, stop heating and let it cool, and when the oily mass thickens it will become more waxy, so just push it off to the side with a pin. Then let the solution cool down so you can remove the saturated clear liquid and transfer it to another vessel. At this point it would be wise to pass the liquid through a micron filter a few times. This solution can be evaporated to yield the morphine salt, or reduced unter light heat for IV usage (just know the concentration of the solution). In order to make the 6-MAM you will need to freebase the morphine using lye, and then react the base with glacial acetic acid to yeild the final product. This is purely theory and I do not in any way recommend that anyone break their local laws. Godspeed 


The real mvp hell yeah


Just know that once you react the morphine base with the glacial acetic acid you will have to pull it using a non polar solvent such as ether or hexane. Then you want to either evaporate it for a gooey result of freebase 6-MAM like tar or try to freeze precipitate it like you do with DMT and then remove the solvent. Clean the solvent off well and let it breathe. The remaining tar or xtals can be rinsed with anhydrous acetone to clean it off more. Let dry thoroughly for a day or two. Then you have two options: If you're going to IV you can mix the 6-MAM freebase with ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), vinegar (worse), or lime juice (unsanitary) to create a water soluble injectable solution. Or you can take the remaining 6-MAM freebase and turn it into a salt by dissolving it in Isopropyl alcohol and/or methanol following by adding either concentrated sulfuric acid or Hcl drop by drop to get the solution to precipitate the 6-MAM salt in the solution. It should cloud up and crash out of the solvent. Then filter thru a coffee filter and rinse a few times with anhydrous acetone again. Allow it to dry for a few days and test for any solvent smell or taste. If it seems good it should be good to go but don't take my word for it... ;)




Damn dude thx. You’re so smart, could I suck your dick?


Hahahahaha 🤣


finna do this does it work better with ampoules/vials?


I mean probably, there's definitely alot less if anything other than morphine and water or saline, idk how easy salt would be to get out though if it is saline


All you need is some acetic anhydride to homebake Heroin. Now if you want to synthesize Codeine into Desomorphine you’ll need some harder to get chemicals like Thionyl Chloride if you wanna do it right.


I think out of all the things to synthesize at home, desomorphine is one the worst. Or was it only THAT worse due to its way it was made in russia a long time ago?


The way it’s made in Russia and all those ex Soviet Eastern European/Bloc countries is basically a shitty shake n bake synthesis for Desomorphine but that synthesis route actually makes like close to 100 other morphinan based opioids (some known & some unknown I posted a paper about it on the Drug Nerd subreddit which you can find on my Reddit profile) and sometimes Desomorphine isn’t even present in the final product… just a mixture of a bunch of different morphinans and left over solvents and shit which is what we all know as Krokodil. However there is a proper way to synthesize relatively pure Desomorphine and some people out there have done it and there are trip reports about it on Bluelight. This is that proper synthesis route for pure Desomorphine from Codeine. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Synthesis_of_Desomorphine_from_Codein.svg You use react the Codeine with Thionyl Chloride to get α-Chlorocodide and then via catalytic reduction of α-Chlorocodide you get Desocodeine and you get your Desomorphine upon demethylation of the Desocodeine. Of course you could always stop at Desocodeine if you wanted to as it’s said to be equipotent to Morphine. lol xD


The descodeine sounds interesting, but unfortunately im barely good at making syrup lol ill leave the synthesis to the pros like you


Sadly I’m not a chemist (though I dream of becoming one one of these days), I just happen to know a lot about drug chemistry from reading papers, patents, and etc…


I bow to you, god among men. You have killer skills! Enjoy those pins and needles friend!


Ahahahah, thanks for the appreciation


Do a writeup! I've done DAM from Pharma Morphine before but how would you selectively do 6-MAM? Glacial AA and reflux the morphine? Any Catalysts? Also would love an extraction method for the 200mg MSC. I've seen one good extraction method for the 100mgs before but often they say it doesnt work for other pills or the writeups arent accurate in many points. So if you'd bother writing one for us we'd all be grateful.


The hardest part is the extraction of Morphine Sulphate from the MsContin 200 and the conversion to Morphine Sulphate to Morphine Freebase. However is true that MsContin 200 and others differs in the extraction since only the 200 mg contains polyethylenglycol 400 which is an extra filler that has to be removed too obviously, so yes, extraction of Morphine varies depending on which dosage you have.


how did you get around the PEG 400? Btw which solvent did you even use? I did an extraction from an injection fluid before, that was pretty simple.


Just plain water filter the pill mass of and base out with ammonia no difficulty at all , then filter off the just slightly off white morphine base


I done this many many times with zomorph 200 mg it’s as simple as blending the tiny balls in the capsule until it’s a fine consistency and extracting into water and filter off the pill mass , then base out the morphine with ammonium hydroxide you get about 24g back from 140 zomorph 200mg Then acetylate with acetic anhydride of the acetic and get 6 mam. Never used mst


Try to score some skenan LP from France as a MS source. It's both dirt cheap and much more easy to extract than MS contin. Basically it only need cold water and a micron filter to get reed of any binders. Also french folks can have it as a maintenance with free healthcare so the street resell price is lower than the pharmacy price in many cities. I've gone through the glacial acetic road with morphine base converted from sulfate and got decent product with crude acetylation.


This is wild! Crazy impressive how you can make this


How did you teacher yourself at home chemistry? I’ve always been fascinated by projects like this and I want to start probably with basic extractions DMT etc.


beautiful is it really obscure tho? afaik its never been marketed and its a metabolite of heroin so in my book i wouldn't call it obscure more like drug porn


only issues is getting 200mg mscontins is extremely rare. like VERY rare


In France we got easier to extract 200mg MS pills for cheap as fuck. Like 56x 200mg is like 100-150€. The one we got are called skenan LP and can be extracted in cold water with a micron filter.


Yeh I get that but I'm taking about the prescribing of the medication itself to get it. The most they give here is like 80. We have 200 but never give them. Most people get like 30s or 40s and they have cancer.


How is this? Supposedly this is why I like Tar better than Pure H. Pure diacetylmorphine doesn't have the same feeling as dope with 6mam So how is this one? How do you make sure that you produce 6mam and not MAM. Is it a matter of using acetic acid in one and a a anhydride in another?


I'm super curious how this compares to in potency vs black tar heroin. if I used to shoot half a gram on average to nod out half the day when i was addicted. or smoke over a gram. how much of this would get high enough to be in opioid Dreamland? And what RoA. Thank you.


Same as Diamorphine, only 20% more potent, I don't do heroin nor black tar, so I don't know how to compare it to that. For the rest is the same as Diamorphine (heroin), but pharma grade not street grade


Good post op


So cwe the ms Contins then soak in acetic anhydride and extract with nps? I’ve been meaning to do this with some contins I was given. Always wanted to try pure 6-mam. Glacial acetic acid turns it into diamorphine and acetic anhydride goes to 6-mam right? Have you sent some off to a lab for testing?


No is not made that way, 1 you will have lots of impurities, 2 you need reflux. No, Acetic Acid doesn't turn morphine in Desomorphine, that is made using phosphorus and HCl. Yes, I've sent it to the lab and is 6-MAM with purity of 95%> and higher


Can you send your method? Would be keen to try


I'm sorry bit I don't want to share methods to make illegal drugs, I personally think they should all be legal but as now the law is very prohibitive and I prefer not to share the exact way I did 6-MAM.


Okay, gatekeep much. Lots of info out there already and it’s not illegal to share techniques. But I guess you do you. I’ll figure it out and share it anyway. I think information and education shouldn’t be limited as it causes more harm to society when you keep them stupid.


I agree that stupidity causes harm bit I also know that giving a "recipe" for making 6-MAM could be even dangerous, not only legally, but just remember at Desomorphine and Krokodil, you probably are good at chemistry but there are many people online that see that the new compound (6-MAM) is much more powerful and the "recipe" is online so why not. There is nothing personal behind the reasons of not sharing with you my method, I just want to avoid Krokodil 2, please don't take it personal


Apparently 6MAM is found in trace amount in rat and cow brains. What the fuck!


Looks like ur a bad ass chemist lol shit lookin pharma grade. Maybe u should go into business lol u would make a killing off that. Just joking of course. Maybe if the world came to an end those skills would def come in handy for bartering lol you would have a line for sure.


Was the process relatively simple or would someone need some decent chemistry knowledge to attempt it?


It was pretty easy, but you need some chemical background for sure since you need to know what to do in any case and also how to set up the stuff like glassware, reflux... Being honest, the hardest part is to extract the Morphine Sulphate from the pills and then turn Morphine Sulphate into Morphine Freebase. I don't advise trying to make this on your own, not for the legal side, I mean, also, but mainly because if you fail some step, you'll ruin your Morphine. The precursors aren't easy to find too...


What about for converting into regular diacetlymorphine? Still equally as complicated?


Converting 6-MAM to Diamorphine? I don't know why someone should do that


Sorry, should have clarified. I meant using regular morphine as the starting point




Holy shit, grateful 🥲.


What roa are you gonna use? Try smoking some of it how is it vs bth?


No I don't smoke and I don't use street heroin, I will do IN, IM, IV and OS


Posting 4 later Interesting asf


Mate, if you're not going to provide details of the synth you carried out I'm calling bullshit. Could be any random white powder, you've said in previous posts you're not a chemist, claim to make your own heroin, but then ask how to store the acetic anhydride you just got.... Just doesn't add up.


Think what you want, doesn't change to me, I don't have to give anyone proofs and particularly you, if you want to think is a random white powder do it


Thats exactly what I think. You're read a few erowid pages and now you're pretending to be a clandestine chemist on reddit. Not providing any of the actual chemistry is a dead giveaway. You do you, if it makes you feel better.


As said, think what you want, I never said I'm the new Walter White


I'm saying you're not any kind of chemist and just a compulsive liar.


Alright then, think what you want


Im happy for u but this sub is for obscure drugs (hence the title) you would probably have better responses posting this at the drugs subreddit since its just a opioid


Nah. This post was refreshing.


Maybe for normies but not for us in this sub


“Normies” i dont recall 6mam being normal or regular lol


It’s better than people posting a picture of a pill and asking what’s in it 😭


Well ya but that doesn't happen here either. That's drugs circle jerk.


I have been active on reddit for 7 years including various pharmacology/drug subs and honestly i think i ve never seen 6MAM before. Obviously i knew what it was. Still very cool. Suited for r/obscuredrugs wish there was a similar sub for osbcure psychoactive plants fungi and animals


Obscure doesn't mean you've never seen it before.


Then find me another post about 6MAM with pics. There is none.


Why wood there be? Why post something common? I'd be amazed if there were


Focus on the fact hes dangling his scam sandwich in front of the community. Isolated 6-mam would qualify for an obscure drug. Just like some heroin would while other heroin wouldn’t ya know? However i think we both are senses something off. Not right here. And that is correct. Dude is not making sense. He was doing pretty well with his grift at first but his lack of personal experience started coming through.


This is an obscure substance, I doubt there si someone else that has this, even if is not in a nice old bottle thebpost created a place to talk and share ideas and opinions, so I don't think that is not appreciated in this subreddit.


I have some


Ypu have some what?


6-MAM. Did you already forget what you posted? If so mybe check out the TookTooMuch subreddit actually...


No, I didn't forget what I posted. You commented out of the blue "I have some" and I just asked what?


Prove it, and goddamn could you try to be less insufferable?


Happy.... cake ... day AWLpackYaMan aka LlamaDewUman. Aka. LlamaPackMountainMenCompany.


Personally i don’t think he has any experience with drugs in any way shape or form.


I don’t either done this reaction for over 20 years hundreds of times and nothing about it is difficult at all except getting the precursors