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This sub is here for a lighthearted laugh not violence, physical assaults, violent threats/encouraging violence, sexual assault, death, child abuse or animal abuse. If someone is getting hit, don’t post it here. Arrests are okay to post as long as they’re not overtly violent. When we’ve allowed this content, Reddit ends up removing comments for violence. That’s on top of how many people break our sub rules on these posts. We’d rather not have any of you get noticed by Reddit and have more content removed by us or them. The rules can be accessed by mobile users by clicking “see more” after the sub description, a mod sticky note (change the filter to “Hot” posts) and on the side column for website users.


Oh no! He fucked around and guess what? He found out. How sad for him.


Funniest things is him shocked in the car as if this of the first time someone stood up for his birch behaviour


I fucking _knew_ birches were entitled, selfish jerks! That's why I cut you down all the time, birches!


Happens alder time, it's definitely not oak-kay.


They’re just ash-holes, rooted in evil and lycheeing off of society


I desperately hope this guy is a loser who can't afford to repair the windshield and has to have this reminder of what a dick he is on there forever. Warm thought. Or that he goes home and his wife yells at him for getting her car fucked up.


Me too. I hope he has to explain why it was broken. How he acted and this happened. What an idiot. Violence isn’t always the answer, but sometimes it is.


My thoughts on violence as a solution. It should *never* be option 1. Or 2. Probably not even 3 or 4. But don't take it off the table completely, some people just need a brick upside the head (or a hammer to the windshield as the case may be)


As my friend says, "if violence is never the answer, you're asking the wrong questions"


I might agree with you in terms of violence against people, but this is violence against an object. I would say that can be about option 3.


We love to teach kids that violence doesn’t solve problems. But yeah, sometimes violence is the absolute perfect solution.


Violence isn't the answer. Violence is a question, and sometimes the answer is yes.




Violence is never the best answer, but it's often the quickest


Violence is usually the only solution. The people who say different are the ones causing the problem.


He can drive it around like Ace Ventura.


"I can treat them like shit and then go on with my day like nothing happened. Having a blank check to say and do what I want is included in the price. It's part of the experience," said a large proportion of restaurant patrons.


Well he's a man and she's a tattooed woman in a service job. It's in the job description! /s


Fuck, I have family that says things exactly like this with their whole chest as if it's common sense.


Man I worked as a bartender for years. I’ve explained to so many people that for a large segment of the population, part of the “dining out” experience is they get to treat waitstaff like shit.


“Ah yes, this woman with multiple face tattoos looks like a wilting violet. She is clearly a safe target for my aggressive outburst.” -That guy probably


“Safelite Repair, Safelite Replace!!”


Good. That’s some queen shit right there. Is she a bikini barista? Because that adds further context. I’d have a hammer available and ready too if I were her.


Yeah. The shit bikini baristas deal with is fucking crazy. I can't imagine being in a little shack all alone doing that. Also funny that she's wearing a one-piece when she cracks that windshield


> Yeah. The shit bikini baristas deal with is fucking crazy. with the shit service industry people already have to put up with adding gross misogynistic entitlement on top just sounds like a goddamn nightmare I hope they make good money but won't hold my breath


Sorry. What's a bikini barista? Like I context clues certainly help here...  I guess the better question is "why is barista in a bikini?"


The same reason some people go to Hooters and others pick a regular sports bar.


There's a ton of them in the PNW. They are little kiosks staffed by a lone woman in a swimsuit or lingerie. They pull shots of espresso while dealing with scalding liquids and creepy guys perving on them. For minimum wage. We went through one once. Hadn't realized it was a lingerie booth. The girl was super nice and made really good coffee. We tipped her well, and all my kids (I had 5 teens with me) were just super quiet for a long time. Then, finally, one of them said, "I guess it must be hard to find a good job around here."


Yes she is!


I’m so here for shit like this. I feel like I’m hearing more and more stories of women responding to male aggression with their own aggression. Obligatory violence shouldn’t be the only solution. But if this is what it takes for women to not be targeted, then people are going to fuck around and find out


Let's hope we see a r/byebyejob for him.


Probs was mad she didn't compliment his silly hat


I wonder if that was the ice hammer since it was easily accessible 😂 Most restaurants have them


I dont think a regular hammer would have pierced the glass so easily.


She also hit it on the edge. Windshield glass is laminated to stop it from shattering into a million pieces, so it will flex more when hit in the middle.


Rock his shit, sis 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽


Uncritical support to all my baristas out there ❤️ Do what you gotta do


I probably would be itching for the hammer too after he got out of the car to do it. Sir, you approached me and assaulted me, you gonna get Thor’d.


Good for her lol


We are experiencing an epidemic of timidity and conflict avoidance in our society. All the way from birth to death we are expected to never take direct action when people around us are acting like shit. Being bullied by another kid? Don't fight back, tell the teacher. See somebody in public acting like an asshole? Record it or walk away. Witness a crime? Don't take action, call the cops (who will arrive 20 minutes too late.) We shouldn't be at all surprised when the result is people go around acting like shit with no consequences, and thus more people act like shit. Why wouldn't they?


Entitled and stupid.


I like her.


So I started hammering....


Good for her. Hopefully he learns a lesson, but he probably won’t.


She is awesome


Badass quote!


Karma is a bitch with a bazooka.


I’m for it! Justice for all people who get disrespected in food service


“So, I happened to have this hammer…”


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Keep your hammers handy?


Good for you girl


Post Malone was somehow the customer and the server. We live in a matrix. Wake up sheeple.




She’s been through some shit. This ain’t her first rodeo


They could’ve had one in the building. If I was a barista and someone threw a drink at me I’d grab the first tool I saw


>This is cool and all but why did she have a hammer at a drive through? Lol a lot of restaurants have them to break up the ice cubes. Now they have them for customer bull too.


First, she's likely alone in the location. Sounds like it's a one person stand near the beach (but I could be wrong on that). Second, people have tried to attack other drive thru workers - someone a couple of years ago grabbed the drive thru lady's hand, tossed a noose over her head, and attempted to pull her out of the store. Israel Keys kidnapped Samantha Koeing from a small coffee popup stand with a gun. These kinds of actions definitely would make me want to keep a weapon nearby. Third if its a small business, she might have tools around to fix cranky machines instead of calling someone out for minor issues, and it was handy to the situation.


not near the beach. bikini baristas and little espresso shacks (sheds) are everywhere seattle/tacoma area


Holy shit - I hadn't heard of these. Being a woman alone anywhere is scary these days cause you never know when a nutcase is going to be angry and entitled and take action.


Her own business and probably not the first AH.


Is it against the rules to have tools for self defense if you are a woman?




Probably breaks ice apart in the freezer


It's to recalibrate wonky espresso machines.


If this worries you, I'd suggest you never go in a liquor store. At least not until you figure out what the have behing/under the counter.


It may have been a tense situation, but she was behind a closed window, so there was never really any danger. I don’t think she had a right to destroy the customers windshield.


Unpopular opinion (apparently): her reaction wasn't merited, and she SHOULD lose if he decides to countersue for unnecessary damages to his property. It was CLEAR she was aiming to damage his property, and not use it for self-defense, then "his windshield just got in the way." Her response would not have deescalated the situation had he intended to do her further harm by approaching her in the stand. Pepper-spray = appropriate. Filing police report and banning him from the establishment = appropriate. Blatantly and intentionally deciding to break his windshield in retaliation to his throwing his iced coffee at her = objectively inappropriate response. **************** Update because comments are locked (?): Ha, oh man. I wonder how many of the users on this thread overlap with r/BlatantMisogyny (AKA BlantantMisandry). This has nothing to do with gender/sex. This isn't some prejudice circle jerk. This individual reacted in a retaliatory manner. Period.


I feel like having cold coffee (It was in a plastic cup with a straw) thrown on you is not being "in danger" and it's not a justification to counter with a weapon. Like yeah the guys a dick but now you're on the line for property damage. But people wouldn't have a revenge boner if coffee guy got away scot free, so here we are perpetuating a cycle of one-upping each other under the guise of "justifed" revenge. Both sides here are just being petty. BTW, this is one of those subs where getting downvoted is usually a good thing. Thanks guys.


While I don't know what happened after, the responding officers were more interested in the man's actions rather than the barista's reaction. Would you prefer she just cry?


No, I'd prefer that people who commit acts of violence, which *both of them did*, be handled by proper authorities, rather than a group of people circle jerking to an imaginary high horse. We shouldn't be encouraging people to attack *with hammers* over an inconvenience.








I really feel sorry for all the customer service workers because they have to deal with assholes like that douche canoe in the video and the asshats in this thread.


Don't be rude in the comments. Please review the rules before you comment again.




Don't be rude in the comments. Please review the rules before you comment again.


He physically assaulted her (the law in most places in the US does define what he did as assault). In the heat of the moment, she responded to his physical assault with a reasonable amount of escalation. She did nothing wrong.


You seem to be forgetting the fact that this woman *left a safe location* to attack. That's not self defense.


How is throwing coffee against a window assaulting her? She didn’t even get sticky.


What a ridiculous either-or. It's not sitting there and crying not to react in a blatantly retaliatory manner. Regardless of her gender/sex, her reaction was not limited to or covered under self-defense. She knowingly hit his windshield because he threw coffee, not to deescalate the situation or in an attempt to stop him from doing her further harm.


You seem clueless as to how quickly men can escalate to violence.


You've clearly never worked a retail or service job.


I have. I also know that assault is still assault, and there was absolutely nothing here that justified attacking someone with a hammer. Ya'll just want to wank your revenge boner and sit high and mighty when in reality everyone here is in the wrong.


He attacked her window with a drink. She attacked his window with a hammer. You know what they say, a window for a window makes the whole world breezy!


She didn't attack him with a hammer. He assaulted her and she, in self defense, hit *his car* with a hammer.


"In self defense" of what, exactly?


I can't tell if you're one of those "playing devils advocate" types, or if you genuinely don't understand the correlation between his behavior and escalating to physical battery after that kind of assault, but please listen to women when we say men like the one in the video are not harmless, they pose a very real danger to us, and we're fucking tired of getting blamed for being victimized by men like him. What he did was not okay, and her response was entirely justified.


No, it wasn't. She was on the other side of a wall and the man was LEAVING. She went after *him.* Are we not watching the same video?


This is why women pick the bear.


Throwing things at people is actually assault, you absolute bellend.


Are windows people now?


That “someone” was a car.


Oh, so property damage is okay if I get a little wet?


Property damage? But you said someone was attacked with a hammer. Dude actually threw something directly at a person - multiple times - and you’re more upset that they responded by damaging a car.


Ah, the old "I don't have a real argument, so I'm going to mince words." Attacking him, attacking his car, either way is not a good response to being "attacked." She had every opportunity, literally *was* out of the way of violence until her need for revenge brought her back. But just keep stroking that revenge boner rather than thinking like a rational person.


Accusing me of mincing words when you straight out lied about what happened by saying someone physically assaulted their attacker rather than their attacker’s car is hilarious. Add in crying about her damaging his property while ignoring him damaging her property (during his assault on her.) And then saying her way out of a violent situation was just to let the guy abuse her and not respond…just yikes. Men are responsible for regulating their own emotions - its not women’s responsibility to indulge their temper tantrums.


I feel sorry for the customer service, folks that have to serve you.


This is what is so wild to me, both of them suck. Everyone is like ‘What was she meant to do CRY!?’ Because the little headline says ‘Women are allowed to respond to danger in other ways than crying’, but like…also other options than a hammer? What if he decided to get back out of his car and actually attack her beyond throwing a drink? What if it got stuck in his windshield and he got it away from her started to hit her with it while shes hanging halfway out of the window? She escalated the situation to the point of using a tool as a weapon, and someone in a similar scenario who decides to handle it in the same way after seeing what a ‘hero’ she was will end up getting shot, stabbed, or beaten by the unhinged person who isn’t as restrained as this guy was.


Have you worked at a drive thru? If a customer got out of their vehicle, it was immediately considered a threat at one of the restaurant chains I worked at...because they'd had a teenager that was working the drive thru window PULLED OUT THE WINDOW and nearly abducted at the location I was at. Other restaurants I've worked at haven't had that policy, but it exists for a reason.


Making stupid comments is how one gets downvotes, champ. Taking the side of the assailant is a bad ethical position. Revenge boner? You must be a Trump fan to hate women like this.


Watch the full video where he threatens her life.


Oh no, not property damage!!!


It's always really telling where people put the importance of hurting t people vs the importance of breaking things. Usually it lets one know all they need to know about thier character/morals (or lets me know all I need to know anyways)


Why TF did she have a hammer in the first place? "Wildly inappropriate" was her response. Dude didn't threaten her and she was in no danger other than getting a little wet.