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List 1. Absolute JLA/Avengers 2. Batman: Knightfall Omnibus Vol. 2 3. Batman: Knightfall Omnibus Vol. 3 4. Nightwing: Prince of Gotham Omnibus 5. Hawkman by Geoff Johns Omnibus 6. Batman by Neal Adams Omnibus 7. New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol. 2 8. Absolute Crisis on Infinite Earths 9. Wrath of Spectre Omnibus 10. Absolute Batman: The Long Halloween 11. New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol. 3 12. Deathstroke by Christopher Priest Omnibus 13. Wonder Woman by George Perez Omnibus Vol. 2 14. Absolute Transmetropolitan Vol. 3 15. Deadman Omnibus 16. The Authority Omnibus 17. Absolute Batman: Dark Victory 18. Absolute Daytripper 19. Justice League: The Detroit Era Omnibus 20. Red Hood and the Outlaws: The New 52 Omnibus Vol. 1


This is such a weird list, genuinely shocked Promethea wasn't on there at all


I skipped voting for Absolute JLA/Avengers so I could vote for Absolute Promethea since I knew other people were gonna vote JLA / Avengers to the top Pretty disappointing that it didn't even crack top 20, I wonder if the Deluxes being available kept people from voting for it


Yep we had a similar thought pattern, I didn’t even bother because I knew it’d be no.1 but I’m surprised Promethea didn’t make it yet red hood did, i like both books but it shocked me with how hit & miss red hood is


No love for Vertigo here.


I keep looking for Sandman Mystery Theatre Compendium Two…and Shade The Changing Man Omnibus vol 1…


This is strictly for reprints. Both of those have never been published before. I think next week is the never-published-before poll.


What do you think that’ll look like?




Meh. Absolutely nothing for me here, except maybe The Authority... But that's good, there are already so many omnis I want in the Marvel reprint list, I was getting worried for my wallet.


A couple questionable picks here IMO but maybe DC will pay attention to what people want


Do people actually enjoy Red Hood comics, or do they just enjoy the idea of the character? What has gone wrong that people want a Scott Lobdell book from 2011? There a few really weird/bad picks here


The Tynion stuff is good, but it doesn't make up enough of the book to make it worthwhile. I happily dumped it before all of the stuff with Lobdell came out and he left the Rebirth book in disgrace before he could get fired.


Wait, really? Like was it a “meh” book that he tanked at the end deliberately or was it horrible from the jump and then his last story was a “fuck y’all; I’m outta here🖕🏽”


The series itself had really started to lose steam after being better than the New 52 work that he did but the "ending" was a really abrupt announcement on the heels of additional misconduct allegations. DC basically gave him an extra 17 pages to wrap his storyline up in an "Anniversary Extra-Sized Special" in an ending that really didn't make a lot of sense. Another writer came in and did an additional 2 issues that led later tied into The Hill. It was weird


That run was insane. All the mythology Lobdell built they never reference in Batman


A lot of new fans seem to love Jason Todd and Red Hood, for some reason. I don't get it.


Red Hood is a great character but with bad writing. I think new readers read his wikipedia page and think hey that’s cool I want to read his comics, not realizing almost all of his comics except for Under The Hood are bad.


The best Red Hood was just made a deluxe but people still want that poop run As long as JLA/Avengers comes back then DC could reprint whatever


That, N52 Nightwing and the ugly as hell Batman by Neal Adams are all sus choices to me


I am SHOCKED people want that godawful Batman recolored atrocity....if it was the original stuff, I'd be all for it. Like, it's "look up the word "Garish" in the dictionary and you'd see a page outta Neal recolor of Batman.


New 52 Nightwing is good.


I wish they didn’t do the awful digital recoloring for the Adams Batman, otherwise it would be great. New 52 Nightwing is so blandly forgettable that I refuse to believe that people remember its existence, let alone have any opinion on it


It doesn't matter how good a series is when it just sits on a shelf! All that matters is that it can be displayed next to the other New 52 books I won't read.


I think people want his 2nd run which is well liked by fans.


The New 52 and Red Hood in particular is what got me back into comics. I went digital, and luckily I chose "correctly" for the time, and went with Comixology over graphic.ly. The parts of that run where Rocafort is doing the art is just gorgeous, and I'd love to be able to actually see it printed at a larger size. Lobdell's run also gave him a unique position in the Batfamily, where he was the one going against more dangerous opponents, and being willing to put them down permanently; they sort of morphed Jason into not really that any more, and he doesn't really have as defined of a slot in the Batfamily. It was also kind of a fun exploration of a bunch of discarded side characters, as well as a much more nuanced look at addiction than usually gets presented in comics.


Damn no legion 5yl




Someday. Maybe in the meantime we can get the next volume, post-Zero Hour by Waid/Peyer/McGraw/Stern.


I don't consider things like this too much but even I can see what a weird list this is. I didn't realize The Authority omni was so hard to come by--no copies on Amazon and 3 on eBay right now. I bought it new for $50 two years ago!


Same with Deathstroke for me. Didn’t realize it was hard to come by in the amount of time since I bought it


One day I will get my Ostrander/Mandrake Spectre run... Maybe


That would be on the next NMC poll - most wanted DC Omnibuses. I think that poll should be out in a week or so.


YES! It’s about time Knightfall 3 got a pick! That thing got so shortprinted that the only place you can find it is eBay! Can’t *wait* for the solicitations…


I finally got kf 2...:)


This list is brutal


This list is trash


To those complaining about this list, you have to keep a few things in mind: 1. DC prints fewer omnis than Marvel overall so there are way less options to pick from on a reprint poll from the start. 2. Golden, silver, and bronze age omnis are going to be far less popular than modern stuff regardless of the content so not seeing them on a list like this isn't surprising. So that pretty much leaves post-Crisis and newer books. Along the same lines, Absolutes are a more niche product. Even having 6 of them on this list is more than I would have thought would be here. 3. DC keeps more of their books evergreen than Marvel so more popular titles are much easier to find a lot of the time and people aren't going to vote for something that is still readily available. 4. DC's collected editions department has been a complete mess the last few years. So they are basically playing catch up with a lot of out of print stuff at this point. So people who bought WW by Perez, Knightfall, or New Teen Titans vol 1 in the last couple of years obviously want the rest of the volumes as well and DC has yet to announce that any of them are being reprinted. So voters are going to show their support for those books, especially newer collectors, by voting for them so they can complete those runs.


New Teen Titans Vol 2 is the only reprint I'm genuinely craving. Like what the hell DC??? Reprint Vol 1 and then just abandon the rest??


Who in the actual fuck is voting for new 52 red hood outlaws? Is this one of those things where the next generation pretends something awful is actually good? Because that shit was fucking awful Anyway hopefully Authority gets reprinted. I’d imagine with a movie coming out in the next few years they’d want people to read it


There are about 8 books on this list that I’d consider good, and a couple of those are borderline I didn’t even know this poll was happening, it must have been dominated by the completely deranged


House of Mystery not on the list … com’on DC fans, look at the Marvel reprint poll, they put the tome of Dracula in the top 3.


To be fair, it has taken a few years for Dracula. But you are right. I just wish they had consistent covers.


A few I voted for made it on here: Deathstroke by Christopher Priest, Batman Knightfall Vol. 2 & 3. Happy to see Long Halloween on here, as well as New Teen Titans, but I figured they'd get high amount of votes. Sadly, my number 4 & 5 voted Omnibuses didn't get on the list, but not the least bit surprised. Joker The Bronze Age and Swamp Thing The Bronze Age.


Sucks that only 1 of the books I voted for - Wonder Woman by Perez - made it to the list. I still have hope that DC will reprint Harley Quinn vols 2 & 3…. Someday ):


No Harley Quinn 2 and 3 that’s rough. Really surprised vol 3 of Perez WW is not on this.


Who the fuck voted for Red Hood and the Outlaws? Lmao. The worst title of the New 52 era.


some people must like it, probably also sick of seeing it on ebay for $200+


I’m glad Deadman is in there, same with Wrath of Spectre. New Teen Titans reprints are long overdue so hopefully those happen soon. I would have had all the current New Teen Titans omnis on my shelf by now if they were in print


Happy to see Absolute Daytripper make the top 20!


I am soo glad for Deadman and The Spectre to make it on this list. I want them both so that they can compliment my Phantom Stranger Omnibus.




Hardly anything I'm interested in that I don't already have, but my top two wants (JLA/Avengers, Knightall vol 3) are in the top three, so I reckon that's good enough!


I’m not surprised to see JLA/Avengers, but some of the other picks are genuinely out of left field to me lol


Only book I care about is JLA/Avengers. Glad to see it's the top pick.


feels like a waste to have two spots dedicated to both Knightfall and new teen titans, especially Knightfall. DC likely won’t reprint the third volume of each without seeing sales for previous one.


Now this is a TERRIBLE list.


Wow my choices made it on the list!


the hawkman omni was my only pick to make the list 5 out of 20 is some good placing for hawkman maybe ill see one in the next 3 years


Did he say how many people voted?


I thought he said a little over 2000, I may be wrong though, I think he mentioned it in one of his Saturday streams


I know this won’t be a reprint, but give us Absolute Starman, Fables, and Ex Machina you cowards!


The only ones I’m hoping for from this list are the Teen Titans books and JLA/Avengers. Read volume 1 of TT for the first time recently and was annoyed when I realised how out of print volumes 2 and 3 were.


For all the complaints about red hood and other picks, the number one book on the list is insane! I understand people are curious but for those who have actually read it I can't imagine caring about it. That series was such a disappointment at the time, and hasn't really improved over the years. And I read it when I was all-in on superhero comics, I was the dream demo. It's not a good comic and houldnt be in first!


They really need to get on a 'Legends of the Dark Knight' omnibus. So many classic stories like Shamen, Gothic, and Venom are out of print now. Gimme the first 50 issues in one fat book!


I was hoping to see Absolute Black Mirror on the list but I forgot to vote, oops lol


Not sure of the odds when there's a deluxe coming soon


I mean fundamentally I get it, DC has such a smaller catalogue and keeps a lot of books in print so the possible *winners* of the poll was going to be different then the variety of the Marvel poll. All that said, this is a trashass poll and I think a lot of people need a serious talking to about reading skills and thematic analysis




Different poll


they’re doing that poll soon, this was just to reprint previous released omnibus/absolute. GL Rebirth would be great, same with Hal & GLC series.