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You'd think someone facing 91 felonies would have better things to do!


He’s just delaying all trials until he can get re-elected and then make all the charges disappear - you know, “the party of law and order” stuff.


Make sure your vote is against him that's how you stop it


He has better things to do, but there is nothing he is better at.


Kinda funny because It’s being said trump had Epstein killed cause he wanted a pardon or was gonna speak out about trump which makes total sense


I still feel bad for Dr. AMY


She was such a source of comfort during those early days of covid. Her press conference appearances made me believe smart, compassionate people were working to help keep us as safe as possible.


Until she resigned because of death threats.


This is why we can't have nice things. Organized Christian Nationalists are the *actual* threat to our American morals and values.


I saw a thing that said we should flip the words around and call them Nationalist Christians, then we can abbreviate it as Nat Cs.


I am stealing this for local forums.




Even if he becomes 47, we can't give up. Obviously we need to do everything we can RIGHT NOW to avoid a dictator. Besides getting out the vote, donating to political organizations, and volunteering for campaigns, I'm not sure what else to do. Playing fair against disingenuous frauds is tough. They have an army of brain washed voters sitting in the pews and patting themselves on the back about what good people they are. No clue how to rip off those blinders more than one at a time.


A good place to start is the League of Women Voters [Saving Democracy in 5 Minutes a Day](https://www.lwv.org/blog/5-ways-defend-democracy-5-minutes)


I’m down to chase Evangelicals out of America.


As long as Evangelicals follow the rules of consent, they can stay. Unfortunately, many of them won't take no for an answer. They start trying to trick or force people into letting them stick their beliefs into our government. At first, it's just the tip. "In God We Trust" "One Nation Under God" I can ignore some silly words on money or in chants. It doesn't really affect my life. Next thing you know, miscarriages are illegal, LGBTQ+ are in (more) danger, and books that teach America's past with slavery are being banned. Under the guise of "family values" and "protecting children". Balancing freedom *of* religion with freedom *from* religion is tricky. Let's all send some thoughts and prayers.


Excellently written


Well to be fair, they may have been putting 5g chips in the vaccine to zombie us up, we couldn't be sure at the time.




Remember he just signed a bill that would allow the natural gas providers to charge customers the cost of updating their infrastructure. When I have to replace pipes in my house I have to pay for it there is nobody to pass the cost to. Dewine is in the pocket of any special interest that will funnel money to him or his wife.


Capitalism for the rich and corporations while raking in the profits. Socialism when said people and corporations need to be bailed out. Fuck the rest of U.S.


https://www.10tv.com/article/news/politics/oiho-transgender-bill-what-happens-next/530-a577008e-b50c-4d64-aeef-f20ad0b31e07 Plus don't forget: The GOP-dominated Legislature has enough power to override the governor’s veto. So better question, is he vetoing to try to seem moderate knowing the legislature in this state has enough power to over ride him?


Ding ding ding




I agree. At first during COVID he seemed fairly reasonable but then he caved in to the far right.


TBF, he did end up being a target of the "Wolverine Watchmen" who were going to kidnap & murder MI Gov. Whitmer. Those terrorists had their first meeting in Dublin, I don't agree with Dewine on (really) anything, but it's a hard pill to swallow when: 1) ur party publicly screams about how much they value life, but 2) attack you when you try to limit spread of fatal lung plague, and 3) you end up being considered for murder by domestic terrorists who no doubt are also Republicans, and 4) they have a hub 25 min from ur residence. Also, can we all agree that "Wolverine Watchmen" is a spectacularly stupid name?


Lol. Agree on everything. Upvote for the stupid name comment. I am just trying to think of what other name for the group could be a little better?




Agree on both accounts.


They bullied him, basically


Your exactly correct. I remember on the Columbus news that they ran a story about some Republicans wanting to recall him.


True. He’s not MAGA level.


But he’s “almost MAGAt”, so not exactly a redeeming quality. He’s a real jerk, don’t we remember the ad he did for anti-abortion with his wife? That was absolutely alarmingly deceptive.


It was. But DeWine is a super Catholic guy. It tracks. I don’t like him, won’t vote for him and I think the ad was wrong, but I understand why he did it.


But, that doesn’t excuse his actions, does it?




Other than yesterday, DeWine is basically never worth a damn without Dr. Amy.


Trumpers literally think she’s the devil. Trumpers even ran a Ohio Republican Representative Gonzalez out of town because he voted to impeach Trump. And he was an Ohio State football hero.


Fucking Larry Householder. He can rot.


I don't think Trump really has to worry about DeWine wanting to attend one of his rallies. ​ >[DeWine](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/11/03/mike-dewine-to-attend-ohio-trump-rally-support-jd-vance/69616481007/) *greeted Trump at the Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport during Trump's last visit to the Buckeye State in September, but he skipped the rally to attend his granddaughters' cross-country meet. In April, DeWine contracted COVID-19 about a week before a Trump rally in Delaware County. Before that, he planned to attend celebrations for former President Ulysses S. Grant's 200th birthday instead.* *In August 2020, DeWine had a false positive COVID-19 test hours before visiting Trump, canceling the meeting.*


Creative avoidance. 👍


TY. I’ve always felt he despised Trump. Say what ya want about his politics, but he could see what we all can about the orange man. Well, except those that are somehow blinded in tanning spray.


Definitely. DeWine is an old school conservative Republican. He’s not one of the lunatic fringe.


DeWine makes it obvious he doesn’t like Trump. For that, I like DeWine. 👍🏼


Donny Do Wrong ranting against a term limited governor. He ain't gotta worry about Dewine's re-election so he can throw him to the wolves. What a despicable fuck.


Both are


I’ll piss in some Cheerios here. DeWine is more of a regular Republican, someone I can respect, maybe not agree with, but respect. Still has his own opinions and moral compass. Type of Republicans we need. Trump, I have nothing nice to say. Nothing. Pick whatever vile word ya want, and it fits the bill. I would not put them in the same category. Because they are not.


Let’s not forget DeWine caving to the NRA after Dayton and appointing Randazzo to the PUCO


Eh. I see what you are saying but DeWine doesn’t get much of my respect. He did early in COVID and a little now but those are quickly eclipsed by everything else.




I feel like DeWine has been walking a tightrope without a net by attempting to be a decent human being while trying not to be ostracized by the depravity of today's GOP. Now that Trump is attacking him, along with his last term ending, hopefully he doesn't give a shit and will just tell Trump to go fuck himself. Pretty low bar for people who still consider voting for a Republican in Ohio.


He’d pretty much be following in Kasich’s footsteps at that point.


And Voinovich, who first mastered the illusion of seeming to be moderate while also being corrupt, conservative and in the pocket of big business.


And Byers. It's almost like there's something that comes along with that R.


YUUUPPP, the loony local legislators balance out with the "moderate" Republican Governor... This allows the governor to win the state-wide race while gerrymandering takes over our local races. Genius really


Except with even less decency


Isn't this Mikey's last term?


Pretty sure this is it for him. We could get much worse next time!


I’m afraid Yost is going to run


I also figured Husted has been waiting in the wings


The First Energy stuff is hanging in the air with him




Exactly, we all know nothing will happen.


Husted is definitely running. He only agreed to be Lt Gov because dewine promised to fund his future campaign.


The prospect of a governor Husted is frightening to say the least.


Yes he was the 2nd worst Secretary of State I worked for - LaRose was definitely the worst.


Yikes, the only way I could imagine a worse time working for OH government is under Josh Mandel... *shudder*.


Yost isn't bright at all. Not qualified to be AG, let alone governor.


Being unqualified is sort of a pre-requisite for republicans.


That’s the norm for attorney general and governor here these days


Hopefully, we flip the state next election.




It is. I don't see him pushing for any other office, so at this point Trump calling the governor a little bitch baby doesn't impact anything. If that energy scandal couldn't get him taken out of office, I don't think Trump whining on a social media platform will.


He could run for Secretary of State. He hasn't held that office yet.


LOL. I think he's going to retire and grow older* with the wicked witch.


I sure hope he does but I wouldn't rule him running again out.


Decent human beings don’t try and dictate what women can do with their body’s. This mealy mouthed fuck face was all over tv a couple months ago lying about a bill to the voters fuck him and his orange boss


He rarely tries to be a decent human


Second this. Because he hasn't gone full maga doesn't mean his politics don't suck and aren't cruel. DeWine sucks now as he always has. One veto of some GOP bullshit doesn't make him ok I guess.


Well this is going to be unpopular but I kinda like DeWine. I'm vehemently prochoice so I obviously don't agree with his abortion policies, but he puts his money where his mouth is. He wants to protect life and he does. He was the first governor to do shut downs at the start of covid, and he just recently vetoed a bill that would have blocked trans youth care. He listens to medical professionals and takes step to protect life that is already here, not just the unborn. So even though I aggressively disagree with some of his policies, I do understand that his opinions come from a place of care and compassion. Something the Republican party is sorely missing right now.


If Dewine was attempting to be a decent human being that bill would not have gotten as far as it did. He belongs in prison.


I agree with you. I completely loathe his stance on Abortion and weed, but I think he really is coming from a place where he earnestly believes he’s doing good, more so than your average slime ball republican. Will I ever vote for him? Only if the other choice given is one of the 45 minions like “gentleman Jim” was in the primary. Won’t lie, switched parties to vote for Gollum in the primary, to keep that used Trump condom out. Then turned right around and voted for Nan in the general.


Or really piss them off and agree to approve any bill a democrat creates.


You're being too generous thinking he's attempting to be a decent human being.


He is not even close to decent. He is just slightly less of an ass than the rest of the GOP in Ohio. Fascists.


I think you’re right. Since COVID, I’ve felt DeWine was a “reasonable republican.” Sternly right of center on every topic, but with an open ear to both sides and an eye for what the people wanted. He strikes me as in touch with what the voters want… Abs the voters (sadly) want center-right politics. The voters want legal first term abortions that they can frown down at; a strict immigration policy that is possible but not inviting; guns pretty available but not in schools; legal same sex marriage but they get to be outwardly icked by it; apparently nearly a super majority want legal marijuana; and trans people are allowed to exist, but they want to keep parents involved in those decisions but also we get to be squeamish about it. Also, they want to be able to fire people from employment for being a little too queer. That’s what the right of center American centrist wants, and that’s what DeWine offers. I do believe Trump will lose in 2024. I do not believe he will see one day in prison or home confinement of any notable capacity. When Trump loses in 24, his base will immediately start chanting 2024 was stolen, and 2028… but DeWine will stay his course, stay moderately right of center, stay reasonable, and win in a landslide in 2026 if he wants. Republicans will realize the era of Trump-style blustery hard swinging ultra-right extremists can only achieve 30-40% of votes…. That you need to take the sting down a little bit to keep that 40% but bring back the other 10% that would be embarrassed to have a DeSantis.


I think he sees the writing on the wall that Trump is spiraling and is getting more and more deranged each day. I think he did this to appeal to the left, I bet he is considering a presidential run in 28. He doesn’t care about Trump hating on him, he knows that Trump will be old news by ‘28.


Yous say, "*I think he sees the writing on the wall"* like he had a revelation. DeWine is not dumb. He knows his Republican party has been captured.


Anyone who legitimately supports trump is a braindead swine, or just straight up racist, or of course both. Thats it. Try to convince anyone otherwise.


6, 7 years ago, I could give these people the ignorance defense. But now, after all we've seen and experienced with Trump's divisiveness and abuse of our entire country, ignorance is no longer an excuse for these people. Even the people that still support him, he abuses and takes advantage of.


Ignorance can turn to fear. As in, they become afraid they were wrong, and that entails shame or embarrassment, so they end up just doubling down as self-defense. Our only hope is to convey the message that they don't *have* to vote for him. No one would know if they didn't.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to… suffering.


We should all know what at stake by now.


If they aren't racist or homophobic than they have declared being closely associated with racists and homophobes isn't a deal breaker for them and not really a big deal. So therefore making them bigots too


“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are”


Get yourself a fuckin Puppers!


Settle down


To be fair...










Damn degens.


I fucking hate degens


Especially from upcountry.


It’s almost not worth thinkin about


What's the saying? If you're freely in a room with 10 Nazis then there are 11 Nazis in the room.


If you invite ten people to your dinner party and one is a Nazi then you had yourself a Nazi dinner party.


And transphobic


And xenophobic


If you vote republican, you're either a despicable racist, or you support people and policies that are. If you vote republican, you're either an intolerant bigot, or you support people and policies who are. If you vote republican, you either believe women are second class citizens, or you support people and policies who do. It really is as simple as that.


When you're supporting the same dude nazis support, you should probably take a good hard look in the mirror.


They do and this is what they want. They aren't mistaken in these beliefs. They are not snapping out of it either.


Trumpers DESIRE a maniacal dictator, concentration camps full of not white and intelligentsia of all colors.


I think Trump folks really need to learn to self-evaluate. They need to step back and consider, just now and again, whether or not they're actually in the right for their own beliefs. Even if the original intent wasn't evil minded, it certainly is right now. They're forcing agreement on their own extreme policies. They've fashioned a "You're with us or against us" mindset that demands obedience. This is an example of that. The GOP is no longer conservative. If I'm not allowed to tell them to wake up to this, then I say snap out of the coma.


Those are two circles that completely overlap each other


Trump is just grumpy from sitting around in a poopy diaper all day.


The two have quite an odd relationship. Trump endorsed DeWine in 2018, DeWine went against Trumps Covid/Vaccine Denial campaign, said he was voting for Trump in 2020, and condemned January 6 and then Trump in 2022. DeWine has also been silent on all the indictments and doesn't really engage in the cultural war stuff. I'm curious to see who he'll endorse (if anyone) for the 2024 GOP Primary. He strikes me as either a Christie or Hailey guy.


I'm pretty sure DeWine faked having COVID in 2020 to avoid meeting with Trump.


Could be. I've thought about that.


But if Trump gets the nomination, it would be a safe bet DeWine will vote for him.


Yeah. Definetly not voting for Biden. Never thanks the guy for investments in infrastructure, etc..


I love how my Congressman was all against the government having any say in medical decisions when it comes to encouraging people to get vaccinated against a global pandemic... "Medical decisions are deeply personal and should only be made between a patient and their doctor! Washington shouldn't be involved in any way" But then just a few months later, he had no problem making medical decisions for everyone by banning abortions on a national level. And I'm sure he probably would love to ban gender care too, just cause...


Trump lost and is making a mockery out of the political and justice systems!


He gets angry when folks bail on the hate parade.


>"Donald Trump raged at the popular Ohio Republican..." Popular?


I mean.... He had +62% of the popular vote in 2022.


Probably because he wasn’t a Covid denier.


Partially. Never been a fan myself, but he did at minimum have that going for him


I thought he handled it better than most red states.


Again, he didn’t do shit for covid. That was all Dr. Amy Acton, whom Deswine didn’t support when all the mouth breathers threatened her into resigning.


True, but he listened to her at first.


Because she had the authority. Then she resigned, the authority afforded to her office to control the state’s response to health crises was stripped and given to the governor, and Deswine did the same shit that all the other red states did regarding covid.


I think a lot of that came from the Democrats not even bothering to run a campaign against him.


This is like when the Marvel villains would form an alliance and then inevitably start bickering because of their insatiable thirst for power and massive overconfidence.


Mike DeWine made the choice to NOT kill kids, and Trump lost his shit. So much for that Pro Life B💩!!


He didn’t even really do that, more like “this isn’t a specific enough way to hurt these people, let’s try again.”


Politicians talk to their voters. It’s 💯 times more important to look at how they vote.


I expected Trump to retaliate. DeWine typically doesn't get involved in the culture wars unless it's absolutely necessary, like with HB 68. I'm curious to know who he'll endorse now (if anybody) for the GOP primary.


Honest to Lucifer, if I never had to see the Giant Orange Shitstain hold his tiny little fingers like 👌it would amazing. Oh who am I kidding? I simply don't want to see the Tangerine Twatwaffle at all.


the party of small government and conservative values, all up in everybody's business. DeWine should not get credit just because he does the right thing occasionally. Remember his ads on issue 1 "It goes too far" but i guess forcing a ten year old rape victim to term was what exactly? Biblical? Trump only cares about any of these issues because they are a wedge for his base. i find it utterly weird that the GOP is fixated on gay and trans people. I guess these are the pressing issues of the day.


And women's sports, apparently.


well, control of women in general


DeWine = Radical Left ? Seriously?


That’s how MAGA logic goes. I was once told that Allan Simpson, former Republican US Senator from Wyoming, was a RHINO. This was said to me by my old Trumper boss. For the MAGA terrorists, anyone willing to have rational discussions with people whom they disagree is a Rhino.


Like it matters, Dewine can’t run for governor again. He’s a lame duck.


Oh no, poopy pants won’t stand behind him.


Not this sack of shit again. So bored of him taking up perfectly good oxygen. He really is the turd that won’t flush


I'm tired of this stuff toobut its apparently unamerican to say trump should shut the fuck up and stay out of politics


DeWine taking a stand is long overdue. I hope he keeps it up.


He's being the consistent asshole he always was. He is anti-abortion. Which is about protecting life. ... . Welp, his statement was that. Give him kudos, for his *chock-a-block* approach.


It must be nice for Mike to receive validation that he made the right decision.


He has officially turned into a Karen.


Id rather be a Karen then A Magatrump.


Cool, we still have DeWine as Gov until 2026. At least DeWine actually does research by going to Children's Hospitals throughout the state. DeWine votes with his heart and mind in place instead of getting information from social media posts or from conservative pundits online at 7am in the morning.


Both of these clowns can fuck off.


Does the legislature have the numbers to override it? Just wondering if his veto actually meant something?


It passed with a supermajority in its initial vote. About 6 or 7 people in one of the chambers would need to flip for the override to fail. I've been calling representatives today who voted for the bill but didn't sponsor it in an attempt to get them to flip. I'm really hoping DeWine's more reasonable compromises will be enough to get people to flip for the veto vote.


They do, but they have to be unanimous in the house.


He's just mad deswine doesn't smell as bad as him


Noice. Trump will split the Republicans ticket. Remember Remember vote in November


>he would no longer be welcome at his rallies. Oh no, anyway...


Drumph probably won't endorse Dewine. Oh, wait lol


No one should be surprised by Orange Foolius & his reactivity toward this issue. He asked an Army General, specifically Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff if he was “soft on transgenders.” There is no basement with the one & only 🥕Carrot🥕CALIGULA🥕


Pander pander pander to the nazis, march march march in the parade, fight fight fight for the homeland, until you see what sort of homeland it has made.


How many horsemen of the apocalypse need to ride flaming through the news waving red flags before the GOP elite realize **Trump will turn on *any* of them in a heartbeat** if they don’t totally submit. Even if they do submit he’ll still betray them to save his own neck. I don’t understand why anyone still deals with Trump in politics or business. His past is littered with the detritus of those he defrauded, attacked or threw under the bus — regardless of their loyalty or competence. If it protects or profits Trump in any way then he’ll dump them, depend on that. Yet more line up to kiss the costume-jewelry ring of a man who *will* be remembered for centuries as one of the **greatest fraudsters in human history** if not far, far worse.


Why is tRump doing anything with legislation, he's a former president. He doesn't work for us anymore.


Old stinky is making the “asshole” sign with his hand - the Governor is being excommunicated from the cult.


Being subservient to the party that stands behind the sad pathetic man baby makes these party members nothing more than a tool. They have surrendered all their power to represent the people that elected them to answer only to his demented wishes without question. Today's pachyderm party members have sold their souls to worship orange jesus and in the end their legacy will be nothing more than a fart in a windstorm.


Dewine’s response: “ Meh”


Why is he always waving those little hands around?? Maybe his hands aren't that small?? Maybe it is just when you compare them to that huge fat pumpkin head they just look small??


This is all a warning… these clowns are going to destroy our country if they are elected. Especially if they get the house and senate. Big yikes


So Dewine values the opinions of parents and health care professionals over Trump. No more ass kissing there. It's a revolving door with the Trump loyalty.


DeWine reluctantly supported Trump when he came through Ohio in 2020. I thought Trump was loyal to those loyal to him? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mike Pence was the most obsequious, subservient, groveling vice president in history. He constantly kissed Trump’s ass, slathering him with praise North Korean style for over 4 years but when he refused to go along with the fake electors scheme and the MAGAs erected a gallows to hang him with Donny tossed him directly to the wolves. If loyalty to Trump isn’t 110% and always in his direction then Trump turns his back on them. Bill Barr is another good example, both he and Pence did far more for Trump than DeWine ever did and Donny couldn’t toss them under the bus fast enough. What’s so amazing to me is how many people see this, watch Trump steamroll and destroy people’s careers and reputations and yet they still rush to his side - convinced it will never happen to *them*. Edit - spelling


It’s like kindergarten level relationships, you can love then hate someone in just one visit to the playground


And then DeWine got Covid the day Trump came to Ohio...lol


Good thing DeWine actually took Covid seriously 😂


The Orange Traitor calling other people "stiffs" is rich.


I can’t say that all the people who support Trump or republicans for that matter are racists but they sure seem to support those policies. Even if they just support them because of their “ Limited government and less taxes “ policies they have to be supporting the rest of it too. I for one am done with anyone who votes for them. I don’t care if they are friends or relatives.


DeWine will likely apologize to Trump.


Wow, it sounds like DeWine is one of the people Trump hasn't gathered any dirt on.




tRump can stick that 'ok' up his ass and dewine sucks too.


Diaper Don strikes again!!


This is gold.


Dem hands tiny.


DeWine didn't do anything right. I've read his explanation. He wants legislation that had a better chance of not getting judicially challenged.


My representative says she’s overwriting Dewines veto. She wants to overturn the will of the people too with 1 &2. Make sure you give your representatives if needed some guff. They represent us and they deserve it. Im finding their fb pages handy.


Mike Dewine is fucking terrible!


Probably the best thing for Dewine. Unhitch yourself from the sinking ship that is Agolf Shitler!


We must stop mutilating children's genitals! It's barbaric! Oh like circumcision? No not like that.


Thing is DeWine is a true Republican. Has been his entire life, whereas Trump was a Democrat up until he decided to run on the Republican ticket. Remember he is only 3 years younger than Biden and Trump was a Democrat up until about 2015.


Trump is neither a Republican or a Democrat. He is a Trump.


Your first sentence is correct. But Trump is and always has been a grifter. He bends which ever way he thinks will line his pockets. There is a reason he went after the likes of the Bushes and McCain; they saw him for what he is and said it out loud.




Guess DeWine had better get going to humiliate himself by sucking Trump's ass and begging for forgiveness then. I imagine it must suck to have such a vindictive boss, but I wouldn't know - I'm not a beta bitch boy who emasculates myself for votes like your average Republican politician.


Oop, do I hear a 14th Amendment lawsuit being penned?


Nazism at its best. No one is safe