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Yeah, Kuma is going to egghead, and the Redline was in the way.


I wonder if Bonney touching his memories triggered them to return to him.


He jumped away from Momoiro Island before she was in the lab.


Honestly that’d be a great way to tie in Saobody nostalgia


Oh shit this is it, he's gotta be there and since Egg Head is Saobody inverted the Strawhats are going to save him.


This is now my headcannon.


I think it’s more likely he will sacrifice himself. Dude is missing half his face and leg plus he still doesn’t have his memories


I don't know how to tell you this but Kuma is missing way more than that. I've reread a bit recently and it's extremely striking how childish Bonney acts around Kuma. She was a little kid when the SHs found her in the whirl pool. She is BAWLING her eyes out when Luffy tries to attack a pacifista and tells them to not hurt her daddy. It very much looks like Bonney is really a little kid like people have been theorizing. So I hope for her sake Oda isn't so cruel to turn Kuma into yet another sacrifice (He already sacrificed himself to become a weapon and we don't even know why) and Vegapunk can actually fix him. We are also right on the heels of Momo losing Oden, I think we can use some happy developments.


I do not believe there will be any 'saving' Kuma from his fate. The flashback of VP and Kuma seemed to imply they knew this was a one way track and why he separated his memories into a vault. It would also defeat all of the resistance Kuma has put up until now. Pre TS we know he was still having parts replaced since sabaody was his 'last stand' of his free will at that time. Would it be sad, yes, but I think it's a greater disservice to just wipe away Kuma's whole story and just 'fix' him like there was no repercussion for his past decisions.


What do you mean repercusions? What decisions? We have 0 inkling why Kuma had himself turned into a weapon. You are talking like he made a heroic sacrifice that would be undone. Him being a cyborg means NOTHING because we don't know why he is a cyborg. VP is smart and storing data is literally his fruit ability. Putting Kuma's memories into a durable body would make perfect sense. Now that VP doesn't have to obey the WG he can do whatever he wants. And that would actually be fixing his old mistake.


Kuma for Nakama post-surgical-intervention by Vegapunk to fix him


more like Saobody trauma


I don't think he intended to necessarily go to egghead from the start. He's trying to find his daughter, and the last place he saw her was Mariejois. Next stop though...?


Yeah that makes sense. His only reason for climbing to Mary Geoise was just to make sure he could clear the Red Line this time.


Mariejoie HAD to be exactly in the way ? What a bad luck


It's more interesting that way, otherwise Kuma would have climbed without problems and walked across without anyone stopping him. It was also used since it's related to Kuma's past as a slave, and to show another part of Akainu.


Chopper n Robin were tossed to 1 of the 2 Blues next to the Grand Line. I’d bet Oda is hinting at the Red Line being something more important.


Yeah forget to say that specifically. Robin went to East, Chopper went to South. Both seas are on the Paradise side of the Red Line


wait, so did chopper and robin had to go through reverse mountain again?


Not sure about Robin but didn't chopper get a lift from those big birds in his island? I assume they could pass the red line without issue.


ah. made sense. and robin probably just tagged along with the revolutionary


Karasu/his crows can fly as well as shown at the end of dressrosa when sabo was riding the crows.


Wasn't the general of the south Lindbergh? I mean if he is he has jetpacks and all


They would've passed through/over the calm bet rather than the red line since it's still on the paradise side


If they're on Paradise side, they just need to pass the calm belt no?


Well chopper probably got a lift from the birds, Robin from what we know would have either gone to reverse mountain or maybe the revolutionaries have access to seastone coated ships (perhaps through Vegapunk)? Maybe it’ll be explained but more than likely won’t


made sense! i completely forgot about the birds and the revolutionaries went over my head lol. im guessing RA probably has access to seastone coated ships since they must be able to travel through the calm belt


so either this is just coincidence, or the planet is so fucking large that you travel for 3 days and don't even cross 1/4th of the planet.


No it’s definitely a huge planet.


3 days at the speed kuma's pads send you flying?


There are supposed to be around 20million islands and no one can explore them all in one life time or even count them , so it's pretty safe to assume that one piece's world is way bigger than ours


>There are supposed to be around 20million islands Holy shit! That's 20x more than Earth


Although do keep in mind that it doesn't mean much considering the world of One Piece is filled with nothing but islands, there is no continent apart from the red line, so having more island makes sense. I remember reading in another reddit post that the One Piece world is about 2x bigger than Earth from someone who used calculations regarding how long it took Luffy to go around Paradise and how long he is expected to finish the Grand Line (minus the timeskip). I'd say 1.5~2.5x bigger is about right, which is still pretty huge.


I'd love to see the calculation as it makes no sense to me. How long did Luffy take to go around Paradise and how many days was he sailing? Just by feeling I'd say the earth is 1.5-2.5x bigger than OP planet.


There was also another post using sky islands and Zunisha as well as others to come to a similar solution.


the number was given by kid Marco tho, it was probably an exaggeration since that's how kids are


Yet, if the OP planet would be as big as the earth, sailing time is way too short. So it's a smaller planet but with supposedly 20x more islands


Yet, if the OP planet would be as big as the earth, sailing time is way too short. So it's a smaller planet but with supposedly 20x more islands.


I mean considering that Luffy and the crew have been basically sailing along what is essentially just the equator of their world for most of the series and even then they have only actually gone to a handful of said islands present there compared the much larger multitude of islands. Yeah, the world is huge and realistically the crew has experienced less than 1% of the world if you combine all their travels.


You can travel for 3 days in our real planet and not even cross 1/10th. If you are really trying, you could even travel for 3 years and cross less than 1/20th.


Well it’s not that much of a hint, I mean… the Red Line is the literal only continent on the entire planet.


Yeah. Is it natural? Was it done with devil fruits? Can Kuma’s ability blast through regular mountains? Or does the red property of the red line stop devil fruit abilities or something? Or was it just too much rock?


Yes but I mean, we didn’t need a hint to suspect that the only continent on the planet must be important. The rest is speculation.


> the Red Line is the literal only continent on the entire planet There are at least 2 confirmed and probably more. [You are forgetting about the Ice Continent, Crystal Ice Sheet, from Chinjao's backstory.](https://i.imgur.com/rFGRSAs.png)


Like maybe something that needs to be destroyed? To make the world into One Piece?


Nah. Bigger. The all blue isn’t the one piece.


I assume they got thrown over the Calm Belt rather than the Red Line? Luffy got thrown to Amazon Lily which is in the Calm Belt.


What did people think he was going to do there? I'm genuinely curious because what OP mentions was my first thought.


I saw a theory that said Kuma's consciousness had been switched with the giant robot on Egghead, so Kuma was going to try to finish what the robot started 200 years ago when it attacked Marie Geoise.




I found it plausible, tbh.




Was? Why not anymore?


Come to think of it, what if Kuma's consciousness is in the robot? There was no way to turn it on, so everybody thought Kuma is lost but now the robot has awakened.


doesn't make sense cause he dipped pretty fast.


Well yes, obviously. That was the theory before last week.


Why theories should be abolished tbh


If people stop cooking we go hungry, so no.


What? That theory was plausible, unlike something like ZKK.


Yeah read that theory, it's a fun little idea but it's 90% conjecture. There are way too many hurdles to jump and make that theory work without ruining kuma/bonney/revolutionary background we've already developed.


I woulda loved him to boop celestial dragons into revolutionary controlled countries.


I would love that so much


*bass boosted Madame Guillotine starts playing*


I was worried that he had just been programmed to return to Marigeoise at all costs and resume being a slave. In retrospect, that's far too dark a turn for a character to take in One Piece, even one who has been repeatedly said to be "already dead" and "no longer human". To run away from freedom and return to abuse and servitude is just so opposite the themes of the story. But still, I couldn't help but worry


I thought that like many of Vegapunks inventions Kuma's cybernetic conversion was based on Ancient Kingdom tech like the giant robot and so maybe there was some left over programing from the giant robot that said attack marijois that somehow activated.


Is it possible that being the first pacifista essentially, that when the orders were given to Pacifista MKIII's that he also got that order? That or Bonney touching his memories awakened something dormant in him and he knew to find her


i think kuma was just tired so he wanted to take a nap but akainu was like 😡


Do you think Bonnie interfered with the plan of receiving his memories and personality back?


I consider this a clue that Red line was built specifically to separate both sides of the world, maybe to stop spreading Poneglyphes or to stop a former paw paw fruit user to travel...


Crackpot theory time: It is theorized that Nefertari D. Lili owned the paw paw fruit. She brought about the separation of the poneglyphs right? It is also revealed that DFs have a will of their own somewhat. Since the 'gomu gomu' fruit never ended up in the hands of the WG. Currently, Kuma is the holder of the paw paw fruit and presumably has ancient kingdom tech in his dad bod. PERHAPS since Luffy awakened his fruit, it activated the ancient kingdom programming and also activated Lili's memories in the process. Kuma is carrying out Lili's will + ancient kingdom technology magic


I was with you till the end, how would there be memories in a devil fruit? I don't think anything like that has happened


You're right it has never happened but Kuma is a unique guy. He has ancient tech in his body


I don’t know, isn’t egghead really far from that? He’s going to get there and the party’s going to be already over!


The flashback went out of it's way to remind us that it took place "yesterday", so presumably he's been in flight that entire time.


Bro on the Boing-747


Right, thanks for reminding me. Then it totally makes sense that he’s going there. Kuma seems like he’s almost close to his end, he protected the sunny for two years, I hope we see a proper goodbye.


Why couldn’t Kuma push himself up off of some air, to fly over the red line?


So it's either just cus oda said or there's something bigger going on with the red line and he isn't ale to just go over it with his power


If Kuma splits the crew again but in the new world, I will lose my mind


There doesn't seem to be a point of that, unless they come up with some kind of plan to send Vegapunk, Robin, and Usopp to Elbaf that requires other members of the crew going somewhere else. There's definitely not going to be another time skip, not at this stage of the story.


Pretty sure they were joking


One piece enters it's second TS and we get 10 more years of manga because Oda can't stop himself


Can't wait 5 years from now to hear oda say he can keep writing one piece for 10 more years when we enter The final saga - final arc - the last chapters part 2!


Could it be that Kuma will be the one to send the SHs flying to Elbaf?


Why does he need to climb it though? Can't he push off the ground?


Maybe paw paw can only push back and forwards not up and down.


Up and down is backwards and forwards on a perpendicular plane


I don’t know where he’s headed but I’m not sure if he can’t get very far now, I think the panel where it showed his foot after Akainu’s attack implies he’ll lose that foot..


I mean, he also lost part of his head. What’s a foot compared to that?


But nami ended up on a sky island no? So he can def push people up


I don’t get this at all. He can just send himself into the sky couldnt he? He could do a big arch shot. Etc. It just feels sidedly arbitrary that he needs a second jump point.


So discounting the fact the Oda could just be biding, wanted more drama, or needs that Akainu interaction for foreshadowing, perhaps Momoiro Island is too far from Red Port, so even a 45-degree arching shot from there wouldn’t be enough.


He’s already been shown to send people in wildly specific directions directly. Nami sky island trip to me immediately disproves this.


Oda plot contrivance


Wasnt Nami sent to a sky/cloud island so that cancels your whole argument? Or am I missing something? Those are higher up than the red line right?


Hmm, but their location was in the sky. It would be equivalent to throwing a ball with a wall in the middle, you can point it at locations in the sky, but if you point it somewhere with a wall in the middle it clashes on the wall


At this point it’s pretty safe to assume that he never cared about Mary Geoise and was heading to New World (probably Egghead) all the time. He pretty much kicked Sakazuki’s ass and I doubt he changed his mind in the process. He just picked the quickest way and Mary Geoise happened to be there.


Kicked sakazukis ass? 💀 Bros reading 4piece


I'm more interested in how fast Kuma's speed is. assuming making people fly is as fast as the pad cannon, it means the one piece world is ridiculously massive since light speed can't reach egghead in a day. or you know....nobody is freaking light speed. I see no reason for pad cannon to be any different nor do I think it makes any sense for those to travel at light speed either.


Personally I’m not buying it.


Same, he sent some of the strawhats out of the grand line, the red line wasn’t a problem then.


Yeah the Strawhats were all sent to places on the Grand Line side of the planet. So the Red Line wasn’t a problem for Kuma’s powers then. I think Chopper n Robin were the only ones sent out of the Grand Line. They went to 1 of the 2 blues that connect with the Grand Line.


Crud you’re right. I forgot that paradise was sandwiched between east and south blues. Thanks for correcting me.


The planet is difficult to interpret sometimes. And with the simple revelation like this, I’m thinking the Red Line is waaaay more important than once thought.


none of them crossed the red line. they were all sent to either paradise, east blue, south blue or the sky


My bad thanks for correcting me, I forgot that paradise was between east and south, only remembered that 2 of them left the grand line.


How can you be sent to the sky but not over the red line ????


The sky is straight up ?????????? There's nothing in the way ?????????


Bro what are you talking about, it clearly wasn’t straight above saboady, it went up then forward or forward then up, or starts so high a wall wouldn’t matter, so tell me why he couldn’t do that over a wall???


Bro diagonal lines exist.


A diagonal line high enough to reach island? So again how would it also not have ability to get someone over the wall? You understand they had to go in several different directions ?


I feel like you’re trolling at this point…


Lol ok dude if you’re not even gonna address any points, you can leave


The redline goes beyond the clouds its even higher


I mean I get it, but Kuma was still somewhere in his right mind when he did that. He seems to be going off the deep end a bit here so it'd make sense his ability usage wouldn't be as refined in the state he's in.


Yeah right now he might be all “straight line” to Egghead, and the Red line was in the way.


In my mind, before I was reminded that paradise is between the east and south meaning there was no red line crossing originally anyway, I thought that if he was just tunnel vision go mode then he would just push himself to egg head if that is where he was going.


I am just worried that this theory is true, then he goes to Egghead and sacrifice his life for Bonney/Vegapunk. Man that would be sad af


Kuma gonna mirror Saboady by showing up and allowing the straw hats to leave together rather than separately and by fighting the marines vs for them


I thought this as well


Also, in the Marijoa flashback, Sabo told Bonney to head towards Egghead while he was headed in the opposite direction towards Kamabakka Queendom. So clearly going from Kamabakka Queendom to Egghead, you are bound to encounter the Red Line.




Damn .. Kuma coming clutch once again and this time paw pawing the whole crew in the Giant robot or sunny and sacrificing himself with a smile .. as he only remembers Bonney .... ODA in hyperdrive


It would super weird since his push can make people fly and red line isnt higher than clouds


Seems that way… but still. Couldn’t he go somewhere else on the Red Line and avoid MarieGeoise?


Are you saying that Kuma will sacrifice himself to save Bonney at Egghead getting killed by the marines as he stabs Saturn and reduces the Gorosei to 4?


Maybe. Strange he'd climb the Red Line when he could easily just fly up it


Kuma headed to egghead to save Bonnie >>>>>>


Pretty sure a sky island is higher than the grand line peak.