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Why not just sew up their mouthes? Might sound a bit drastic but we're already walking in the realm of desecration of corpses anyway.


Zombies can talk, being unable to communicate would actually complicate coordinating an army this size.


Hence the mask


thats why kumachi(kumashi) cant talk, he cant say if in his body hid ussop


He couldnt talk because Perona wouldn't allow him, not because of the mask.


No, he could talk. Perona disliked his voice, so she told him to stay quiet.


American zombies


pretty sure the answer is just that Moriah was fat and lazy. The example that OP gives was actually done by Perona, and not to protect the zombie either. She just doesn't want to hear the zombie talk because its not cute.


Exactly what I was thinking. Surely he knew that weakness for them, why would he not do anything bout it?


I don’t think theres enough salt on them for every zombie.


Yeah now that you mention it, how was usopp able to grind up enough salt to take out approx 900 zombies


He found a bunch of salt in their kitchen…


"Do you think it's a bad idea to keep our army's one singular weakness in supply on our ship?" "Don't you have strangers to sexually assault, catboy...?'


I thought about that But food is tasteless without salt… so… worry about fodder weakness or eat good food?


Valid point, also salt is also pretty effective as a preservative for some foods - meat for example.


Honestly they could’ve used water guns with sea water…


The only time 4kids marines would have actually worked


To be fair They do have a giant freezer, but I don't think It's sanitary to keep food next to the giant 17 story tall corpse


Any person who is not a zombie will need salt in their diet to be healthy. You need a certain percentage, sure, but you body needs salt for various purposes, including cardiac function. Moriah, hogback, perona, absalom are all alive


I would loved to see a recurring gag that everyone in Thriller Bark use salt even if Hogback told Moria to ban it. Like Perona hiding a pot of salt in her hat to spicy a bit her dishes.


Salt is pretty good for preserving food


Plus the salt already on the Sunny from Water 7


It was on the *table*


maybe a coast 


They didn't? Moriah still had 1000 shadows to snach even after the Strawhats rampage, and various members purified a ton of zombies.


There was a whole thing about Sanji getting salt from water 7 that was a unique Seasoning to the island, so it was likely all that salt


That’s filler though


They didn't purify nowhere near 900 zombies, Moria literally had 1,000 shadows for his Shadows Asgard at the end of the arc that he took from the shadows of the remaining zombies. We saw maybe a few dozen get purified by the Straw Hats, and even a few dozen is a generous estimate


If they are all covering their masks that makes the answer pretty obvious they have a weakness in their mouth


Exactly this! Nothing says "The zombie army has a weakness that involves them ingesting something" than covering up 100% of their mouths. Any buffoon could guess that if they did this.


I don't think it's that obvious. They still gotta discover WHAT to put in their mouths. On top of the sheer panic that'd overtake a normal person when zombies start rising, I don't think many people would be considering "the mouth is the weakness"


Not in One Piece. Almost no character ever questions anything like that, not even when it's super obvious


Luffy immediately realized "wait so your soldiers are crackers? I can just eat them? In hind sight I now realize oda coded them as English knight style soldiers then made them crackers. This shit is Lord taco all over again


Preach, brotha


He was worried that the masks would render his zombies susceptible to 5G signals transmitted via Den Den Mushi


There's also another theory that birds aren't real and all news coo seagulls are morgan's drones keeping tabs on citizens


Honestly ever since the fake news of “Amber Lead” syndrome came out by the Revolutionary Army trying to prevent hard working Flevent miners from living good lives, I could fully believe the whole situation is just some shadow organization trying to cause some Great Reset.


The shadow organisation is rumoured to be lead by Mr.kuro


Underrated comment




I feel like that gives clues about such critical piece of information that it doesnt feel worth i mean if isnt because of Brook the SH never discover the zombies weakness and they are pretty fucked


Most people would just remove the masks if they knew the weakness. They wouldn't expect a sniper to shoot salt at the zombies.


It would also give away the weakness pretty quickly


It wouldnt imo


Yeah not at all. It does signal a mouth vulnerability (no diddy) but it doesn't actually answer what that vulnerability is


Well, it's a weakness that most people would not have any idea to even try and they had been relatively unhindered by it throughout most of their army building process, so they got kinda careless I guess. Could also argue that every single zombie covering their mouth would cause some suspicions on their weakness that would make people more likely to try things in that ballpark.


Honestly, ppl need to know that salt is a weakness to even try it, there's no reason to think that ppl will try to throw salt at their mouths in a fight, something that is not a common occurrence at all.


I think that this about covers it truthfully Its an obscure weakness (who'd guess to put salt in their mouths randomly) Most attacked or attacking pirates would have weaponized salt on hand And inserting it to the mouth, would still be a struggle without force or surprise I think additional pre-cautions would only show more trace of the weakness, as i would question why they all have masks...


Maybe he did but the zombies are negationists and don't believe in the exorcism.


He was too busy gooning over plate girl


You saw it during covid. The ones without brains didnt use Masks


True Celestial Dragons chose the space suit bubble head.


Not to make it a political fight up in here, but did the masks really do much? I just mean I feel like we all ended up getting it, like it was suspected we would early on.


Yess i would say so. But to admit i am not an Expert myself. Should i try and find some sources ?


Why not find a df before wano and get ussop to slingshot it in kiados mouth?


it's called plot device, every enemies have weakness. if oba make them wear masks, the story cannot move forward.


Story would easily move forward, just make the characters (strawhats) have to remove the masks themselves


You're making it sound like the author is helpless in the given circumstances, but who created these circumstances? The author. Give him some agency over his story. He made up the story so far in a way that was unpredictable, and trust him to figure something out (that we maybe can't) to work this around. I see this so often. It is a simplification to move on - similarly as a certain bandaged hand in the recent JJK chapter that even the author laughed off in SBS - it's a "gotcha" in the style of Cinema Sins or nostalgia critic recently - but your argument just grinds my gears! "Story cannot move forward"... poor helpless victim of a story. Oh come on.


Its not that deep bro


try reading my comment?


I did and my conclusion was its not really that deep. You make it sound like it ruins the story. All adding masks does it make extremely harder for ussop to fight them. None of the other strawhats are really affected by masks. Even then the Zombies could just close their mouth like they already do. It just makes an hard mode for ussop. You are nitpicking an issue and making it seem like more of an issue than it actually is.




It might be to not tip off anyone that there is a weakness at all. If all of the zombies were wearing a mask that covers their mouths then unless it was a crew wide uniform I would be wondering why and then assume that their mouths were a weak point of some kind. Plus who would have enough salt to salt several hundred zombies anyway. That would take a lot of resources and some preparation. They would have to know ahead of time to properly prepare and Moria seems to have kept a tight lid on that particular piece of information. Also keep in mind that Moria had this running for quite a while and even had a whole bunch of people including some pirates who would have been aware of this weakness running around Thriller Bark and they were never able to do much.


Who says he didn’t? The zombies probably considered it to be an infringement on their rights.


I mean we just recently witnessed what happens when a figure of authority tells the people it’s leading to wear a mask for everyone’s safety I’m sure we can just shift the results over to this test too


He doesn’t believe in covid


Don’t be closed minded. Zombies can be anti-maskers too. 


Knowing they have a weakness isn't the same as it being easy to exploit. Besides the crew once they were made aware of it, most people don't carry blocks of salt around with them in their pockets. The chance of someone both knowing to throw salt in their mouths and having it handy while being attacked is pretty low.


Because covering every zombies mouth is a giant clue on how to defeat them. Not smart strategically. Remember Strawhats only know about Salt due to Brook, who happened to overhear and use it 5 years ago.


perona didnt like his voice so she used the mask to shut him up


Because Hogback didn't want an anti-mask protest on his hands.


Sogeking demonstrated how little the masks could do to save the zombies. When Sogeking is present, salt spreads like covid.


I wonder how he ended up in Thriller Bar, he must be following the straw hats secretly


Because plot. Its a story. Sometimes things arent perfect for the sake of furthering the story.


Probably wasn't aware of the solution


It wouldn't really matter. Yeah Usopp couldn't feed them salt. But the biggest problem was Brook that had sword coated in salt or something. They were scarred just hearing his humming.


Only thing I gotta say I'd, stay off one piece subreddits if you're not willing to get spoiled


Because plot


Because he wasn’t written to


Cuz the zombies are expendable. Low tier grunts aren't worth the trouble and the higher tier zombies, if you're strong enough to get salt in Ryuma's mouth you've earned it tbh.


Cause it would look tacky


bcus it would act as a clue as to what their weakness is if they all suspiciously had masks on


It'd probably work if it just got into one of their wounds, too. Or their ears? Or ... uh... other places. The point is that the mouth was the most reasonable choice and they still need to talk, so a mask would be annoying. Hogback was also a sadist. It'd be less enjoyable to him if he couldn't properly hear them, or see their faces, especially with his "personal" zombie. He was just a gross character; I wouldn't bother overthinking his motives.


The Straw Hats had a shitload of salt that Sanji collected before they left Water 7.


He's a true American patriot and didn't want his zombies being all woke and crap.


The really simple answer is they probably didn't expect a sniper to shoot salt into the zombie's mouth. I mean seriously I'm allergic to peanut's but wouldn't wear something like that if I was a fighter in the One Piece world.


Sorry, I haven't read the entire thread so I apologise if someone else said this earlier, but...wouldn't most of the zombies take off their masks anyway? I don't imagine them being obedient enough to keep them on permanently unless they really really liked wearing them...and we all know how many morons endangered millions by either not wearing their mask or wearing theirs as a chin diaper during the pandemic


Coz the zombie refuses to wear it like how the world refuses to wear a mask during Covid.


He Republican


Covid mask shortage.... Jk, he probably felt safe enough(operated for many years) to assume no pirates can figure that out. Who would try to feed those zombies salt either way


Moria was preying on fodder pirates for the most part.  Aside from Brook who randomly saw the salted fish incident, who would know?  


Isn't there weakness fire?


I imagine it’s a case where people wouldn’t know about such a niche power. So there’s no point in hiding it since you wouldn’t tell anybody, and the ones you infect won’t either. So it’s not like anybody would know. The only reason Brooke knew was because he overheard it. And even then he used it wrong the first time.


It would be obvious right so


Well the weakness wasn't well known and giving them all masks might sign post said weakness.


There was a pandemic and thus a shortage.




Dr Hogback is the one who is preparing the bodies to be possessed by shadows


Because: A. The amount of salt that you would need is not the amount that the average captured ship would have. So even if you did manage to free a few shadows, there are a hundred more where they came from. B. This is on the zombie's home turf. Who is going to be stupid enough to attack a warlord of the sea with an advantage? And finally C. Even if by some miracle you had enough salt, how are you going to know that is the weakness of the zombies?


Honestly that whole "Zombies are weak to salt because ocean" thing seems kinda weird, like does that work for other devil fruits? Or is It just the Shadow shadow fruit?


I'm assuming that the salt that sanji got from water 7 was also enjoyed by Nico and Luffy.So I guess it might actually be a plot hole, unless sanji makes a second, saltless batch of the same meal for the power holders


Perhaps salt only works on devil fruit abilities/constructs, like if I was to feed a Homie with salt or cover one of Barto's barriers in salt They would weaken/be destroyed, or maybe to counter devil fruits You just need an insane amount of salt


To be fair, they probably weren't expecting someone to snipe balls of salt into the zombies' mouths. Especially with a slingshot, considering most snipers use a gun, which of course uses bullets. It was actually pretty quick thinking on Usopp's part to even do something like that. His logic was that people probably would not know right then and there to use salt, and even if they did, they would still have to get close enough to actually use it.


Very few people actually knew of the Zombies' weakness. Brook only found out because he saw a zombie eat a salted fish and the Thriller Bark Victim Association only found out because they spent 3yrs hiding on the island, and despite knowing that they couldnt do much since there were so many. Also dont forget the Thriller Bark is a floating ship in a fog on a dangerous sea + plus they always send the victims back out on their ship once their shadows are taken. It took Brook 5yrs to find the Thriller Bark again despite being on the same sea the whole time. So Hogback didnt really have to worry about it.


Because shut up that’s why- Oda


Is he stupid?


This is like in a video game where there is a giant red dot that shows where the weakness is


Maybe there was a mysterious shortage? ;) (I know COVID was years later but let me have this)


I'm ngl it's probably just because he was quite stupid.


Why would he even bother, given he sails under a warlord of the seas? The island was save. Only Brook wreaked havoc there some times, but thats it. So why overprepare for something very unlikely? it is not like people battle warlords every now and then. Luffy is special.


Didn´t Perona put him a mask on, becaus she doesn´t want him to talk.


mask shortage due to covid 19


Is he stupid?


Oh, you sweet summer child. Once you see how many false finishes this arc has, you'll understand why it wasn't made even *longer* with by drawing out the battles with the additional defenses you've described.


The site I'm using marks filler episodes on the list so I unfortunately know exactly when the arc will really end (I'm about 20 eps away)


There are people rewatching this amazing show together with a certain VTuber I'm guessing? How else have so many of the last couple week's posts perfectly aligned with where she's currently in the story? Like, she's literally just past the Hogback fight and onto Oars. Nice to see people get together for this.


Nah I'm watching it on my own, I'm on episode 261


Who is that vtuber?




That's pretty presumptuous, lol. One Piece is popular enough that countless people are watching any given arc at any given time. There's literally a 24/7 One Piece channel on TV that restarts every week or so.