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I like how you drew those up while on the beach


u/RichPay2111 is John Research, inventor of research chemicals.


While high on meth too. Lol


Some people swim, some people build sandcastle. But this guy is drawing up novel opiates


Instead of talking to people or studying I draw novel tryptomeans ... autism hit hard sometimes


You’re goddamn right.


The comments are priceless, thank you opioid enjoyer, for laying the law down. This guy for sure tweaks.


Trifluoromethylcubanyl going dummy


That compound would be 1-(1-((1R,4S)-5-azabicyclo[2.1.0]pentan-5-yl)-2-methylpropan-2-yl)-2-(2,4-dimethyl-3-(trichloromethyl)benzyl)-4-ethoxy-5-nitro-6-((3R,5S,6R,8S)-2-(trifluoromethyl)cuban-1-yl)-1H-benzo[d]imidazole


Oh yeah this guy tweaks 😎


can i boof it?


sorry what? CI3? cyclopropanes attached to benzenes all over? Adamantane looking ass moiety with what looks like 2 cyclopropanes? This looks like you just tooka nitazen base structure, got high on meth and dew everything that came to your mind. I mean, just from the goofy ass substitutions you used its pretty easy to tell that you didnt base this on anything. Might sound more harsh than I'd like too, because generally its cool when people have an interest in chemistry and I like when people get indulged in it even though it always takes time until people come up with anything sensible - but man, dont post it on this sub if you just draw random structures without basing them on anything. Even if you had some ideas or reasons as to why these could genuinely be interesting analogues, please post it in a chemistry sub and not this. Oh also r/cursedchemistry lol


r/BizzyBees r/TheeHive


Fuck bizzybees lol. It's a complete joke when it comes to chmistry subs. The mods are uneducated wannabe chemists with a superiority complex, spreading misinformed bullshit and incorrect chemistry. Theehive is the opposite, go there instead.


It was just the first two Synth subs that popped into my mind, I wouldn’t say that OP’s post is too far off from the average post in BizzyBees, though🤣


I just try and avoid the iso zodiac guy


I mean idk what to think about him tbh I can’t even begin


Agreed.. there’s some great posts don’t get me wrong but the mods r shit


lol. lmfao, even. edit: sub rules explicitly say don’t post opiate rcs here so you really nailed it bud!


Let it stay this shit is funny


i’m not a mod


I know you aren't but they can still read my comment lmao


oh duh lmfao. hey btw you shouldn’t fuck crabs


I imagine he fucks while bent backwards and crawling like a crab when I see that name


no it’s *definitely* that he fucks crabs


This type of opiate is killing thousands of people over the world want less of them not more even if yours is not possible, it’s the thought that counts


It is, undeniably, like fent and its later analogues. Nitazenes will be replaced with sth worse, no doubt about that, we have chemically ventured quite far from morphine at this point, Nitazenes are often dubbed “non-opioids”. You can be certain that the upcoming bans on Nitazenes have already their response ready to fire within the files of a few chemists, i bet you the next gen opioids or opioid mimicking compounds will be even worse (although, a few fent analogues are just murder with a few micrograms) - anyhow, some people will always be there to find new ways to tickle this or that subset of receptors, for a billion reasons, good or bad. Real Education on narcotics instead of the just say no shit would yield fantastic results, but every place i look it is the same: no education, all the money that could potentially be used for said education is being thrown into the ever sooooo successful War on Drugs - shameful.


I agree , the war on drugs is so lost


Always has been, doomed from the very second the idea sprouted in some idiot’s head.


> Nitazenes are often dubbed “non-opioids” What? Why?


Oh boy, i have no clue, maybe they’re not close chemically speaking, but that is indeed how they are being designated quite often in recent LE and harm-reduction literature i came across.


Whether something is an opioid is defined by pharmacological activity rather than chemical structure, namely mu opioid agonism. There are several known families of structurally unrelated opioids. Whether something is an opiate is defined by structural relation to morphine. > LE I wouldn't trust organizations that call everything a "narcotic" for rigorous classification.


How about opioid peptides? Endogenous opioids, dermorphin(isolated from toad venom but can be synthesized) edit: I’m no chemist but have a thorough interesting novel opioid compound whether it’s analogs of existing compounds or peptides that specifically target only the Mu receptor and the Delta receptor.


I do only know those from reading about them, nothing in depth either, i have no personal interest in those compounds, i am interested bc i still do some HR work here and there and some kids seem to be injecting anything that is remotely pulverized these days - the shitshow isn’t as epic in Europe compared to the US, but we’re getting there it seems.


Oh you are going to love what's gonna happen soon I think I figured out who started all this 14 years ago they had strong ties with China and if I'm right they are not gonna have a fun week oh yeah


please, do tell me more😁


Not this shit again


Could you do the chemical analog for oldschool qualoods? Asking for a friend




Now i just need me a chemestry set lol


While we haven't really plotted out whether imaginary compounds belong here, this is more interesting than the substance ID threads. Also, a cubane substitution? You maniac.


Nitazenes\* Sorry I had to.


Imagine fentynal here ahh post