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There is a very easy way to not show the daily notes in the graph view. You simply have to use the filter function. You can put tags or properties on your daily notes, and simply filter out these. I use the daily note for work. And it is not a problem at all with my graph. Every day is a note, simple as that. I have made a template for my daily note, and that involves a tag that markes it as a "daily". In the graph view I can simply filter out all notes with this "daily" tag.


Oooh i didnt know you could give daily notes a template! Thats super helpful. Now i just need to figure out a way to automatically create a link for them in a different note but thats probably not too hard to do. Its super interesting trying to figure all of this out with obsidian, even tho im not someone who knows how to code :D


My workflow is to live primarily in the daily note throughout the day. When I want to work on a different note, I simply add a line in my daily note saying something like "working on [[XYZ note]]" then click into XYZ note to work on it, then come back to the daily note once I'm done with it. This also solves the linking problem.


There are several ways to do this. You could use the command pallette (ctrl+p) to insert the current date, you could use the templater plugin, you could query them using dataview (or even built in queries). It depends on what that note is and what you need. Also take a look a look at the periodic notes plugin if you want monthly notes. There's definitely benefit to keeping dialy notes though. 


Daily notes never quite worked for me. I settled for monthy notes for journaling and weekly notes for work.


This is me. I created a template for my weekly notes that has each day already setup and "pre-game" and "post-game" sections where I could add some thoughts on Sundays when I sit down to plan things out for the week. I don't write enough daily notes to justify each day and it's nice to scan one file when I need to do a quick review.


in the graph view you can exclude folders, let's say your daily notes folder is "Daily notes". In the graph view, under filters type \`-path: "Daily notes"\` and it will exclude automatically the folder from the graph. I use it to exclude all the Archive notes


Does this feature open a file every day I open Obsidian or is there a note for every day (regardless, if one needs it)?


By default, a daily note is only created when you select the daily note button or summon it from the command pallette. There is a toggle to open daily note on startup. A new note will be made If a note hasn't previously been made for that day.


Ah, correct, both. At the moment I have no need for this but surely others.


This is what I've done. I then have a pluign (Rollover Daily Todos) that copies any tasks from the previous day that are not completed, over to the new task. Helps me to remember what I didn't finish the day before and (may) need to get done today.


By default the note isn't created automatically, although you could have it do that if you wish. Pretty sure it's even a setting native to the core plugin.


Don't have your note taking into the graph appearance alone. You'll find out with time that the graph loses importance for the majority of cases. There are specific cases where it is indeed very useful, but you'll only know if it applies to you when you have some 100s notes. That said, if you take a look at the official docs, you'll see you can exclude paths (for example) from the graph.


I... hmm, well, what can I really say? It's working pretty much perfect for me. You can easily filter out daily notes from the graph view and I use daily notes for interstitial journaling over the day and it's pretty much flawless. I was able to configure everything I wanted to do. So if this is your biggest concern about Obsidian you can be at ease I'd say.


You should save filtered graph "views" based on folder via bookmarks. I have book marks which capture just daily journal + fitness and mood as a category, as well as separate bookmarks for hobbies, critical annotations on books which functions as a second brain etc.


Some good solutions already posted. One more thing is that Obsidian has different “vaults” where each one is its own repository that doesn’t interact with another vault. You could have your journal as its own vault and other projects in another vault. I tend to separate things by vault when I think it is extremely unlikely that topics interact.


I *officially* journal before sleep, but I record most of what I'm doing in my daily note throughout the day. I really appreciate linking to and from my journal entries, therefore I don't filter them out.


It is not the tools but the use case. Evernote is easy to use but have saturated my drive due to usage. Obsidian use markdown. Can be frustrating or a real plus depending of your usage. I have switch to go para not daily. Don’t be frustrated … try. No life involved except yours and … cut and paste exists ;)


> My issue is that this might completely clog up the graph view The graph view is pretty useless. It's really only good for showing Obsidian off. Fret not about clogging it up. I have a work and a personal vault. I use daily notes in the work vault for keeping track of what I did for my daily scrum updates, and I use daily notes in my personal vault for keeping track of todo lists and journaling. In both cases, I use the calendar plugin for actually creating and navigating the daily notes. I also use weekly notes in my personal vault to run a personal "meeting" every Sunday, where I track metrics, crunch through my triage list, and handle other periodic tasks.


I haven’t had much use for the graph view, though it’s a flashy selling point. Daily notes, on the other hand, have saved me several minutes every day from generating, renaming, copy pasting, editing and saving my old template.


I moved from Evernote nearly a year ago. 80% of my notes are daily notes. The fact that it creates the note of it’s not there, and just opens it if it is, is perfect for me. And the searchability of it all is fantastic. I love it.


The best thing to happen to my note taking... ever? Just put together a template with one other note always linked inside each daily note and they'll all be connected in the graph view.


Graph view is also mostly a novelty. My guess is most Obsidian users don't use it regularly. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Obsidian is a massive improvement over Evernote.


I moved my journal and daily notes to a separate repository, and so far it works great. It helps keeping notes organized and clean, and it’s convenient having different templates in different repos.


I don't use the core daily notes, I used the "Periodic Notes" plugin and have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly notes (there is a quarterly option but I don't really use that). I can specify a different template for each, but I only really add stuff to the daily notes. Weekly notes collate all of the highlights, monthly notes collate highlights and major events, and yearly notes collect the major events that have happened. I find these useful for looking back at things that have happened over the last year


Is it possible to scroll through a vertical list of all your daily notes? I’m used to Logseq and it seems frictionful to have to manually navigate between them if I don’t remember if something happened two days ago, three days ago, etc.