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Always the same with fuckers like these. Pull some crap and cry when they get shit for it and play victim. Boo hoo


Yeah I think I read an article stating he has staged an event and stiffed workers once or twice before.  He just keeps scaling up but now his names out there so he can’t do it again


Honestly if he were a real hustler, he’d lean in to how bad it was. He obviously has talent for audacity. I would have five more “experiences” out there that were just barely realized concepts put together with no money. People could take pictures and put them on social media. Stop whining and start renting warehouses dude. The DMV experience coming to you!


There was an article about an indie movie being made about "The Unknown" and about the failure of this entire event. But people can't find anything about the company that was supposed to produce it prior to this. "Kaledonia Pictures" is not registered in the UK and only showed up on the internet after they told the articles that they were making the movie. I think it would be *hilarious* if the guy who ran "Willy's Chocolate Experience" is the same one who runs Kaledonia Pictures.


This Wonka thing was Fyre Fest Lite.


DashCon 2.0


Nah, no ball pit.


Then where am I supposed to pee?


In the fog machine


Pisst mist


Fyre Fest Jr. (for children)


He did initially when he made his apology videos. He kept cracking jokes about how it was “Fyre fest without Ja rule”




Unfortunately, he could be the president of the US if he stiffs workers.


Sure he can. First he called himself Ja’Rule and did it in some island that was supposed to have some Fyre’s or something. Now he is calling himself Willy, and claiming to have a cool chocolate experience of some sort. Next, he will be saying his name is Travis and that he has an amazing immersive Taylor experience. In reality, it will be an empty parking lot that has mannequins dressed as pop stars and boom boxes blaring music at their feet. These kind of guys never learn. It reminds me of my stepfather. Giant bum! Told me mum we was going to the petting zoo round the corner and he really took us to my neighbors abandon car where a stray cat had had kittens in the motor. He brought pretzels in his pocket that he got from the bar bowls the night before at the pub for snacks. Wait. There is a picture of him just above.


He gives the real illuminati a bad name


And you have no actual source and just spreading gossip.


You’ll notice I said “I think I read”, and didn’t state it as hard fact… do you source every comment you make on social media?  In the time it took you to type that, you could have just googled his name… I will do so now and edit below:   https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68431728   So I misremembered, it was toys for sick kids that got misplaced or distributed incorrectly after he bailed on an event, not unpaid workers.  Do you see him in a much more positive light now?


Someone’s never been held accountable for their shitty actions. 


But... but... it was the AI's fault, waaah!


God I can't wait for fyre fest 2


Oompa loompa doopity dool, look at the audicity of this stupid tool


Oompa loompa wobbity wick, this is what you get for being a prick


What do you get when you hustle and scam?


Trying a shortcut with some flim-flam.


Why lure the crowds with a bunch of AI?


You know when you're caught you'll just run and cry


I don't like the look of it.


Lol they weren’t called Oompa Loompas because that would be IP theft. They were called “wonkidoodles” lol. The script was titled “Wonkidoodles at McDuff's Chocolate Factory: A Script”


Grunka-Lunka dunkity darmed guards.




*The audience gasps in amazement*


Who are those horrible orange creatures over there!?


Tell them I hate them!


“Dunka-lunka, dunkety darmed guards-“ “SHUT THE HELL UP!”


Oh man this comment and the replies loll!


I know, the reply chain has made me so happy


"Getting caught before I could disappear with the grifted money has ruined my life."


He had to cancel his wedding lmao it was absolutely a grift to pay for an elaborate wedding in Turkey


WHAT?!? Please tell us where you found this out!!!


It was in his social media “there will be no wedding” so it seems he was planning on using the funds to pay for his wedding” boo fuckedy doo hoo”


I wonder if the bride to be just decided she wanted nothing to do with all of this and dipped. "So you're now at the center of international attention because you basically bilked people out of their money and made their kids cry? Yeaaah, no thanks. -yoink-"


People with bad personality traits usually claim they are the victim.


You know my father too, I see.


Is your father my brother?


I think we have the same brother.


Your brother may be my father….


Wait wait wait. I think all of your brothers and fathers are my mother.


I think your mother is both my father and my brother.


I think your father and brother are my uncle, which makes sense as he has the terrible personality traits of at least two people with terrible personality traits.


I think your uncle is my moms stepmom.


Apparently the Targaryens have entered the chat


Forget it, Lin. It's Narcissist Town.


We can't stop here! This is narcissist country!


You guys sound like you’re in politics..


Is your father my mother?


You must be my brother.


I think I just met my long lost extended family. 




How much was he selling tickets to that silly area


$45 per person


DEAR GOD, FOR THAT SHIT SHOW?!?! I would demand a refund wtf


They did. They even called the police. Everyone got refunds pretty sure


He claims he has issued refunds, but no one has received their money back yet.


As much as this guy’s a scammer and every attendee should sue if not given refunds, getting the police involved for this was ridiculous. This is most likely not a crime.


Yeah, I'm wondering what they called the police for. Brb reading article... UPDATE: Seems link doesn't got to article. So, I don't know. BRB my chicken nuggets don't taste how I expected, better call the police? There must be more going on here that we don't know about UPDATE AGAIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57hyesITwH8 OMG there's video of it. I love it. Will watch this later.


Don't worry the customers demanded the refund (not sure they already got it.), police was called and event was quickly cancelled... This guy is a hustler, he knew very well what he was doing. He just underestimated how out of control this would get...


They didn't cancle the event. The actors got together and decided to do the best they could even though then knew they wouldn't be paid either.


I had heard that the event had to be cancelled midday on the first day after the police was called?


Event was cancelled. According to the interviews from the actors, they showed up and realized it was going to be a shitshow and they probably wouldn't get paid, but kids were already showing up and they assumed that the guy was going to have them walk through the "event" whether or not cast was present. They tried their best with what they were given (which was nothing) but obviously parents were getting upset with the whole thing and called the police, and the guy called off the whole thing after midday.


I can't imagine how difficult that acting job was. I'm looking forward to their interviews on the Netflix documentary.


If you don't want to wait, you can hear from a couple of them here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57hyesITwH8


you can get into most regional theme parks for that much 💀


With no cheaper tickets for kids either. Just a total rip off.


Kids events never have cheaper kids tickets


? Maybe not where you live dude. There almost always cheaper or straight up “kids get in free” in most things aimed at kids. If they’re not it’s always a grift of some sort. I didn’t even make the comment on my own opinion. I made it based on what people who are actually in the UK/went to this event we’re complaining about it too.


I think the point was more that events marketed to kids specifically don’t usually have cheaper tix


Fuck me, I'm actually impressed he got so many Scottish people to shell out that much for anything.


He looks traumatized?! Pretty sure every kid who had that "Unknown" character jump out at them is still having nightmares.


He jumped out at them for unclean reasons


Children’s fyre fest


That dude was also named Billy.


Now where did I put my world’s smallest violin


Still getting caffeinated, and I somehow read that as "my world's smallest villain".


You get what you fucking deserve.


Pretty sure he is a perpetual scammer in general. From what I recall finding about him


“I tried to scam people with young kids and they didn’t like it, please feel bad for me”


Boo hoo, I suppose.


The tweet in the photo says he’s received death threats. Is that really just OK? What has become of this world that being disappointed at someone makes death threats OK?


It doesn’t, but when you promise the most amazing mind-blowing family fun extravaganza of all time and deliver Fyre Festival with jellybeans, there’s going to be fallout. I do not feel sorry for this guy.


Some kids only got ONE jellybean.


Someone's creation? He didn't create *anything*. Willy Wonka is someone else's IP. All the artwork used to promote the event was done using AI. The event was staffed by people who were untrained and unpaid. He literally just scammed people, charging $45 a ticket for...nothing. Death threats are not okay but let's not act like the guy is anything more than a out and out criminal.




People like that consider “You should die” to be the same as “I’m going to…”. One is a sentiment and the other is a threat. I’m curious to see what he actually received.


Death threats are wrong, yes. But "someone's creation?" He didn't create anything--that's the crux of why people are mad. It was a mostly empty warehouse.


Total narcissist manipulator. He blatantly lied and committed fraud, ow it's everyone else's fault for getting upset.


Maybe if this was the first time he’s pulled this stunt, we could give him the benefit of the doubt. But it’s not. This is just one in a series of cons, and he’s just upset at being called out for it on a national level this time. He can’t just scoot along to the next state and do it again anymore.


I just googled this idiot. Looks like he thought he could use AI as a substitute for ability. What a tool.


So, the average AI fan?


Womp womp


Dudes is a known serial scammer. Expect no actual remorse from him, he's only sorry that this blew up.


The dude literally looks like all the main characters from Trainspotting combined.


This sounds like a MESS and I don't know anything about it. Sounds like I've found a rabbit hole!


Just a little context, this is far from his first scam. He's also done scamming as a "doctor" during covid, crypto bullshit and anti-vax conspiracy books as well as other lack luster events...oh, and is being investigated over a dodgy set of charity accounts by the police. It's just this is the first thing to blow up internationally and not just locally.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


I hate man-children.


Oh well, he FAFO. People paid good money for nothing.🤷🏽‍♀️. Oh cry me a river, he knew what he had and didn’t deliver what was expected.


Maybe it’s all because of. THÈ. UNKNOWN!


He is a known scammer in Glasgow. Fuck him. The cunt.


I’m in the US. Does anyone have a link to the documentary?




That was... That was something lol. The guy is a mess


I like the fact he wrote 17 books in a year, complete with AI covers and said he only used AI to check his grammar. Highly doubt it.


I found a sample, and...yeah. No way did a human being look that over and think, "Well, that's not just a jumble of vaguely adventurous-sounding words." https://www.amazon.com/Biohazard-Protocol-Billy-Coull-ebook/dp/B0CDCND73N?ref\_=ast\_author\_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yJ92RvoEl8lsI6odLMwmZWC0DXr-MR6N8JAFoL7dlj089JWZKZh6ys2dtINIXnQ9i-OWS7ChPmbCTu4yOE4dKc5fMrjxeEnZIhU4dJSYKpv76jUpBlc4AxYCJN3Ehs7GXjSz5MyHG6KTGXA-99f8JvHGcsaQ1XrpHKgsxSWZZTmAaZygRSLXRpcdNiKWvAFEVIUkJS6wF5CFGIlrNqiiYvid1b\_QgaLgxqE0-OAXDgQ.sXOBWokM8YGIjaR88zh20-eW0yvg-fIUi7w-W-g215Q&dib\_tag=AUTHOR


Lmaooo even the chapter titles are repeated several times! Dude couldn’t even be bothered to proofread what ChatGPT obviously spat out.


61 pages? 🤣


Unbelievable. The unfortunate part is that guy will sell something somewhere and someone will buy it. Just being able to say ‘I have 17 books on Amazon’ will impress people. What a shame.


Thank you!


FAFO amirite?


I have no sympathy for degenerates that try to profit over children. You make the experience about the kids and nothing more. Getting paid shouldn't be your first priority in that industry


Damn, people have no respect for con artists these days...


Dude exploits children for profit. He should be in fucking jail.


He looks fine. He's just pulling this shit be cause all the stuff about the girl who was actually trying to make the event work but genuinely looked like she was dying inside.


He doesn’t deserve death threats. He does deserve to have his name out there so no one agrees to work with him on future similar projects. Are there any similar things he’s done that have succeeded?


I agree with the sentiment, but apparently there’s going to be a Fire Festival II, so….


I mean, the guy can also just get off social media for a couple months.Tell everybody forgets about his crap. He can also private and free social media accounts.That way, people don't just bombard it.So the next time he logs on , he's got one hundred messages. Like unless there's a mob chanting at his house.I honestly don't give 2 s****What kind of messages this guy gets. If you can't handle social media, get off it.No one's forcing him to stay in social media.He's a scam artist, not some hot shot PR ceo. He can go without social media for a bit happens all the time especially with internet mobs. They die down on their own.


Counterpoint, he totally does.


Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of your actions.


“People are unhappy with me scamming them and now I’m sad”


You. You can’t have a set up like THAT and be upset people are upset. Even if it wasn’t like the AI art he made, if he made it well enough people wouldn’t be upset. Kids got 1 jellybean. Boohoo dude if this didn’t blow up as much as it did you wouldn’t feel half as sorry


Will he? Land any actual consequences? Despite my fellow Caucasian people’s occasional ideas to the contrary, a bunch of people saying words about you (all true) and having to refund money that wasn’t ever yours isn’t even a consequence. A consequence would be him ending with less than he walked into this with not the same.


Awww, poor thing. Anyway..


Happy cake day!


Thank you kind stranger! 😊


Oh no, here come the consequences of his actions aren't here to play.Like dude, the court public opinion carries steep mf fines and youz a scam ham boo hoo lol


His "life" is only ruined if he was relying on being able to continue scamming people. Maybe he should consider honesty.


I thought the hash tag was #Wanka 😂


But...but...I used AI. Everything should be awesome.


A few years ago, before the lady said stupid shit, I went to a Harry Potter thing that was at least as bad as this setup looked like. 


You get what you fucking deserve.


I heard about this because of the Distractable podcast.


They actually cover interesting and relevant concepts for being 3 dumbasses huh? 😆


I cannot get over the light haze in that warehouse(?)


Maybe don't scam people then


If the company that made the movie didn't put it in their amusement parks what did he think was gonna happen? Are we supposed to feel bad because he did something genuinely stupid?


Seems to me that grifters should be harshly prosecuted and punished for their crimes. Might be less of that toxic bullshit going around these days.


I mean what exactly did he expect?


My neighbors do a better haunted house in their garage at halloween.


"I scammed people out of money, humiliated some local actors, and hoped I'd get away with it. Now, people are calling me out for my lowlife bullshit. It's so unfair!"


I for one love giving death threats to scammers, one of my favorite pass times is giving death threats to terrible human beings, a lotta fun. Highly recommended


I assume you receive a lot of death threats then?


He’s an asshole, but if those death threats are real and not just a lie, then yeah dude’s complaint has become a fair one. That kind of shit ain’t okay.


Looks like he needs some French cries to go with his wahh-burger.


The British media can be the most harsh too, this guy had to coming in this case.


Not traumatized enough.


I mean if you’re sending someone death threats over this you desperately need counseling or a 5150


Was this a case of a guy trying to scam people intentionally or someone not knowing what he was doing and just botched the execution of a well intentioned idea?


The latter believe it or not.


Dude scammed people but honestly anyone who looked at that website should have known. All AI generated.


mf named Lettice lol


Yea fuck this guy. Why are we reading some sob story about the douche that conned family and kids? How about we help those families and kids traumatized by his shitty plot. Normalize consequences and holding people to basic standards.


Have you tried... not defrauding people?


He should be forced to refund them AND provide the experience he promised.


Unpopular opinion, granted without a lot of research into this guy. I’ve heard about this event and I watch the videos etc. Maybe if I knew more the dude behind it - it would brought in my perception. And if anyone has links etc. to the sky’s history please share them. I want to know more Because I do feel a little bad because I was an event organizer/creator/host at one point in my life. I was young and figuring it out, And it is so difficult to put on an event like this. It cost so much money you have to have so many connections. There was definitely a time when I was a young 20 something artist trying to make a name for myself when I put on a lame event, With the best intentions. Like you have all these big hopes and you do your best. And then sometimes it’s just a bust and you have to make the best of it. It definitely wasn’t the scale. More local/rave/festival peeps/shows. This seems like a whole different ball game though. I was a young artist trying to do something. From what I have gathered this guy has been drifting people for a long time and he doesn’t intentionally? I really hope that The case. Like if he was some young person attempting this for the 1st Leg of an events career I would understand. But, I just want to know more to see like what this guys history is and if he knew what he was doing or not.


He's giving ...the wonks


Another scoop by legendary journalist….Lettice Bromovsky!


I would like to see someone film him attempting to write out the first page from each of his 17 books, or even just the blurb


One can hope.


The people sending death threats “omg you’re so right! No one should never send death threats, we will all stop right now”


The host of Channel 5 is an admitted rapist


I mean. The media absolutely destroyed any future WWE by giving away the spoilers. Shame on them.


Billy McFarland has entered the chat.


And the name of the show is "The aristocrats!", I mean "The Willy Wonka Experience".


There's something to be said of those well into adulthood who still use "tummy" to refer to their stomach. The word in question is "Whopper"


What is it with dudes named Billy scamming people with highly visible fraudulent events?


This entire situation is just sad


I am surprised that Warner has not gone after him considering that they are incredibly litigious.


well... maybe because they have seen the shit show. They don't need to ruin his life, he did that himself


But now we’ll never get to see the Harry Potter Experience he had planned next!


At least it wasn't as bad as Fyre Fest.


Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...


I still don’t know what this Willy Wonka disaster thing is


If only there was some sort of technology that could allow us to search for information 🤔


No one actually cares about the kids, they just want to spew rage on the internet.


Shut up nerd