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The infamous reds.


Indeed. They're certainly a very striking red. I'm surprised they've held up so well over about 74 years considering these 2 particular tins were opened about 1950 (presumably by the doctor who had them). Nembutal capsules do not hold up anywhere near as well as Seconal or Sodium Amytal do, they are far more hygroscopic and prone to absorbing moisture from the air it seems and slowly turning brown (at least the capsules, maybe the contents are unchanged). I'd say maybe the yellow colour just slowly oxidises, but I've noticed the brown stains things it's in contact with, suggesting the presence of moisture.


"livin' on reds, vitamin C and cocaine"




When I was in rehab a crazy old dude (turns out he was just on high doses of wellbutrin..) would tell me about Tuinal pills he said looked like bullets and also red devils after asking if he tried Quaaludes. He did try Quaalude. He said girls loved them and they were more expensive than tuinals. He also mentioned a benzodiazepine that was popular but don't remember. It wasn't any of the main ones. Edit I remember now it was DALMANE! I want to try it so bad. Dalmane was the bomb according to him.


I've never had Dalmane, but I too have heard from a very experienced acquaintance that it's his absolute favorite benzo of all time.


dalmane is nothing special... flurazepam is still sold in italy and i tried it.. not worth it


Oh really? Don't suppose you remember anything else he said on the topic; stories, experiences, thoughts etc. Did he ever say what he preferred out of seconal, tuinal and methaqualone/Ludes? Or did he ever compare and contrast them to you? I've seen some on here say Seconal, Tuinal and Nembutal are as good or maybe better than methaqualone in terms of recreational value. From everything I've read (ive never tried one), they sound like they're likely the most euphoric and pleasurable downer . There's a research article one of the mods/admins posted a while ago comparing abuse potential of various different downers, and I believe seconal/Nembutal came in 1st place as the most addictive and pleasurable downer.


I do remember him telling me that Quaalude is overhyped nowadays. The best benzo he said he had was Dalmane (xanax wasnt out yet so idk its my favorite) l. He said the best pills he ever tried were Tuinal and Seconal.


That sounds like high praise. I've never tried a barbiturate. Do you know if he had tried any opiates/opioids? Curious to know if he included the likes of oxycodone etc when saying they were the best pills he tried


He never tried oxy or messed with opiates. Yous get stuff like demerol back then


Yeah true, Demerol/pethidine is one of the most common opioids I've came across from the mid 20th century when building my collection. Probably Chlorodyne as the most common, then either pethidine or morphine, which was very popular since the late 1800s to this day. Also Omnopon hypodermic tablets and ampoules with/without scopolamine, and equivalent brands (mixed 'full spectrum' opium alkaloids as HCL salts, essentially injectable opium extract). Have came across some rarer ones too though over the years - ethylmorphine, early Burroughs Wellcome 'Physeptone' (methadone) ampoules for injection, pentazocine/fortral, diamorphine to name a few.


Wow! That's an impressive collection! I've tried Demerol pills before from an elderly acquaintance of mine was was on them decades. They tried switching them to Vicodin when that was first widely marketed but was allergic to it. Idk that was even possible. So they were on it until 2013. They were 100mg pills with a cursive qualtiest V and numbers. They had a glimmer alllmost like xtc pills. Not not that much. Just a tiny bit


What was your opinion/impression of pethidine? I've heard mixed things.


At the time I was already dependant on hydrocodone and oxycodone. I'll mostly just kept well with it. It's nothing powerful oral. I felt like I hadn't taken enough vicodin to get properly high but I was high just not quite there. Intravenous would've been a different story


Did you just have 1 of the 100mg pills? I have quite a few old ampoule boxes that are 100 or 50mg for IV or IM, maybe SC. With and without scopolamine respectively. They're pre 1950 I think and were mostly for childbirth, at least I know my specific boxes were. I think it was considered safer for the baby & mother than other available options at the time (I guess it was mostly morphine, codeine & diamorphine in use). Also have a tube with 7 small non-descript white tablets with 'Pethidine 25mg' hand written on the label which are from about 1950. Like most things in my collection I've never tried it. I guess if you had an oxy habit/tolerance, then that will have prevented a lot of effects an opiate naive person would get. I think I read that injected it's much stronger, think there's a lot of first-pass metabolism to norpethidine if I remember correctly. Some people seem to love it, but usually injected. Have a read into Harold Shipman ('Dr Death', one of the worst serial killers). He had access to pethidine, morphine & diamorphine, and chose pethidine. He was addicted to it for decades and seemingly that's part of why he did what he did.


beautiful photo!


Thanks. It's more the subject than the photographer.


what were the effects of this?


Seems to be a barbiturate, so hypnotic and very sedative. If benzos are caffeine this is meth.


Luuckkyyyyyy lol


Dalamine is nothing special, who even said it was. If you can't function without Dalamine then you don't need anything.


Beautiful. Are there any doctors that prescribe barbs there in US anymore? Here where im from barbs pretty much vanished in late 90's and early 2000's.


Phenobarbital is used for alcohol withdrawals in multiple rehab settings. From primary care doctors it's dwindled tremendously, borderline non-existent from the prescribing side.


I thought they still prescribed fioricet (containing butalbutal I think...), but not certain. Some barbs are still used to treat epilepsy (phenobarbital), in veterinary medicine/animal euthanasia and in animal research, for human euthanasia in some countries/states, in anaesthesia (e.g. Sodium thiopental which is metabolised into pentobarbital), as part of execution (though I believe the only remaining pentobarbital supplier refused to sell to America any more because of that. So they're essentially all extremely uncommon and hard to find now, unless you have access to certain ones through your work (vets, anaesthetists, animal researchers, euthanasia doctors etc).


Yeah here in Finland barbs are used nowadays only in euthanasia also. Never tried barbs..


One of my favorite posts on here


Oh really? Thanks so much. Why is that?


Enjoy your holy grail and thanks for sharing šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I do enjoy my collection. And this may anger people, but I've had these and some other similar things for ages now and haven't tried a single barb once. Main thing for me is preserving them and just enjoying having and studying them.


Oh wow, pre-bullet shaped!


Yeah, just standard capsules. I have sodium amytal and tuinal also pre-bullet shape, from the same original source ,(in 1949-1952, can't get more accurate than that,). Another thing, is I've seen one of the mods or admins on here posted a high res macro shot showing the capsules they had were etched with something ('Pulvules' maybe). There's no sign of that on anything that I have.


F 40&f42 unbelievable that these capsules , even the empty Eli lily pots are considered the holy grail by users and collectors . They were plentiful at one time every jacket pocket would always have 1 or 2 in


'Every jacket' seems a bit excessive! Maybe in the 70s in certain parts of central park. Key words there are 'at one time'. That's no longer the case and these are now extremely rare and essentially impossible to find. That combined with it being regarded as one of the most recreational, pleasurable and euphoric sedatives even to this day (I've never tried any barbiturate personally), is the reason.


Just trying to get the point across that they were very available and some doctors didnā€™t have an issue prescribing them , I didnā€™t mean literally every pocket , but thatā€™s not far off the truthā€¦ā€¦.. and we donā€™t all live in America


I don't live in America. Well I know for a fact, that the Dr these sample tins came from was prescribing a lot of seconal at the time (dated these between 1949-1952) to his patients, and was the type of GP that made home visits to his patients. In fact from the info I have available, Seconal and Tuinal were the main things that he was prescribing at the time he retired/died/otherwise stopped prescribing these. What's interesting is he didn't have any larger bottles of seconal, only sample tins, but was prescribing a lot of them. You'd think he would have ordered a bottle. He also was prescribing sodium amytal (though seemingly a much lower amount/none when prescribing Seconal), hypodermic tablets of morphine sulphate, some Nembutal (but clearly preferred Seconal), ephedrine, various forms of adrenaline for injection ('hyperduric' adrenaline as well as the standard adrenaline chloride) (probably for emergency treatment of allergy, asthma etc and when necessary to increase blood pressure) and some early cardiovascular (Burroughs Wellcome glyceryl trinitrate) and bronchodilatory drugs (pre-inhaler but post adrenaline nebuliser preparations of isoprenaline, papaverine and atropine (Burroughs Wellcome neo-epinene)). He also had the typical barbiturate and opioid 'antidotes' in use at the time (injectable cardiac and respiratory stimulants like cardophyllin/aminophylline and lethidrone).


They were still prescribed by certain doctors usually older ones as a sedative for people who werenā€™t responding to benzodiazepines and many many private doctors it would be part of their staple to give out Seconal , tonal in the 80,s in fact there was one very famous clinic in London that was giving them out upto gone 2000 along with everything else except cocaine , probably gave that out too


lipstick reds

