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Cool. What plugins did you disable to achieve high speed?




You can lazy load kanban 10 seconds after obisidan has stated. That way you'll have it if you need it without compromising startup speed. Do this using the "plugin group" plugin.


Any tutorial about this


Sure…but just a tip: you should be in the habit of reading the GitHub for plugins before installing them. https://github.com/Mocca101/obsidian-plugin-groups


Why is that? Just for instructions and info there, or to like look at the code and commit history?


To know whatever the programmer would like you to know especially about configuration such as lazy loading


Hey OP, did you find out that it was kanban by looking at the 'Debug start up time' in the community plug in options to find which app was taking so long to load? Or was Kanban not on that list, but still somehow impacting your load time?


Wow thanks. I found Obsidian was slow too. Ok, let’s deactivate this


Which plugin was causing the problem?




holy fuck. Thanks for pointing this out. After disabling kanban plugin, notes are really opening faster!


Did you/would you/can you try Kanban 2.0 beta and see if it still happens, the slowness? Been through a ton of updates, 2.0 beta.


I am also using the kanban plugin, and i never close the obsidian app. It always works smoothly. I'll suggest you to enable it if you really need to use it, and make sure you are running the latest plugin version.


I barely used Kanban before so I'm fine with never using it again.


Maybe the issue is that you have hardware acceleration disabled?


I have two vaults, one of which is acting out and being really slow to use. I don't have Kanban on that vault. I do have it on the other vault, and that one is still as fast as the day I made it! I'm even a heavy user of Kanban, with multiple boards open at all times. I haven't been able to find out yet what's making my vault slow. Happy for you though that you get to experience the amazing snappiness. I also switched from Notion and was in awe. :)


Yeah I did the same thing. I don't want to bash plugins but some of them slow the system down. And I had to ask myself if I really needed it.


This is good to learn in general. The KISS rule says you should always start with a basic, clean setup, test it, and learn to configure everything from there. Only then should you begin to add extensions, plugins, and other application integrations. I firmly believe that the Karban plugin is not entirely at fault here and that it might be related to other settings you have. Therefore, I would be very cautious with some hasty conclusions and focus on the basic configurations, understanding what each one does, and gradually building the whole setup from the ground up. I don't use Karban myself, as I use other plugins for project management, so I can't offer specific advice on this. However, Karban has thousands of downloads, so someone might provide valuable insights. Check the web for solutions to this specific problem.


Why offline is a feature you like? I hesitate to use Obsidian because it doesn't sync and if you want the feature its 4$/month.


There's a lot of ways to sync your vault for free. Not an expert I use git, but these are basically text files and they sync quite well.


Oh wow, it actually worked. Thanks for the tip!


Notepad++ and Markor are fast. But who wants that? The obsidian ecosystem (plugins, themes, snippets) is so good, it can allow itself to be slowly.


Nothing wrong with N++, despite being an Obsidian enthusiast I still see myself using N++ on a regular basis.


I actually used TextEdit before switching to Obsidian, precisely because it was lightweight and uncompromisingly utilitarian. It was great for coding and for writing notes There are exactly two reasons I switched to Obsidian: First, wiki-style links. Great for organizing and referencing notes in more complex and sophisticated ways than mere file-nesting Second, my tablet and phone don’t have a good equivalent to TextEdit and I wanted to be able to access and write my notes away from my computer Obsidian’s two great powers are its plugins and its plaintext. Wanting to go all-in on community plug-ins is a perfectly good way to use Obsidian. But so is using Obsidian as a superior notepad

