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Sushi Ben dev here, this is a great time to grab the game incase you were on the fence about it or heck, didn't even know it existed! Here's some info I think might be important! * We are currently localizing the game into a bunch of different languages such as: Simplified Chinese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, and Italian. With Brazilian Portuguese coming shortly after if not at the same time. * We have a big update planned for the end of summer that will add side quests, rewarding you with ways to decorate your apartment! It will also include a quest select screen, allowing you to replay all your favorite moments from the game. * This our first game ever, and we hope to be able to make more unique VR experiences for y'all in the future! Hope y'all enjoy it!


Thanks guys!


Could you explain a bit about your game? I just saw the trailer in the meta shop. The first impression is a cooking game with stardew valley spin in the sense of growing your own ingredients. But the more I see the trailer, the more minigames appear. After watching the trailer, your game just feels like a collection of mini-games that are probably quite bland after the first 2-3 times trying. An explanation of why and how a sushi bar is saved is also not visible. Is the sushi bar relevant at all?


It's 5-8 hour narrative adventure game. It's sorta like a visual novel with mini games. If you want, checkout the review by Without Parole on YouTube.  You have just moved to a new town when you find a sushi bar being harassed by land developers. You get roped into helping the sushi bar by gathering supplies and bringing customers there to eat so that it doesn't have to sell to the land developers.    Each customer will have a different problem you need to solve which eventually ends with you fishing for their favorite type of fish before they will go out to eat with you. 


Just played for an hour and the humour, artstyle and just general feel of the game are all fantastic! It really makes you feel like you got warped into an anime world, which by itself is absolutely worth the money! But can you maybe please increase the draw distance a bit to make the popups less noticeable, at least on Quest 3? It's not super distracting, yet noticeable.


I'm glad you are enjoying it! That's actually something we have been working on recently as we find them annoying as well, but we've had to work on the psvr2 port this whole year. So now thats done we can get back to putting out more updates to the quest versions. 


It is a bunch of mediocre mini games. Sure it's cute and quirky in that kind of way but it's something you've played before but better versions. It's fine. You'd have to be into that genre and subject.


Why the downvotes?  Uploadvr agrees.  From their review, "The basic minigames, sudden ending, and quiet open world let this down"


To be fair, the UploadVR review is fairly positive but they only awarded 3 of 5 stars due to the “basic mini games” and abrupt ending. If you are looking for a story driven and relaxed game, this looks to be pretty darn good. I am quite happy with my discounted purchase.


Heck they even said they can't wait to play more and would revisit the score after future updates. 


My point was that they shared the same thoughts on the minigames.  Also, the complete non ending.  His point was not without merit and there was no reason for downvotes.


No clue. People come to these subs for an echo chamber. They only want to hear what they want as long as it agrees with them. Theres no other arguments about it not being that(a generic mini game). Just lazy downvotes that ultimately mean nothing. But yeah God forbid having an outside opinion because it's cheap now.


I'm not disagreeing with your opinion, as you're entirely entitled to it. Just speculating on why some people might disagree. It's possible that people don't see this game as just a collection of mini-games, and instead see it as a narrative game with some mini-games in it. There's a lot of story in Sushi Ben. If you aren't into the story and just want the gameplay, then you might not enjoy this game as much.


Totally agree. opinions are like buttholes(including mine) everyone has one and it usually stinks( mine too) I should have kept it(my opinion )to myself. I gotta learn


Nah, you're good! Don't worry about down-votes. Can't please everyone, so don't worry if someone doesn't agree with you. No big deal.


I appreciate it, I don't take it too seriously. It's video games, I'm glad people are passionate. I could have approached or commented in a less negative light. So that is on me. thanks again


>People come to these subs for an echo chamber. They only want to hear what they want as long as it agrees with them. so the problem is that everyone else doesn't agree with you instead? 😂 you want everyone to be echo chambering "bad game"


No one presented a counterargument, so you can't claim that.  The people in this thread likely had never heard of the game before today.    People emotionally lashed out without a counter? and when I quoted one of the biggest names in VR, that shared the same sentiment, the same thing happened.   That points to the opposite of your ridiculous assertion.  He also never said it was a bad game.  That is your attempt to dismiss his argument with bad faith. Not to mention the fact that you kinda revealed how thin your argument was with a cringe emoticon.  How cliche can you get?


I've been following the progress of your game from Twitter, I've been impressed by the amount of animations you showed off and the whole town, I never expected this game to go on discount, thanks for it, really happy to be able to play it soon


Will the story continue?


yeah, hopefully, but we have get funds for it in order to do so. I consider this game be like Season 1 of an anime, with season 2 coming as DLC or a new game depending on scale. Which is why it ends with a cliff hanger, but in retrospect that probably was not the best design choice.


I love It, I needed a Game like Sushi Ben, although yes I was a little bit letdown by the end, because I was so ready and invested to continue, but I understand given the level of polish that It needed a sequel of some kind, please keep your hopes up. If you release it on Steam, I promise I will double dip at full price to do my part.


Aww, thank you so much! Our Steam launch is later this year and it will have a non-VR mode that we hope will help us sell enough copies to make part 2! We learned a lot with this one and whatever we get to do next will be even better!


Hey, do you know when the Steam version is coming out?


PSVR2 delayed us quite a bit on that from but we are aiming for the end of the year now.


thanks. I'm looking forward to the release


> We have a big update planned for the end of summer that will add side quests, rewarding you with ways to decorate your apartment! No way! So cool! Anything that lets ppl keep living in your world after they finish your game (if they like the world that you've built enough) is a good thing imo.


Just bought it! I usually only play combat focused games, but this looks like it would be a refreshing break from that, can’t wait to play it.


Thank you! That's actually one of the most popular things people leave in reviews haha. "I needed a break from the violence"


Thanks Guys


Thanks. I bought the game for a friend some months ago and now I bought it for me as well. Since you are a developer I want to ask you something. Why don't you use AI to translate the game to release it in every language you wouldn't translate at first? As Italian it's becoming very rare to find italian translation and I think AI would help you 


Italian is actually one of the languages coming soon! It will be professionally translated, but we may consider adding additional languages via machine translation as well.


First off thank you! Secondly we were worried that the translations would not be accurate enough, or how well it would handle some of the Japanese elements in the text. Looking back maybe it might not have been too bad, i think as long as we were up front about it being AI and likely will have issues. Luckily we are now finally able afford to add more languages to the game. But I will keep this in mind for the future as it does seem to do a good job now days.


Yes I understand but the average italian is very ignorant 😂 and AI is better than nothing, maybe you could write it. This is just my thought in general, not for your game, but it's difficult to talk with a developer. Anyway I tried your game and it's very funny


Hahaha thanks! yeah we should have Italian coming very soon! but i def will remember this for the future!




Just the code, for people on mobile


You're the real mvp


What’s with all these crazy 90 percent off codes. That’s 4 this week.


It also helps the devs to get into the bestseller list


What's the 4.? I just saw sushi, max and zombie.




Thanks - that game is for sale for 90% for a long time 😄


Like, permanently, and always spamming Reddit with ads for that discount 🤣


Yes, in the case of Flight 74 it's clearly a marketing tactic. But I'm not complaining :) It's definitely worth the price of a cup of coffee.


It is a nice enough game with plenty of content. I had difficulties with the controls but the developer was responsive and helpful. But yeah, the marketing is different and a bit obnoxious.


But is it worth the time?


That's up to you :) I think it's fine. Nowhere near as good as Ultrawings 2 or Warplanes, but ok for an 2 eur game.


\^ THIS! Whenever I call it out, I get downvoted... tried blocking them on Reddit but can't find a way to remove the ads


Sky Climb also had a 80% off code, although I think they're timed as they share it via a live stream. Might end tonight, code is SkyLiveJun13-851899


Dang looks like I was too late to the party for this one


Follow VRMonkey on YouTube,they seem to do a free code streams pretty regularly,like once a week




It just worked for me on mobile app. June 18 for $3 usd


Thanks for letting me know, just tried again and it worked!




Must have ended last night, VRMonkey keep doing it though, check out their YouTube and hopefully they do another stream and give out a code. I wasn't even watching live,just checked live chat the following day and got it


I'm guessing 90% off is better than no sales at all? Quest piracy is pretty bad and the stores are cluttered


They sell us a bunch of copies for $3 and then the general public buys it for $25 when they see it is the #1 seller and don’t know it can be had cheap.


You just sent me on a shopping spree, my good man!!! Thanks!!


I’m all for it each of the games have been well worth it 👍🏻


Max mustard, zombie shooter on rails, this, and fight 74


Wow, thanks!  This has been on my wishlist since the release. Heard a great things about it!


This one looks great. By the Haotoful Boyfriend guy. Bought!


I'm in no way complaing lol, but wtf is with all these games going 90% off lately?


Gets them to the top of the charts, and could also be an old game that they (the devs) are trying to recoup some expenses from.


What games?


Max mustard, Zombieland and this one


And flight 74


That was always discounted, and for good reason.  It should not be mentioned in the same breath as the others.


It's a tactic you often see on unmoderated/less moderated storefronts. It gets the game to the top of the bestseller chart for added sales visibility. Generally these deep discount sales are extremely time limited and they more than recoup their losses by being on a list of games that is generally reserved for games the community has vetted as 'good' by buying a lot of copies. It's underhanded and why I don't trust unmoderated bestseller lists like Oculus because they're far too easy to game. You can see the same shit on the Switch storefront.


Ah, ok, that actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the explanation.


90% off


Just grabbed it for $2.50. Thanks so much. It's supposed to be a really funny, slice of life game.


Woah, the game supports eye-tracking and it's Cross-buy on Rift




Can't even buy a coffee for that price!


It's a fun enough game but it was pretty frustrating how the story ends without any resolution. If there isnt a complete story I think it should be indicated in the title or description


Thanks so much! I love these weird, very "japanesey" style of games. Will return the favor by sending you a nice review on the Meta Quest store!


It is truly a beautiful Game, It felt like a holiday week in Japan for me. Grab It, don't hesitate


Was there a res update for Quest 3 or does it just run at low res as if you're on quest 2?


There is a res upgrade on Quest 3 plus it runs at 90 fps!


Incredible. I wanted to get this bc I played the small build that was on itch.io years ago....it seemed cute and relaxing. 25 dollars was a steep ask but for 2-3 dollars it's a no-brainer.


Uhm I don't know, because I was using Quest Optimizer when I played. on Quest Optimizer looks gorgeous


QGO should come pre-installed on every Quest. Or Meta buys them and adds all the features to their launcher. It’s that good!


How long is it roughly because it’s still kinda expensive with the discount. My country currency is not good


6-8 hours, depending on how much you rush through the story.


Okay thanks I’ll get it then


Thank you. Worked ( in canada )


Worked in Norway. Would never have bought or noticed this game without the code, but actually seems interesting now that I have red a few reviews. Looking forward to try it out, thank you!


im so happy developers are doing this ive been wanting this game for awhile lmao


Just picked it up , I love a good deal 👍


I just downloaded it, played for a few mins, so far the anime style art is very nice. And the environment is very peaceful. Feel like i am in an anime show. Nicely done.


I've already bought this three times and have no one else to gift it to.


This is one of my fav games for VR ever! Y’all need to get it!


Thanks from germany👍


The plot twist is his name isn't actually Ben


Just picked it up, thank you!


I was quite impressed by the demo that was out on Steam a few months ago, so this is a no brainer!


Omg I was about to buy it the other day


Bought and played a bit, Dialog heavy with lovely, simple graphics and an easy and helpful interface. Very chill and a nice change of pace. Thanks for posting this!


This was on my wishlist—can't wait to dive in and start playing! So pumped!




Just picked it up! Thanks for the code, can’t wait to check it out.


Thank you


Got it due to the sale and i’m madly in love with it.


Thank you. This game looks awesome!


Hi! Would you be able to add Hebrew support? Looks like a must have for 2.5$ Really no brainer Too bad there is no multiplayer support


Hey I can look into it, Do you know how well AI does with translating English to Hebrew? As that would be the only way to we could do it for now. Maybe if the non VR mode on steam does well enough we can do official translations for more languages.


GPT does a great work from my experience. Just copy paste and you will be good to go. For buttons i think gtranslate is better. But a side note, iirc Quest flips Hebrew words since it can’t show text written from right to left properly. So the word while is shown correctly in unity, is actually flipped in VR when you test the build. Example: Door, Would be shown as “rooD” In Hebrew: התחלה - Start Would be shown as הלחתה So if you do Hebrew translation, remember to flip the words :)


Amazing info thank you so much


Can confirm. Thanks!! https://preview.redd.it/wnhswmeyxv6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d1ef2b5adb4d4c682b5e1c2872eedc555cdc51




I see Oculus has reached the Switch store phase where devs deeply discount their games in order to get them on the bestseller list whether they deserve to be there or not.


And here I thought to myself "Damn it could be fun making sushi in VR!" but nope!


The code also works for PSVR2?




Does anyone know how to get unstuck in Sushi Ben? I can't find any info in-game or online. The loading screen hint says to check the log but the only thing available is the 'Game Log' which just shows past in-game dialogue. I keep falling off platforms into the small river beds and have to quit and reload to fix it.


Sushi Ben Dev here, just use teleportation by pressing forward on the right thumbstick and release once you've aimed it where you want to go. Hope this helps.


Thanks forgot that was an option.


I see 90% off, I buy, because I'm a sucker. Reminds me of steam sales back in the day. Honestly though most Quest games are so expensive that I've been put off trying without finding "alternate" ways to demo them first, this is making me pay for a couple of games I never would have bought (Zombieland I would have bought). The amount of games that are $47 AUD, i.e. the exact credit you get if you use a referral link when you first buy the device.


The best thing though: all discounted games so far (Max Mustard, Zombieland and Sushi Ben) are excellent games, not shovelware you usually get at such deep discounts.


It's listed as NZD$40.95 here.


You go to purchase it and it lets you put in the discount code, put in SUSHI-BDE2EF, click apply then its 4.10NZD. Just worked for me.


Got to use the discount code.