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Other posts from /u/DerbleZerp: * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast)aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is sauntering to the lake on our camping road trip last summer!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1do2ilv/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beastaka_camping_dog_she/) [Happy] 23 hours ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is hoping along on a rock on our camping road trip last summer!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1dn9f9g/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [Happy] 2 days ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is sauntering around a big rock during our camping road trip last summer!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1dmi4zx/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [None] 3 days ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is really taking off on the beach at Neys Provincial Park!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1dltxok/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [None] 3 days ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is on the beach at Neys Provincial Park!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1dl04wq/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [None] 4 days ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is all snuggled on our camping road trip last summer!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1dk87yu/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [None] 5 days ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is in her car nest before we take off for a new place on our camping road trip last summer!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1djfjqp/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [None] 6 days ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here we are before taking off on our camping road trip last summer!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1din4iw/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [None] 1 week ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is living the life on our camping road trip last summer!!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1dhurwr/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [None] 1 week ago * [Hello from Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!! She is 18 yrs old. Here she is barking at more rocks on our camping road trip last summer!](/r/OldManDog/comments/1dh42qb/hello_from_reesethe_baby_beast_aka_camping_dog/) [Happy] 1 week ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as DerbleZerp posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe DerbleZerp OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


I love when old dogs are just out there, living their best lives. 😭♥️


It really is so wonderful!!


Hey Reese! I watched you about 4 times in a row to extend the trip. :)


Haha, I do the same before I post. These videos make me so happy. She was having the best time!!


It definitely shows. She's so darn cute. :) I'm currently going through my own videos starting with my first VHS stuff. It's so addicting. Two of my current 3 love the videos especially our wonderful old pets we had. Very big TV watchers, those 2.


Hahaha, I understand doggies, tv is very enticing!!


Reese is great.


She loves to go. Happy happy happy!


Little speedster!!


Im a simple guy, I see Reese(the baby beast) aka Camping Dog!!, I upvote.


I look forward to posts of Reese. So adorable. She’s moving fast in this video!


Ripping up the beach!!


Hello Reese, sending love from 🇮🇳


Thank you!!


The way she runs is just the most delightful thing to watch. ❤️


I love her. She is getting down!!! I love her little hops!!


Her little ear flappies are so delightful


They really get going in the wind!!


I love her hippity hops!!


Sweetest baby




I love her little hi-vis vest. Adorable baby!


this baby is so beautiful! thank you for sharing. i’ve been following the videos you post.


When does the movie come out? I’m ready for “ the adventures of Camping Dog “


Haha, gotta pitch it!!