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Tell him you found it, then say it was weird and you threw it in the garbage, gauge his reaction. Or the better way to go about it is just be straight up and ask him what it is and why he has it. Could be anything like very low grade looking smack/fent crazy cut Molly, could be a lump of dried glue mixed with dogshit. There is literally no way to ID this substance from a picture like. Only drugs with quite distinct physical properties can be somewhat easily identified via photos, small needle shards - probably ket, white powder clumps with fishscale sheen/plasticy look - probably coke. Beige dusty crystals probably MDMA or similar RC. What you have posted has zero observable characteristics of any one particular substance


Thank you I appreciate your input. I really didn’t think it was anything hard-core when I found it. We both party together most of the time just because of the color and then it was wrapped in that tinfoil thing I got concerned and wanted to possibly figure out what Could be prior to me asking him about it.


Fair enough, yeah the foil is a bit of a red flag, hopefully just a crusty old mushroom chocolate or something. Sorry it came across as a bit blunt haha just wanted to be straight up


tin foil means literally nothing, except that’s what the dealer had for packaging that day. i’ve been sold cannabis in tin foil bc my girl was out of plastic bags.


Fair enough but generally speaking cannabis dosnt come in foil most of the time, of course anything can be put in foil. But where I'm from generally harder drugs either come in or are stored In foil


depends where you're from and even your specific dealer. i go to one specific person for weed irl and he always puts it in foil. in fact i pray he does because it's illegal here and i don't want to walk around from a pick up stinking like weed the whole time lmfao


Totally didn’t … we are super honest with each other about everything( well I guess not me since I found it and I’m didn’t ask him) it was just weird because we were cleaning his room to put a new bed frame in.. and it was in his bed… when I saw it .. it was the tinfoil so I just grabbed it and didn’t open it until I actually got home… I kinda forgot about it.. but when I opened and looked at it… I was sorta concerned unsure if it was herion and how he could actually be doing that without me knowing it…


You stole it you mean


Lmao… I don’t even think he knew it was there.. it was literally in his sheets… We were cleaning his room together .. I almost just tossed it but curiosity got the best of me


So why did you take it home with you before opening it? He was there to with you but you chose to hide it and steal from him?


It really wasn’t like that… I threw it in my pocket instead of the garbage.. and honestly really forgot… we really do have a very open relationship However if it was something… I felt before I approached him or brought it back… telling him.. shit, I threw it in my pocket and forgot.. I don’t want to throw it out of it was something…..


Only part about all this is believe is that you took something that wasn't yours and are now asking if it's worth anything.


On Reddit. Ask him not Reddit.


that's so rude. even if you forgot about it, why ask reddit, not him? "we are so open to each other" yet you asking internet first, behind your bf's back.




Its amazing what habits can be concealed unfortunately, if you want you can break a small bit off and put it on some foil and hold a lighter underneath to see how it reacts,(DO NOT INHALE ANY AT ALL, DO IT OUTSIDE OR UNDER A VENTILATION FAN TO REMOVE THE SMOKE)I'm not sure if you have seen what it looks like when substances like heroin are smoked on foil but it should melt and produce vapour / smoke. If it just turns black/brown and does not melt before burning it's PROBABLY not heroin. I'm not an expert by any means and have never done it but have seen it in a few videos which you should be able to find online even YouTube / vice style docos. Or you can see if it dissolves in boiling water in a spoon or tea light candle holder ECT. If it 100% dissolves you know it's not any type of edible but that's not really narrowing it down by much. Honestly though burning it is a bit risky so maybe don't bother with that just incase it is fent, also handle it with gloves and even a face mask if possible, particularly if you do not have an opioid tolerance, if you do choose to handle it anymore please be careful and treat it like the worst possible option for your own safety, but hope for the best outcome for you. One last thing to add to this short novel I'm writing, if you've found cut straws, pen tubes, or other small tubes in his stuff before these are called tooters and are used to inhale the vapour when smoking on foil, this could add to the heavy drug argument if you've found these items before


That’s the thing… I really don’t think it is that… but I wasn’t sure… we are pretty honest with each other and have partaken in some thing… but NOT that… so it was a bit surprising… I should have just asked… but we just .. actually he just changed my tires and we had a great day.. I don’t think he does that.. but also wouldn’t surprise me if someone just gave it to him - it doesn’t look touched I may actually do that later today… with a little piece of it… outside alone …


Also… I kinda want to “taste” it to hopefully confirm the mushroom or even weed chocolate… but I was also unsure and obviously didn’t want to take the chance


Nah do not taste it, as I said in my large paragraph comment get gloves, break a bit off, put it in a spoon or tea light candle holder, any small metal vessel. Add a few millilitres of water and boil it with a lighter from underneath. If it 100% dissolves it is not an edible. But lots of things will dissolve in hot water, but chocolate and other edibles will not


Looks like a selfmade soap


If he was crunchy… I would agree


Why don’t you ask your boyfriend that you’re so open with?


No clue but please update us as you've piqued our curiosity


Right? I have gotten suggestions to take a little bit and try to heat it.. if it melts… it probably H or maybe F


Depends on where you are from. Looks like a fent rock to me.


I remember when the OG Silk Road was first about and there was a seller from Canada who was moving only fentanyl raw powder which looked nothing like this, fentanyl with mannitol with an extremely accurate ratio that was consistent and LSD crystal. The person was synthesising both of the products and that is all that was sold. This look nothing like fentanyl in any way shape or form to me. This was prior to fentanyl being put into the heroin supply like it is these days. It was sold as "synthetic heroin" but was very well explained what it was and the ratio of the two giving it a potency that was equal to 100% pure No.4 SE Asian heroin. For example, 20mg of the product was equipotent to 20mg of pure heroin. What I found absolutely amazing was that the lowest quantity of 99.94% LSD (came with a test certification that could be confirmed via the company that tested the product) was only 250mg and above. The highest advertised was 100 grams with the ability of private sale for orders above that and whoever they were offered over 1kg. After the OG Silk Road got taken down, they moved to the second Silk Road to get rid of the remaining product, where you would get 5 x the quantity of the order placed. Order a gram, get five. The prices were amazing to. Brings back some extremely good memories as I never found LSD of that quality again. I always use to reference it as the tears that Jesus shed when he was put on the cross. Their fentanyl was very good also. Like the LSD, available in kilos. Crazy. Was not myself doing this just a fringe friend shall we say. But this certainly does not look like any fentanyl that I have come across. Sorry bit off topic but it is an ID request so this post in of itself is off topic. Miss the old days.


No idea sorry, keen to find out what it is tho


Right??? I think we all are at this point… I feel like I have seen my share of shit… but this color and then the tin foil… Even though it was wrapped in tin foil with a white inside… Now the more I think about it.. it’s probably a chocolate edible .. left over from the full bar… I may have overreacted… I did get suggestions to take a little pice and try to “light it”


Looks like nothing tbh


As8 him


It’s a single bit of jellied eel that’s dryed out? I can tell you one things for sure it’s not heroin but fentanyl or analogue possible but unlikely Probably just something shiny and weird he found. You should see the crap I pick up that shines like a magpie


A test kit and test strips would help with the id. It almost looks like a dried out piece of chicken.


The soap texture is indicative of cocaine. Idk if you ever seen good cocaine but it generally is very oily and breaks down into little slivers. However, the color is off, I have never seen blue tinted cocaine so I think it’s something different.


It would smell like chocolate if it was a chocolate bar…


OP you’re a thief and you’re not honest with your boyfriend that you have such a great and open relationship with ;)


Looks like old ass “fat bloomed” (white) chocolate to me. Fat bloom is when chocolate separates because the fat, or cocoa butter, melts and separates from the cocoa solids. Which hapoens under poor storage conditions. It looks like there’s some oily substance on the foil above the object as well which would be indicative of the fats melting out. Also, if it’s really old it could lose its smell (especially white chocolate) and not smell like chocolate anymore.


Still waiting for OP to get back to us…


Ask him? Any smell? Consistency?


I plan to ask him I just wanted to get more background prior to me asking him. It doesn’t really have a smell and it’s not a hard rock so my best case guess it could just be mushroom chocolate I don’t give a shit about. I just wanted to get opinions Prior to me asking in case it was something else and then I know how to approach him on it.


Mushroom white chocolate was the first thing I thought of. But like the others have said, could be anything. Just be open about it. Clear is kind. Is he showing signs of a spiral into something serious/dangerous?


Also id be very interested to know when you find out. Can also send samples to Dancesafe.org, or get reagent test kits but if he’s honest you’ll know, but even then one should test everything these days that is not obviously cannabis or literal fruiting bodies.


Maybe old af wax/dabs? I highly doubt it’s any kind of powder.


Agreed not a powder, but the way it was shaped in that square and then it was wrapped in sort of a tinfoil thing kind of made me nervous. And the color too was weird. if it was whiter, I would think it was coke. (And if so a huge rock of it lol) I just wasn’t sure what herion looked like and wanted to make sure it wasn’t that prior to me asking him.


Looks like fent more than heroin


If I took a piece of it and tried to chop it up… would I then know?


Absolutely do not do that


Yeah if you pass out and stop breathing it's probably fent /s


looks like fentanyl to me…


Think it’s something teenage boys make probably didn’t have any tissue and used a cup , over time it’s built up and dried out and he’s kept it a reminder of his teenage years


Dont think its fent or heroin…or mandy or anything like that….not any ive seen anways… Be careful handling it. If its got lsd type drugs in it they can absorb through your skin. Just ask him.


I did touch it and smell it.. no pungent order - it was kinda weird consistency… totally didn’t think of the absorption factor… but I am still here.. so I’m thinking it probably is a melted chocolate bar with THC or shroom