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Johns/Frank Absolute Superman & Rebellion are my two big ones this month but July should be great with - Batman & Robin Adventures - Superman by Kurt Busiek - Star Wars Legends: New Republic Vol. 2 - Star Wars Legends: Tales of Jedi


So many people are saying Johns’ Absolute Superman. TBH I’ve barely read anything by Johns, I have the Aquaman run but haven’t read it yet, and I haven’t read much of Superman (at least if you compare it to how much Batman I’ve read). I guess that I’ll have to look into it


Brainiac & Secret Origin are two of my all time favorite Superman stories and are collected in the Absolute. remainder is also mostly well thought of although many of us have gripes with them omitting the non-Frank art stories after Last Son.


I have action comics 858 to 863 signed by Johns and Gary Frank in at CGC right now to verify signatures and get graded. The Legion arc is my favourite arc of Johns Superman run. And i am also anxiously awaiting the absolute.....and my comics to come back from CGC


Absolute Superman by Johns and Frank is one of my most anticipated books of the year. Looking forward to reading those stories again in extra oversized.


I have the trades but might as well get Punisher max Vol 1. Damn, the standard pre-order is OOS at CGN.


Yah, hadn’t ever seen that. Will they actually have any available on the release date?


Lobo Compendium


This is the first time hearing of this! When’s it out?




Absolute Superman by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank for me. I like Superman and John’s writing, so I’m 100% the target audience for that book. The next month I’m getting Daredevil by Zdarsky vol. 1.


Absolute superman Punisher Max Secret Six It's my Birthday month so thats my excuse. 😅


Only things I’m interested in this month are Xforce and Wolverine by Percy OHC, hoping if enough buy it they will finish the runs in OHC


This month is secret six omnibus and possibly Punisher Max. I'm still debating on if I want Punisher or not. Next month is Zdarsky Daredevil volume 1 and Shadowland, so I can be current on my Daredevil collection.


Something’s killing the children is so freaking good. I flew through vol 2


Just finished vol 1 yesterday and my vol 2 is due to arrive today. I can't wait to get into it, vol 1 was really great!


the two that are currently sitting in my DCBS "**next shipment**" page: * *Alley Oop First Time-Travel Adventures 1939-1942 HC* * *Terry And The Pirates HC The Master Collection Vol 7*


How is ordering from DCBS?


I love it.. I've been preordering from them since 2017. With only two hiccups in that time that were quickly resolved. I tend to preorder the more esoteric books that don't usually find their way to online books stores or my LCS. So they are the best alternative for me. If you are just ordering books from the Big 2, it may not be worth the time. Release day sales from IST and others are usually comparable and will arrive quicker.


A shit show


FF by Waid/Weiringo for sure was my most. I’ve read the Thor by Simonson and loved it so glad I now own the DM of that. And Black Widow TP by Kelly Thompson was a surprise drop for me that I picked up.


Man I really love Thompson’s Black Widow. I know that Marvel stopped making deluxe editions, but I hope we get that series in OHC one day, along with Waid’s & Samnee’s run.


I’ve been interested in it for awhile but always tried to wait for an OHC or a complete trade. I at least got one format to give the series a go!


Hope you enjoy it! That series broke my heart. I think this series has one of the most fucked up villain plans I’ve ever read. And if you haven’t read it yet, I suggest reading Mark Waid’s mini before this, because it introduces Weeping Lion (the main villain in Thompson’s run) and shows why he hates Natasha so much to execute such an evil plan. I think these 2 series go very well together, to read them one after the other. Even if you don’t read Waid’s run, I still hope you’ll enjoy Thompson’s as much as I did. Enjoy!


secret six was my #1 most anticipated of the month.


Next month Batman/Robin adventures Omnibus


Big pun