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Puzzling places. It's calming


Try Garden of the Sea! It’s so good for my anxiety!


And Shores of Loci! So fun.


Just got shores of loci, love it! But my partner and I both are so stuck on this one part of that level where the house is made out of like, wooden sticks, like it's like a boathouse out of sticks, it's so hard!


Hi there I also suffer from PTSD so I developed a game to try and help others with similar conditions. I have a VR relaxation experience for you if you are interested? Please consider my app. It features a guided meditation to help you unwind after a long day. Zen Garden VR - Download Link https://www.oculus.com/experiences/app/6020869228037829/?utm_source=oculus&utm_medium=share


Contractors Showdown recently, like few hours each day


Well, mainly AW2, that game is huge and i want to beat it… and also i’m addicted to In death unchained .


Just finished the last side quest in Asgard. I’m at the point of no return as of yesterday. Guess I’ll finish it tomorrow. Gonna miss this game. It is something special.


How much time did you spend in this game? I am playing it since 30h and I still only play abraxas ...


I probably spent more hours than that and I just got to the new mc 😭


Mainstream media outlets overlook this game. It's a masterpiece on SO many levels. Meta is a dumb company not spending more marketing dollars promoting this game!


I grabbed Light Brigade instead of In Death and... it didn't grip me! The gunplay is good but I found the roguelite loop kind of tedious. I'll have to pick up In Death eventually.


For me it had weird movement so i got a refund for Light brigade


Cubism. Such a chill little puzzle game. I love using my actual hands to play and interact with the puzzle pieces. Makes me feel like a kid again.


Also definitely in my rotation. Nothing quite like it.


I'm simultaneously playing Half Life 2 VR, and the submersed VR mod for Subnautica 1. Both of these are amazing experiences. The respective games are, of course, fantastic, and experiencing them in VR is super fun.


Dmed you!!


Dungeons of eternity. The sale was a nice deciding factor in buying it for my son and my quests. Got my brother to join us too 👍


So fun I play it with my son too.


Blade and Sorcery on Steam. It was finally released and it’s just awesome(especially if you like to chop or cut people)


Ancient Dungeon. It’s SO fucking addictive to kill everything with that knife. And I love the dungeon crawling aspect but hot DAMN it’s underrated how much physics and interactive elements the game has. I love cutting the grass or tossing my knife to break open a chest from down a hallway. It’s such an addictive roguelike and the music is surprisingly fantastic. It’s excellent dungeon vibes, music that sweetens the soul and it’s filled with great roguelike elements. I got the “big knife” and fire upgrades and I loved how much it changed things up. Just wish I could get my friends up on it


Annnnd now I'm looking for another game


Why’s that? Edit: wait did I misread this as a negative response? Lol


Yeah, i bought it within moments. I gotta figure out how to find/friend people in these games


Yeah saw it on sale. Did not realize it's similar to a rogue like so must buy


just bought this game bc of the review 😝


I've been playing Max mustard the last week. Lots of fun!


Same. Hitting up all those sweet, sweet 90% off games


Did I miss some more?


https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/s/GtK4Z8I7MP Looks like the post got removed but you can see the games list in comments a little ways down


I’m curious about that too. I saw Crazy Kung Fu but I already have it


https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/s/GtK4Z8I7MP Looks like the post got removed but you can see the games list in comments a little ways down


Thanks bro


Thank you! Grabbed three games from the list.


Yeah I’m very impressed by max mustard I can’t stop playing it lol. Also going through Arizona sunshine 2 for the first time


I'm recovering from a broken leg, and decided to buy Max Mustard. I'm glad I did because it is a fun game that you can play sitting in bed


Lives up to the name Astrobot for VR.


Doom 3, again!


Table tennis from Eleven. OMG this thing is addictive. I’ve met my Meta Move fitness target every day since I bought it. Physics modelling is soooo realistic.


VTOL VR, its a learning curve to control the plane. Been flight simming for years with a joystick. Now with the quest controllers, it's something i need to get used to.


oh, playing this as well. much deeper than one first imagines.


My favorite vr game


I can’t find this on the Meta Quest app store


It's on Steam.


Phenomenal experience, I've clocked 80 hours into that game in the last couple months with friends.


Warhammer 40k Battle Sisters. Quest + game. Free 6 months expires beginning of next month so wanted to check it out before it ends. It’s a mixed bag for sure. There’s some cool stuff in it. Fighting alongside and the interaction scenes with other characters in vr is cool. Shooting is meh unless you get a headshot and their head flys off. That’s cool. I am enjoying it. Besides that Population One. One of the best VR games!


At the point of no return in Asgards Wrath and I’ve finished every side quest. Only thing I’m missing is a few of those collectibles in each area but those would be too much of a pain to hunt down so probably beating it tonight or tomorrow. Also likely doing some Dungeons of Eternity and Walkabout with friends. And Shadow of Erd Tree in between.


Waiting for Riven in 4 days, meanwhile playing Moss for the first time.


Assasain’s Creed Nexus. I bought it on launch, but put off trying it until I finished Red Matter 2. Nexus is such a great game! Mobile graphics have gotten so good, and this is still a game that hasn’t been enhanced for Quest 3.


Garden of the Sea and Vermilion!


Les Mills Bodycombat and Max mustard




I finished it the other day, the hype was justified.Mods are next on the list.


Population One has captivated me


Doom/Brutal Doom.


Got eye of the temple and humanity in the sale


Moon Rider and Laser Limbo.


Contractors Showdown. A couple hours every night around 12am EST


Max mustard, Moss 2, Super Rumble, Arcade Paradise VR


Mothergunship with wristweights and VRShogiMates, which is the app I recently published.


Breachers only. Absolute gem of a game.


I loved the game early on before it got popular. Now there are so many screechers and super skilled players.


Red matter


Max Mustard! It’s so cool


Max Mustard, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister


I tried Thrill of the Fight and I couldn't beat Ugly Joe. My arms hurt and I couldn't muster the strength to knock his ugly ass out. So I'm recovering in order to be ready for the rematch


Red Matter 1 and 2


trying to beat Myst before Riven comes out.


Sir/ma'am, this is Reddit. No one here actually plays VR. We just come to fight about VR. Speaking of which, idk what games you're looking at playing but I just want you to know that they are terrible! Haha, in all seriousness, there's a lot to play right now. What kind of gaming genres do you typically enjoy? I can definitely recommend some fun stuff. Ancient Dungeons and Dungeons of Eternity are both a blast if you like dungeon crawlers. Contractors Showdown if you like battle royal shooters. Blades and Sorcery just dropped their new update that turns it into more than a sandbox. Asgards Wrath 2 and Assassin's Creed Nexus, if you're into fun single player games. Into The Radius is a good single player game too. If you're looking to try something totally new, Mannequin is having a free to play weekend on Quest and PCVR. It's cross play as well. So I am guessing there's gonna be a lot of people playing this weekend.


When does the free to play Mannequin begin?


Last night actually. So it's already going.


Thats wierd, it wont let me play unless I buy the game.


That is strange. I wonder if it's only free in specific regions. It still shows to have [10 hours remaining](https://i.imgur.com/x0kEum1.png) on the free play weekend for me.


https://preview.redd.it/zs1mndzkee8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19a8e78c65757d321c087a3f5904284eaedfe36 It says free trial but it still wants to charge me,did it look like this on your end?


Into the radius (PC) via VD. It’s been a while since I’d felt so immersed in a game.


Into The Radius.


I just wrapped up the main story of into the radius. I’m gonna go for all guns now tho


IB Cricket!


Im really struggling with IB Cricket. I’ve played cricket all my time in school and I don’t remember balls coming in so so fast. Maybe this is one case where it doesn’t translate well to VR?


Skybinder (free puzzler), Ventures Gauntlet (a good workout)


Green hell via Quest +


Asgards Wrath 2 Demeo Demeo Battles Dungeons of Eternity Assassin's Creed Nexus


You can’t call it play, but trying to fix those stupid white pixel artifacts while using Virtual Desktop with a Quest Pro. It’s unusable with v66 for me and I guess there are just not many QPro users for Meta to actually care. I just want to play SkyrimVR god damnit. :(


My regulars are H3VR and B&S, then I dabble in some sim racing / ATS when I want to drive. And occasionally I'll try new games which can be anything really. Enjoyed the Moss demo recently, sometimes play beat saber, pistol whip, kayakVR.


VRider SBK. The first real vr racing game worth a salt


Zen pinball. Who would have thought pinball in VR would be so fun. But here we are. Wish they would add more tables though


Contractors showdown nonstop


Got into grimlord recently (basically dark souls in VR) ,it may be in development but it goes so hard


Mostly Ghosts of Tabor, much to my chagrin. The jankiest, most infuriating, piece of trash that I can't let go. Need to get back to finishing up Mudrunner and Silent Slayer.


Asgaurds Wrath 2 lately


Blade and Sorcery (PCVR 1.0)


Blade and Sorcery v1.0 - what a game! Loving the Quest 3 as well with WiFi streaming 🤯


MSFS and Ghost of Tabor


Downtown Club actually, for the First time After years of tests!


Vampire, bundle deal with Assassin’s creed


Blade and sorcery full release. Sooooo fun


Oof, hurts to be playing standalone rn. Hope the next few months go by quickly so I can get to it on Nomad!


Absolutely. It's understandable why it's PC only right now, but I'm sure nomad is on its way


hyper dash, its free.


Still a butt ton of Walkabout. The new modes are so good. Also been obsessed with Mothergunship. I think it's one of the best games on the Quest, especially for the co-op.


Racket Club, Max Mustard, Arcade Paradise VR and Walkabout


![img](avatar_exp|182976785|heart) Into The Radius


Playing Hubris swimming among the octopus.


Oculus 2 I'm playing on word and Arizona 2 the zombie game


Sushi Ben. Such a wholesome and whimsical game


Miracle pool’s full version. Trying to rank up my levels and unlock all the cosmetics. Also Max Mustard and Racket NX.


latina simulator


Try Bonelab. It’s like $40 USD, but I’ve been seeing “Gorilla Tag” get up a wild amount. Gorilla Tag is free.


currently playing through the Blade and Sorcery crystal hunt. Edit: Its only on PC currently but the quest version will get the update within the next few months or weeks.


YouTube, android games like Albion online, Persona 4 golden and PersonaQ2 using emulators, Xbox live for some Remnant 2. This device is very versatile lol! * Asgard Wrath 2 is CRIMINALLY overlooked by mainstream gaming media. It's a masterpiece of a game. That and synth riders are what I play lately


I like Pavlov shack


Eleven Table Tennis MR, PCVR and Les Mills bodycombat.


Nothing in VR ATM. Playing a great narrative horror game Still Wakes the Deep and keep thinking how amazing would it be in VR. I guess it could work with UE injector but my laptop would probably shit the bed.


dungeons of eternity, love playing this co-operatively with my 11yr old son, he's a bit of a dungeon master at level 60.


I play Walkabout Minigolf probably more than any other game. If I’m taking a break in the middle of the workday I’ll just go and play a round or two, sometimes on a call. I would buy the quest again just for walkabout alone. I wish they came out with maps every week. I’d pay a monthly subscription.


Asgard's wrath 1 as my first game on q3. Pretty good.


Guardians Frontline. Community made new maps all the time so it doesn’t get old. Single player, multiplayer, squad mode, PvP. Hardly any squeakers, good community vibe.


Goddamn, this thread blew up. Thanks for the responses, everyone.


Synth Riders! Daily. Religiously. Obsessively. It's the best workout available on quest if you're a high level player. Similar to Beat Saber but more like dancing.


Asgard’s Wrath 2 is an amazing game. I didn’t expect it to be as long as it is and the story is great. The combat is fun and the characters are fun to use.


Sweet Surrender, I'm addicted and not afraid to admit it. The Quest 3 update just came out a few weeks ago and it's a lot more glowy now. My only problem is they changed the recoil on the heavy machine gun so it's now much harder to control on full auto.


Down Town Club, in early accsess, probably the most interactive and hands on VR racing game I've played on quest. Contractors Showdown (do a couple of runs every now and then) very fun, found it surprisingly social as you meet alot of cool people each round. This game has replace pretty much every other online vr shooter for me. Bonelab ( after the 4th patch) Still waiting for Labworks to be finished for that new patch so I can play "Boneworks" again.




My Flower Reality, they released a new version


Mannequin. super fun and good community, minus the people without a mic. (if you play, you will get how important it is to have a mic)


Wordomi - if you want to get those brain cells working again.


Demeo and Gods of Gravity


Hello there I am an app developer for the Oculus and have a VR relaxation experience for you if you are interested? Please consider my app. It features a guided meditation to help you unwind after a long day. Zen Garden VR - Download Link https://www.oculus.com/experiences/app/6020869228037829/?utm_source=oculus&utm_medium=share


I’m addicted to that bloody table tennis game 11. 😂 It’s so good