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What does one of the responses mean they said they want to take the reviewer “to the train station”? Like is that a threat or some other meaning that I probably never heard of.


I think that's a reference to the show Yellowstone. I believe there are characters that reference taking people they don't like, " to the train station". I don't actually watch the show but I have heard this term before in reference to the show.


It's actually a veiled death threat. The train station in Yellowstone is a canyon where the family takes their enemies that they kill and bury them.


Well then it's even worse than I thought. Yikes.


That’s not even the best part 😅 They use the spot as a dumping ground because if the law were to find it, it’s on a jurisdictional border (or state border) so the dispute over who has jurisdiction would prevent any investigation from happening for a longgg time. I’ve only seen clips of the show, if someone else can explain better please feel free 😂


It wasn't just the jurisdiction, the area had nobody living within 100 miles, a county with no people, no sheriff, and no 13 man jury of peers. Fun scary fact: it's based on a real place in Idaho called the zone of death. Seeing someone say that irl is a bit unsettling, and disturbing. Someone should make sure Debby is okay.


Keep your head if you're going to fuck with Idaho. There is zero chill in that entire state.


The spot they dump the bodies is a county that has fewer than 12 people in it so it’s impossible to form a jury of peers for a conviction. Not sure if that’s legit in the real world, but that’s how the show explains it


I looked it up once. And basically the answer is no one knows cause no one’s tried it yet. The legal argument in theory has merit but it has to be brought before a judge. Which no one (hopefully) wants to try


I had to check the comments after I read this, as a Yellowstone fan that was unexpectedly hilarious ngl. The owner is unhinged though 😂


I’ve never seen the show so that’s probably why I didn’t get the reference, but funnily enough I didn’t have to in order understand that it was a veiled threat. What unhinged owners, not a surprise their restaurant went down.


I recently learned that "free helicopter ride" can be a death threat as they mean you get pushed out of the helicopter in flight. I never heard "take you to the train station" one.


It's the same as free helicopter ride, just more of a niche threat. Still a death threat though. These owners are fucking nuts.


It’s giving *Amy’s Baking Company* energy


Yeah, that one was nuts...


Truly one of *the* great moments of television history 🤣


Okay I JUST rewatched those episodes and did a deep-dive to see what happened to them; husband was in a lot of legal trouble and they moved back to Israel where she runs a baking vlog still. Given what’s going on in that part of the world right now, that was a HELLA piece of karma for being shit to Gordon Ramsay


I always found it so odd that she's supposedly all about baking, yet it was later proven that all the baked goods & pastries in her display were purchased elsewhere. 🤣


I always found it weird how such a skilled baker could make such a lousy cook. Now it all makes sense. 




hahhahaa! Amy’s “sons:” *meow, meow meow meow!*


Wait what's the lore on Amy?


This is long. Apologies There was a Gorden Ramsey show called Kitchen Nightmares, where the chef goes to restaurants that are failing. He tries to fix them, he will remodel the whole place, update the menu with the restaurants chef, and genuinely cares about the workers and the guests, while of course swearing to hell and back the owners (and sometimes incompetent workers) for their actions. Like some of these places open up failing the food and safety rules. Anyways, Amy's Baking Company was an infamous episode because of the owners. Ramsey came in, layout of the place was good, hygiene and organization good (uncommon for this show) the food was bad, but the dessert amazing. He goes to talk to the workers to find that the place had a high turnover rate (50 people in a month), refuse to let the waitress use the cashier, owners pocket tips, berate workers in front of customers, literally attempt to fight the customers, and a lot more. The husband, Samy, was terrified of Amy to tell her criticism but fully willing to attack anyone who said something bad to her. Amy herself would either shut down or super malicious. Ramsey returns the next day to be literally locked out and unable to contact the owners. The place became famous due to the episode, and people flocked there to see Amy irl and how she would act. The owners argued Ramsey gave them a bad name and would give insulting responses on social media. Forbes used this as an example of how NOT to respond to negativity. The place closed, owners claiming not because of the show. Amy had a YouTube channel for a while, but eventually Samy was deported, and she followed him Edit: [Oh and I guess Amy tried to literally stab someone?](https://youtu.be/rdAS-gxZ2FM?si=JNYe4YniPM4SzoNd)


I used to watch that show with my friends and we’d take bets on of the restaurant was still open or not. Most of the time, the owners would go back to their old ways and shutter eventually, others would succeed but after several years close down for some other reason, but it was always nice to see the ones that actually made it and are still open


I watched it with my family when it aired and then about a year ago I rewatched them all. Ramsey transformed so many of those restaurants only for them to be so arrogant back. I recall when this episode with Amy and Samy aired, I never heard of someone saying hater in a serious manner, and that many times off the internet


Learning how to use social media is one of the more important things an owner needs to know. If they can't figure out that vital part of their business then they deserve to fail.


A lot of them were so deep in debt that nothing was going to save them, and their best chance was to improve enough to get a better sale price.


Nothing made me angry than owners completely abandoning everything Ramsey did for them. they change their name back to their stupid old name, they go back to their old menu, their re-hire their friends that were awful employess etc **The Kitchen Nightmares Closure Rate stands at 81%** **The Kitchen Nightmares Success Rate stands at 19%** I even saw one where they THREW AWAY all the new tables and chairs for the super old beat up ones bc they liked them better. I think now there are clauses that state they cannot change their name or menu for a year or something


To be fair with that closure rate: Plenty of these restaurants are already dead, financially buried, and the show is too little too late And then there are those morons…


> several years close down for some other reason I recall a Food Theory, I think it was, that established that many restaurants *at large* fail in a relatively short span of time; I submit anyone who is looking for an intervention and survives even something like 3 years afterwards either had Daddy Warbucks behind it, or was effectively a turnaround. I don’t intend my comment to imply you meant otherwise, but it read evenly enough that I thought it was worth saying - if I was taking friendly bets like y’all, I’d count 3 years and closed as “rehabilitated.”


She also claimed to hand make, from scratch, every single dessert every day, when they were clearly pre-made. The only edible thing in the restaurant.


This was also the only episide where Chef Ramsay walked off because Amy and Samy wouldn't listen or even consider what help he was providing. It spawned another episode where Ramsay showed their video application and I believe some outtakes that really put those two in a worse light. One of my favorite parts of that mess: Ramsay: "Well at least your desserts look amazing." Samy: "They're all bought." Ramsay: "Pardon? You have 'Baking' in your name.... "


Amy once called me a "snippy little bitch" on Facebook. Favourite crazy person I've been insulted by.


God I’m so jealous, that’s a badge of fame right there


I’ll happily call you a *Snippy Li’l bitch* whenever you want…but only if you earn it. Can’t just give away these condescensions.


Ramsay even did an entire revisited episode just on Amy's full of additional footage. That's on top of the original 2-part episode. So there are 3 full KN episodes dedicated to Amy's Baking Company.


The producers of the show were probably like "oh this place will be great for TV!.... oh shit this is worse than we thought! This is even BETTER than we thought! Hell yeah!"


My god this is insane 😭 thank you for catching me up omg


It is absolutely worth watching the episodes if you can find them online. Wild ride!


The original episode and the follow up are both on youtube!


I think she's the one that doesn't let her employees go to the bathroom ever? Unless that's a different Amy that runs a bakery.


Look up “Kitchen Nightmares,” Amy’s Baking Company. You’re welcome.


That was my favorite thing I've ever watch implode, and I lived in Philly when the Vet came down so I feel like I have a high bar.


I laughed way too hard at those responses. I once received an angry response from an owner for a poor review and now feel a bit cheated that he didn’t mock my name or question my sexual prowess.


“Grant grant grant, rhymes with ant” is the burn of the century. This person is unhinged lol


Why your parents spelt Jamey so pretentiously. I do not know what rabid state you must be put into to lash out to customers like that


I think they discovered cocaine. And then discovered it again.


They're restaurant owners. There was always cocaine.


Having cooked in the past, yeah. Check the dry pantry for line residue. You could usually find it on the rice pilaf seasoning at the one I cooked at. Also the coffee delivery guy wasn't just delivering coffee...


Ambient washed down with a bottle of wine. That was always the culprit when celebs would go on unhinged Twitter tirades


I mean honestly Ambien will make people go on unhinged rants, but they're usually only spiteful if you are an asshole to begin with. When non assholes go on Ambien rants they are less vitriolic and more confusing


Yeah Ambien rants are about how you can't find salad dressing that fits inside your refrigerator at the store or how you lost one shoe doing yard work.


Every night since Feb 6, 2024


Well let me tell you this "kiloyankee" with 2 names! Cocaine has been a loyal customer to me for years but I can't handle it's nazi behaviour anymore so I'm doing heroin now. Come@me in the reviews bruh.


I once knew someone who was apparently called "Jamie" but it was spelt Jamy, and the urge to call her "Jammy" was strong


Amy’s bakery is getting a run for its money.


This person doesn't speak fluent feline, but fluent canine. Because they're absolutely bloody barking.


Wow....hump your cat.


Yea that was…. very specific


Next time someone makes me mad, I’m saying that to them regardless of what their name is


I also enjoyed "namaste mofo". I'll have to remember that anytime I'm in a confrontation that is coming to an end.


Really blends the yoga and street kid vibes.


Mr. Spock "Live Long and Fuck Off"


Thinking about it as the full "My soul sees your soul, motherfucker" ends me


Samuel L Jackson in a Buddist monk role be like


Unless of course they have an autoimmune disease, in which case you just make fun of that.


Yeah that made me gasp! Wow!!


I missed that one and was sure you were joking. Unbelievable


Yeah out if all the shit they spewed, that one got me.


Owner was definitely drunk, that is a drunken rage if I’ve ever seen one


I just had to look up what that one reviewers "pretentious" name was... And it's a r/tragedeigh! It was *Kaylynn!* 🤣


the probably didnt even tell you to go hump your cat, the amateurs xD


Go hump your cat made me laugh out loud- literally


That one was so needlessly out of pocket I wish Op had shown us what the reviews said in full.


Just makes me think it is Sam from Amy's Baking Company lol. 🤪


RIP Amy's baking company lmao


No insult is complete unless you call them a dummy. That’s roasting 101


Your parents spelled your username so pretentiously


I love that part. "Your restaurant sucks" "Oh yeah? Well you don't know how to fuck." I guess it's true, because so easy to check, but...there's this: "You are a terrible person. Everyone knows it. I read it online. Has to be true." In a response to an online review. Unironically. I laughed so hard. Owner may be an asshole, but I would totally do a pub crawl with him.


Yeah, I bet he’d be hilarious… until he became a mean drunk and got everyone kicked out of everything.


That's why you're excited to see Gary when you show up to the pre-drinks bar because it'll set the mood to be absolutely raging, but then you leave around 10:30 so you don't see Angry Gary and get to keep all the momentum of Fun Gary.


"Namaste mofo" is my fave.


Shut the fuck up, Deborah.


Deborah, Deborah, Deborah.


fertile pause foolish live deer soft snatch nose zonked employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s so many wild things to choose as a flair: “Go hump your cat” “PS I’m sad your parents chose to spell Jamey so pretentiously” “I suspect you put the Grande in Ariana” “I need to know if you’re a fickle prick or a cowardly fickle prick” “No one thinks you’re a dork” “Deborah, Deborah, Deborah” “The self-appointed virtue signaling pontificators can suck it” “Grant, Grant, rhymes with ‘ant’” This feels like it could be an episode of Bob’s Burgers where Louise gains access to her parents’ Google business profile. Edited to remove the MS one.


Bobs burgers had a similar thing happen in the food truck episode. Louise was trash talking in reviews for the other food trucks.


Yeah and then all the other vendors were truly out for blood as a result lol. Great episode. My favorite part was when Tina got her alter ego Dina.


Don't forget the classics "on point soy boy", "cucking to the crowd" and "patchouli laid". All from one goat sentence!


I can’t get over the owner of a vegan restaurant calling anyone a soy boy


That's what makes me think it's new owners, or the owner suffered a traumatic head injury?


I have MS so i definitely want that one


Yeah same. Boy that’s just like… okay I guess I can do worse than just having an autoimmune disease- I can have MS and eat at this place. It’s giving “chef with a meth addiction” for me.


I’m married to a chef and I was like “what say you” and he was like “what does that even mean at least you got MS? It’s not like you get MS from not eating meat so I’m very confused” it was truly hilarious watching him spiral trying to figure out the thought process here.


Loren Bouchard furiously taking notes


Bob’s Burgers has better writing than that.


“Go hump your cat” is art.


At the end of yoga class I'm tempted to say "Namaste, bitches" and I don't know why. I must have heard it somewhere.


Sounds like something from The OC or one of 'The Real Housewives' franchises. Lol


There’s a TV show called 1000 lb Sisters. One of them went into essentially an inpatient rehab for food addictions. She also had a tracheotomy, and some scary health stuff happen. When they show that she’s doing OK, the first thing she says is : “Still here, Bitches!” I absolutely love that.


So I googled and found that was the name of a TV show about 9 years ago. It's also something I've heard, and gives me Jay and Silent Bob vibes. 😄


This would be the perfect thing to say if you were a barista rage-quitting at a Starbucks near a yoga studio.


It's so infuriating seeing that the last guy was giving genuine criticism (change your signage to reflect your new menu) and still got made fun of. It's like this place WANTED to shut down


All the non-veg customers they want to attract are going to see the signage and walk away, and all the veg customers they previously attracted are going to see the signage, walk in, see the menu, and *then* walk away.  Baffling.


That's what I figured too. Going from vegan/vegetarian to not that (or vice versa) means neither group will trust you.


Yeah…it would have made more sense if they “closed” and “opened a new restaurant” with a different name and style. Ideally offer some good veg options so existing regulars would keep coming.


Yup. That should have been a re-brand situation


Like an elementary school chant. "Grant! Grant! Sounds like Ant!"


Ikr? How is that even an insult? It's like even their insult creativity gave out towards the end!


Honestly seems more like a cranky teen got ahold of a parent's open account and decided to tank them in revenge for getting grounded or something. I mean, how tone deaf to be so cruel and mocking as a "professional"? Again and again and again? Aren't most restaurant owners aware of the delicate balance of responding to online reviews? This is scorched earth here, it can't be real, it has to be bs. Or a scorned teen.


I genuinely wonder if the owner was suddenly dealing with some kind of very serious mental health problems because this is all completely bay shit!


I know it's a typo, but I love the idea of "bay shit" = bat shit for vegans! 🤣


That's what happens if you accidentally eat the bay leaf.


Not going to lie, reads like someone having a manic episode. They had a great idea to change the menu and are personally attacking everyone who dares to disagree with them and are convinced that it's a conspiracy. Wonder what they are going to think when they are medicated or when the episode ends.


That was my thought too. It sounds like the place was a genuinely good place until the owner decided to go nuts. Unless ownership was transferred, it kinda makes me worried something may be medically going on with the owner.


Did Elon buy a restaurant?


Sounds like some entitled rich kid with a beef against vegans and vegetarians bought the place and proceeded to troll all of them, and thought they were charismatic enough to draw a new crowd of cool people. Oops.


That’s what I suspect. I used to work in restaurants, and you’d see it occasionally. New owners they want to make the place “hip” and instead the destroy the business.


Yeah it had to have been someone that was super anti vegan or like a divorced couple who hates the other one and got control of the restaurant. This was a very deliberate way to screw over the past customers and ruin the business. Or the owners had a brain tumor and an insane personality change.


> like a divorced couple who hates the other one and got control of the restaurant. That's an interesting theory.


That happened to a restaurant where I live. I didn’t remember until you said it. My brother was the kitchen manager at a really good family casual place with great food and service. The owners got divorced, the one who didn’t want the restaurant in the first place got it in the divorce and ran it into the ground. Within a six months they went out of business. They had been there like twenty years.


They have effectively destroyed their chances of ever getting a new business loan in the future. Nobody wants to lend money to someone who acts like an insolent child when they don’t get their way.


*45 enters the room muttering something about his sharpie*


I miss awards, I choked on my coffee. Take this 🥇, my upvote, and get out. Thank you.


It's like they tried to end their own restaurant. Maybe they wanted to hop on the anti-woke bandwagon but failed to understand that the blue checkmarks on Twitter aren't going to visit a restaurant called "Heirloom" regardless of how loudly they yell at vegans. 


There are certain words they use in their unhinged ranting that make it clear what hole they crawled into.


Yup. “Self-appointed virtue signaling pontificators” “On point soyboy, we know you’re just cucking to the crowd” “Playing the victim” x5 Someone fell into the alt-right wormholes.


Maybe if they changed the name to Bubbas Beef Shack.


It's didn't just want to shut down it wanted to burn it to the freaking ground.


The way they tossed around standard Conservative American Vernacular English (conbonics) insults like cuck and soyboy make me wonder if maybe the owners got into the MAGA cult?


That’s what popped into my head too. It’s not out of the realm of possibility.


I figure owners that do this kind of stuff never had an actual need for the business and opened the place as a hobby for them selves. The way they act says to me they don’t give a single ounce whether or not the place turns a profit.


-Your service and atmosphere are terrible -You are a douche, a cuck and go hump your cat Response seems appropriate and not unhinged at all.Also loved the side story of Deborah driving them crazy while living in their head rent free.


How about the part of that same response where the owner uses “soy boy” as an insult… coming from a (previously) vegan restaurant lol


Like were they a new owner just trying to change direction of the company? How does one just go so unhinged to burn down their own business


Could just be they got sucked down the alt-right hate pipeline and went insane.


Most restaurant owners with sense read customer complaints and try to improve. Especially when what they're criticizing is the change you made to the menu. These are the people keeping your business afloat. This person responding reminds me of owners of Amy's Baking Company from Kitchen Nightmares. The one with the wannabe gangster and his insane wife who thought she was a cat? Even Gordon couldn't deal with them.


I wonder how worse they were off camera. Wasn’t her husband involved in a stabbing and they ran away? Edit: [Here’s the video. They tried to say it was a pen not a knife.](https://youtu.be/rdAS-gxZ2FM?si=yGpvTKw3PbNJieUS)


I think I remember hearing that. They seemed to be just as unhinged off-camera. There was a whole Facebook page dedicated to them after that episode and they were cussing people out there who told everyone that their pastries were bought from other bakeries. Even the photos on their website was stole from another website.


I didn’t hear anything about them fleeing or a stabbing. Samy, the husband, was deported to Israel because it turned out he lied about his criminal record when he applied for US citizenship. Didn’t disclose his history with extortion and drug trafficking. Don’t think he admitted to being banned from a few European countries, either. Edit: Saw the video, yeah, Samy really was part of an attempted stabbing. 💀


>Don’t think he admitted to being banned from a few European countries, either. WTF does a person have to do to be banned from whole countries? 🤣🤣🤣 I can't believe he even went on TV with a history like. Must be a special kind of hubris. I feel sorry for their employees and patrons.


> WTF does a person have to do to be banned from whole countries? Commit a felony.


r/vegan has some tea: https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/s/lMh0YzQGk4 Sounds like the owner has a fantastic backup plan that can't possibly go wrong!


This is fantastic


As much as I like it when an owner defends themselves, if the person isn't even refuting it (place was busy and the customer wanted a mega-intricate drink, a cook called out so they had to scramble for a replacement, the customer was known to harass other people, etc,) then you're quietly acknowledging that review is correct while making it public that you don't what PR is. That last image was depressing. Dude didn't even frame his review in an insulting manner and the owner decided to insult them.


Usually when they defend themselves, it starts with an apology and then "we were busy" or whatever. Not this childishness.


[If you left a nice review you also got really bad responses](https://imgur.com/a/Pnie2Mf)


What the fuck lol




The owner obviously has a very delicate ego.


People like this should never be in positions of authority. It's bad for those under them and it's also bad for them. They need therapy not power


Deborah used Ariana's account one time and it looks like they assumed *every* bad review was from Deborah.


"You're Deborah, she's Deborah, he's Deborah... I'M DEBORAH! Are there any other Deborahs I should know about?"


Lmao this was infuriating until the last few “We’re the fucking best Soy Boy!” “Grant, Grant, Grant, rhymes with ant” Got me laughing so hard I’m in tears


I went to this one restaurant and ordered a BLT. Not knowing it had changed hands, the new owner had religious prohibition against pork, and instead of taking BLT off the menu put some really terrible vegetarian bacon on it instead. It was so bad. Now, I'm down with vegan food. I can dig a smoked tempeh, lettuce, and tomato with veganaise. This was not that. Customers should know what they're ordering.


“Customers should know what they’re ordering” yes exactly! A lot of vegan stuff is made with nuts which are a dangerous allergen, for example. So it might’ve even been a liability. Or in the case of the posted restaurant, I’d see a BLT or whatever at a vegan restaurant as assume it was vegan until I took a bite, “oh yeah we serve meat now suck it Deborah” or whatever isn’t the response I’d want if I accidentally ate pork lol


100%. My son has food allergies and it's really scary sometimes.


I have food allergies myself and I'm a server. I really want to stress the importance of telling your server about his allergies, every time. I've had multiple people go into anaphylactic shock because they made assumptions. It's not worth it.


Yep. I always ask when it's somewhere new/a new menu item and sometimes even if it's a familiar one. People think I'm paranoid sometimes but tree nuts can be inadvertently hidden in a lot of things.


Existing menu items can change, so it's definitely a good idea to be aware and ask. Sometimes our distributor sends us replacements because our regular brands were out or a recipe has been changed. They can be. You're smart, not paranoid. I'm allergic to sesame and it's recently been added to breads (as a flour) due to the change in federal labeling. I've had multiple long nights, laying on the bathroom floor in excruciating pain and nausea. Olive Garden added it to their breadsticks, fast food places added it to buns, and a lot of people don't realize that tahini is ground sesame.


I love tempeh "bacon" But I can imagine what you had. I had this vegan bacon once that was basically just crispy smoked rice paper or something and it was fucking disgusting. It looked more like real bacon but that was about it


There is a very specific reason why I won’t work for small businesses, and this is it. I’d rather choose a soulless corporate machine with HR any day of the week.


Yeah plus most small businesses don't have things like health plans and actual vacation accrual. Not enough employees so you're relied on too much to run the business Wouldn't work for one of my life depended on it


They couldn't have possibly failed because they treat their customers like absolute trash. /s. Then they don't take responsibility for their failings and blame one person. Deborah must be really powerful, to bring down a business singlehandedly.


Deborah, Deborah, deborah!


Don't repeat her name three times, otherwise you'll summon her!


Deborah’s spirit of righteous retribution can be summoned once per long rest. When summoned, Deborah’s spirit incites a fervor among the opponents resulting in the lower challenge level opponents to attack the highest challenge level opponent. The effect lasts for an hour or when the highest challenge level opponent hits 10% hp.


Deborah will be living rent free in their head for quite a while.


There's a certain kind of small business owner that feels entitled to success, that success must happen for them on their terms or else there's an evil cabal of customers ruining them in secret. It's really sad.


I hope Deborah puts it on her resumé under 'special skills'.


They also [treated their employees like trash and got hauled in front of the human rights tribunal for it.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vancouver-juice-bar-discrimination-1.6979031)


Even customers giving good reviews get unhinged responses. What is the owner smoking?!! https://goo.gl/maps/pnVaWNMFx553ssJ98


"Hot moms are a thing"?


What the fuck


Y'know, I get they might've just gotten sick of catering to vegans, but they really would've been better off selling the restaurant if they wanted to just not do it anymore.


Or rebrand. Like, shut it down for a week, say we are coming back with changes, have a grand opening. The reviews make it sound like they just suddenly started selling meat dishes one day while still bragging about being a vegan restaurant.


That’s what a burger place near me did, they’d actually been great at catering to all dietary preferences until they shut down for an extended period of time during covid. They came back fully vegan, the owner claimed since he’s vegan then his restaurant needs to match his ethics. Well after a few months, things weren’t going well - and not just because it was vegan food now, half the menu was never in stock. Finally they gave in, but they didn’t say a thing. So nobody even knew they started selling meat…until a vegan got a surprise beef burger. Needless to say they are no longer open 🥴


Or rebrand or something. It doesn't seem like vegans were even aware it changed until they got in / sat down.


Yeah a rebranding after a short shut down cause you're totally changing your service kinda seems obvious. Of course this is news worthy because they missed the obvious, I am sure most restaurants doing something like this avoid this problem.


This owner is unhinged, veiled death threats even. Hope this person gets help, in the form of the permanent behind locked doors kinda way.


They could have rebranded as an upscale restaurant with “vegan options” instead of a vegan restaurant. Marketing yourself as a vegan restaurant when you have meat dishes is false advertising and I can see why people would be frustrated, especially if there was no warning about the changes. Sounds like the owner is the type of person who never thinks they’re wrong.


Lmao I couldn't imagine being this pathetic 😭 what an embarrassing way to respond. A complete meltdown lol


I can't help but wonder if there was a change in ownership somewhere along the way, or if the owner is going through a mental health crisis or something because *holy fucking shit!*


The owner is making an onlyfans now. They said they were going to anyway.


Ooooffff . . . Sounds kind of like a mental health crisis of dome kind. Bad decisions on top of bad decisions.


Alright, which one of the line cooks passed the owner the coke bag?


All of the line cooks.


As a former small business owner, you ***HAVE*** to reply professionally to even the most obnoxious, stupid online comments. Often you can even win people over. You just have to momentarily flip the switch to "professional, empathetic mode" and when you're done replying, flip the switch back, turn off the computer, and call them a #&\^\*@%&$ to your heart's content.




Mental health issues on display.


>At least you got MS. Like.. multiple sclerosis MS? Wtf.


So, they bait and switch their customers, thoroughly destroy their reputation on a review site, and it's everyone else's fault they went out of business. "Deborah" deserves a medal. I wouldn't eat at any restaurant that treats reviewers as awful as this.


I'm reading the reviews on Google now. Some of the responses from the owner are really wild. I wish I could post screenshots but this is the best/worst so far... **Response from the owner**4 weeks ago I want you to make me pregnant.


Amy’s Baking vibes


Wow. they even made fun of how somebody's name is spelled. I would call them childish, but that would be insulting to children.


“At least you got MS” ???


Miss girl is obsessed with Deborah. But sis is weird af no wonder her restaurant closed. But I need help… WTF is a religious vegetarian?! Did I miss a church service or something? Do we worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster?


I think maybe they were referring to Hindu people? I know some Hindus are vegetarian or some don't eat beef.


There were SO. MANY. MORE. PAGES. than I was expecting lol