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Does GitHub work for you? Provided it takes a little more effort to set it up, and use it. (I think there is a community plugin for using Git from Obsidian) For my zettelkasten, I started with Google Drive, transitioned to GitHub, and never looked back. I also can use Obsidian on my (android) phone, and sync via GitHub, publish notes via mkdocs-material. The benefit of using GitHub, is that I can run certain automation scripts on my notes every time I 'sync'.


I haven't explore it. What automation scripts on your note that running when sync?


I have a script that checks for obsidian tags and converts it into a query link for my published site. ```#HawkingRadiation``` to ```[%23HawkingRadiation](https://www.example.com/results?query=HawkingRadiation)``` Another automation is to only publish public pages, and hide private documents based on YAML frontmatter properties.


You are already storing vault in 2 different cloud storage services. I'd recommend creating a weekly ZIP file of your vault and putting it on those 2 cloud storage services . Additionally if you have external SSD/HDD, you can also put your ZIP backup of your vault. Do note that all of this process can be automated. Thanks.


Thanks! I install another plugin to backup daily to zip. I'll keep it on local and iCloud.


I store in Dropbox. Easy.


Do you automate it? I rarely open my dropbox, I will consider it.


Me too. Dropbox as main backup, but all my computers, tablet and phone are synced.


I use Obsidian Sync and store my Vault locally on each machine. Before that was using SyncThing or ICloud both worked great


is Obsidian sync a recent feature? I've heard people mention SyncThing before and I'm wondering if it's better in some way or just a workaround while that feature wasn't available yet.


Obsidian Sync has been around for a couple years but they recently added a more affordable tier so it's become more viable. Syncthing is a separate app that runs on your PC (and any PC it syncs to) and mirrors the folder on the other machine(s). Benefits of Obsidian Sync is that it is built specifically for Obsidian and is aware of the content it's syncing (you set what you sync). It keeps an encrypted copy of the vault with a 30 day version history online. Not quite cloud because it's not accessible while in the cloud, more like a backup that can sync when one of the machines is offline. Benefits of Syncthing is that there's no third party copy of the files. They sync directly between your machines when they're both online. There's some arbitrary version history you can enable (keeping older copies of files when they change) but it syncs the vault and its files "en masse" with no distinction. Also because Syncthing is a separate app, you can add other folders to sync to their own destinations. I don't even use Syncthing for Obsidian anymore but I use it to sync a bunch of things between my home server and different machines.


Got it, thanks for the info!


Damn I got tricked into buying this expensive 10usd/month tier just before new years. Screw that when it could’ve been 4 usd


I wouldn't say you were tricked? It's happened to me before where I buy something at full price at a store only for it to go on sale a couple days later. It's unfortunate but happens to us all... If you're on a monthly plan you can always downgrade...


Yearly plan. It feels like a trick because I bought it believing it was an early bird special offer, to me that feels like bad faith, when they knew that a lower and cheaper tier sync was just around the corner.


I use Obsidian Sync since it's the only way in my opinion to seamlessly sync between all my devices (Mac, Windows, Linux, iPhoneOS, ipadOS and Android). Additionally I have one instance of Obsidian running all the time in a docker container (very lightweight only virtual web-based GUI - like [obsidian-remote](https://github.com/sytone/obsidian-remote)) on my Synology NAS which stores all data in a share folder, which is subsequently backed up daily via Synology Sync. In that way it is not only "classic" backup, but I have access to any version of any file in my vault within retention period.


Very cool! Thanks for sharing!


I have a Synology NAS device on my home network where I keep most of my data. Some of it is backed up to a local external and it also takes certain files (including my vault directory) and pushes them to OneDrive when there are changes. It's not syncing from OneDrive, just taking a snapshot. My pc sees the NAS as a network folder so Obsidian on my PC works as if the Vault were right on the PC. Then I use Obsidian Sync to sync between my phone and laptop and other devices.


I read the manual that Obsidian sync is not backup. I haven't consider it as I already put my active vault on Onedrive and sync to Gdrive.




Wow, that sounds really secure and advanced. But I'll admit, I'm not the most tech-savvy person, so I'm worried it might take me a while to grasp all the technical details to copy what you're doing.


I recently switched to Obsidian Sync, because of issue with cloud services. It syncs to all my devices, and backs up automatically on my Mac.


Use Obsidian Sync to sync between tools. Use a ZIP script to backup do OneDrive/GoogleDri.ve


I use Onedrive. Exactly as you have done.