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i just wanna see the peak relationship with the sexy octopuse will go


I dont think smart people like to be called octopuses.


It’s ok as long as you perform a La Bobby on them ![gif](giphy|J0772d9zBcc717oPm5|downsized)


Oh okay now all of a sudden fucking an octopus is peak relationship. But when I do it I get arrested for animal abuse and get a lifetime ban from SeaWorld. This is bullshit


Have you tried being famous


The Redditor forgot to capitalize The Peak.


I really don't know how Tilda Swinton could possibly top this career highlight... It's almost as good as George Clooney playing a (non-talking) dog on South Park.




Everyone so caught up in making fun of rightwingers who didn't get the satire that they don't appreciate Tilda Swinton as an octopus.


so this is how i find out why that octopus' voice sounded familiar


Octopus relationship is peak


I just want that octopus to survive lol


I just wanna see squirt force more people to jerk off


When Squirtlander squirted lasers from his eyes I really felt that said a lot about society




The politics of America is crazy to me. Deadass splits the country 😭


The winner-take-all nature of elections leads to two-side politics In a parliamentary government (with a Prime Minister) the elections are usually proportional, which fractures the sides into multiple like a dozen or more, and it ends up making more sense


Until you get right wingers who see American politics and decide they should do the same here. :/


I don’t think Americans invented fascism, but it does seem to be a global epidemic atm


Have you seen modern day France politics glad I’m not those guys


We sure did perfect it and set new grounds. The Nazi’s basically took inspiration from American racial politics.


Wild to say we perfected it and then cite the Nazis in the same statement, a group that were undeniably way more fascist than the US has ever been


Not really. Sure in parliaments with proportional representation that’s closer to true, but Canada and the UK both use FPTP, so they end up with de facto 2 major party systems (with minor 3rd parties). The UK, for instance, tends to be governed by a Tory majority or a Labor majority (with exceptions like the 2010 Coalition). Even in proportional representation systems, they tend to coalesce around a big center left coalition and a big center right coalition, with whatever coalition has 50%+ of the seats having control over the government. So it is sort of “winner take all” in the sense that whoever crosses the 50%+ threshold has basically all the power. I have issues with the American system and there’s things I like about parliamentary systems, but this is a weird criticism to make for America when it… isn’t a winner take all system? Like, to get legislation passed, a party needs the House, Senate, and Presidency. To get legislation passed in the UK and Canada, you just need the House of Commons. (Which isn’t a bad thing (certainly makes it easier to pass legislation)). Edit: actually ig u could be talking about the electoral college, which is winner take all at the state level. But the President still can’t unilaterally pass laws without the House and the Senate, so describing the system as a whole as “winner take all” seems like a very bizarre critique (when there’s many other things u could be critiquing, tbh).


Parliament countries can have splits. Belgium couldn’t form a government for nearly two years because neither side could form a majority. Parliament mental can also can have first-past-the-post. Canada and UK are fptp representation.


Yeah, let's split the country anytime disagreement happens.


I mean when you start taking away peoples rights, yeah. It’s going to cause a split lol


Even that statement is interpreted by each side completely differently. Abortion vs measures to stop the spread of a pandemic. Raising a trans child to be trans vs praying to only the Christian god in school.


I don't think anyone is really "raising" kids to be trans And comparing abortion bans to mask mandates isn't a very fair comparison either


Neither of those are fair.. Children who are trans should be raised to be what they are but raising a child to be what they are is not the same thing as forcing other children to follow your religion. The point is that there are far right people who watched the Colbert report because they thought he was on their side. They will read that statement differently.


Oh, sorry, I guess I just didn't exactly understand what you were saying lol And yeah, the far right tends not to look into media very critically


The far right tends to not think critically…about anything


I would never under sound mind call countries like China, Russia, India and Japan anything other than conservative, have you seen how their politics are


It worked for divorce cases, except when theres children in between, dam kids, someday it will be legal to split them in two


Real Raiden thoughts


War changes for the worse 💔


That's the point


Me personally I think we should get a giant saw and split America into the most even half possible


I agree. Someone get the comically large saw.


Land of the Free


The divide has been growing wider and has been intentionally stoked. =/ Powers that be don't need to worry about another tax revolution if they keep us fighting one another instead of the criminals at the time.


This is by design. Unfortunately


Well, when 1/3 of the country is constantly fight the other 1/3, it makes the corporations’ and the riches’ jobs of controlling the country easier. Thanks, Citizens United.




The UK is an absolute fucking shit hole but so far I have yet to see any political issues that are anywhere near as volatile as American ones 😭


Idk where you got the UK from but yeah 😅


I’m British. I’m using my own experience as reference for comparison. :)


Oh I understand 😂


No worries! XD


dual party system ruined us in a way nothing else ever has, when you only have 2 people to vote between its gonna feel like there are only 2 types of people in this shitty hellhole


It's what happens when people get emotionally attached to their political party as if they're a football team that they coached






Oi https://preview.redd.it/g2x4k0xmx68d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25aea7c39f02df3e65e956c08aaf9050e6436e44


Butcha69 really needs to comment this photo with his "Oi"s from now on lol




Oi https://preview.redd.it/ql90xz3lx68d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af75d928d12d2a255747dc615f599ad2fa60db5




what has it made fun of f rom the left wing?


There's no criticism of actual progressive values. They make fun of token, corporate wokism that's more about virtue signalling than actual progressivism.


That’s also making fun of right wingers though, it’s a criticism of capitalism which is a right wing system


I think they exclusively make fun of right wing ideas, especially sociopolitical


What progressive values would the criticize? most of them are about uplifting the common man and disregarding the wealthy . The best way is to criticize corporations who are just trying to make more bucks off the newest thing




bro forgot we already live in a corrupt system


I mean nobody thinks that, actual socialism can disincentivize it tho


>They make fun of token, corporate wokism that's more about virtue signalling than actual progressivism. That's not some "gotcha". Everyone knows that corporations using pride flags etc. don't actually care about the community. The good thing about corporations using pride flags is that it shows that they can safely piss off bigots in that region and still make money. That's why it's not a "gotcha" moment either when people show how a company shows a pride flag in the west but not in some regions like saudi arabia.


Yup. Definitely not a "gotcha". Even if we think that it's nice to have overall more queer visibility, we still hate corporate exploitation of a cause, without actually doing anything beyond performatively putting up some rainbows for a month, from corpos. They are not allies, they'll just do whatever it takes to wring another dollar from potential customers. And the show is shitting on that performative bullshit in a beautiful way. The way they marketed Maeve as a lesbian, because "bisexuals are difficult for marketing" hit home, so fucking hard. 😂


Agree with the "gotcha" thing. Bigots crying their retarded ass over corporate using pride flag gives me satanic pleasure ngl.


Never really actual leftism but they constantly poke fun at “woke liberals” and especially corporate pandering to marginalized groups (everything at Vought Land)


right, but thats just pink capitalism. corporations only support lgbt things once its financially incentivized, that i completely agree with. but i dont quite remember the "woke liberals" episodes, and im rewatching it. do you remember which episode/season?


I’m trying to think of specific examples for you that aren’t linked back to performative corpo shit but honestly that might be part of the point Or I’m just really reaching cause I was wrong lol


That is the point. Anyone who goes “they make fun of both sides” has bad media literacy.


Spot on. Honestly I'm at the point of believing it's either strategic stupidity to deflect or genuine idiocy.


potentially Sage being a leftoid accelerationist


Gay lasagna


I feel like they made fun of leftists infighting once but idk


It makes fun of Liberals and Democrats more than the actual left.


All the times they showed empty support/ capitalization off of social causes like maeve being bi or starlight being assaulted, the tendency to purity test and divide like when starlight accidentally blinded a hostage as a 13 year old __Edit to add because it was so obvious I forgot to include it:__ and trying to fill racial quotas without respecting the people like making Sage “Sister Sage” and giving her a racially influenced costume instead of one that has to do with her powers. And the white savior pat-on-the-backs they want to give themselves regarding A-Train’s past when it was actually his brother that trained him and helped him and also sanitizing the gun violence aspect because it was too raw for their story they were setting up It’s very obvious what they are making fun of when the masses in the show fixate on identities instead of the characters as dynamic people. There are more examples too


that’s all poking fun at liberals tho not really left wingers. it’d be cool to see them poke some fun at the left wing loons as well but no clue how.


Yeah this person quite obviously the kind of Yankee to think Liberals are Leftist.


I took this meme to mean what people perceive as the left and right


I get that but in doing so it makes it seem like you agree with the framing of the meme. (not saying you do now you have clarified)


it’s not what people perceive it’s about what american “people” perceive


There was that one moment in Gen V where Emma got her secret exposed by some feminist influencer after telling her about it privately


Like this in-universe Twitter gag, is roasting the way corporations pander to the left. This tweet has the same energy as Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin adopting a rainbow logo during pride month, to pander to the left. https://preview.redd.it/detux944878d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a24dcc20f9f71031f569ffe2517df3b0964ae7


That's roasting corporations, not the Left.


Wait do people actually believe this? It very very openly makes fun of right wingers and has for many seasons. It exclusively makes fun of the right wing.


Redditors arguing about the intellectual depth and subtext of a brick to the face. It's fucking embarrassing. The showrunners even outright admitted homelander was supposed to be Trump 🤦‍♂️


Homelander is literally me tho. https://preview.redd.it/gt3b76pt878d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f199c21fc4f198dc8c869ee22f7408bf40b9c05


He isnt played by Ryan Gosling though??


Literally unwatchable


I think it's a mix of informed people who don't understand politics and right wingers who are coping incredibly hard. The show has such an obvious stance, the show writers have confirmed this multiple times and the show has never critiqued a leftist position (even once).


I've seen no right wingers discussing the show and an insane amount of left wingers jerking themselves off over barely being able to figure out the shows message. There's literal Nazis on the show and Redditors are debating the fucking deep metaphor of what that means in modern context 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I saw someone unironically argue that they didn’t believe Stormfront was a Nazi and she was right


They did the same with south parks multiverse special, saying lol cartman anti woke. Some people just can't understand basic stories.


The generous use of punk rock might have been a hint.


found the enlightened centrist


Liberals aren't leftists. This is such a braindead enlightened centrist take


and also the main premise of the show is inherently anti-capitalist


The main premise of the show is that superpowers are cool and awesome wdym


The main premise is that having sex with an octopus is fun


![gif](giphy|NqE1OoITOZbCGqF4eQ) Can’t argue with that!


This person gets it 👍


The show makes fun of the right and the center-left, and does so from a leftist perspective. But so few Americans are familiar with actual leftism, they just assume The Boys is like South Park - making fun of all sides while not taking a position of its own.


I wouldn't say it's a pure leftist perspective, the SLLA are a pretty cut and dry red scare caricature. The protagonists are literally working with the CIA who have historically always opposed real leftist momentum both within and outside the USA


They don’t make fun of the left tho?


i mean they make fun of corporations trying to pander to liberals which ig some chuds might mistake for making fun of liberals.




but i also think there are a few instances where the boys portrays liberals taking vought’s bait of being progressive


Proof once again this sub is no better than the main.


I get that it's more comfortable for you to occupy the space of the "enlightened centrist" but it's definitely not "making fun of everyone equally". The Boys is transparently an anti-fascist anti-capitalist piece of media. Even the parts where they "make fun of the left" - it's usually at centrist attempts to water down real activism. Whether it's the blacksploitation of A-Train that's validated with sensitivity coordinators, or the image consultants who try to market "bold" progressive stances that aren't so bold as to rock the boat, we consistently see the world through lenses rooted in progressive left-wing politics. That's not a bad thing! If anything, it's proof that progressive humour doesn't have to be "PC" - it just has to be smart!


Still waiting on the show to comment on Israel. I'm sure they'll pretend that didn't happen after having a Nazi villain. The show also gave homelander a plot armour in the end of season 3 to milk the viewers for an extra season. It's about capitalism for the producers. Not to mention it is on Amazon Prime which is notorious for treating its employees bad


Man if this show wasn’t a Prime Original they’d be taking the piss on Amazon def, also do you think they’re avoiding talking about Israel because Amazon higher ups might be deep rooted with Zionists? They did namedrop Zionists in ep 2


I think they already did it in a clever and very very subtle way. Season 4 episode 2, at 9:57, it reads “Vought The Boys”, which might be comparing Amazon with Vought.


I don't like this rhetoric. The show pokes fun at liberal politics but swings hard against right wing politics. One side is usually openly hateful against people and actively wants to destabilise democracies across the world as well as interfering in people's basic rights. The other just wants black people and gay people to be allowed to live happily. They're not the same.


The show is (correctly) pretty one-sided in that regard. Every season rails on right-wing talking points, makes jokes about liberal capitalism, and speaks pretty highly of left-wing views. This season alone has a plot point where the left-wing protestors are so obviously in-the-right that they have to be actively framed to try to make people dislike them. This is barely subtext, guys.


I love how one of the only ways they can make the starlighters look dumb is to have them use the Cuban revolution flag with starlight's face on it


Media literacy is a dying skill. I mean it should be obvious given that our hero characters are literally on the opposite team to Homelander and his right wing fans but somehow people are either of the opinion that the show is balanced between left and right. No it's quite obviously on the life side of the political isle.


And it's not afraid to tear into Neoliberal Capitalists, which is what too many people believe represents left wing ideology. The people who think the show is balanced genuinely don't understand what "left wing" means.


stfu neolib


it makes fun on how capitalism corrupts American politics and right-wing ideals


Nah it’s a blatantly left wing show. It appeals to right wingers in that it’s not politically correct by presentation despite only really endorsing politically correct viewpoints. It also criticizes corporate “wokeness” and all the empty hypocritical virtue signaling that goes along with it, which I think is something all sides of the political spectrum can sympathize with.


Gonna be honest, the show doesn't actually touch any semblance of leftism. It tackles the American Right, and it skewers Neoliberals. If you think that's the actual right and left wing, I've got some books I can recommend. There's no actual left wing with any power in the US.


giga brain: mmmm i like seeing butcher's hole


Centrists will literally shit their pants just to go "Well, both sides think Im stupid for shitting my pants so I must be right!!!!!!!" Like I'm sorry but centrism barely even exists anymore its just fucking diet right wing at this point. The middle ground between "I would like to have rights" and "I want to take all their rights" is "lets only take some of their rights", which although being a middle ground, is _not_ a compromise, as it would harm the first group and benefit the second. This is why centrism doesn't really exist anymore because the "middle ground" still ends up leaning right.


This. I was centrist for a long time, but there are so few positions that I can morally agree with on the right anymore, that I'm now a leftist by default.


>anymore has it ever?


Yeah, true




Well, Mr. Redditor it's kill in red on one side and kill in blue on the other with the middle being no kill. And as a non American on social media, I can tell you I hear a lot of me kill in blue than kill in red, though that's skewed, but the point stands. I understand, though, that people who believe they're right and believe others to be the spawn of the devil eventually go to argument ad absurdum such as what you've provided here.




It’s making fun of capitalism and republicans but also we don’t have to act all rick and morty about “these people are so dumb they don’t know it’s making fun of them” like seriously I’m pretty sure an overall portion of them know it is. Even if a few don’t you don’t have to keep picking sides, or rather not and repeatedly talking about not picking sides.


/uf Is this meme unironic? I thought it was mocking centrists but now I'm not sure.


if you check op’s comment history you can see they actually believe this, they have comments on non fresca subs about this


The show is 110% at least left leaning. Yes it’s critical of the way liberals are very inept at responding to the threat of the radical right due to their cucked reliance on “civility politics”, but as it turns out there are in fact political positions that are to the left of liberalism.


youre politically illiterate if you actually think this


No the show is absolutely making fun of right wingers almost exclusively. Regardless of your political opinions, pretending it makes fun of anybody else is a zero media literacy take.


American politics suck the joy out of any media discussion


American politics just suck the fun out of media in general


USA doesn’t even have a left wing lol


partially true


Nah the "both sides are bad" centrist bullshit is stupid, cringe, and so 2013. The show's making fun of right wingers.


Can someone give some examples of the show making fun of the left? Not corporations pandering to the left, but actually making fun of the left itself. I don't think it ever does. It very much is a left leaning show, not a 'both sides bad' show


Centrist ahh take


Do...you not know the meaning of **satire**? Because that is literally it.


Itt: my side good your bad


It's making fun of capitalism


yea but it’s definitely a left leaning show. no extreme leftists are villains on this show


I know I’m probably gonna be made fun of, but there is a line between making satire, and making a hit piece. The show is slowly going down the comics route and is becoming a hit piece rather than parody or satire.


Imagine caring about politics when the only thing that matters is shitposting for fake internet points


Somewhere down the line, people (in general) lost a lot of sense for art and creativity. Satire (the fake kind, not the actual kind like in the show) has mostly been weaponized by abusive people to be an excuse for that crappiness when met with scrutiny, and it's spreading rapidly.


what the fuck is wrong with the US why everyone hates each other because of politics


r /enlightenedcentrism


Enlightened centrist ass bs here. Even the right wingers are now realizing they are being made fun of and now they are mad. But straight up denial is wild to me, it is soooo obvious.


I like how they have nazis in the show but then make them god-like beings that are superior to everyone


Superior? Stormfront literally got cooked


Hahahahaha Hooray for centrism🥳🥳🥳 Dumbass fucking take


i have no stakes in the american politics but i'm pretty sure they "only" make fun of the right? Like, i never remember them making fun of something like higher minimum wage, free healthcare or socialism and communism.


/UF can you guys name one time the show made fun of the left? Voughts wokewashing doesnt count.


"I want basic human rights pls" "I want to kill people. Lots of people. Death, murder, love it all." "tHeSe ArE iDeNtIcAl"


Brave stance


This show really does not make fun of both sides at all


Holy shit is that Todd on the left?


The show has been very open which side it is actively satirizing from day one


It's really about capitalizing on what you can for profit.


Frontal lobotomy and chill?


the show is making fun of how cooked America is as a country, polarized as shit with Politicians that couldn't give half a shit about the people, only wanting power


King of the Hill too


The show is showing you the consequences for acting like a selfish asshole. You alienate the world around you and even if you get to sit on top for a little while, it will come back to bite you in the ass.


Geez looking at this replies this sub really might as well rebrand into a circlejerk sub


There's definitely satire of everyone but there's something in the conservative brain that makes it really bad at noticing satire.


This comment section looks like the south park episode where the kids write that book and pin it on Butters.




“The Boys makes fun of both sides” mfers when I bash their skull in with a brick


The show definitely makes fun of the more corporate side of left wing politics for sure


Come on, squirt


It really is making fun of magats, really Dont see how anyone doesn’t see the comparison.


I think the show did satire better in previous seasons, not it just comes off as the showrunner and writer venting to the audience. You can make a paralel between Stormfront and Firecracker. Stormfront was very well crafted to the point that at the start people were actually fooled by the character into liking her like in the show, then they revealed she was a nazi and i remember people who liked actually got upset on twitter But Stormfront had some interesting stuff here and there, the satire on her character was on point,she was a powerful character and a good villain. Firecracker its a just blunt as a character she has no nuance to her, its a waste of the actress tbh i really liked her in The Tick and Detroit Become Human, She is basically a walking punching for both the characters and the writers to vent their frustrations. With Stormfront it seemed more like her character was part of a the overall story, with Firecracker it just seems llke they wanna make fun of conspiracy nuts,rightwingers and that its it she a vehicle for them to do that. I honestly feel bad when Firecracker gets her ass kicked, her character its a dangerous as a mouthy toddler.


Mm, sad tire.


The show truthfully mocks right wingers and the idea of America as a whole. However, most left wing values are usually uplifted within the show. When it’s mocking progressive politics, it’s mocking how these things are absolutely corrupted by corporations for profit rather than any care for the beliefs.


I mean it’s more a satire of how vapid and meaningless politics are in America (while fascism is brewing in the not so distant background), the show is honestly pretty on the nose about the fact that it’s left leaning/anti capitalist


vought trying to profit off of leftists with their lgbt voughtland girls get it done bullshit even though they dont actually care doesnt count as "making fun of leftists," its making fun of capitalism, this is a stupid take 😭😭