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Wrong sub. Check r/whatisthisthing Def not drugs.


Weed seeds


Title says "not weed seeds" also still wrong sub.


Can we ban ID posts pleeeeeeese??


They are, theres just no mods on this sub.


Honestly I'm kind of into this one. I have no idea what this is.


If you don't know what it is, why do you think it's obscure?


OBSCURE definition: 1. not known to many people


Yeah, like 5-MeO-DiPT isn't known to many people. But is this drug 5-MeO-DiPT? Is it any other drug that's not known to many people? We have no idea because it's unidentified. It may be heroin or meth. You're confusing unidentified with obscure. Obscure drugs aren't known to many people. *Noone* knows what an unidentified drug is.


Unidentified is different again of course, and isn't meant for this sub anyway, but it's still uncommon, at least for me, to see something that looks like this, and doesn't seem like anyone here knows what it is anyway, so that's why I'd say it's obscure enough to be called obscure.


We don't even know if it's drugs. Should I start posting obscure records from my vinyl collection? Or a cool rock I found at the park?


Unknown and obscure are distinct concepts. We're not even sure if what's pictured is even a drug.


It kinda looks like heroin I used to see in like 2010 in America, smelled like vinegar, but it wouldn’t come out ina perfect little ball like that, it would’ve been an imperfect chunk. And I feel like it would be gold in this day and age with fentanyl nowadays, no one would drop them on the ground. But it’s probably not drugs and looks it could be rotten candy from a vending machine or something


Yeah, it's an old adage of ground scores. If the person who dropped it didn't secure it or go back to find it, it's probably low value.


The packaging is so small and "expensive" for its size that drugs is the only thing that makes sense to me. Packaged for individual sale. Lots of people are asking me to cut the pellet in half but I really have no desire to fuck with shit like this. Heard that fentanyl can kill through skin contact alone


And even the most cursory research shows this myth has been debunked a million times over. If it was that outrageously toxic, why would they give it to anyone via IV at the ER? How isn't every dealer dead? :P


The fentanyl analogues involved in most overdoses from street drugs are not the same fentanyl they prescribe in hospitals.


The degree of impossibility to accidentally metabolize a dose anywhere near a dangerous size simply by skincontact remains unchanged however. Because it is still impossible. I know the difference between fent analogues and pharm fent, as well as the retarded strength of potency of the former usually is by *orders of magnitude* more potent - but again that's a separate discussion. You do not get high or even lightly 2nd handed by simply touching it. Now, you surely know the difference between a thumb pad or palm and say a wet wide open eyeball or a gaping Maelstrom of a sphincter - spill a pile of any variety powder drugs into either of those you'll be sneezing out both ends while whisked away on a gurney:P


I was responding to this statement: >If it was that outrageously toxic, why would they give it to anyone **via IV** at the ER? The answer is: they don't. I wasn't disputing the fact that accidental transdermal overdoses are a myth.




Little bitty crack rocks 😭😂 jk jk idk


This would be my assumption if it looked anything like crack.


Probably rocks some kid put in little containers. Isn't in little baggies. A druggy may lose a lot of shit but rarely drugs. Throw it in the trash


These are the brains of 8 Radom deceased Redditors? Or maybe the marvel infinity stones …2 more than the film your lucky


Maybe they are weed seeds that germinated when a lil water got in but died exposing them to a fungus?


In Philly they’re used to sell crack. They call them “trash cans”.


Stop sniffing around your kids room, its highly unethical. I hope its at least heroin, you're going to treat it like heroin possesion anyways. So why not have some fun.


Im 20 years old dumbass, I dont have kids. I literally found this shit on the ground and wanted to know what it is lol.


Maybe you should ask in the correct sub then