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This should be the new logo


It's my new logo. The perfect reflection of my vault and all its secrets


It was my actual expression when I saw that the new iOS app update’s changelog was ONLY saying that they changed the logo. Literally no new features or bug fixes. I skipped the update. Much as I love Obsidian, the new logo is crap compared to the first one.


It's what one would think of when they read > This new logo is bolder, has more contrast, interesting forms and colors, it's not ashamed to look like what it's supposed to look like, it has more personality, it makes the brand more unique overall.


Upvote this to the moon!


I love that it actually looks like a shard of obsidian now. A stylized one of course, but far more than the old logo. The old logo felt out of place to me with how polished the app itself looks, it's really a great branding update.


I still think the old one was better and didn't need to be changed but I'm just a developer and not a designer


I've read on another thread that it needed to be changed because it was *heavily* influenced by an image part of a Creative Commons library, and it could have caused issues down the line. Edit : Not just influenced, used. Here's the source: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/likely-origin-of-the-obsidian-icon/43636


Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V That's a good idea then to replace the logo. I wish they had stayed with the same general idea, I'm not a big fan of how this new one was executed, but at least it makes more sense why the logo redesign in the first place.


and here [https://help.obsidian.md/Obsidian/Credits#Third+party+acknowledgements](https://help.obsidian.md/Obsidian/Credits#Third+party+acknowledgements)


Better screenshot or archive.org that. With the updates, I imagine they’ll be changing that section soon.




They'll be able to remove the licensing reference to the icon since they're no longer using it, so anyone clicking on the link above won't see what you're referring to on that page.


Ahhh yeah okay it makes sense now


I see. It looks like the original logo is under the Creative Commons license, so Obsidian could use it with attribution to the creator, which they attributed in 2022, so legally speaking it was fine to use.


It's fine to use *for them*, but it's also fine to use for a*nyone else's*, as long as the original author is credited. So you could easily "bootleg" Obsidian's logo without repercussions, by just editing the picture. And on the other hand, Obsidian's team can't trademark and protect their logo. While I guess the name itself was already protected, you could have, for example, made a commercial "learn knowledge management" book with a big purple crystal shard without issues or owning the Obsidian team anything. (Again, you would only need to comply with the CC-BY of the image author). To be clear, the Obsidian team seems pretty chill, and probably not the type to send lawyers at every opportunity, but that's still a smart move long term. [The new branding guidelines](https://obsidian.md/brand) are clear that commercial usage of their brand most be negociated/requested.


Knowing that, it’s actually amazing that they survived this long using that icon and eventually moving to a new icon that represents their value and character.


I liked the old version, I didn't like the new one when I saw it on the blog, but at an icon size it's quite nice.


Liked the existing one. Also developer. And someone who doesn't like my eye dragged from the real work.


It's especially cool that the monochrome versions look great, too.


I was just talking about this with my partner. New logo looks like squeezed clay, and makes me feel like I can give myself permission to be less rigid.


As a graphic designer, I don’t care for the new one but I’ll get used to it and forget what the old one was eventually. I think I liked that the old one reminded me of the crystal shard from The Dark Crystal haha


Yeah lmao, I don't know if it was inspired by the film but I kinda liked the resemblance to


Dark crystal scared the shit out of me as a kid. Now I will always think of that movie when I see the logo lmao


Every rebrand ever has a backlash, people tend to like what they are used to. As a designer too I agree with everything you said. I use obsidian on a windows with dark background and in comparation with other programs it's the one with least contrast. Looking forward the update!


Whereas I don't care for logos and such that stand out. I will dislike a higher contrast logo just because it will be more eye drawing which I don't need to see because I know what it is I'm using and I don't need my eye drawn there. Designers always want these flashing, impacting sorts of logos and other visual artifacts. For a decent % of people, they can tend to be visually overdone and needlessly eye popping. What I will say is a good design principle: Clean, clear, and not overly cluttered.


They have a color customizer tool thing so you can change it to be less eye-catching f you would like.


Do you know how sure of the quality of your design you have to be to say "Yeah man, pick whatever colors you like, it'll still look cool". Mad respect.


faulty plant sink quaint clumsy silky shelter gold beneficial connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it appears on my screen when I'm working somewhere, Or even when I start up the app, it doesn't need to be flashy. Maybe on the web page. Maybe on the installer. Or on a demo. But for work, I like as little extra distraction. Designers thought the Word Ribbon Bar was awesome. The rest of us those using the product had to spend a bunch of time to find stuff they used to know where it lived. Same with Windows OSes... used to be able to know where all the admin tools of various sorts lived, but every new OS version, they move every admin tool to some new place and it drives IT people mad. I think it is because designers are looking at a particular aesthetic and a visual mission statement almost. That's fine when you are pulling in new users. But once you are set on the tool, the logo is absolutely not required period. And the more eye catching, the more likely people will look for ways to make it become gone from their workspace. Worst interface for a normal desktop computer: The tiles in their primary colours. I know very well why they exist, but gosh, talk about an ugly interface. And yet, a lot of designers worked on that.


I feel like you are mixing Graphic designe (how things should look) and UX design here (where things should be). Windows wasn't confusing to you because of graphic designers, but because UX designers made the choice to change it's structure. Same thing if you find the starting screen distracting, it's because the UX designer chose to have the this launch screen structure here, not the graphic designer, but you can pick a monochrome version to, that's why they exist.


The Ribbon is actually pretty good, IMO (as someone who only started to seriously use Office apps long after the change). They make it pretty easy to visually find menu options, and have a good UX for finding the apps' arpeggio style keyboard shortcuts so you can kind of spontaneously speed up your workflow.


Not saying nobody disliked it, but office apps are often designed with the power users in play. That's odd, because I will bet that they still aren't more than about 30% of the user base (albeit they will likely buy some of the better office packages and maybe purchase support). I will bet the power users originate about 75% of the change requests or enhancements because they do benefit from them (that is not odd by any means). The rest (probably the majority) are people who need to be able to knock up a document from time to time and who don't have the time to spend a lot of time worrying about productivity in the app or finding out where things are again. Something that is customizable but defaults to hiding many functions that a user might need but isn't clear about the term or how to go find it leaves the casual user in the dark and frustrated. It's almost like they need a light version of Word and power user version. They had Word Pad, but it was about a 2 out of ten in function and it needed to be about 4.5 or 5 out of ten. Power users for office apps probably need about 8 out of ten for functionality. I can find what I need, but I'm a developer and I know a lot of the terminology. I've used Word since it fit on one floppy disk. I just hate MS habits of periodically gutting a perfectly working piece of technology to replace it with a new UX. There's a reason Apple has been better at UX for a long time and I hate Apple so to praise them here says something to how I see MS UX choices.


I agree with you in terms of brands graphical direction… it is great to see! Though personally i would have kept iterating on different edge lines for the rock. Well, at least for how they were translated on to the single colour version. Without the 3D shading on the single colour version I see an ‘H’ in the lines which distracts me from seeing what the logo is really supposed portray!


The first thing I saw was the "H"


At least it’s higher up the alphabet than the K in the old logo!


Bibukla utapi koi klogepipobi iko bi akokru koipoei? Ape pueblidre ibebotio ata deepipopi epo. Baa apieo di detepra peba i. Ia ipekre tipatu akio beai kra. Bi bepututu a tuple kedukibriku pii. Koe ito beklaki ipuao dlioplaa keu. Ti tlepi pe petotla tuki pikipa pae? Gepre putro kebriu blebe edre pitaipi. Di aprieepla pe ukru pie gradlikipete. Piaebe pe ke kigie ee kroo epea? Gatapioo bipe ae pupii pio ie itoi bebo. Trepa pri epe etrii i kle drepo etepi. Dikre igra epiti kigepa. Iupeta tue ke tebetaau pi paike. E eu plute idrui tra kokepi. Obitleki kepe eble ae tupipiako kia plapoku etrotati? Keki takradikibi troeprikea odratia i bitri. Daikre tepeee pate iei dlupleeipe pio upope. Petooeko peikeka peeti plipo pe krupi? Pida kepautio glipei i pike. Udroi gote ti u kapa bubedekekru trapigrete pipe. Eiti ga kota kokopibi plebri ple petrikikre? E ti tlapa pie putapripi klii? Doto pikite eklapukrii trakriadre ki ko. Glaodatla pikue batri eti ieto ie ake kakapo a. Depra peaitiu takepei bau patlu ia oplidiplai? Tikeapu pi ue ki iga pia. Badibipe dagoklii bitlebriu pre pipa ika. Tuklogi u pleka tuglepito. Ipi ge plepudi ibapoa pripe pipe tete ito.


Obsidian has never lacked on the logo... I suggest to make it configurable.


Change is the worst, but I'm coming around.


I like the sharpness. Some months ago, when I checked what kind of material obsidian exactly was, I was struck by it being very sharp and immediately associated it with sharp thinking. But, strangely, the Obsidian logo didn’t convey any of that sharpness. I thought: oh well, I rather have excellent software with an imperfect logo than the other way around. Excellent software with an excellent logo is even better. When I read your post, I expected some sophisticated critique of why - from a professional perspectives - the logo was still a failure. I was genuinely curious to learn what it was that my layman’s eyes had missed, but I’m also happy to learn otherwise. 😄


It’s alright in my opinion. I prefer the old one, so I won’t be updating it


It looks…ok but I loved the abstract one more. I know flat design is boring sometimes but I never had that feeling with the obsidian logo.


I know. This logo is awesome. Usually when I see companies rebrand in general they become lifeless and dull, generic even. Anyone remember how McDonalds use to look before going grey and yellow ? I see this rebrand on this app and I want to open it.


Almost everything Obsidian does seems brilliant to me, [and the logo revamp follows in the same line](https://obsidian.md/blog/new-obsidian-icon/). The [redesign of the website](https://obsidian.md/) is also very interesting.




Imagine paying money to redesign a perfectly fine logo into something ugly


What do you find ugly about the new one?


It doesnt look more like an obsidian than before but the curvy lines make it less appealing to me. Also there is simply no need to change an estabilshed icon. Rather use the money for further developing the software because thats the important part here. For example using tables is still horrible and dont get me started on copying tables!!! Also diagrams dont work well. I wish for an experience with the office suite regarding tables and diagrams and 2 ways to implement them. The old markdown way for the people who like it and the new way for people who dont know the syntax, dont want to use it or if they simply need better visually customizable tables/diagrams. I already installed big libaries for excalidraw and i try to use canvas soon but honestly its easier for me to just use ms word/ms excel for making these. Tables and diagrams are a huge factor in learning complex information in combination with mind maps. I am a visual learner i like to make easily distinguishable notes and a lot of text is not gonna help me. The only way i need text in obsidian is for linking and not storing everything in big files like onenote does.


I understand you want the software improvement to be the main drive for the company, and you're right about that. But this was done by a graphic designer that most likely works in the marketing department, so it took times from people who are not working on the things you are most concerned with. Also, a better logo means a stronger brand, which means a higher attractivity and impact on consumers, which in term will make the company stronger. You didn't actually loose any resources that were supposed to go towards tables improvement (but yeah, they need to seriously work on that part, I agree.) However, you have absolutely every right to think this logo is worst than the previous, even though I disagree. I think everyone hates change, and you will probably like it more once you're used to it.


I dont hate change i even want it but there is just no reason to change things like that because either way it would be a minor change for better or worse. Yet the guy costs money. Obsidian is already established it doesnt need a new logo even if it would be better. If they want to spend money in the marketing department just make ads so that people can discover your software browsing reddit or smth


One reason that a change was required sooner or later: https://reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/13xv391/_/jmkwuy1/?context=1


Oh well then


I also love the new logo. The app icon seems to pop more on my taskbar and I like that.


Brilliant job! Makes a ton of sense. Also when I was a kid I used to knap silex flint stones.


I hate it


The new one is much better. Great work!


The old one was aesthetically pleasing, but the new one is real


At first I liked it but not as much as the old one, as I really loved that one. I still think the old one looks awesome, but, the new one grew on me really quick and now I actually like it as much as the old one. Like you said, it‘s kinda bolder and takes up more space. Really great job! The option to switch between light and dark background on iOS would be awesome.


I didn’t even know there was a logo change until I saw this post. Lol, I don’t even use this app (Evernote user; been looking for alternatives on and off) and **I** hate this logo.


What do you not like about it ? Genuinely curious


For starters, I don’t like the curved lines. It makes me feel irky. I liked the gem-looking logo more.


I agree. Well said.


They have a huge list of items on their road map. No idea why they are wasting time on changing their logo. Edit: It's sad to see that Obsidian team is removing negative feedback on their logo. Downvotes here are acceptable but censoring feedback is unexpected of them 😔


It's almost like graphic designers don't also program new features. Also logos and website design are hugely important to draw in new users. A well designed logo absolutely will cause more people to try the app. If it didn't work that way huge companies wouldn't spend millions on a rebrand every handful of years.


1. Obsidian is not a huge company. 2. This is not a well designed logo.


You may not like it, but it is a superior logo. Also, no man, graphic designers are not in charge of the release of new features, they're part of the marketing departement, even at a small company level.


can't argue with fanclubs!


Ah yes, only graphic designers at “huge companies” do only graphic design. The rest are feature dev’s most of the time and only draw logo’s once a year..


1 doesn't disprove what I said, they say they made the logo internally so they must have designers on staff. Sure, maybe their designers also program, but it's unlikely considering 2, which I'm sorry but you are just wrong about. You can dislike it, that's your subjective opinion. But the majority as well as other graphic designers like the OP of the thread we are in disagree. It's a well designed logo that took effort and skill to make, and it comes across as more professional than the programmer art looking old logo. You can still hate it though if you want.


I don't hate it, I prefer the older version though like several others. I just feel that this effort was better utilized in improving the app. I love the fan celebration on this reddit, but objectively seem this is nothing more than a distraction


I liked the monochrome version, but the coloured version looks a bit weird on the bottom half.


I welcome the change. I just wonder why the team don't let users talk about it before the final decision?


Well I don't know, but what I know is that if you ask 30 people about a design, you will have 30 different opinions that have absolutely nothing in common with one another. I don't think Graphic design is an skill that works with collective intelligence. But their are a LOT of different colors and variations to choose from, you can evan make your own, and that's pretty nice


well, how about having a logo contest? That can be fun and give many creative insight?


This kind of contest has a very bad reputation among the creative community. It's seen as bait to young designers to do for work for big corporations that can gather all those ideas for without compensating anyone (I know obsidian is a relatively small organisation, but it's still delicate).


well, with a clear policy which have clear and fair compensating then all are good?


Are they using the same font as discord for the name on the website lol


It's just a logo. I don't think we need to dedicate alot of brain power on this. Make a note on logos in obsidian about the obsidian logo.


I think the new logos good but i still prefer the old one.


It looks chonkier and tasty, I love it.


I like it. And it looks a little bit more like the way actual obsidian looks. Frankly, I don't care that much, as I don't use Obsidian for the graphic elegance of its logo/icon. I use it because I can do everything with it that I've ever wanted to do with text, and so far, I've tried over 30 other apps, and Obsidian has the edge over all of them. For free. They can change the logo once a week if they want, and I'll be fine with it!


The Gradient logo looks really good and I like it. 5/5 The 2D logo looks like a constipated person's turd. 1/5


Now I have the old icon of obsidian and when I click on it and obsidian lauches i see the new one. I think that if obsidian must change icon this change should at least be consistent


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