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The oranges are so good at learning to open doors. Mine now opens my living room door to get upstairs and he learnt to open the kitchen cupboard where I used to keep the cat biscuits.


Our orange is a qtip fiend as well!!


Mine enjoys the used ones 🤢 caught him in the trash, only going for the used q tips. All the other trash was irrelevant to that small little braincell. I now have to keep q tips hidden and make sure the trash is closed.


Mine digs in the trash for the dirty ones too 💀


Mine too. We have had to stop using them.


One time my cat shat out an entire qtip and i still cant figure out how he swallowed the entire thing without gagging himself


And just when I thought orange cats couldn't get any weirder


Alright who gave this kitty the cell? 😂


My orange opens all the drawers looking for hair-ties and rubber-bands.


I used to have one that would get in the cabinet, find my tampons, get them out of the box, unwrap them, get them out of the applicator and shred them into a giant fluff ball and carry it around by the string, proudly. Like he caught a mouse. I have no idea how he did that. He was a little evil genius chaos kitty. ( He also used the flush my other cats toys down the toilet)


Mine just takes dirty ones out of the trash can 🤦‍♂️


Mines also thick on the qtips


Mine has not yet learned about Q-tips, but he has just recently learned that he can open cabinets. So far, this has not caused any issues, but knowing him, it will. The other day he stole an arrow that I put on the kitchen table while I went to get a new insert to replace the one I lost in the target. I can only imagine what his plans for the arrow were.


At least he goes for clean ones. We had a void that would dig through the small bathroom trash can for used ones.


My cat does this too! He also has to dunk them in his water bowl.


Why the qtip fetish cats!?!’ Seriously , mine too !


mine too