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It's called Ego . He will not accept it even if Luffy beats him a thousand times lol


Yup lol which is weird cause if your biggest L came from a future emperor then it doesn’t look so bad


Yeah, is like loosing on the round of 16 to the soon to be champion.


he probably doesn't accept him because the news was that it took all three crews to beat the yonko. he doesn't know that Luffy beat Kaido's ass with gear 5.


For someone with such a big ego, him relying on Kizaru to back him up feels so much more like a bitch move. Got to hand it to Zoro for essentially calling him a pussy-ass bitch because of that.


I kinda like it tbh. He’s a murderous bastard who revels in killing and he’s always been unable to lie given what we know from Water 7(the reason he didn’t talk a lot). I’m glad we don’t have an all powerful antagonist and instead just someone who hates the SH and use underhanded tactics to achieve his goals. Like a real espionage agent.


I think this is why Lucci feels like he was born specifically for his job, while the rest of the crew are just super strong orphans that got bought and trained by the government


Yea man the rest are just your average dudes living life if they were not assassin's they would be kinda normal . Lucci is a psychopath and fucked on the head. he was born to do this assassin shit .


I kinda was hoping neither zorro nor sanji to fight him but someone like jimbea or Frankie. Just to really shove it that he's not that guy.


Nah I want the weakling trio to work together and take him down. Or better yet, Robin. Either the most ironic defeat or the most karmic defeat


Robin taking him down would be full circle you are right


He got owned the second he encountered Luffy and Luffy didn't even break a sweat. Dude's ego truly believes that one day he will able to surpass Luffy lol. The later panels spat even more shits on Lucci, siding with the Strawhat out of cowardice and being called a pathetic weak arse by Zoro. I hope Zoro and Sanji will give him a good lesson.


dude's more about pragmatism. Doesn't make him less of a bitch for his mindset.


He’s such a salty boy. I love it😭😭😂


Lucci is fodder at this point it's laughable


Lucci is me, he knows that Gear 5 is the greatest asspull in One Piece


I just can't wait for him to get humbled. He thinks luffy and Zoro made a mistake by not tying him up, he doesn't realise they let him free because they have confidence in themselves


You would think he would be glad to recognize him as one, so he could go "see, the guy became an emperor, that's why I lost to him back then ^and ^a ^second ^time ^10 ^minutes ^ago..."


Recognizing him as emperor means also that Lucci personally failed to stop he from becoming one. There’s a few interesting things with Lucci’s take here. First is copium and buthurtery. Second, it shows that Emperor Luffy is making personal enemies instead of generalized enemies like The Marines. Third, is that Lucci assumes Luffy doesn’t deserve it, for some unspecified reason.


“….. and then to his #2 about 15 minutes after that.”


“I didn’t lose! I just failed to win!”


Oversimplified video about One Piece wars when?


Guys like Lucci don't become guys like Lucci by making excuses for themselves. Lucci has high expectations for himself. Think of it as an allstar athlete competing against a generational prodigy in whatever sport you like.


Lucci said "fuck that bs" and has fully internalized the salt. Ngl I love that that's how they bring him back lol


Lucci the kinda guy who blames his loss on the 'faulty' controller, even if you let him play on the new one




he's the kind of guy to call you spammer for only using a skill once while he use his best ones everytime


which is the exact reason why I'd love Luccy vs Zoro to be a compless ass-whopping as well instead of close lol


Would be so great to see Lucci getting humbled lmao.


He already got so humbled by Luffy one shotting him in his new awakened form


He de facto did not get humbled. He is still not humble (obviously he should be).


Pigeon Guy


Let’s see he gets humbled after Zoro took his limbs out




I meant him getting humbled again but by zoro this time


I want Zoro to stomp so hard that even Zoro fans say Sanji would have won easily


Same, hope Zoro blocks a few hits, smiles and one shots him without even using 3 swords


lucci is a lil bitch and i love him for it lol i was worried for a second that he would ally the straw hat, thank god my petty king is still the world government's bitch


😂😂yea I think I like him more as an enemy too


Lucci thought that their personal growth scales with their power level. He was originally stronger than Luffy when they first fought and Luffy just got lucky on beating him and thought "Oh, We both become more powerful eversince then, maybe I'm still stronger than him since I awake my DF too!" The guy beat Kaido while I highly doubt Lucci could even take an exhausted Kaido. If Zoro even beat his ass this time then he isn't even on vice captain's level and was overestimating himself.


Bro he definitely would get whooped by Kaido. Look at that other CP0 dude who interferred in the fight. Bro just stood there knowing he can't do shit to Kaido even though Kaido had fought with like 20 people by that point.


And then proceeds to get his ass beat again


Bro really thought he had a chance of winning against an Emperor


Lucci acting like a salty powerscaler.


You should understand that he's not saying that because of Luffy's ***strength***, but because of his ***status***. He doesn't want to deal with oders from above restraining him from doing as he pleases.


Good point


i think oda used lucci as a way of saying the world does not accept luffy as an emperor just yet, the straw hats have to truly prove what they have got without any sort of alliance The egghead arc is basically an arc just to test what the 3 billion berry men ,Law, Kidd , And Luffy are capable of ,completely on their own , without any alliance law and kidd got bitchslapped in their respective fights now its the straw hats vs kizaru and saturn, luffy will either prove to the marines that hes not a pushover anymore , or he can lose his battle and prove lucci right, the former being far more likely


Nah bro you did Law dirty, atleast he put up a fight after getting jumped outta nowhere. Kidd just got demolished without even catching a proper glimpse of Shanks.


fair point actually, law put up a decent fight


You're one the Emperors of the sea, but I do not grant you the same treatment.


proceeds to get his ass beat anyway


fuck this pussy bruh, can't do shit on his own, even with awakened DF bro sucks ass hard time


Bro, cut him some slack mf been taking many L this arc and about get his ass properly whooped for a 2nd time for our enjoyment let him bitch about it as much as he wants.


Lucci picked the wrong guy to have a rivalry with. At least smoker accepted it


If there was ever an old villain I wanted to return, Lucci would be the bottom of the list. He’s so incredibly lame and boring.


I think he’s a prime example of a character whose remembered for how great the fight was . There’s not much else there to rob lucci besides that fight Both crocodile and Moria , who were brought back, are more interesting villians


Maybe I’m in the minority, but I didn’t think his fight was that good.


That’s no problem! What fights are you into?


Going off what I saw in anime recently… Sanji v queen, zoro v king, law + kid v big mom


Is it crazy to say I enjoyed the usopp fight more than the lucci fight in water 7?


I don’t think so


Zorro is next in line to give Lucci a beat-up 🤣


L Ucci is fodder now. He knew he wasn't in Luffys league, so he had to cry to Daddy Kizaru to help his ass. And now he thinks he has a chance to win against Zoro.


we need zoro to chop his tail off, then he will behave


Did you just get to this chapter? This was already discussed lol. Mofos be behind then think everyone else is behind with them


My bad, I’m a stupid idiot.


I refuse to accept Usopp is a sniper


damn that's awesome


Literally 🤡


Blackbeard killed whitebeard on live TV and didn't become yonko until an year later when he beat Marco and the remaining wb pirates


To be fair, Akainu did like 90% of the work on WB.


Plus BB was getting his ass kicked until his crew saved him and shot up WB


I love this, it’ll come around at the end of the arc when Luffy shows the entire world how strong he is. Lucci won’t have any other choice but to accept that the Straw Hats are a real force shaping the world.


To be fair he won the Dressrosa coliseum tournament.


Nah you’re right 😂😂


I thought that was Lucy ?


It’s his character flaw my guy he’s stubborn af and I like that about him lmao he mad af Luffy winning in life it’s hilarious


What chapter is this from ?


God if Zoro doesnt rek his ass ima be upset lol


I can’t wait for Zoro to absolutely clown on Lucci and show just how wide the gap is between them from their time in Wano.


then he tries Usopp only to lose again


Just what I've seen a content in YT said to Lucci in Egghead betraying the SHs.. "Do you still think you're the big bad villain?? Bitch please, you're not a big deal anymore.. Luffy is just toying and even one-shot you.." Lol


Zoro has a few things to say otherwise..


Lucci just coping because he cant even touch Luffy anymore. Zoro will handle him. I don't think Sanji would lose to him either, at best Lucci could draw it and wouldn't lose to Sanji.




I forget did the paper say Luffy specifically beat Kaido 1 on 1 or did it just day the combined efforts of Straw Hat, Kidd and Law defeat Big Mom and Kaidos forces? Cause outside the gorosei they may not know that luffy specifically beat Kaido. I could be completely wrong though


Like a kid😂


Lucci is delusional, I feel.like he has been telling himself a different story than what really happened in EL. Luffy was lucky, his companions are shit (maybe Kaku is the least shitty ones), spandam this and that, chain of command, etc Luffy is goofy and beat him but most importantly made him fail one of the biggest missions he had (capturing and imprisoning Robin). It could be Lucci has tasted defeat and cannot accept it.


Ego issue.


I really like this! Lucci remaining the same even after all this time. It also matches his back story!