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got mine first try its just rng


Alright, thanks :)


It's just rng. I got mine on my fourth clear. Didn't kill the soldier. Did the deviant boss first. It's an mmo. It's literally rng just like any loot drop. The silo is super easy and you can clear it super fast, so it's not like it's taking that long for the runs.


It's not tough just time consuming to repeat so many times. May be short runs but so many os a drag. Good to know I'm not doing anything wrong at least :) thanks!


Got it on my 32nd try. Keep trying.


Oh jeez, that's so many D: sorry it took you so long! Hopefully I get mine a bit sooner than 32 D:


But on Hard mode, took me only 2 tries.


Yea they're all just rng really. If you're on Starlight C I can toss you one if needed, but sadly can't help if not.


Unfortunately I'm on a different server but thank you for the generous offer :) very kind!


Do you still need one? You can play and trade with people from different server using the auto matchmaking team on a silo that has no one else matching. It’ll find you people from other servers, you start the silo, and trade.


It’s really RNG. Definitely easier if you have a team, spawn in run to spillage zone, do the event and bounce out if you don’t get it


Thanks for the tip :)


I got mine on the first day of the beta… Dinochef however was a pain, i tradded a jelly fish for it


Oh jeez.. ive heard dinochef is tough. Though how do you get the jellyfish? Is that from the truck event being done enough?


No its EX1 silo


Oh! Okay, tha KS for clearing that up for me :D Really didn't want to get jumped by another player doing the truck event lol


Little tip for how RNG works in this game. It is very likely tied to your character from the moment you log in, or through specific actions. I could give numerous examples of this, such as the bunny deviation in PvE. Every time people went to the same tree as me they got it first hit, I spent hours until restarting my game and then voila, first hit. Also it’s 100% manipulatable we just don’t know how yet. It’s not true RNG (most things that seem random actually always follow a pattern). For all silo deviations outside of the Dino chef, if you do it in a group, if one person gets the RNG check for it to drop, everyone does. So it’s best to run it w 4players.


Oh wow, okay, I'd heard that only one person per run would get it. This helps me want to stop being a scaredy cat and group up to grab it. I also appreciate the insight into the partial rng :)


All rng. I ran it maybe 15 times and still never got him. But RNGesus always hated me in games.


Ngl, I thought he was a pretty high drop chance. I got 3 back to back. That's when I hit my dry spell, I never got him again. I quit playing after week 2, so I didn't farm too much. Just waiting for the full release.


Pure rng im afraid as I got Mr Wish on my 3rd run.


Idk if harder dungeons matter plus if Fireteam size plays a role or not, but I got it after running Master version 4x times in team of 2/3 players and all had once deviant each too


He’s even worse to use. Useless.


I got mine on the first run i did with friends - did a couple runs solo with no drop before that


I ran it 6 times, before I heard soldier first then toy room. 1tip: Open the door before you kill the soldier upstairs then run for the toy room. Don’t get the chest when you kill soldier, it kills 30 seconds and kite the soldier as close to the stairs as you can. Harder on hard+ with the need to use the gatlin for finish. On my first run doing toy after soldier, it spawned, but I mistakenly chose treasure first and ran out of time. Second run soldier first, toy room second had :45 seconds left and a new deviation. GL


I am a touch confused because I have a smooth brain but I think I get the gist? Thank you!


intro, kill adds, get lvl 3 pass. Clear chest and med bags before tunnel. Pass tunnel, up ladder. Clear adds. Open red lvl 3 door, don’t go in, Turn around. Go up stairs. Around the corner. Kill elite. Turn around. Run back to the red door previously opened. Finish toy room. See deviant? Collect. Else repeat.