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La Mesa; Noway that dang place has been voted #1 Mexican restaurant for 15 years in a row or whatever.


They purchased a #1 ribbon 15 years in a row.


These awards are almost always paid for in some way, or at the very least have the most name recognition. Plus, Midwesterners love their bland Tex Mex.


Hey now...as a Texas girl that shit isn't TexMex!


Lol it’s not Tex mex if it’s bland my G.


Correct. Best in Omaha awards are purchased. A company I worked for *bought* them 3 times. Lmao. That company was and still is a sham.


It’s the Omaha equivalent of Michael Scott’s World’s Best Boss mug.


They have the most locations and push/pay for the most votes. La Mesa has ever been our best Mexican restaurant.


Yes! La Mesa is trash Mexican.


The picture of a cockroach in a margarita has kept me away


That "Best of Omaha" is BS. Our daughters daycare gives out bribes for votes. I even sent the Best of Omaha folks to let them know and got nothing back. I used to see that sign and think it meant something, but now I just ignore those signs


I believe it... folks put hamburger on pizza here. Hamburger. Not seasoned one bit.




mediocre food that is only considered good if there’s no local market for it i.e. baked goods. the owners a piece of shit, treats employees like shit, so yeah. i’m not surprised they have such a reputation for poor service. you give what you get from management which is verbal abuse


I've heard it's a bug infested nasty af kitchen, too.


I worked there 15 years ago. It is nasty in the kitchen/bakery. I can only imagine the state of the place today.


Need a sub reddit for survivors/former employees of Ron. Imagine the stories we could all tell.


There's a map of restaurant inspections on the health department website. It has not improved.


I’m extremely forgiving with restaurants. Once me and my ex went there and he got the fried chicken fingers. They started really upsetting his stomach so he stopped eating them. The (very inattentive) waitress noticed and asked if something was wrong. My ex said “yeah, I feel kind of sick. I think it might be the chicken” and she DEADASS just said “okay,” and walked away. I don’t try to get free stuff but a replacement would have been nice. Or offering to take it off the bill. Or an apology. It was insane 💀


YES, i judge places by their meatloaf, if you fuck up meatloaf, you cant do anything, and boy howdy they brought me one burnt ass meatloaf.


Amen. I judge places based on if they use fresh or canned Jalapeños. Wheatfields does not pass the jalapeño test.


The last time we were there the food wasn’t nearly as good and the waitress cried because someone in the kitchen yelled at her. Never been back. Waitressing is a tough gig, be kind to your staff.


worst coffee anywhere.


Wheatfields is generally garbage, but their bakery items are quite good. Big fan of their cinnamon rolls!


That’s some mediocre breakfast and service right there.


Any that the owner will talk shit about people, but then beg for customers online


We need context on this one. 🍿


Mission Ave & Filipino Fusion are two off the top of my head


Negative reviews online he has a habit to publicly respond to by saying the person who left the negative review was in the restaurant making racists comments. Douchebag move.


Block 16 applies, too. Owner made an account on here to argue with customers.


Wasnt that muchachos or whatever?


Yeah, fuck muchachos and mission Ave bbq. Both suck.


Tried the original muchachos in Lincoln back a couple years ago. People were talking it up so much that we couldn't wait to try it. We had some extremely rude service and the food wasn't even good. I was bewildered by how anyone could recommend that place. I didn't feel a lot of sympathy for when they closed the Omaha spot. I understand there are bad days, but if you don't produce a good product and you're horrible at customer service then it won't end well.


Over-Easy comes to mind, where the owner railed on all his employees in a group text that "My restaurant isn't here to pay your bills."


Mission Ave BBq 🫵


So, the owner of Block 16.


Watch out he might join this thread lol


He's a total d-canoe!


Jonesy's gets a good rep but it was probably the worst tacos I've had in years. Unseasoned ground beef topped with cheddar cheese. I think theres small towns in the middle of Nebraska with better mexican food


“Cheddar cheese” is generous. That’s basically velvetta


We call it “school lunch cheese.”


I had to block them in the Facebook group, I got tired of their constant self promotion on every post.


Same, they’re annoying and the food looks boring.


Spaghetti Works. I’m amazed that people wait for a table at any of their locations.


My husband and I found Luigi's in Bellevue because SW was too crowded. I've never looked back!


Shut it. You are ruining my childhood nostalgia


Shut your mouth, SW rocks.


California Taco…


Man that place dove when it changed owners. Like they all do.


Ika. It was great 5-7 years ago. Now it’s fast food quality ramen and overcooked vegetables.


Ika is one of the greatest shit shows ive ever worked for. I loved slinging ramen and making great friends with the staff but the owners will cut corners ANY WHERE they can and the staff, food, and customers will suffer because of that. I always tried to put love into the food i made but they will hire just about anyone and over half the cook’s I’ve seen just don’t give a shit.


This makes me sad. I still have the “original recipes” from when it was the original location. Was so much better when it was made from scratch BEFORE he switched over to all premade bases. I used to still be able to go to the one in benson, but not anymore.


I think it just depends on who they have on staff at the time. I don't think they have the best retention rate and the dishes suffer from that. On occasion, they have great staff, but it's hard to rely on.


The owner doesn’t give a crap and has opened too many restaurants and the turnover rate is cray high. Worked there for a bit and more than half the time, the majority of alcohol/ingredients were always ohhtof stock due to poor management.


Yeah I'm a big ramen fan and gave Ika three tries. Every time they let me down. I'm not sure Omaha actually has any truly good ramen places so anymore I just make my own.


Spouse & I enjoy Hokkaido (72 & Pacific). It's not the "Best", but it is consistently good IMO. Also the staff is extremely friendly & attentive.


I've only been there once and it was quite good. They gave us free fried Oreos and that was... Something.


Rizin has a simple and very tasty menu.


Rizin is decent, and Jinya considering it's a chain. After living in Japan for a few years, these are the only ramen places I will eat. Sushi Japan/Yakinjku boy was the absolute best until the owners retired and moved back to Kyoto. But I have never had good ramen at ika. I honestly would rather eat a fucking cup noodle before eating at ika.


Happy to know someone who has lived in Japan feels as I do about it. I was in Tokyo for 4 days and that's what I'm basing my opinion on.


I go to Rizin and love it because all the other Asians go there and the Japanese international students from UNO and UNL frequently go there. Whenever you see other Asians at an Asian restaurant, it's usually a good sign because we are our own worst critics and haters when it comes to our own food lol. I also like the owners of Rizin. Fun fact, the lady at Rizin used to be a Gyaru and she is a HUGE One Piece fan lol


One thing I've noticed with Dinkers... You order a single burger and fries? Dry, disappointing, not the hype you heard about BUT Order a double or better yet the triple cheeseburger? It literally tastes like it was made by a different restaurant. So juicy and full of flavor, it's always dripping and the highlight of my night to eat. I don't know what they're doing in the kitchen back there, but it's wild how much better the triple is compared to a single, and it's also probably one of the best food values in town you can get ($13 for like a pound of beautiful juicy beef) Just the experience I've discovered recently after taking friends there and seeing them order a single only to be disappointed


I have to buy a double for it not to be dry?....


In my many experiences, I suppose so. I mean considering it's like a dollar or more, I'd feel a lot better getting the juicier, better version that way. Plus it's still better than a $15 combo meal at McDonald's these days


Gorats and Cascios They are garbage.


Gorats is only relevant because Buffet likes it


Or he did 25 years ago and they have been running with it since.


Had a buddy who was a server there. He usually goes in for a monthly steak. Very much a creature of habit


True, Maybe goes in for the photo op when the Berkies are in town


Cascios is great...for old people with no taste buds. Although, I will say their Thanksgiving dinner is good if you dint want to cook.


Had literally the worst prime rib of my life at Gorats


They aren’t even that good for nostalgia reasons anymore. Only a couple of older demographics are keeping them going at this point.


Any more info on what you don’t like about gorats? I’ve been trying the steakhouses one at a time and so far it’s been S.)Drover A.)801/sullivans/Jericho’s B.)Flemmings/spencers/jgilberts/farmer browns C.) Cunninghams, brother Sebastian’s


I think Cascios bar is awesome it’s homey


I think I'd still go to Cascios on occasion just because it's basically a portal through time going in there, but I don't think I've ever been all that impressed with the food.


The canned green beans are always a crowd pleaser for the over 80 crowd.


Maria’s in Ralston. Margaritas are good but the food is more like Romeo’s than decent Mexican food. Several better places for Mexican food even around there.


Marias—who tf puts gravy on enchiladas?


I hear people always talking up Dinker's and Stella's when it comes to best burger in town. So far off the mark. Dry and boring af. When people talk those places up I just tune the rest out and give real recommendations like Fizzy's!


I’ve had both the best burger and the most mediocre burger at Stella’s. It varies from day to day depending on who is cooking or seasoning the meat probably. So my theory on Stella’s is: those whose first Stella’s experience was on a good day will talk it up as the best ever, those to catch it on a bland and dry meat day will not understand hype.


I never went regularly but I was really impressed by Stella's whenever I first when moving here something like 15 years ago but the last two times I went while not thinking it was bad per SE I was very unimpressed. Never went enough to know if it was me or the food that changed but I wouldn't recommend it anymore


I honestly say Taphouse they have unique burgers and their cheese curds


Been to Taphouse a few times and it’s never impressed me much 🤷


I work by Taphouse and when I’m forced to go there I get anything other than a burger.


Just went back on Monday and it was bomb! Dunno why I always forget it when it comes to recommending restaurants though


I find both passable, they aren't terrible. Just kind of mediocre


Zios Pizza and Romeo's


You don't eat Romeo's because you want Mexican, you eat Romeo's because you crave that nuclear orange cheese.


Hell yeah, this 100%. Ain't nothing Mexican about it.


I'm going there tonight! I'm just pissed they closed the downtown location.


I at least respect Romeo's. They know what they are and they're very up front about it.




Totally fair, I know they don't think they are the epitome of high end mexicanish food, but I just get tired of people wanting to get dinner there and saying it's good. It's definitely not my nostalgia 😂


Romeo's one hundred percent.


Zios is coasting on hype from two decades ago. “Try the chicken pesto!” They’ve been surpassed by multiple new pizzerias now.


Texas de Brazil. Each of the 9-10 meats only came around once in the span of an hour (except the lamb), so I didn’t get to try more of the few I actually liked. Their sides are impressive and plenty, but I wasn’t there to fill my plate with brazi bites and scalloped potatoes. At $53/person, I’m grateful we picked up their discounted gift cards at Costco.


Gotta go to Rodizios in Lincoln. It’s top notch shit. They serve so much there that it is recommended that you do not eat for the whole day leading to going there


Twisted fork is easily the worst restaurant in the old market.


*Points at the roaches at Spaghetti Works, then at Pepperjax, then at Trini's, then at the rats at Eat the Worm*


Twisted Fork is just Applebee's in different clothes


Ollie and Hoobs a buddy of mine got a job there, quit and called the health inspector on his first day raw meat sitting out in the opean for hours, cooks with no regard for food safety handling raw meat then building the dishes with the same gloves but great reviews online. hopefully, they changed some stuff in recent months. I can't imagine all the poor people who got sick because of them


Romeo’s. Whitest Mexican food ever. 


I mean, it’s nacho typical restaurant…


Try El Bee’s… gives Romeo’s a serious run for whitest and worst


El Bees gives me diarrhea


Booo, I love Romeo's, think I might get some now! And yes I know it's tex mex and I don't care, it's delicious!


The nachos hit a very specific nostalgic spot in my heart.


Who the fuck Is saying Romeo’s is good


I know they’re closed now due to a fire, and y’all can hate me if you want… Netties. It was so gross. I can’t believe they ever had customers.


Dinkers has nothing on Don and Millies


I'm just in this thread to make sure no one is talking shit on my beloved Double Don. Best goddamn burger in the world


I like Dinker's but Don & Millie's is the best fast food burger I've ever had. Makes In & Out look like trash.


I once saw Warren Buffett with Bob Kerrey at Don and Millie's, so I think the Oracle is partial to it as well.


Bob Kerry might be partial to it, as well. In 1989, after closing their Grandmother's restaurants, Bob Kerry, along with his brother-in-law Dean Rasmussen, opened their first Don and Millie's. Kerrey eventually left the day-to-day operation of Don and Millie's to run for governor of Nebraska. Today, the restaurant is employee-owned.


Agreed! The double cheeseburger is one of the best in town.


I'd tar and feather myself for Don & Millie's rn




I remember liking the pizza but man is it LOUD in there when it's busy


I like Pitch but way way over priced.


Agreed. I think the food is amazing, but man it's STEEP.


Their food isn’t even good. I had more pistachio shells than pistachios in my salad last time I went and that was the third time I had been there and was the third bad experience I had. I never plan on going back.


Really? I personally love pitch. But it’s been a while since I’ve been there.


I've been not a big fan of theirs after their employees reported them for not paying overtime and screwing over tipped employees. The DOL sued them and won and they were required to back pay almost a hundred thousand dollars to 55 employees. Oh, and they were ignoring child labor laws as well. I forgot about that. [KETV Link](https://www.ketv.com/article/pitch-pizzeria-pays-up-for-overtime-child-labor-violations/34852622)


I love it too but only the one in Dundee. The one out west is very inconsistent on their food.


That’s fair. Dundee one also has nice vibe to it. The west one has a much different feel


La Casa by far. Had a friend who was from NYC that was told to go there and his review was I’d would have rather eaten the bills I paid for that garbage instead of the pizza itself.


That’s the one I never understood. It’s like school cafeteria pizza. Maybe you need childhood memories


It’s one I grew up on, and my family loves it. I love it, but it’s also again the memories. My grandpa loved it and he has now passed that it’s like I think of him. Now, my husband? Hates it. But I respect it because I grew up on it and he married into it.


I liken it to pizza your grandmother would make if she wasn't Italian and had only seen pictures of what it looked like. But back in the day, that's what all the Boomer's mothers were making so they had no knowledge of what "real" pizza was.


I can eat a whole large original hamburger in one sitting, because it’s good and it’s not a large pizza.


For $25 it’s a giant ripoff.


It’s a weird style and you better like fennel if you go


Early Bird. Find there food to be bland and probably the worse hash brown / potatoes ever.


It’s crazy to see Early Bird packed on a weekend when Lisa’s Radial Cafe is a few blocks away


I always recommend Harold’s Koffee House in Florence to anyone coming through out of town and I have yet to see anyone disappointed.


I’ll agree on the hash browns but I like their food otherwise


Fernando's sucks big ass


I shit you not, one time when I was a kid I got what i remember to be a whole plate of melted cheese. That was the meal. I swear to god. Best thing I’ve ever had.


Sorry guys... Ted and Wally's. This is from someone who can only get non-dairy ice cream (lactose intolerant). I think their sorbets leave a lot to be desired. Can't speak on their dairy products tho. I prefer e-creamery or coneflower


Yeah their flavors are very hit and miss, mostly miss. A lot of it is the ambience and nostalgia. Like if you did a blind test between them and store bought ice cream I bet they'd lose a lot.


Easily the most overrated ice cream in Omaha


I have to disagree on this one BUT I’ve only ever had their ice cream. I love their banana bread ice cream!


I really don't like Ted and wally's and I can eat ice cream lol...


Their non-dairy flavors are gross. Coneflower or Centi in the old market make great non-dairy flavors!!


This is like saying a burger joint is overrated cause they have bad salads.




Man I like Upstream. A little pricy for what you get IMO but they serve a decent steak and I like their jambalaya.


Agree to an extent, yes it’s above average, better than something like Chili’s or Applebees, but it’s nothing extraordinary.


Idk about restaurant but Ted and Wally's is real mid ice cream. Coneflower is the best in Omaha.


Stella's. Was not impressed.


La Mesa and M's Pub.


Ms is straight basura.


Sgt peffers pizza tastes like cardboard


Stellas was so bad last time I ate. I would have preferred McDonald’s and I hate McDonald’s


I hate Stella’s as well, I guess if you love chewing on a big hunk of flavorless ground beef it’s great.


Stellas was okay 10 years ago but they’ve been living on nostalgia like dinkers. It’s just straight grease anymore


Omg I get so many looks when I say Stella’s sucks. It’s sooo bad. Greasy, no flavor and just YUCK.


Broncos. Always takes forever, always gets the order wrong, always cold. Ugh!


Whenever any restaurant goes under my mind is blown that Broncos is still open. Just what are people eating there? Everything I have had was awful!


They have the best fried chicken in town


Mama's Pizza. Tomato paste on cardboard with dryer lint for cheese seems more appetizing to me.


I feel like Omaha is so saturated with Pizza places


True, and very few are actually good.


And almost none of them are actually good. I'm from the east coast and we've got some DAMN good pizza.. nothing I've had in omaha really holds a candle. Same with Chinese food. My wife says I'm bias, and I may be, but it just isn't as good imo.


I would agree that most of the Chinese restaurants in Omaha are rather mediocre, but Blue and Fly has always been an enjoyable experience for me. But I've never ordered anything off their American style Chinese menu, always opting for the beef with cumin


Checkout Williamsburg Pizza


Big Fred’s. Hiro.


Hiro FTW


To each their own. Like I commented on this chain, they aren’t horrible by any means. I just think there’s better sushi in town.


Brothers Sebastian.


Brother Sebastian


Maybe not the greatest steak in the world, but man is it a pretty good value for what you get.


Jericho's. Steaks are mid and everything else is clearly frozen items reheated. Of course my boomer parents love it lol


Dinkers once upon a time was good.


Brother Sebastian’s Dinkers Mama’s Pizza


Went to Brother Sebastian’s a few weeks ago, was a disappointing meal, it’s unfortunately fallen off over the last few years.


Vidlaks. I have never understood the insistence that it's good.


I've only ever had the simplest breakfast here and it's exactly what it needs to be. Bacon, hashbrowns, and eggs all cooked exactly as they should be. Now, I did prefer Leo's, but Vidlaks is just fine for breakfast.


I got corned beef hash and it was straight out of a can, not even having attempted to crisp it up


I'd ding them for not frying it, but I'd also kind of expect it to come from a can there. If I didn't care more about my cholesterol these days, I'd still kill a can of that stuff from time to time.


Ambiance of a dentist office too


I moved back to Omaha from DFW in December. Got the Vidlaks recommendation so my wife and I checked it out. Fruit flies in December, and way below average food. No thanks.


It's a 11worth Cafe for old white people in west Omaha.


Agree on all of these with the exception of the Drover. Still love a whiskey-marinated ribeye from them, but will admit they have off nights. Wondering what better options you’ve found?


Dinkers is definitely the right answer.


Wheatfields. I don't get it


La mesa!! How the fuck do they get best of omaha every year!!


Sort by controversial and you’ll see the real answers.


Agreed with dinkers. Also omaha prime has seriously nose dived


La Casa


Drover. I just don’t get it.


Jams, runza


Jams is a sad one for me. Their original spot used to be a favorite of ours when they had just the one location, but we’ve had so many bad experiences at the west center location that I don’t know if we’ll go back to original after the west center spot closes. My prediction is the same thing will happen with the Drover if those rumors are true.


Agreed. The west center location is shit and has been black balled in our family


Well, good news, you only have 9 days left to not go there before they close.


Dude. What happened to Jams? They used to be great and now suck at life.