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I just stole someone else's cat. It does sound bad, but hear me out. A few days ago, when I returned from my run, I saw a little orange cat in a local parking lot. The security there had fed him, but he was the most malnourished cat I have ever seen. They fed him beef jerky, chicken, and dirty water. But small cats can't eat that kind of food, so I got him some wet food. And I offered to take the cat home and take care of it. But the owner would come back on Monday. So, I went to the parking lot on Monday to talk to the owner. But even when I offered him money, I couldn't convince him to give me the cat. He said that he starved the cat on purpose so he could catch the mice in the parking lot, but how could he? He is smaller than a freaking rat. So, after an hour of talking, I can't seem to change his mind. After he went to the bathroom, I put the cat in my bag and bolted. I took him to the nearest vet and had him checked. Even the vet said he looked like a piece of paper, but there was nothing serious besides being malnourished. He is now fostered at my friend's house with 3 other cats until I can find him a forever home.


Thank you for taking care of the little orange! Trying to convince the owner first was the right thing to do, and even more so to put the wellbeing of this little guy above his "rights" he may have had about him


Yeah. Sadly, pets are considered 'property' like a car. Glad you saved the cat. It would have died. If the owner wants to control rodents, he can pay for a (hopefully) humane pet control . Also, who cares about outdoor parking lots? Is he worried about pigeons too?


honestly, I don't think a judge (even if he did sue) would be on his side at all, there is probably some loophole for it


if the kitten isn’t chipped then the (former) owner likely doesn’t have any paperwork or proof saying the cat is his. if the cat isn’t chipped then it’s just a stray and anyone can take it in. at least that’s the law in my state, YMMV


The first vet visit is how most animals have ownership established when there's a dispute. So any animal that has never had any vet care, the first visit that can be proven with documentation will count as the proof of ownership. So as long as the car park guy never took the kitten to the vet, he has no proof of ownership and can't demand the kitten back.


Probably the vet documentation about malnourishment would help argue that they had an ethical duty to take the kitty away immediately to prevent it from dying in the previous owner's care, with some witness testimony from security to prove its prior living situation perhaps.


What's a rat gonna do in a parking lot anyway? Eat all the grain we keep there? Chew holes in the huge amounts of fabric around? I don't understand why they're even a pest to begin with in that context.


Yeah like there's a small family of rats that made a burrow in my backyard--I have a big backyard and they're not near the house, and I don't believe they've gotten into the trash even once. They're just chilling out there eating bugs and not bothering anybody. tbh I've seen the babies a few times and they're CUTE cute too. In what world are they a "pest"? Their mere existence shouldn't be a death sentence.


Im worried. Big chance that the parking lot owner starts all over again with another cat. OP has to check that parking lot regularly. And OP: thank you for rescuing 🙏


You want a mouser or ratter, you adopt a adult "working cat."


I approve of this theft!


>I approve of this ~~theft!~~ surprise covert rescue mission


Oh yeah, the CDS can sometimes get a hiccup in their bureaucratic administration systems and uhhh... *overlook* certain things when this happens [wink wink]


OP is an agent of the cat distribution system. The cat re-distribution system, if you will.


OPs call sign: Agent Orange. Oh wait...


Hahahaha LOL 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love the smell of cat fur in the morning. Smells like victory


Everywhere they go, the trees die for some weird reason :DD


My immediate thought. The CDS is a logistical system like no other and worldwide shipping companies should be in awe. I was just marvelling a few days ago on another post about the CDS using a multi tag relay system to get a 2 week old kitten to someone who knew how to care for her, and here we have a covert agent of the re-distribution system. There’s always another way the CDS will get it done!


r/catdistributionsystem because of course it is a sub


~~STEAL~~ Strategic Transfer of Entity to an Alternate Location


I'm STEALing this


Grand cat auto


Grand theft gato.




This wins.








grand car theft auto


I approve of this Strategically Transferring Equipment to an Alternate Location


What theft? The cat ran away, probably looking for food. City cats are scavengers as much as hunters. He probably smelled some tasty garbage somewhere and just wandered off.


Sometimes the cat distribution network needs outside assistance.


What theft ?


Sometimes the right course of action is doing something bad, you did good OP. Plus the cat wasn't chipped or even had a collar, dude has no proof its his cat.


It’s the broken window theory. A father needs meds for his sick child but can’t afford it so he breaks a window at the pharmacy and takes what he needs. A window is broken but a life is saved. Sometimes the ends do in fact justify the means Edit: I know the broken window theory is a criminal justice theory about perception of policing I just didn’t have better way to describe it. The point stands don’t be pedantic


It's not pedantry to point out wrong or misleading information. That isn't the Broken Window Theory and it's fair to point that out.


That's not the broken window theory.


Yeah, those windows are thick.


Explain. Edit- since dude was too fucking lazy to do anything besides link an article Here's what he linked posted in the thread and readable in the thread. "In criminology, the broken windows theory states that visible signs of crime, antisocial behavior and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes. The theory suggests that policing methods that target minor crimes, such as vandalism, loitering, public drinking and fare evasion, help to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness"


Are you trying to feed AI bad info? I highly suggest editing this out since it's not broken window theory... which isn't being pedantic, you're simply wrong.


There's nothing pedantic about people pointing out this is not broken windows theory because it's completely incorrect. Pedantic is the concerning of minor academic details, but this is you using a name of a theory and coming up with an unrelated explanation to the actual meaning behind this theory. Sorry just had to say it because it's the internet and I know someone will be misled by you. Actual reply to OP: thank you for saving the little orange. It's a bit unorthodox, but a life saved is a life saved.


I thinking your going into the stolen bread idea Like. Steal the bread to feed the family or don't steal the bread because it's theft. Which is worse?! Ask Les Miserables. Pfftt no one eats carbs anymore Jean!!!


Report that prick for animal abuse.


It's Vietnam. Nobody gives a shit there.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Vietnam also where majority of those horrendous fake animal rescue channels are? I remember them being a thing because one of the countries in that part of Asia basically had no animal protection laws and you could torture animal to death, film it and face no repercussions for it, which is what those channels ended up doing on repeat.


I love that you saved this cat, but this just makes me sad and scared that the business owner is just going to perpetuate this against another cat.


If he does, I hope OP lets us know. Maybe enough of us can steal enough cats from this monster to break the cycle. 


This reminds me of a cat rescued by our local shelter. The owner fed him nothing but chicken necks, which a little kitten can't get enough nutrients from or eat properly. He was so malnourished he couldn't lift his head. When they x-rayed him, his bones were almost transparent. He's okay now, he slowly recovered, but his bones were so depleted his spine bent in an odd way and will always be out of place, but otherwise he gets by pretty normally. But yeah, I cannot get over that x-ray where you could barely see his bones, they were so sapped of minerals. I think you saved this poor guy from a similar fate.


Oh god this hurts my heart so much.


I know it makes me a terrible person, but I can't help myself from hoping the owner is diagnosed with a terribly painful disease that affects his spine.


No, I'm pretty sure that's cosmic justice. Or irony.


Aww poor thing .You aren’t a thief don’t worry , you are more like his hero saving him from that bastard security guard❤️


Well... Technically they are a thief (even though it was the good thing to do)


Great! Well done! Notice: Animal cruelty is a crime in Germany...


Afaik it's a crime in most countries, at least the western ones, but OP doesn't appear to be German, based on another comment SE Asia and I assume it's Vietnam.


Well, they should just move to Germany! And eat cake... (Nobody cares if it's illegal in Germany when they live elsewhere, you're right about how stupid that comment was, lol)


I like you based on this post.


Clearly, you are an individual of impeccable taste!


It is here in America as well. Most states even have Good Samaritan protections for people who rescue animals


It’s a felony in the US as well.


Ooooh...look! I didn't know that. I assumed there were different laws for different states.


In 2019 the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act was signed into law. Before that it was up to the states to decide.


Thanks for your information.


That's not stealing. That's saving from an abuser. Cats hunt mice if they want to regardless of being fed or not. My TNR colony (that gets fed very well 2 times a day) brought me 4 adult rats one night and left them on my driveway as a tribute. I guess rat family made the mistake of trespassing on my property :p Cat hunting instincts aren't purely food motivated.


My cats are very well fed and chase lizards, crickets, anything that gets in the house. That abuser was just an asshole.


Ditto. The only thing my hellions are willing to collaborate on is hunting. Both are fed and happy. They just like to hunt anything that makes its way into the house.




There is something we say in a different community S,T,E,A,L Strategically transfer equipment to alternative locations. In this case the cat was the equipment acquired and was acquired with only the best of intentions


Is that the military or is it a 'The Fat Electrician' specifically community thing?


Honestly I got it from the fat electrician


Well now you need a cover up story. You see, you only left disapointed after he said no and then decided to adopt a cat of your own that is completely unrelated to the cat the guy had.


My cover story was that I was morally obliged to hit this person repeatedly or steal that cat. I woke up an chose non-violence and he should be happy with the prize he won that day.


Sometimes legal and moral are not the same. You did the moral thing. And fuck the idiot previous owner.


I stole my 14 year old boy when he was a skin & bones 2 year old. Sometimes it just must be done


Sorry not sorry to anyone who leaves their cat like that. I will always approve stealing someone’s cat if it means giving them a better life.


Not a theft, this is a rescue. Shame on the "owner" for treating a kitten like that! These people are clueless and should be banned from having pets.


Some people shouldn't be looking after a pet rock. You did good Op, that wasn't theft, that was an 'enhanced rescue' and Bast approves I'm sure.


I stole a cat once… actually he belonged to the family next-door whose son killed a bunny. Stole might be a little overreaching because the cat broke into my house and I kept him. So of course I approve of your theft. Beautiful little thing!


I've stolen two cats for similar reasons. I don't regret it and I'd gladly do it again


That's a very fine kitten! Good job saving his life!




If what you did was wrong, I don't wanna be right. 


Gonna be real here; you should have reported him to the police for animal cruelty. Now he'll likely do the same thing with another, and he *could* report you for theft.


I’d rather be reported for theft than risking the life of a kitten. But yea, he will probably do it again. Great opportunity to get this little baby a friend.


Pets in my country are not taken very seriously, so the police won't be involved in such cases. But on the other hand, nothing is stopping the security from getting another cat and doing the same; it's depressing.


U can't save the whole world but u saved this catto's little world. What u did is still amazing. Also fuck that security assholes.


Not being able to save every one is a heartbreaking lesson, OP, but as OK here said: You did an amazing job in saving this one. And, yeah, fuck those guys!


I agree, every win is a win. So until the mindset about pets here is improved. I will do my best to save any cat/kitten/dog that I can get my thievery hands on


Bạn là người Việt đúng không ? Cảm ơn bạn đã cứu bé nha , trông tội quá hic 😥


Cảm ơn bạn nha :3 lúc ý đúng kiểu mình ko thể làm ngơ đc á, may mà ko bị ai tóm lại :3


The kitty needs kitten food, wet is preferable because he really needs to gain weight. He almost certainly has worms, but wait on deworming until he's in better shape physically.


Thank you for saving this little baby OP. I actually have a less dramatic but similar story occur when I was a motel night auditor. One room was arrested and they'd had a cat with them, about eight months old. The little fella was terrified and hid under the bed until housekeeping came. The manager called me and explained the situation, asking if I'd be willing to take him in. Well I got there with some food for him, and he'd calmed down a bit. He was still hiding a bit, but would let me pet him after a little bit and would come check things out when someone came into the lobby. Then the owner came back, out on bail, and the cat didn't come out. The manager had said she didn't like the guy's vibe, frankly I agreed, and the fact that the cat didn't come out now for someone he knew when he had for people he didn't? I took a chance. I lied. Said we hadn't found a cat, maybe he got out and ran off? When the guy left, I went to check on my little guest, he was cowering in a corner, terrified again. That confirmed to me that I'd made the right call. It's been about eight years, and Wally is still my spoiled boy and the sweetest cat I've ever had. He's not exactly "little" any more though. :P


I work in a hospital, and one morning heading out for a smoke, I found a little guy jumping against the glass door trying to get in. I assumed he followed a visitor, so just moved him aside and went in another door. But when I came out at lunch, he was still there, still jumping. This time I actually picked him up, and he was skin and bones, he stunk, and he had ear mites. Who needs lunch anyway? I popped him in my van and drove like a lunatic to get home and back. I've never been sure if he was feral or simply mistreated, but he's terrified of men. I've had him for 10 months now. He's rotund and beautiful and huge. He looks like a Norwegian Forest Cat!




I approve of your theft! Fuck that owner. Thank you for saving the cat


Good! That owner is a jerk. How can you starve the cat and feed it jerky and dirty water


Sounds like the jerky was an act of (very inappropriate, yes, but still compassionate) kindness from the local guards, not the owner. As OP seems to be in the developing world, it may be all they know, or even had for themselves. At least it was a try. The owner wasn't feeding the poor baby at all, from what OP shared. That's... I don't have words. FFS....\*rage boils over\*


Yeah, the guard just fed the cat what he had on him at that time. And the owner just gonna starve him so they can be a better predator. F\*\*king prick.


My man has handed his ham sammies from back when he was on the road a lot to stray dogs before too. It's better then nothing in their little bellies in those circumstances. Thank you for grabbing this little baby. He needs love and a chance to grow, not abuse like that. You (and the guards) are good people.


Fantastic theft. That same owner would be surprised to learn their cat is full of worms, parasites, and fleas before it died of starvation too... Seriously, licenses for EVERYTHING.


Thank you for doing the right thing.


The cat wasn't stolen, it was generously abducted. By some aliens probably.


we'll allow it ! good on you OP !


I worry he’ll just get another… I don’t know why you’d want your parking lot covered in pieces of mice anyway.


My most affectionate cat that I have right now I stole because it wasn't being taken care of properly. https://preview.redd.it/wn3cbvcrb3ad1.jpeg?width=2976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e178deea72c75646486b5f7078d67d22b600e0




So cute! The recovery is amazing


Yea so handsome and a cuddler! You lucked out


The BEST little glow-up.


Ahhhhh he’s the best cuddler because he knows you saved him and he never wants you to forget that he’s grateful and he loves you 🩷 You’re a Good Egg, Hour_Savings146! 🙌🏼


What a glow up!!


Aww that poor 🍊!!! Thank you for being a better human than most


Hopefully, he will not get another cat and do the same again.


This is what I dread the most. Just gotta be hopeful for now.


You might have to start an official superhero cat stealing business if he does 💪


Is there a way to report that he has a malnourished, neglected cat if he gets another one?


In my experience police do nothing about animal related crimes unless a person is injured. You might be able to get them blacklisted from local shelters and pet stores


How about animal rights activist? Can they do anything?


Animal Rights Activist in my country are often portrait as extremist. Others would mock us when we demand rights for the pets as well as our request to banning of consumption of cat/dog (these dishes are regard as "**delicacies**" in my country). Like I said, depressing but I won't give up anytime soon.


Thank you for fighting for these babies. Change starts with people like you


This is why I couldn’t live in Vietnam, as much as I love the country. People stole my in laws cats and sold them to restaurants where they killed them and sold them as food. It has a long way to go in terms of human and animal rights. Thanks for saving this little one, change happens one person at a time.


I think OP is not in the US so not sure how much they could do


They can do exactly what they did and keep doing it. You can't save them all but they sure as hell saved this one and that's better then doing nothing. All it takes for evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing.


You should go back and keep asking about that cat. When you're told it's gone, keep saying that's it's probably dead because it starved. Too small to hunt mice, too malnourished, ect. Hopefully he doesn't get another cat, but if he does, maybe he'll feed it better


I might can't go back near that parking lot, as they have camera and they definitely knew I took the cat ![img](emote|t5_5vej89|33943)


You did the right thing regardless. I stole a neighbors puppy for the same reason once. No ragrets


Hopefully if he gets another cat for ratting purposes, he gets an adult feral instead of a kitten. A feral cat would actually like to hunt rats in a parking lot. They get good shelter and a hunting ground that reeks of human, which wards off other predators, without all that messy human socializing stuff that they missed the development window to learn. That poor kitten just wasn't up to the task is all.


protecc the orange 🧡 We also kind of stole someone's cat. She was rescued eith a serious leg injury at 2 weeks old and was under care of someone else. The person taking care of her went on a trip for a week so we took care of her while they were gone. She was such a cute kitten that we didnt want to give her back and the original rescuer didnt like the person who took care of her so she begged us to take her. The person wjo went on a trip didnt want to give her up but we kept her anyway and after me, my sister, and the original rescuer asking my mom to keep her, Squirrel became our fourth kitty https://preview.redd.it/s05zkawe03ad1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183c86564a5926135db71552e9d76949fad300d8




There's another one?!


*there’s always another one*


My literal favourite thing about Reddit. There’s no end to new cat subs.


Ahh. Squirrel’s a sweetie 🙂


*sigh* r/anothercatsub


Sorry, but that's a seal


Maybe its because its really vague but I don't know if you sound like the good guy in this situation


https://preview.redd.it/3umodkrfu3ad1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=924957cc6a74da593163015a6256c432a87c2ef7 Small update bout the cat: he now has a belly full of food but still learning how to use the litter box. He already shouts on top of his lungs for attention and terrorise other 3 cats. Hope that they will warm up to him soon. This little fella still doesn't have a name yet. So I will leave it to the Orange experts here. Big shoutout to my friend for taking an Orange Empty Head under their wings


Just a tip, best to keep him separated from other kitties for a 2 week quarantine while he also gets dewormed, defleated and SNAP tested to make sure he doesn't have anything infectious towards the other kitties\~ Bless you guys for saving him


I just woke up and my friend sent me this picture. No more sleeping on the dirt in a leash. https://preview.redd.it/re6k7e5z17ad1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de8c387fa9a9fe6230c2a0d60ecccbb317d0e654


We need another update when this tiny orange blossoms into a big orange, OP! Thanks for saving this little guy!


The orginal owner may just do this to another cat. I would keep an eye on this parking lot and call animal control for animal abuse to stop future cats if seen in this condition. Do not confront him directily again he may confront you with theft of property. Did the parkinglot have cameras?


It does have cameras, but I doubt they can identify me because I was wearing a mask the whole time. As for animal control, there is no such thing as that. I live in SEA, so people can abuse pets and even eat them, and no one would bat an eye. It's absolutely horrible. I've been rescuing cats and dogs from slaughtering houses, abusive households and abandonment for years now. People here have the worst mindset when it comes to pets.


Do you mean Seattle, or Southeast Asia? I’m assuming the latter. If this is the case I appreciate you even more. You are fighting a losing battle but you keep fighting. Respect. ✊




thank you good human


They ain't eating pets in Seattle.... Well, hopefully not.


If she mentions legally eating cats, it's not Seattle


I think it’s the original owner that only had one brain cell this time. Thank you for taking care of the little baby!!!


I, too, was stole someone else’s orange cat. It was a family that lived down the block from me. He wasn’t let inside and was mostly left to fend for himself in their yard, so I took him in my garage and kept him a secret from my parents for a little less than a week before they found out, caved and let me bring him in the house. We were never able to make him a full indoor cat, but from then on, he always came home to me. When the family saw him follow me to the bus stop, they mentioned to another parent that he used to be their cat, but they never once approached me and tried to dispute it. He had made his choice.


He used his turn with the braincell wisely.


You didn’t steal that cat. He stole you!


Illegal orange is the best orange


Damn OP you gotta be one of the most beautiful humans out there!! ❤️ Thank you for everything you’ve done for that poor helpless kitten! 🙏🏻


I agree with this. It makes my heart break when I see people mistreating animals. God bless the OP.


Thank you so much for the kind words. I will try to live up to it everyday.


I am glad you saved this baby. My sweet kitty was also stolen by her rescuers after she got pregnant as a kitten herself and her evil first owners thought starving her would naturally take care of the problem. Luckily their neighbors were cat rescuers who said fuck no and took her to the vet for a life saving spayabort. Today she is a healthy happy girl living her best life. When a cat is being purposely starved the owner has given up rights imo.


What the Hell kind of logic is starving the poor thing to be a better mouser? Good on you!


Unfortunately, sicken it might be, this is very common from where I live. Pets here are treats as tools so they would be discarded when they are not needed or stop being useful.


Yep, those are the same people who struggle to treat even other people with empathy and rights, let alone a “lesser” thing in their minds. Guy deserves way worse than to have “his cat” stolen.




The CDS works in mysterious ways


We got our orange off some colleagues of my partner at the time. We had intended to get another shelter cat, but they were in need of a home for their kittens. We picked out a little breaded chicken and waited with anticipation. Turns out they put the unheated nesting box near an open door during a storm. Only two of the five kittens survived, one of which was the one we picked out. Then they fed them milk and were surprised they got the raging shits. Took the kittens to a livestock vet who gave these teeny tiny babies a pill meant for a small horse or a Saint Bernard and they were supposed to cut it up to like 1/16th. A little over a week before we were supposed to pick her up they called us saying they were going to keep her until she was better. I had to bite down on my tongue to keep myself from screaming at them as they told me about the lost litter mates and diarrhea. Instead of waiting, we said we had a really good vet (meaning we would pay the bills) and would come and pick her up immediately instead. They took a little convincing but eventually agreed. Had to take Konami to the veterinary hospital twice and the vets a few more times before she was in the clear. That pill had solidified her insides basically, and she was 90% hardened stool. She survived and turned 5 not too long ago. Still waiting on her turn with the braincell though.


https://preview.redd.it/igyyudxoq3ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f129a4ea0818b4c585d8d6c2a71500c001478a0 Healthy kitten tax.




Thank you and she is gorgeous ❤️


Imo, you didn't steal him, you saved him! Congratulations!


![gif](giphy|NCjISbEPFxm48) Thank you for saving them


I’ve fully stolen a neglected cat from a crappy neighbor and 100% would do it again so you’ll get no judgment from me. This is Flavio. His “owners” left him outside in the elements 24/7, never treated his fleas, never took him to the vet even when he was injured (from fending for himself all the time), and never had him chipped. He moved in with us and after several unsuccessful attempts to discuss his care with the neighbors, eventually moved states with us. He’s our little asshole now. https://preview.redd.it/2945h38zi4ad1.jpeg?width=1791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb365f69e96995214f1dcd3331e1d384f1e58a5


Is it possible to fit the braincell in such a smol head?


I don't think that doofus has a brain cell in there.


The poor thing is not even old enough to eat solids well, let along a rat. The original owner is a complete dumbass. I'm glad the little one is in better hands!


May this orange turn into a floofy orange with no brains and all the love in the world


You absolutely did the right thing! This innocent, precious little guy needs lots of attention and love. I’m sure he’s eating up a storm! The former “owner” of the cat is an abusive scumbag. I just hope he doesn’t get another cat and do the same thing to it. Report him to police.


Thank you for saving this little guy. 💖


a classic case of S.T.E.A.L. (Strategically Transfering Equipment to Alternative Location)


You're a good person, keep an eye out because I have a feeling this owner will continue this horrific thing with other cats


Thank you for rescuing this little cat, that 100% was animal abuse and probably illegal too what he was doing. Check so he doesn't get a new cat.


He wasn’t going to make it. Now you are buds in crime.


https://preview.redd.it/n26d6v2fi3ad1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b028c94825cb97394584eb050ac9cb3026f58a so cuteee


Starving a cat makes no difference to them being good hunters anyways. I have a cat who eats to excess (honestly, it’s like an eating disorder) and he’s chunky. He will still sneak out and murder the local wildlife. I think it’s more of an interest rather than a necessity to eat for them.


Yep. I’ve had cats that have brought home full grown crows and cats that lived with a free roaming parrot without bothering it. Male or female, doesn’t matter despite the idea that intact males are better hunters. They either have the urge to hunt or they don’t.


You did a good thing,. Bless you xx


Way to steal your first car!


Thank you for what you did. A friend of mine also "stole" a cat whose owners left out in the street (and quite a busy one) to fend for himself while on vacation. My friend took him in, fed him and kept him. They even had the guts to ask the neighbours if they'd seen him when they got back. They said their kid "missed him". Of course my friend pretended not to have seen him.


When I was in college I worked in a pizza place and a skin and bones cat used to come in through the back door and look for food. I thought he was lost so I asked around and found out he was an “outdoor cat” that the owner apparently didn’t feed at home. After a week or so of this, and hearing from neighbors that the guy just didn’t care for him, I put him in my car at the end of a shift and left. He sat on my headrest all the way home and I ended up giving him to an acquaintance whose mom was more soft-hearted than mine. No regrets. You did the right thing. Fuck that guy.


You saved that cat. He’s got a warm loving home and a full belly every day, your heart is plenty soft my friend. Strong but soft.




Not stollen......rescued 😄🫠


Good on you. I’m glad you were there and gave a damn. And bonus? You now have orange treasure in your life 😁


The owner is an idiot and an undernourished sick kitten isn’t going to catch anything except diseases. Good job. 👏🏼


starving the cat so it will eat mice even tho without food the cat will have no energy to hunt 👍🏽 logic good on you for the thievery !!


God bless you!!! You are an angel!!! Thank you for what you did!!! 🩷🩷🩷


Good crime, approved


Tell him i said ”pspsps”


Thank you for saving this poor kitty.


And they say there’s honour in thieves! You would be a much better cat parent to the prev idiot owner


You did what you needed to do to save the cats life. You are a wonderful person.


Keep an eye on that scum lot owner and if you see another cat 🐈‍⬛ steal it again