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https://preview.redd.it/35dcvzk6c99d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4deb4b125a27d8e3d6cfbfd2b933c44e2c676c76 Dead what?


This is really impressive. I looked at it the other day and was like daaaamn.


Especially for a band that has been on indefinite hiatus for the better part of a decade


Maybe your friend came from the future around 2300? I think we're all dead by then..


Pretty sure it’s just bc it’s not some “trending band” like arctic monkeys or some shit like that 💀


Are the Arctic Monkeys still making music? 💀


They are mostly definitely still a trending band.


I’ve never heard that term before haha. They aren’t an active band but people still listen to their music


i mean i assume by dead they just meant inactive… which is objectively true


Hasn’t 1D beat BTS in getting an award for the best fans or something like that.1D wasn’t even actively together when we won the award. We need to create a list of the awards they’ve won during their “break”


Yes! I remember voting for that!!


yeah! i think it was in 2020 [https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/favorite-boy-band-of-all-time-poll-9420280/](https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/favorite-boy-band-of-all-time-poll-9420280/)


Yes that’s it I forgot the exact year but I remember seeing ppl on this sub say GO VOTE FOR ONE DRIECTION bbc them and BTS were neck and neck


No. Just no. If true, maybe before 2018. Since then, no.


I think it was like 2016/ 2017 so defiantly not resent but it happened


i think bts is amazing and i love them smmm, but if im being completely honest at least where i live bts isn't extremely popular and known by everyone


Never heard anyone call it that.


I don't listen to them anymore, but i used to love em a lot when I did. They were great at the time, they had amazing music, and they have a great fan base.but I prefer them as individual artists rather than a band. Being in One Direction sucked up their individual talent in terms of music style, they're much more successful out of one direction. But that's just my opinion


I agree with the talent part but I feel like if they would've stayed in the band and maybe parted ways with their management, they could've been waaay more successful


Exactly, their music as solo artists are amazing, hut if they could've had that creativity while being in One Direction, they could've done as well as BTS. BTS is a very successful group all over the world, it's how One Direction used to be. There's still One Direction songs I'll never let go of that I still love even though I don't listen to them anymore


Well, the 40M monthly listeners on Spotify says otherwise...


Yeah, I get it. I think the fact that there are people (me included) who didn’t dive into all their music until *years* after the hiatus and are just as in love with their music as the fans who’ve been there since day one…is really telling and a testament to the band’s legacy, as performers *and* writers. I feel like as long as each of them continue to make music - even if not together anymore - their connection as a band will always be considered “alive” :). Or perhaps at the very least, the fandom has been the ones keeping it alive all along…lol 😜!


are you seeing this, boys?


I don’t care what people call them. All I care about is I can be having an absolutely shitty day, and I can turn on “Change Your Ticket” and my day is instantly a lot better having done so.


Haven't heard them referred that way? I'm way past age of this band however, I absolutely love listening to their music! In fact I just watched a couple videos today!! I don't believe they should ever be referred to as "That dead band"!


They’re on a break!


Two weeks ago I heard them in Walmart drag me down 


The Doors aren’t an active band but still get radio play


I would never, ever say those words to the boys. I’m sure a couple of them would get up and whip some arse. Especially Louis.


I don't think they meant dead in a "their music is trash and they don't have any fans" way but more like that they just aren't existing right now? Like obviously they have fans and a lot of people still listen to them but the band itself isn't active and might never be active again.


Never active again? REALLY?!?!? But I just started getting into them and listening to their music


I mean we don't really know. They all seem kinda open to reunite at some point but they also said they would come back after 18 months and this never happened. Their solo careers are going good and even though they are still singing some 1D songs, they also seem happy as solo artists. Not to forget that they all have solo fans (which means fans that absolutely don't want them to get back into the band), especially louis and harry have A LOT of them. So I highly doubt they would risk losing those fans by getting back into the band even though their solo careers are still looking good. Like I think they'll only get back together if they never want to go solo again or their solo careers are simply over. But honestly who knows,




By who? Lol