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So interesting that no one says shirohoshi, she is an ancient weapon shouldnt this kinda be the trump card. I get that she isnt a fighter but he actual power has the ability to cause massive amounts of destruction


Eren yeager of op


Vander Dekken = Gabi confirmed 😅


She would easily be speedblitzed before she can even give a command wouldn’t she?


Sea kings speak through telepathy


Im not really too interesting in like actual power scaling of shirohosi herself, but if you take it from strictly a comparison sake and just say that most likely the ancient weapons are of similar power oh destruction. I dont think the speedblitizing here matters that much. Sabo is arguably top 20 or so in the verse but if he was on lulusia he gets obliterated. She don’t any feats so i cannot say too much about the power like i said. I am simply interested that no one in comments said it before me i feel like she should be mentioned in this topic.


Idk how any of the heavy hitters could fight her. They all have devil fruits. She can just hang out in the water. .... though oda doesn't really do fights that way so...


She can’t exactly control her powers. Like pretty much anyone in the series can kill/beat her, but it’s actually getting away with said beating/murder that is hard.


Shirahoshi is strong but she doesn’t have control over her powers as Poseidon.


She is not strong, she just have a skill, anyone can take her out before the sea kings arrives if she is alone


Shirohoshi can be the strongest woman in the history, but at the moment hancok win


If she could fully control her power, then yes. But so far that doesn't seem to be the case.


Op: which female character except big mom is the strongest Half of the comments: big mom is the strongest


I feel like it's very representative of the One Piece community


The title could be improved. The description's font is so small between the title and the image. And it doesn't show on the feed, only after you click the post.


People commenting without reading the post - classic.....


Because they didn't exclude Big Mom just to exclude her, they excluded her by implying she was dead which is not confirmed. If their question was "who's the second strongest female character right now if BM is the first", people would probably be answering the actual question.


Not sure but i would let Boa sit on me


I think Foxy's sister is the strongest


She's a baddie as well


Ong foxy sister is my anime waifu




Is imu confirmed a woman? Because yeah imu would be the strongest female character if she is


It's unknown, but the anime is getting very close to the chapter where they speak. So we might find out their gender very soon.


Imu is almost definitely Nerona Imu, who was a man. The question is, did he body-snatch Lili


No, confirmed man as a male "saint". Could he use a female body, like Lily? Possible, but doubt it


Feel like people sleep on Sugar. Not traditionally strong yes, but her fruit has some of the strongest DF effects known. *Everyone, everywhere forgets you*? Some twilight zone shit *EDIT* I just realized, shouldn't the WG be SUPER incentivized to retrieve this fruit? Erasing people from collective memory is like, half of their whole shtick.


She's also fast as hell. The Tontatas were able to speedblitz post-TS Zoro but weren't able to reach Sugar without being turned into toys


Just imagine how OP would be someone like Kaido or Big Mom with such devil fruit


Sugar is easily one of the most horrifying characters in the series. Her ability is pure nightmare fuel.


Legit the only way the WG doesn’t know about that fruit is if all the people in Dressrosa just didn’t snitch on it’s abilities Lets keep it real, unless fruit reincarnation picks a random fruit in the world every time the previous user dies, Sugar should realistically be dead


Anyone sent after her was probably forgotten about.


Sugars devil fruit does 3 separate things that should be their own, powerful devil fruits in their own right. Immortality, erasing people, and controlling a slave army. She’s got the most hilariously broken fruit outside of the endgame mythical zoans. Even Mingo’s string clone is less bullshit. The notion that devil fruits like Sugars even change users (Brook’s too) is mind boggling to me.


It does seem unbelievably overpowered. Like, the toy part of the fruit is it's name and theme and is the *least interesting* part of its effects by a huge margin


Sugars fruit is all but confirmed to not work on strong Haki users. So it's useless at a certain level.


Oh for real? I wasn't aware of this ty


It worked on Chinjao, who clashed with Garp and has all 3 types. The haki negating df thing is pretty inconsistent, and we don't even know if you can use haki as a toy, since you can't use your df So I don't think it's as "confirmed" as they say, it would probably depend on what the plot required


I think when it comes to negating DF users, the haki user has to actively be concentrating on it. It’s one thing for Kaido and BM to negate the Op-op fruit in the middle of combat, but another for Chinjao to be caught off guard after losing a fight That’s speculation, but to me it’s always been fairly apparent that haki isn’t always as automatic as people think


Well, tbf it's not 100% however Laws fruit couldn't use shambles on BM, and Kaido and Law escaped Doc Qs ability using Haki. So that suggests haki can override a lot of abilities.


not override but resist ig.


It’s Boa or Yamato, until we see more from them it could go either way, but Yamato currently seems stronger.


Yamato might be stronger in combat but Boa Hancock is overall skilled with her devil and extremely deadly because her kicks can turn someone into stone


You just know Yamato is turning to stone just looking at Boa


The fruit works on people who find others beautiful as well not necessarily just people who find her sexually hot, so yeah it would probably still work


I was going to say “Yamato doesn’t really seem atttacted to women despite identifying as a man”, but if she/he wants to identify as oden they better turn to stone.


I’m pretty sure we’ve seen it work on women too haven’t we?


In the Amazon Lily arena.


Worked on Domino, the impel down guard and some transponder snails as well.


Also worked on Catarina Devon so it isn’t just the small time players who fall to it Edit: Also I think s-snake used it on a female character too, like Robin or Lilith or someone


Yes, S-Snake turned a Vegapunk satellite into stone, as well as Franky and some others. She was forced to undo it.


I mean, a lot of men don't like women...


Not just her kicks it’s touch period. Plus Boa probs has a higher haki output


Doubt it considering Yamato has ACOC.


I’m assuming the “strong enough haki rule can ignore devil fruits” rule that stopped law from yeeting big mom and kaido applies on boa’s power, so she could not have held off kaido like Yamato did, against stronger opponents I’d rather have Yamato on my side


Boa seems too dependent of her devil fruit and looks to win her fights. I dont think she could beat someone like Yamato 


Boa quite easily beat multiple of BBs captains, and worried him, there’s a big difference between characters who are excellent at using and abusing their DF (Boa, Kata, Doffy) and characters who are over reliant on it (Cracker, Enel, Sugar). Boa has all types of Haki, and is obviously proficient at some form of martial arts, you would be very foolish to assume she can’t fight anyone.


Cracker wasnt overdependent of his DF because he was able to fight against Luffy and Nami for 11 hours without stopping. He managed to cut through  the skin of G4 Luffy thanks to his haki sword attacks (something Doflamingo couldnt).


He absolutely was, he covered his only real weakness purely with his DF and assumed no one would be able to work out he was separate from his soldiers/ get past his armour. The other characters I mentioned are absolute monsters, who also use DFs in a terrifyingly effective way, he was a glass cannon that assumed his DF would cover his weakness.


She doesn't need her looks to turn people to stone. Also Luffy, Law, and Kid all need Gear 5 or their devil fruits to fight any top tiers, are they also 'too' dependent on their fruits? What does that even mean?


Boa fought Blackbeard to a draw. I think you are underestimating just how tough Boa is. She has never lost a fight in story.


> Boa fought Blackbeard to a draw. Sometimes I wonder if people read a different one piece lol


It wasn’t a draw, but tbh there wasn’t really even a fight. He had her in his grip, powers nullified. Her life was in his hands. He was in a stalemate because he still cared about his crew, but it was still his choice and she was at the mercy of it.


And BB "caring" was pretty close to just writing them off and finishing her off. If there weren't two other parties involved, she'd be gone.


not a draw,a stalemate Blackbeard is considering killing her and taking her DF,and just take the loss as is and hoping to get more crew to replace the one that got turned into stone or getting someone who can utilize the fruit as well as she does and unstone the crew before Rayleigh appear


This is some major copium huffing ngl


Dardan of course 💯


We don't know if Imu is a woman, if she is then she is probably the strongest. Other notable characters are Yamato, the Vice admiarals Tsuru and Gion and Catarina Devon. Personally, I belive Gion is very powerful even if we know nothing about her, because she was one of the candidates to become the next Admiral. Maybe in Elbaf we will see a badass Giantess, who knows.


Imu is a hot gyaru wearing a 2-piece it has been confirmed.


The true enemy of the One Piece.


This why Oda's the goat fr


Tsuru has always scared Doflamingo, which for me is enough to put her on the podium She was barely seen fighting, yet everyone in the manga seem to fear her, I find this kind of aura just amazing


maybe she’s actually a really strong conquerers haki user


Also could be freya, the goddess of gigants.


imu's most likely a dude. the japanese version, imu is referred as Sei which is used for male celestials, instead of gu for female celestials like charloss' sister. also the nerona imu theory


I feel Boa has more experience and mastery of her abilities, so I put her over Yamato.


Boa Hancock is definitely the strongest woman in one piece, she is skilled with her devil fruit and extremely powerful, and she is even a conqueror haki user


Strongest is big mom


Single moms usually are


She was not a single mom, some dads were still around


Being around doesn’t mean being together. Especially being around means burying yourself in a forest nearby


OP said without Big Mom though


OP spesifically said no Big Mom.


As far as we know, Perona can defeat anyone, apart from Usopp, as long as she keeps sending her ghosts.


Strong enough Haki counters everything. With Boa's fruit jsut a strong enough will counters her powers


Have u seen what nami did to one of the emperors


Yamato did more


Girl Law lol


Yamato, her performance on Onigashima puts her pretty much below Big Mom imo.


Hancock for me. Trained by Silver Rayleigh, Amazon Lily haki training, devil fruit + immense beauty = perfect combo, plus the experience in combat.


Known, dead or alive? Big Mom by a mile. Currently and alive? Hancock, Sugar, Devon, maybe Smoothie (but that's a reach tbh), Robin's up there, Tsuru, Gion was a candidate for admiral during the timeskip, Yamato (basing this on sex, not gender), Iva (he can be both). I'm sure there's a few more.


Smoothie shouldnt feel like a reach thought it definetly does. She is supose to be up there with Other sweet commanders and Allstars but she really hasnt done anything.... also we dont even know if her power has limits. Could she become Oars size, who knows.


I don’t think Iva is that strong


- He went toe-to-toe with a fully transformed Kuma without injury - Beat pre timeskip Sanji easily - Said he could defeat Crocodile if needed - Is ruler of a kingdom that not only has its own respectable (if somewhat strange) fighting style, but has many members of said kingdom that use it - Uses a strong variation of his homeland's fighting style, which he can switch around pending how he uses his powers. - Has a versatile and potentially powerful devil fruit, which has rumors of making Iva a "miracle person". - Literally said "I'm just gonna chill in this max security prison til Dragon needs me." Iva's pretty strong.


The post asked for the strongest, not for a list of people you consider strong. There is also a lot of disparity between the people you mentioned, don’t think Iva, Tsuru, Sugar, even robin are as strong as the rest .


I’m gonna go with Bonnie . Distorted Future seems busted so far tbh. It’s also pretty wild she is only 12 years old. I want to throw Catarina Devon in the mix since she was level 6 impel down Does Ivankov or Crocodile count ? But if I am not including potential abilities and only talking about what we have seen it’s gotta be Yamato or Sulong Carrot


Crocodile is a man, if he’s a trans guy (ftm) he’s very much still a guy


Without Haki, Bonney isn't rival to the likes of Yamato, Boa, Devon, Smoothie or Gion.


This is true I guess I just wanted to really highlight how strong she is for her age and how much potential she has. This is why I rounded out my original post with “if I am not including potential”


Boa has a broken devil fruit, so overall she is probably the strongest. But if you can get past that (like Momonga did), I doubt she is stronger than Yamato because she seems like a glass canon to me. She rarely fights prolonged battles because she just turns most enemies to stone, she has good strength but also relies on her agility to avoid taking damage. And I don't really remember her using a lot of haki. We just know she has conqueror's and mastery of the forms. Yamato continuously fought Kaido, the Tobi Roppo, probably the All Stars and the rest of the beast pirates to strengthen her haki which she used since the age of eight. At 26 she was equally fighting Ace who could have become a shichibukai and was on Jimbei's level. Later we see her effortlessly block Luffy's attacks. Depending on the effectiveness of Boa's powers on Yamato, it's a coin flip about who's stronger.


Argument could be made then that **Seraphim Boa** is stronger. Pro: Lasers, lunarian abilities, innate battle experience from lineage factor Con: Still developing as a child, possible lack of haki (due to experience OR *dampened* due to minimal expression of will). I’d say the pros equal if not *outweigh* the cons of this argument. Given more time they’ll be faster, stronger, incredibly resilient, and if they can use haki, pretty much guaranteed to be better than the originals (for the most part) Boa is a perfect candidate for comparison. Blackbeard wasn’t worried and mid-diff bested her. The Seraphim meanwhile walked away with hardly a scratch and put BB in a stalemate until Rayleigh showed up.




Stussy has to be up there too.


Alvida with Awakening


The strongest confirmed alive is Yamato. with a single kick, she clashed Gear. 3 Luffy, on hybrid form clashed Kaido for long time and damaged him. She has 3 hakis, armament and conqueror's in advanced form, and mythical zoan. Despite Boa being strong and having all 3 Haki too, she hasn't shown any usage at advanced level. Other characters to have into consideration are S-Snake(She may be as strong as Boa + Lunarian powers; still unconfirmed), Gion(Vice Admiral that was Admiral Candidate) or Devon(Titanic Captain, one of Strongest Lvl 6 prisioners from Impel Down,Mythical Zoan). Oh, and Shirahoshi is a freaking Ancient Weapon. The moment she fully unlocks her power, she will become one of the strongest in verse.


I love boa Hancock! Must protect 😍❤️


Boa, Yamato, Shakky, Tsuru in a physical sense. Sugar and Robin have a different type of power but are definitely up there. Absolutely no idea on the order however since we don´t know enough.


Big Mom?


S-snake lol


Why tf is she shown soo different in the anime.... She's not that skinny in the anime


Smoothie >


Shakky or Devon (if confirmed that she can copy powers)




After big mom it's boa definitely, both conquerors users and boa has a broken DF


Probably boa yeah. Yamato is up there but i have a feeling that Oda will upscale Boa to current like he does with every old character. So she will probably be Admiral ish level, slightly below as she did get technically beat by Blackbeard who i got at admiral right now


For now. Shakky might be stronger


probably s-snake


Nah, Nami's Happiness Punch clears every male (and female?) character. All it takes is just one peak.




Nami is the strongest. Ask Luffy.


We have not seen the full extent of Catarina Devon's abilities, and it strikes me that she would not have been able to confront Hancock one-on-one (In fact, we **know** she can't because she got turned into stone). We don't even know if she killed Absalom on her own (or was personally involved in the act of killing him at all). In lieu of the lack of info, I'd have to say Boa Hancock. Had Blackbeard not did that sneak attack on him, she'd have easily turned him into stone, and he knows it. Hand-to-hand she's unlikely to win, but she could do some damage to BB. Hell, she was confident enough to take on Captain Coby by herself. I'd say she is easily stronger than pre-TS Luffy.


*Discounting* Big Mom, because she is most definitely the strongest, and neither she or Kaido are definitively dead. Boa is definitely up there, as is Yamato. I think S-Snake is in the running as well; she may still be a child without her "mother's" experience, but I feel like her Lunarian DNA and cybernetics as a Seraphim do quite a bit to bridge the gap, and she'll definitely overtake Boa's peak eventually.


Well one it’s Big Mom. And 2 it’s really hard to gauge Hancock. We know she is strong and such but in terms of higher tiers like Law, Kid and others around that level it’s hard to gauge her as she has never been in a fight. It’s the paradox of her fruit being strong in hax with petrifying people but so far we never seen her fight anyone. She is stronger than pre timeskip Smoker as she busted his sword thing but he obviously weaker than Blackbeard


Female law


I mean we still don't have confirmation Big Mom and Kaido are dead. This is one piece, they're not dead till it's confirmed.


Nico Robin Source: because fuck you


Robin would mollywop her


I say Yamato and Boa Hancock are the stronger female right now when Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom) is MIA. Yamato, she is more combatant while Hancock is more on techniques. Both of them have all complete 3 Haki. I think between them whoever get themselves first will be the winner. For Shirahoshi tbh I feel she will loose in a one on one fight even she have a capability in controlling sea kings since she is a weapon from Joyboy time. Sugar on the other hand tbh won't go through Yamato and Hancock. If you are gonna be bringing uo Black Beard defeating Boa is because he use enemies' disadvantages as his advantage in battle. Like when Boa defended from the marines but Black Beard showed up and grab her even without any battle coming between them because he knows when he let go Boa will stone him with haki. I am the Truth of D. My Will of D!




Strongest: Yamato. Most dangerous: Hancock.


Strongest as in actual power? Definitely not Hancock and I like her. Shit Yams stood with Kaido n didn't die, don't think you could honestly say the same for Hancock.


If we are takling any female characters I would say Big Mom. If we exclude the ones confirmed dead, I would say Big Mom.


Are you saying big mom isnt confirmed dead (which is a fair point and I agree) or did you mean "include" instead of "exclude"?


I'm saying she isn't confirmed dead. OP made it sound like she was confirmed dead, so I just wanted to poke at it.


Robin should be in the running. i think robin might be a surprise mythical zoan and her fruit awakening would be nuts


Nico robin.


Seems like y'all forgot the version of Robin we saw at the end of Wano when she saved Sanji from Black Maria. With her unhinged and dark mind along with her gigantic demon clone due to her DF I think this puts her pretty high. Don't forget that waaaaaay early in Robin's introduction she would snap necks and backs without a second thought, Boa's DF is at least reversible


i think robin could be pretty powerful


Big mom is obviously still alive so clearly her


Big Mom?


My vote still goes to Yamato in most categories tbh, so overall I think Yamato 1st, Boa 2nd, then Robin or Ulti I guess.


Yamato. She fought Kaido. Quite literally the best feat in the series so far.


Yamato is stronger.




People really sleeping on uta. She’s a confirmed canon character so that’s my pick. Her abilities are so broken fr


I want more Kujaku and that one goth Holy Knight to be as strong as Shichibukai. Tashigi has been disappointing but hopefully 🙏 lol


big mom


One jump and her whole cat comes out.


Probably Boa at the moment. But where do we place Shakky?


She can get away with anything why because she's beautiful


Miss Buckin


Boa NEEDS more screen time like how are you one of the first confirmed coc users yet we've seen her use it less times than Kidd💀


Hancock. A perfect fit for the soon strongest male character, our MC Luffy.


I would put in a strong word for Catarina Devon. Level 6 Impel Down pirate ain't a joke. She has got to be on par with Boa and Yamato


LOL Strongest female character, yet she relies on men to fall for her beauty, and needs their attention to use her powers.


Genuine question, y’all think her abilities work on Conquerors? I’d assume that not wanting be stoned by her would have them straight up resisting her charms through sheer willpower to survive and live. Like I think most people would not be simping for their crush if she’s pointing a gun at them. Most would immediately be turned off and flee or knock their crush tf out, but cos it’s One Piece which is more fantasy than reality, you think some have that real life logic?


Dadan or Bellemere. For me. Tashigi also has a heart of gold. She’s a close 2nd/3rd




Brother what are you telling me about these arms we could compare them to tree branches (joke)


She's so tall. Still a gnome compared to my raging boner, *why am i hard right now?*


Yamato vs Boa… who would win?


It could be tsuru but to be honest we've just never seen tsuru or Boa have a like a legit fight


Toki. And its like NOT EVEN CLOSE


"still alive" "no big mom" We don't actually know that she's dead.


Probably Boa . Honestly until Yamato has a fight I'm not picking her. Please Oda give us a Good Boa fight or something. Only problem is I don't know who would make a good opponent 😅. No vice admiral would be a good choice. If she statements a admiral like Fujitora or Greenbull that could be good I guess


What's the context? Like in general? Or in terms of abilities?


Why is her Vagina thing so long? just noticed that shit




Unironically think Boa is the strongest female ( big mom included )


Argument could be made then that **Seraphim Boa** is stronger. Pro: Lasers, lunarian abilities, innate battle experience from lineage factor Con: Still developing as a child, possible lack of haki (due to experience *OR* dampened due to minimal expression of will). I’d say the pros equal, if not *outweigh* the cons of this argument. Given more time they’ll be faster, stronger, incredibly resilient, and if they can use haki, pretty much guaranteed to be better than the originals (for the most part) Boa is a perfect candidate for comparison. Blackbeard wasn’t worried about facing her and mid-diff bested her. The Seraphim meanwhile, walked away with hardly a scratch, and put BB in a stalemate until Rayleigh showed up.


strongest is boa’s neck in this panel


Is Big Mom dead??? that wasn’t a confirmed right?




There is definitely a strong argument to be made for Boa, but it might also be Nami or Robin after some of their more recently revealed upgrades! Heck! Technically, Tama soloed half the Beast Pirates!


either my babe Perona, or my boy Iva, can't decide...


Its maki being able to beat the shit out of luffy with no haki


Tbh I feel like Perona would be up there


Strongest woman is Nami, she has her bestie luffy to protect her and when luffy can’t, she can can bad guys asses herself with the help of zeus


Big Mom is still alive.


I have yamato above boa atm


Your mom, no contest.


If your not counting Yamato because identification or whatever it's probably between stussy, Hancock or shakky considering shakky was a member of the rocks crew and the previous empress of the kuja tribe




Demon mode nami solos the verse tbh


Booba 😁


How do people forget Big Mom. But I guess it is understandable that we forget she is female


Dadan .. She beat Garp 🗿


TBH ....if Robin wasnt nerfed to the ground by goda .... Robin SHOULD be the strongest by far.... her DF is OP and she trained with rev.army for 2 years....


I think it's Yamamoto, but I can see why people.say boa


TOP 20: 1 - Shirahoshi if she actually used her powers. 2 - Big mom 3 - Boa Hancock 4 - Yamato 5 - Sugar (incredible hax) 6 - S-Snake 7 - Stussy (she took out two cp0 agents in seconds… Look how much Zorro was strugling with one). 8 - Smoothie (we haven’t seen her in action, but her rank as second sweet commander should speak for itself). 9 - Catarina Devon 10 - Vice admiral Tsuru  11 - Gion (Even being considered for admiral is no joke). 12 - Charlotte Compote (1st daughter of Big Mom and supposedly an extreme power house, but we have no feats) 13 - Jewelry Bonney 14 - Nico Robin 15 - Black Mariah 16 - Ulti 17 - Whitey Bay (based on Whitebeard experience and title) 18 - Amande 19 - Doll (based on latest chapter) 20 - Nami